WDDG :: Volume #5

#415: End point

Dawn, looks that Sun of distant place raises, in the Shen Xiang heart is sighing with emotion, how he does not know others, he only knows oneself are not easy, after the three waves to a single stroke, can come here, at this time he has been close to the target point. 天亮了,看着远处的太阳升起,沈翔心中感慨着,他不知道别人怎么样,他只知道自己非常不容易,历经一波三折,才能来到这里,此时他已经非常接近目标点了。 Although was delayed time, but he thinks what oneself is quite quick, he estimated that oneself at least can enter first ten. 虽然被拖延了一点时间,但他还是认为自己的是比较快的,他估计自己至少能进入前十。 He is self-confident can take first, but sees that young girl Lan Lan unexpectedly to have that terrifying speed, he knows that was too proud, on this King Continent young expert had much. 原本他是自信自己能拿第一的,但看见那少女蓝兰竟然能有那种恐怖的速度,他就知道是自己太自傲了,这王者大陆上面的年轻强者还是有不少的。 He can affirm, points can enter the first 50 people, the speed will not be slow, if they had not been obstructed, can perhaps surpass him. 他敢肯定,积分能进入前五十的人,速度都不会太慢,如果他们都没有受到阻挠的话,说不定都能超过他。 Thinks of this, Shen Xiang hates secretly, because this is that Wang Quan deliberately sets many ambushes, delays his time. 想到这点,沈翔暗恨不已,因为这都是那王权故意设下许多埋伏,拖延他的时间。 Naturally, he thinks that oneself comes, caused very big losses to Divine Martial Palace, in the heart cheered up, at least him secretly can see Wang Quan that type to dare to get angry actually does not dare the fight appearance. 当然,他想到自己一路来,给神武殿造成了很大的损失,心中就暗暗高兴起来,至少他能看见王权那种敢怒却又不敢动手的模样。 This line of biggest harvests, are make him obtain four set up formation Grandmaster memories, this memory is precious, Shen Xiang after Grasping Soul Devil Curse absorbs, can engrave in own mind, after the simple digestion, can turn own, others used very long time to gain in the rich set up formation experience, but Shen Xiang was only in a few moments can obtain. 这一行最大的收获,就是让他得到四个布阵大师的记忆,这种记忆可是非常宝贵的,沈翔通过摄魂魔咒吸收之后,就能刻印在自己的脑海之中,经过简单的消化,就能变成自己的,别人可是用了很长的时间才积累丰富的布阵经验,而沈翔只是几下子就能得到。 Formation Grandmaster is not good to work as, especially studies set up formation time, the needed resources are also a lot, moreover there is a certain danger(ous) nature, sometimes when arranges formation, will have slightly right, will not make formation have the explosion, or will have other danger(ous) behaviors, Shen Xiang had heard had many people killed in set up formation. 阵法大师也不是那么好当的,特别是学习布阵的时候,需要的资源也很多,而且还有一定的危险性,有时候布置阵法时,稍有不对,就会让阵法发生爆炸,或者产生其他危险的行为,沈翔就听说过有不少人在布阵的时候丧命的。 So long as he flexibly utilizes these precious memories that he obtains, he soon after can also become Formation Grandmaster, in his hand Refiners Scroll, above spirit pattern was regarded as the treasure in formation by Liu Meng'er let alone, he through absorbing the memory of that four person, has certain foundation, so long as he finds the time to work hard in the aspect again, after being skilled in Formation Dao, he can start refiner. 只要他灵活运用他得到的那些宝贵记忆,他不久之后也能成为一个阵法大师,更何况他手中就有一本炼器宝典,上面的灵纹可是被柳梦儿视为阵法之中的瑰宝,他通过吸收那四个人的记忆,已经有了一定的基础,只要他再抽时间在方面下一点功夫,精通阵道之后,他就可以开始炼器了。 Shen Xiang of soaring above clouds, although launches pair of huge fire wings, but there is a cloud covering, therefore the person in ground cannot see him, but he can actually through oneself that powerful Divine Sense, observe the situation in ground, he discovered all the way the person who more than 20 are dashing desperately, the speed rapidness, Shen Xiang guessed they run swiftly continuously, has not stopped. 飞翔在云端之上的沈翔,虽然展开一对巨大的火翼,但有云层遮挡,所以地面的人并不能看见他,不过他却能通过自己那强大的神识,观察到地面的情况,一路上他就发现了二十多个正在拼命飞奔的人,速度非常之快,沈翔猜测他们是连续飞跑,没有停过的。 But he calculates through that speed, running swiftly that even if non-stop continuously, was impossible only to use for more than ten days to rush to here, he guessed that had the trick, perhaps was Wang Quan they helps these disciples cheat, after all the midway great distance was very far, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming definitely do not know that what happened. 但他通过那种速度来计算,即便是连续不停的飞跑,也不可能只用了十多天就跑到这里,他猜测这其中有猫腻,说不定是王权他们帮助这些弟子作弊,毕竟中途相隔很远,古东辰武开明肯定是不知道会发生什么事。 The Divine Martial Palace person are many, must help the disciple not cheat difficultly, but even so, Shen Xiang led more than 20 individuals, as he accelerates to fly, discovered some participating martial artist. 神武殿人多,要帮助弟子作弊不难,但即便是这样,沈翔还是领先了这二十多个人,而且随着他加速飞行,又发现了一些参赛的武者 This competition can eliminate 30 people, now has 30 fellows behind me , I can if as expected through this pass/test.” Shen Xiang relaxes slightly, if because Divine Martial Palace attempts to pervert to cause him to eliminate, this will make him resent that very long a period of time, he thinks to think does not feel better. “这场比赛会淘汰三十人,现在已经有三十个家伙在我后面,不出意外的话,我就能通过这一关。”沈翔稍微松了一口气,如果是因为神武殿做手脚而导致他淘汰的话,这会让他愤恨很长一段时间,他想想就觉得非常不好受了。 Three days pass by, Shen Xiang caught up with several people, but the end point also in front, that is a very high summit, on the summit has a platform, above has a very big copper bell, so long as hits the sound the bell, even arrives at the end point. 三天过去,沈翔又追上了几个人,而终点也在前面,那是一座很高的山顶,山顶上面有着一个平台,上面有一口很大的铜钟,只要把钟撞响,就算到达终点。 Although Shen Xiang can see, but has 1st Stage from, summit high of that mountain, puts on the clouds, if runs swiftly below , must crawl for a long time can go to the summit. 沈翔虽然能看见,不过却有一段距离,那座山的山顶非常之高,直穿云霄,如果是在下面飞跑的话,也得爬很久才能去到山顶。 Full power acceleration!” Shen Xiang was worried that has the accident/surprise in this finally frequently, therefore he exhausted the True Qi flight, saw only his Vermillion Bird Fire Wings to increase immediately, moreover on the both feet also spout azure True Qi, this was Azure Dragon True Qi inside wind energy, meanwhile follows the sudden and violent thunder, increased the explosive force, making his speed let alone. “全力加速!”沈翔担心在这最后时刻出现意外,所以他用尽了真气飞行,只见他的朱雀火翼顿时变大了许多,而且双脚上面还喷涌着青色真气,这是青龙真气里面的风能量,同时还伴随着暴雷,增加爆发力,让他的速度变得更何况。 Stands has many people on the summit, they saw Shen Xiang from afar, his flutter that to huge magnificent fire wings, the under foot spouts a huge azure Qi ball soaring to come, this makes everyone change countenance with emotion, because that speed and dashing strength are astonishing. 站在山顶上面有不少人,他们远远地就看见了沈翔,他扑动那对巨大壮观的火翼,脚下喷出一道巨大的青色气团飞翔而来,这让每一个人都感动动容,因为那种速度和冲撞力都非常惊人。 Shen Xiang flies to clash to come, to hit the air, erupts intermittently crack, he was away from that summit is very far, but when he sprints full power, the speed increased many times, seems like ray of light such, is dragging the azure-red light shadow, straight shooting to summit. 沈翔飞冲而来,撞击着空气,爆发出阵阵炸响,原本他距离那山顶还很远的,但在他全力冲刺的时候,速度增加了许多倍,就好像是一道光那样,拖着青红色的光影,笔直的射到山顶。 Shen Xiang in the air stand up, the attractive landing above the summit above platform, arrives at side of that bell quickly, hits to make a sound the giant copper bell...... 沈翔在空中一个翻身,漂亮的降落在山顶上面的平台之上,快步来到那口钟的旁边,撞响巨大的铜钟…… Listens to bell sound of that reverberation in world, Shen Xiang long to aspirate, after reverberation bell sound stops, only hears old man shouted: Shen Xiang, 15 th!” 听着那回荡在天地之间的钟响,沈翔长吐了一口气,回荡的钟声消停之后,只听见一名老者喊道:“沈翔,第十五名!” Lan Lan arrives at side Shen Xiang, casts aside the small mouth saying: 15, you are quite slow!” 蓝兰来到沈翔身旁,撇着小嘴说道:“十五名,你好慢呀!” Shen Xiang happily said with a smile: little girl, if you by blocking of several Peak Realm, were besieged by tens of thousands of Vajra Griffin from the beginning again, was suppressed and four Formation Grandmaster by formation jointly imprisons your power with formation, bloodlines warrior took fierce weapon to attack you most afterward, can you be so quick?” 沈翔嘿笑道:“小丫头,如果你一开始就被几个极致境界的拦住,再被成千上万头金刚狮鹰围攻,然后被一个阵法压制和四个阵法大师联合用阵法禁锢住你的力量,最后来一个血脉战士拿着厉害的兵器攻击你,你能这么快吗?” Fortunately these fellows are the trash, from the beginning blocked my several Peak Realm estimates to discard now, that tens of thousands of Vajra Griffin should the casualty everywhere. As for that four Formation Grandmaster......, was held to putting on by me, shakes all meridians in within the body, that uses fierce treasure tool idiot bloodlines warrior also to be ruined that by me golden blade, makes into the severe wound! Although these barriers are many, but is very useless.” “还好这些家伙都是垃圾,一开始拦我的那几个极致境界估计现在都废掉了,那成千上万的金刚狮鹰应该死伤遍地。至于那四个阵法大师……哈哈,也被我捅了个对穿,震断体内的所有经脉,那用厉害宝器的白痴血脉战士也被我毁掉那把金刀,打成重伤!这些障碍虽然多,但却都很没用。” Shen Xiang speech time, looks to Wang Quan, the Wang Quan complexion is unattractive, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming complexion is also unattractive, because they wait for here time, arrives in the martial artist talk of end point to discover from these early, they have not met any stop, was flushed with ease. 沈翔说话的时候,看向王权,王权的脸色非常不好看,古东辰武开明的脸色同样不好看,因为他们在这里等待的时候,从那些早早到达终点的武者谈话中发现,他们并没有遇到任何的阻拦,都是非常轻松就冲了过来。 But Shen Xiang actually continuous meeting stop, moreover targeted, unexpectedly also has bloodlines warrior to grasp the treasured sword to attack Shen Xiang! 沈翔却是接连不断的遇到阻拦,而且还是有针对性的,竟然还有血脉战士手持宝刀来攻击沈翔 Shen Xiang, without means! You are the King Continent's honored guest, others are natural a lot look after you, but you do also well, returns salute by the ritual, moreover big ritual.” The Lian Yingxiao smile said, Divine Martial Palace steals a chicken inadequate counter- eclipse meter/rice, losing that is a seriousness, having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it. 沈翔,没办法呀!你可是王者大陆的贵客,人家当然得多关照一下你,不过你做得也不错,以礼还礼,而且还是大礼。”连颖箫微笑道,神武殿可是偷鸡不成反蚀一把米,损失那是一个惨重,赔了夫人又折兵 Shen Xiang is Chenwu Mainland's, on Chenwu Mainland several Big Shot also comes here he. 沈翔辰武大陆的,辰武大陆上面的几个巨头也都来这里等他。 Hua Xiangyue caresses flatters says with a smile: King Continent actually is such hospitable, but you also lost face too, so many fellows cannot keep this brat, made him run 15 th, successfully entry!” 花香月抚媚地笑道:“王者大陆原来是这么好客,不过你们也太丢人了,这么多家伙都不能把这小子留下来,还是让他跑了一个第十五,成功通关!” Wang Quan, you did not think that your approach is very disgusting? If you do not like Shen Xiang attending the King Martial Dao meeting, you said that's it, I ensure he will definitely withdraw. Serves a need to put forth this despicable trick? Told you, do not think that you were the King Continent's highest being in power person I feared you! Has again next time, my Liu Meng'er absolutely with your irreconcilable!” 王权,你不觉得你这种做法很恶心吗?如果你不喜欢沈翔参加王者武道会的话,你说一声就是了,我保证他肯定会退出。用得着使出这种卑鄙的伎俩吗?告诉你,别以为你是王者大陆的最高掌权人我就怕了你!再有下次,我柳梦儿绝对和你不死不休!” Liu Meng'er that is full of the angry words along with an icy cold air wave spread on the entire summit, this straight mountain by thick frost coverage, that strange icy cold power was being filled a dignity that immediately makes one want to worship on bended knees. 柳梦儿那充满愤怒的话语伴随着一股冰凉的气浪蔓延在整个山顶上面,这一座笔直的高山顿时被厚厚的冰霜覆盖,那种奇异的冰凉力量弥漫着一种让人想跪拜的威严。 The entire platform is completely silent immediately, Wang Quan is frowning at this time, drives out that to enter the strange ice of his within the body to be cold, many people think that does not understand why Liu Meng'er will send such big fire! 整个平台顿时鸦雀无声,王权此时皱着眉头,驱除着那正在进入他体内的奇异冰寒,许多人都想不明白为什么柳梦儿会发这么大的火!
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