WDDG :: Volume #5

#414: At night encounters

Shen Xiang arrived at that formation plate above quickly, so long as ruining following formation plate, he can fly to escape here, avoids with that bloodlines martial artist confrontation. 沈翔很快就来到了那阵盘的上方,只要毁掉下面的阵盘,他就可以飞逃这里,避免与那个血脉武者交锋。 Hehe, who makes you probably such to me, this is the price that you must pay!” The Shen Xiang palm appears slowly white light glow, with this light glow overflow, the ground shivers crazily. 嘿嘿,谁让你们要这么对我,这是你们所要付出的代价!”沈翔手掌慢慢浮现出一层白色的光霞,随着这种光霞溢出,地面疯狂颤抖起来。 Shen Xiang loudly shouted, to the ground is a palm, displays Shocking Heaven Palm to come with Dragon Force, the might can be imagined, that enormous and powerful shake power is sweeping across this place again, this lands by Shen Xiang turning one. 沈翔爆喝一声,对着地面就是一掌,用龙力施展出震天掌来,威力可想而知,那股浩荡的震荡力量再次席卷着这地,这片土地又被沈翔给翻了一层。 But in his formation plate, was passed through by his Shocking Heaven Palm power, shakes crushes! 而在他脚下的那个阵盘,也被他那震天掌力量贯穿,震得粉碎! This Divine Martial Palace wanted the massive hemorrhage!” Shen Xiang said with a smile, fierce jump arrived in the air, the release pair of Vermillion Bird Fire Wings, burnt the wing of fierce flame to idle especially dazzlingly in the night, outshone the jet black nighttime sky. “这次神武殿要大出血了!”沈翔笑道,猛的跳跃到空中,释放出一对朱雀火翼,燃烧着剧烈火焰的翅膀在黑夜中闲得格外耀眼,照亮漆黑的夜空。 In Shen Xiang just the instance of flutter wing, the ground then transmitted together loudly shout: Halts!” 就在沈翔刚刚扑动翅膀的瞬间,地面便传来一道喝声:“站住!” Shen Xiang has not paid attention to this person, flying, that is Divine Martial Palace's bloodlines martial artist, Shen Xiang, although wants to hit with that person, but he actually must rush to time, if were slow, that will be eliminated, he is unwilling to be eliminated in this competition. 沈翔没有理会这人,自顾自地飞行着,那是神武殿的血脉武者,沈翔虽然想和那人打一场,但他却得赶时间,如果慢了,那就会被淘汰,他不甘在这种比赛中被淘汰。 Looks at the blade!” Speedily Shen Xiang suddenly in flight in great surprise, because is standing a middle-aged guy in front of him, this middle-aged guy has flying disc of hexagon together, in the hand is lifting up high golden blade, is dividing to Shen Xiang void, immediately the blade inspires brilliantly, erupts several hundred blade shades from the knife. “看刀!”疾速飞行中的沈翔突然大惊,因为在他前面站着一个中年大汉,这中年大汉脚下有着一块六角形的飞盘,手中高举着一把金刀,对着沈翔虚空一劈,顿时刀光大振,从刀身中爆发出数百道刀影。 Shen Xiang thinks that does not understand why this person can suddenly appear in front of him, he responded luckily quickly, hastily received Vermillion Bird Fire Wings, was crashed fiercely by oneself, evaded that blade shadow. 沈翔想不明白这人为什么会突然出现在他前面,幸好他反应快,急忙收起朱雀火翼,让自己猛的坠落下去,才躲过了那阵刀影。 Bastard, unexpectedly use weapon, then do not blame me not being impolite!” After Shen Xiang enters into Peak Realm, has not used the Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade fight, now he sees the opposite party to use weapon to attack him, he will not keep the hand. “王八蛋,居然使用武器,那么就别怪我不客气了!”沈翔迈入极致境界之后,还没有怎么使用过青龙屠魔刀战斗,现在他看见对方使用兵器攻击他,他也不会留手。 The Shen Xiang intention moves, Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade appeared presents in his hands, him suddenly had arrived at the ground at this time. 沈翔心念一动,青龙屠魔刀出现豁然出现在他的手中,这时候他已经来到了地面。 Did not plan and you plays, but your unexpectedly thinks me dead, I do not manage.” Shen Xiang does not care about that to compete now, he only wants to vent through his powerful power the anger in heart. “原本不打算和你玩的,不过你们竟然这么想我死,我也不管了。”沈翔现在已经不在乎那比赛了,他只想把心中的怒火通过他那身强大的力量发泄出来。 Long Xueyi said: His that flying disc is not simple, unexpectedly can the concealment aura!” 龙雪怡说道:“他脚下的那个飞盘不简单,竟然能隐匿气息!” The middle-aged person who that grasps the golden light broadsword has appeared in front of Shen Xiang, his complexion looks at Shen Xiang faintly, disdainfully said: I heard that your blade is very fierce, now looks like also no more than so!” 那个手持金光大刀的中年人已经出现在沈翔面前,他脸色淡漠地看着沈翔,不屑地说道:“我听说你的刀很厉害,现在看来也不过如此嘛!” The Shen Xiang brow congealed, sees only his blade to move slightly, but ground actually suddenly had/left a route equally thin crack, directly crotch who penetrated that middle-aged person. 沈翔眉头一凝,只见他的刀微微动了一下,而地面却突然多出了一道线一样细的裂缝,直接穿透那中年人的胯下。 The middle-aged person complexion changes suddenly, although the Shen Xiang blade moved such, but actually divided a blade a moment ago, is only the speed is too quick, must make people unable quickly to see him to brandish a blade to divide to cut. 那中年人脸色骤变,沈翔的刀虽然只是动了那么一下,但刚才却是劈了一刀,只是速度太快,快得让人无法看见他挥刀劈砍。 The middle age also stands on that hexagonal flying disc now, he can feel that hexagonal flying disc, when the Shen Xiang blade wields has ruined. 中年现在还站在那六角飞盘上面,他能感觉到那六角飞盘沈翔的刀挥动的时候已经毁掉了。 Shen Xiang blade not only quick, the blade strength that but also releases is very special, that used Universe True Qi, again the law of luck through his accurate controlling strength and Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, making Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade chop to cut a bit generally thin blade strength, crossed the ground, cleft in two that middle-aged person hexagonal flying disc. 沈翔的刀不但快,而且释放出来的刀力十分特殊,那是使用了乾坤真气,再通过他精准的控力和太极降龙功之中的运气之法,让青龙屠魔刀劈砍出一种刀片一般薄的刀力,横穿地面,把那中年人脚下的六角飞盘劈成两半。 Your thing is very certainly expensive!” Shen Xiang said with a smile, his words enraged your middle-aged person. The middle-aged person angrily roars, brandishes a blade to swoop toward Shen Xiang, his blade technique is very quickly fierce, wields continuously chops, a series of attractive skilled person air/Qi drinks, enabling Shen Xiang only to resist. “你脚下的玩意一定很贵吧!”沈翔笑道,他的话激怒了你中年人。那中年人怒吼一声,挥刀就朝沈翔飞扑过去,他的刀法很猛很快,连续挥劈,一连串漂亮的把式一气喝成,让沈翔只能抵挡。 „The blade of this fellow is not simple!” Shen Xiang in resisting, but used very big power, but has not imagined like him, golden blade of opposite party ruining. “这家伙的刀也不简单呀!”沈翔在抵挡的时候,可是用了很大的力量,但并没有像他所想象的那样,把对方的金刀给毁掉。 After Shen Xiang passes through several standards keep off, but also discovers a very strange place, is his Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade has not touched opposite party golden blade the time, by strange power shaking, the attack of opposite party is quick, Shen Xiang resists one after another, that type will shake the strength always to shake his hand tingling pain. 沈翔经过几次格挡之后,还发现一个很奇怪的地方,就是他的青龙屠魔刀还没有触碰到对方金刀的时候,就会被一种奇异的力量给震到,对方的攻击很快,沈翔接连抵挡,那种震力总是会震得他的手麻痛不已。 He told Su Meiyao them this, Bai Youyou said: His that held some others' power blade above in addition, should be Wang Quan becomes some special power with True Qi condense, covers in this blade on, will let this blade very firm, moreover there is Wang Quan that Nirvana Realm power.” 他把这个告诉了苏媚瑶她们,白幽幽说道:“他那把刀上面加持了一些别人的力量,应该是王权真气凝聚成一些特殊的力量,覆盖在这把刀上面,才会让这把刀非常坚固,而且还有王权涅槃境力量。” Shen Xiang understands now, this so will be why fearful the blade . Moreover the holding the blade person is bloodlines martial artist. 沈翔现在明白了,为什么这把刀会那么可怕,而且持刀人还是一个血脉武者 He before the points match, Qiu Sheng did not use True Qi, therefore he is unable to ask for advice bloodlines martial artist power, but the middle-aged person who now and he fights, was bloodlines martial artist that used True Qi. 他之前在积分赛的时候,遇到的邱胜并不是使用真气的,所以他无法领教到血脉武者力量,而现在和他战斗的这中年人,就是一个使用真气的血脉武者 To the feeling of Shen Xiang is, bloodlines martial artist and Herculean Clan such, can True Qi of own within the body, transform strange power, fuses in own meat body, making both's power combine, then erupts, forms very powerful power. 沈翔的感觉就是,血脉武者大力族那样,都能把自己体内的真气,转化成一种奇异的力量,融合在自己的肉身上,让两者的力量合二为一,然后再爆发出来,形成一种非常强悍力量 Thunder True Qi!” Shen Xiang judged that the True Qi primitive shape of opposite party, this middle-aged person hid very well, after he uses True Qi, will turn into other power that is full of the explosive force, is very difficult to distinguish. “雷真气!”沈翔判断出了对方的真气原始形态,这中年人隐藏得很好,而且在他使用真气之后,会变成其他一种充满爆发力的力量,很难辨别出来。 Under the dark nighttime sky, in a ground of sores all over the eye, the blade is bright, Shen Xiang has been resisting, has not counterattacked, this also makes that middle age feel the doubts, because he knows Shen Xiang's strength, not only this. 黑暗的夜空之下,一片满目疮痍的地面上,刀光闪闪,沈翔只是一直在抵挡,并没有还击,这也让那中年感到疑惑,因为他知道沈翔的实力不只是这样。 A middle-aged person blade detachment, this Shen Xiang unexpectedly has not resisted, his golden blade cuts to the waist of Shen Xiang, his suddenly in great surprise, because Wang Quan has told, cannot massacre Shen Xiang, otherwise the consequence is serious. 中年人一刀劈去,这一次沈翔竟然没有抵挡,他的金刀斩向沈翔的腰间,他突然大惊,因为王权吩咐过,不能杀掉沈翔,否则后果非常严重。 When his golden blade chops cuts the waist of Shen Xiang, sees only Shen Xiang to explode, turns into mist. 他的金刀劈砍到沈翔的腰时,只见沈翔爆开,变成一阵水雾。 Shen Xiang displayed Water Mirror Art, becomes illusion with water vapor condense, then oneself use the quickest speed to leave same place, when this middle-aged person is startled, several days of water jar thick water vine suddenly extend generally from the ground, restrains this middle age stubbornly, he released Black Tortoise True Qi completely. 沈翔施展了水镜功,用水汽凝聚成一个幻象,然后自己用最快的速度离开原地,在这中年人吃惊的时候,好几天水缸一般粗大的水藤突然从地面伸出来,把这中年死死勒住,他可是把玄武真气全部释放了出来。 I do not have the time and you consume!” Shen Xiang walked slowly, chops to golden blade fierce wielding that the middle-aged person is lifting up high, Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade sent out angry dragon general roaring, glittering dazzling azure light, then cuts off golden blade. “我没有时间和你耗!”沈翔缓缓走了过去,对着中年人高举的金刀猛的挥劈过去,青龙屠魔刀发出了一声怒龙一般的咆哮,闪烁着刺目的青光,将那把金刀斩断。 golden blade did not have power of middle-aged person to pour into, became very frail, was only such, was cut by Azure Dragon Slaughtering Devil Blade crushes. 金刀没有了中年人的力量灌入,变得十分脆弱,只是这么一下,就被青龙屠魔刀砍得粉碎。 „Do you want to do?” The middle-aged person has not thought that Shen Xiang water vine so will be strong, when he struggles, water vine has the loose sign, he only hates oneself power to be insufficient now, if before is not, was consumed so many by Shen Xiang, he has worked loose this water vine. “你要干什么?”那中年人没想到沈翔水藤会这么强,不过在他挣扎的时候,水藤已经有了松动的迹象,他现在只恨自己的力量不够,如果不是之前被沈翔消耗了这么多的话,他早就挣脱了这水藤 Now he understands why Shen Xiang has resisted not to counterattack, is consuming his power. 现在他明白为什么沈翔会一直抵挡而不还击,就是在消耗他的力量 Shen Xiang smiles sinisterly, retreat several steps, saw only his lip to move slightly, are reciting the strange incantation, the above wind and cloud of middle-aged person surges, lightning flashes and thunder rolls, surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) Spirit Qi toward here crazy being used. 沈翔阴险一笑,后退了几步,只见他嘴唇微动,念着古怪的咒语,中年人的上空风云涌动,电闪雷鸣,方圆数百里的灵气都朝这里疯狂的用来。 Heavenly Dragon Seal!” Shen Xiang eyes flashes, in the sky transmits dragon roar, sees only golden huge dragon claw to drop from the clouds, pounds to that by the water vine winding middle-aged person. 天龙法印!”沈翔双眸一闪,天空中传来一声龙啸,只见一只金色的巨大龙爪从天而降,砸向那被水藤缠绕地中年人。 In an instant, golden light explodes flashes, illuminates half the sky, the ground had huge deep hole, these blown off soil flies in the air, then falls, probably is ordinary in the earth rain. The middle-aged person under deep hole, was being covered by the stone, he is wriggling slowly the body, sends out the pain **. 霎那间,金光爆闪,照亮半边天,地面多出了一个非常巨大的深坑,那些被炸飞的泥土飞到空中,然后落下,像是在下着土雨一般。那中年人在深坑之下,被土石覆盖着,他缓缓蠕动着身体,发出痛苦的**。 But Shen Xiang has emitted Vermillion Bird Fire Wings, soars in the nighttime sky. 沈翔早已放出朱雀火翼,在夜空中飞翔。
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