WDDG :: Volume #5

#416: Big ritual

Gu Dongchen and Lian Yingxiao regarded one mutually, they are know that Shen Xiang and Liu Meng'er have that relationship, but they have not thought that unexpectedly so will be deep, can make this generation of empresses send such big fire. 古东辰连颖箫都互视了一眼,他们是知道沈翔柳梦儿有那种关系的,只是他们没想到竟然会这么深,能让这一代女皇发这么大的火。 As for Wu Kaiming and other Big Shot, thinks Liu Meng'er for own disciple husband life Qi/angry. 至于武开明和其他一些巨头,也只是认为柳梦儿是在为自己徒弟夫君生气 Wang Quan, you possibly do not know! This brat is our Danxiang Taoyuan's chief honor Alchemist, is our Danxiang Taoyuan's distinguished guest.” Hua Xiangyue said with a sneer. 王权,你可能不知道吧!这小子可是我们丹香桃源的首席荣誉炼丹师,是我们丹香桃源的贵宾。”花香月冷笑道 Now Divine Martial Palace knows that the Shen Xiang backstage is not only Gu Dongchen, Wu Kaiming and Huang Jintian, these two fierce women. 现在神武殿知道沈翔的后台不仅仅是古东辰武开明黄锦天,还有这两个厉害的女人。 The eyebrow of Wang Quan tied completely frost, his took a deep breath, he knows that now Liu Meng'er had crossed the Nirvana seven tribulations, moreover she cultivated Icewind Divine Art, the strength was immeasurably deep. Naturally, the Liu Meng'er's parents were also past one generation of characters, how does not dare to provoke Huang Jintian, Huang Jintian was known as fought all over unmatched in the world, but actually does not dare to challenge the Liu Meng'er's parents. 王权的眉毛都结满了冰霜,他深吸了一口气,现在他知道柳梦儿已经渡过了涅槃七劫,而且她本身又修炼冰风神功,实力深不可测。当然,柳梦儿的父母也是当年的一代人物,就连黄锦天都不敢怎么去招惹,黄锦天可是号称打遍天下无敌手,但却不敢去挑战柳梦儿的父母。 Although Liu Meng'er's parents already transcend Heaven World, who knows their transcend time, left behind many influences, becomes friends with many expert of hidden world, if really must with the Divine Armament Heavenly Empire bar on, Divine Martial Palace naturally not fear, but must think over to lose. 虽说柳梦儿的爹娘都已经飞升天界,但谁知道他们飞升的时候,留下了多少势力,结交多少隐世的强者,如果真的要和神兵天国杠上的话,神武殿自然不怕,只是得掂量掂量一下损失。 I not in view of him, but...... is only the Divine Martial Palace's person for a long time heard that his given name, wants to compete with him......” “我并没有针对他,只是……只是神武殿的人久闻他的大名,都想和他比试一下……” The Wang Quan words have not said, Gu Dongchen breaks him: But isn't this is very unfair to him? This is your Divine Martial Palace dereliction of duty, considers as finished like this?” 王权的话还没有说完,古东辰就打断他:“但这样不是对他很不公平吗?这可是你们神武殿失职,难道就这样算了?” Wang Quan frowned, Gu Dongchen must make him apologize to Shen Xiang, but he chatted the King Continent's first being in power person, Divine Martial Palace's Palace Master, how can he to Shen Xiang this mole crickets and ants general person apology? 王权眉头一皱,古东辰是要让他向沈翔道歉,但他可是谈谈王者大陆的第一掌权人,神武殿的殿主,他怎么能对沈翔这种蝼蚁一般的人道歉? My Divine Martial Palace does not have the dereliction of duty, but Shen Xiang knocked to pass by the place that some people ambushed, these talents will act.” Wang Quan coldly said. “我神武殿没有失职,只是沈翔敲好路过那些有人埋伏的地方,那些人才会出手的。”王权冷冷地说道 „......” suddenly, the timid sound does not convey together, although the sound is very small, but those present basically can hear, they look simultaneously to a place, only discovered what speech is when a attractive young girl who wears the blue skirt, eyes rotation of her pair of cute, but can also exude the blue light. “才不是呢……”突然,一道胆怯的声音传来,虽然声音很小,但在场的人基本上都能听见,他们都同时看向一个地方,只发现说话的是一个身穿蓝裙的漂亮少女,她那双可爱眼眸转动时,还会泛着蓝光。 Here waits for these Big Shot of result, knows that this young girl is first arrives at the end point, but actually did not know about her. 在这里等待结果的那些巨头,都知道这少女是第一个到达终点的,但对她却不怎么了解。 Lan Lan saw everyone to look, spat a small tongue, said silently: I ran into these fellows on the road, they have not blocked me, rides the lion that several fellows also to make me roll the distant point.” 蓝兰看见所有人都看了过来,吐了一下小舌头,小声地说道:“我早在路上都遇到了那些家伙,他们都没有拦我,骑狮子的那几个家伙还让我滚远点。” Shen Xiang cannot help but smiles to make noise, but in the heart somewhat is strange, he has thought Lan Lan is Divine Martial Palace's, but now looks like actually does not seem like, will otherwise not say the words of these no brain to come, but this slapped Wang Quan without doubt ruthlessly. 沈翔不由得笑出声来,不过心中却有些奇怪,他一直认为蓝兰神武殿的,但现在看来却好像不是,否则不会说出这些无脑的话来,但这无疑是狠狠打了王权一巴掌。 little girl you......” the Wang Quan anger stared Lan Lan one, sees only Lan Lan to make faces to him, on the face has not feared intent slightly. 小丫头你……”王权怒瞪了蓝兰一眼,只见蓝兰对他做了个鬼脸,脸上丝毫没有惧意。 This made the people like this blue skirt young girl immediately, but they also know that Lan Lan was not simple, otherwise was impossible to fly the end point quickly, moreover did not fear Wang Quan, although she spoke was very low voice, looked somewhat timid, but on her face actually wrote all over fearless. 这让众人顿时喜欢上了这蓝裙少女,而他们也都知道蓝兰不简单,否则不可能这么快就飞到了终点,而且还不怕王权,虽然她说话的时候很小声,看起来有些胆小,但她的脸上却写满了天不怕地不怕。 What I said is the truth, the golden blade bear I also saw him, this greatly stupid bear also told me their plan, said that anything used very fierce combination formation to imprison Shen Xiang this rascal, then Shen Xiang cannot use True Qi unable to move, but the duty of golden blade bear went to cut Shen Xiang's hands.” Lan Lan sees Wang Quan to get angry about her, immediately life Qi/angry said. “我说的是真话,金刀熊我也看见他了,这大蠢熊还告诉了我他们的计划,说什么用一个很厉害的组合阵法沈翔坏蛋禁锢住,然后沈翔就不能使用真气也不能动,而金刀熊的任务就是去把沈翔的双手剁掉。”蓝兰看见王权对她发怒,顿时地生气道。 Hears Lan Lan to call Shen Xiang is rascal, Liu Meng'er and Hua Xiangyue white Shen Xiang, Shen Xiang lowered the head embarrassed, he has not thought that the Lan Lan this seemingly timid girl, unexpectedly dares to say these details. 听见蓝兰称呼沈翔坏蛋,柳梦儿花香月都白了沈翔一眼,沈翔不好意思地低下头来,他也没想到蓝兰这看似胆小的丫头,竟然敢说出这些细节来。 Blue girl you...... you......” Wang Quan is breathless, waves, but actually put, after all here so many people look, moreover Lan Lan said real. “蓝丫头你……你……”王权气急败坏,挥起手来,不过却又放了下来,毕竟这里这么多人看着,而且蓝兰说的又是真的。 Before Wang Quan, has not insisted in view of Shen Xiang, but Lan Lan this King Continent's martial artist testified, this pushed toward the abyss in him simply. 王权之前还坚称没有针对沈翔,但蓝兰王者大陆的武者却作证说有,这简直就是把他往深渊里推。 Do not think that my grandfather died I to fear you. Snort, our Lan Family you have not imagined such simply, if desired, our Lan Family can at any time Divine Martial Palace extinguishing.” Lan Lan sees Wang Quan to hit her, life Qi/angry, said tenderly. “别以为我爷爷死了我就怕你。哼,我们蓝家没你想象得这么简单,如需要,我们蓝家可以随时把神武殿给灭了。”蓝兰看见王权想打她,生气不已,娇声说道 Wang Quan coldly snorted, jumps up suddenly, flies away, otherwise Gu Dongchen they must force him to apologize to Shen Xiang. 王权冷哼了一声,一跃而起,飞离开来,否则古东辰他们就要逼迫他向沈翔道歉。 At this time old man said: Below also pass/test, so long as adopts the next pass/test, finally contended in martial arts, now can rest for three days, after three days, will start the next pass/test.” 这时候一个老者说道:“下面还有一关,只要通过下一关,最后就是比武了,现在可以休息三天,三天过后,就会开始下一关。” Shen Xiang, you withdraw!” Hua Xiangyue said. 沈翔,你还是退出吧!”花香月说道。 I arrived this step, in the giving up words, in front of me to suffer hardship white/in vain?” Shen Xiang lightly smiled, without that Good Fortune Fruit as the reward, he does not compare. “我都走到了这一步,在放弃的话,我前面岂不是白受罪了?”沈翔微微一笑,如果没有那个造化果作为奖励的话,他早就不比了。 However he is confident to himself . Moreover the present range final martial arts contest is not far, is quick he to obtain that Heaven Level spirit herb, Good Fortune Fruit. 不过他对自己有信心,而且现在距离最后的比武也不远了,很快他就能得到那天级灵药,造化果 Hua Xiangyue also saw that Shen Xiang comes to that Good Fortune Fruit, if not her Danxiang Taoyuan's disciples does not make every effort to succeed, perhaps she will also make the disciples come to compete. 花香月也看出沈翔是冲那造化果来的,如果不是她丹香桃源的弟子都不争气,她恐怕也会让弟子们前来争夺。 Elder Ding, your Divine Martial Palace wants sincerely! Although Divine Martial Palace now is the King Continent strongest influence, but you must know that this is only the surface! Our Wu Village and Blue Blood Clan did not ask the human affairs, if your Divine Martial Palace did oversteps the limit, then we had necessity making a move, in order to avoid you lost completely the Human King Clan face.” Wu Kaiming said. 丁长老,你们神武殿要厚道一点呀!虽说神武殿现在是王者大陆最强的势力,但你要知道这只是表面的!我们武家庄蓝血一族只是不问世事而已,如果你们神武殿做得太出格的话,那么我们就有必要出手,以免你们把人王族的脸面丢光。”武开明说道。 Shen Xiang is also knows that on now King Continent unexpectedly also has other fierce influences, before Shen Xiang, Wu Canghong thinks that is Wu Kaiming Old Ancestor. 沈翔也是现在才知道王者大陆上面竟然还有其他厉害的势力,沈翔之前遇到的武苍宏想必就是武开明老祖宗 That Elder Ding nods: I can chat with Palace Master, he truly did in this aspect some.” 丁长老点了点头:“我会和殿主谈谈的,他在这方面确实做得有些过了。” Wang Quan the disastrous defeat who knows to the Huang Jintian's matter on the same day, the people suspected Wang Quan to have that one breath, intentionally made things hard for somebody in the past Shen Xiang. 王权当日惨败给黄锦天的事情谁都知道,众人都怀疑王权是为了出当年那一口气,才故意刁难沈翔的。 On the summit has many houses, here temperature is very low, ice wind True Qi that in addition Liu Meng'er life Qi/angry released a moment ago, making the entire mountain be covered frost, causes to be colder, but Liu Meng'er has released the produce fire flame now, making these melt frost. 山顶上面有许多房屋,不过这里的温度很低,再加上刚才柳梦儿生气释放出来的冰风真气,使得整座山都被冰霜覆盖,导致更加寒冷,不过现在柳梦儿已经释放出火焰,让那些冰霜融化掉。 Purple different Fire Soul of Liu Meng'er fusion has the ice cold characteristics, therefore makes her ice wind True Qi overbearing, this is also one of power Liu Meng'er hidden. 柳梦儿融合的紫色异火魂是带着冰寒特性的,所以让她的冰风真气更加霸道,这也是柳梦儿隐藏的力量之一。 Shen Xiang are not that life Qi/angry, now he in the room, is digesting these memories, he treats as Wang Quan to give his big ritual this, the formation knowledge that four Formation Grandmaster master is much more than he expected, four people study are different, adding together more astonishing. 沈翔自己并不是那么生气,现在他就在房间里面,消化着那些记忆,他可是把这个当作王权送给他的一份大礼,那四个阵法大师所掌握的阵法知识远远超出他的预料,四个人所学都是不同的,相加起来就更加惊人。 Besides the formation knowledge and set up formation experience, Shen Xiang also obtained three Divine Martial Palace's secret skill from the memory of that four person, these four people are the important personages in Divine Martial Palace, obtains these secret skill is not overrated, moreover they have knowledge of many Divine Martial Palace's secrets. 除了阵法知识和布阵经验之外,沈翔还从那四个人的记忆中得到了三门神武殿的绝学,这四个人是神武殿中的重要人物,获得这些绝学也不为过,而且他们还掌握许多神武殿的秘密。 For example where Divine Martial Palace that mysterious medicine garden, how copes with that medicine garden formation. Divine Martial Palace's Divine Martial Skill after pavilion, Divine Martial Palace's treasure house, Divine Martial Palace's alchemy room, Divine Martial Palace's dungeon...... wait/etc. 比如神武殿那神秘的药园在什么地方,如何对付那药园阵法。还有神武殿的神武经阁,神武殿的宝库,神武殿的炼丹房,神武殿的地牢……等等。 Because of these four people needs in these place set up formation, to protect these top-secret places, therefore they understood, now these memories are known by Shen Xiang! 因为这四个人都需要在这些地方布阵,保护这些绝密的地方,所以他们对此非常了解,现在这些记忆都被沈翔所知!
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