WDDG :: Volume #5

#413: Grasping Soul Devil Curse

Shen Xiang saw that these four cannot move heedlessly the person who he surrounds with formation casually, if they move, that formation will also be affected, otherwise these four people fight have attacked him. 沈翔看出这四个用阵法把他困住的人不能随便乱动,如果他们一动的话,那个阵法也会受到影响,否则这四个人早就动手攻击他了。 Sees this point, in the Shen Xiang heart is chuckling, if wants the chaos they, this formation does not exist, when the time comes he can use True Qi. 看出这一点,沈翔心中窃喜着,如果只要大乱他们,这个阵法就不复存在,到时候他就可以使用真气了。 You underestimated large formation that we arranged! Even if you ruin the ground completely, that large formation lord still still, you just ruined one small.” black person said. “你太小看我们布置的大阵了!就算你把地面全部毁掉,那个大阵的主阵依然还在,你只不过毁掉了一个小阵而已。”一个黑人说道。 Shen Xiang smiles, can smile now to him, this makes that four black-robed man alert immediately, but how they want unable to find out Shen Xiang to be separated from this formation with what way, moreover a goon also on the way, so long as that person arrives, Shen Xiang was finished even. 沈翔只是笑了笑,到了现在他还能笑得出来,这让那四个黑衣人立即戒备起来,不过他们怎么想都想不出沈翔会用什么方式来脱离这个阵法,况且一个打手也在来的途中,只要那个人来到,沈翔就算完蛋了。 Shen Xiang has induced to that the person who runs to come, that person is also Spirit Martial Realm initial stage this, Divine Martial Palace does not dare to use the cultivation base too high person, otherwise that does too excessively, therefore they will go through the complications greatly, is formation, is Vajra Griffin stops Shen Xiang 沈翔已经感应到那正在奔跑而来的人,那人也是灵武境初期这样的,神武殿不敢用修为太高的人,否则那就做得太过分,所以他们才会大费周折,又是阵法,又是金刚狮鹰的来阻拦沈翔 Many Transformation Technique in 72 Transformations, were not only changed by oneself, but can also change something with magic power baseless, for example Shen Xiang that Illusionary Brilliant Furnace, is one Transformation Technique, but he also studies not proper. 七十二变中的多种变化之术,不仅仅是让自己变化,还能用法力凭空变出一些东西来,比如沈翔那个幻法宝炉,就是其中的一种变化之术,只不过他学得还不到位。 Afterward, he after Long Xueyi asked for advice one, deeply understood that this Transformation Technique, he has also known main point, now he starts to display. 后来,他向龙雪怡讨教一番之后,深入了解这种变化之术,他也已经掌握了其中的要领,现在他就开始施展。 He cultivates magic power that Divine Dao obtains, is invisible colorless, only then the Divine Sense very powerful person can induce to this power, now Gu Dongchen their these Big Shot cannot induce. 他修炼神道所得到的法力,是无形无色,只有神识非常强大的人才能感应到这种力量,现在就连古东辰他们这些巨头都感应不到。 Shen Xiang releases magic power now, in the mouth is reciting the incantation, controlled release magic power flows to that four black-robed man behind, at this time, that four person suddenly complexion big changes, because they see the companion to congeal to appear a short-sword of illumination behind. 沈翔现在就释放出法力,口中念着咒语,控制释放出来的法力流动到那四个黑衣人的身后,这时候,那四个人突然脸色大变,因为他们都看见自己同伴身后凝现出一柄发光的短剑。 This was Shen Xiang displayed in 72 Transformations, changed the technique of thing baseless! These short-swords are he use magic power fast condense between Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi to turn, the might is also big. 这就是沈翔施展了七十二变之中的,凭空变物之术!那些短剑都是他用法力快速凝聚天地间灵气变成的,威力也不小。 Ordinary martial artist can also use the sword of this type of energy with True Qi condense, but they actually need to use True Qi in within the body, the range of control is also very small. But Shen Xiang does not need, he even can condense this energy weapon in oneself vision. 普通的武者也可以用真气凝聚出这种能量之剑来,但他们却需要使用体内的真气,控制的范围也很小。而沈翔不需要,他甚至可以在自己的视线范围内凝聚这种能量兵器 You underestimated me!” Shen Xiang laughed heartily, that four short-swords under his Divine Sense control, fierce flying shoot, pricks behind that four people, then the energy explodes, exploded a blood hole the back of that four person. “你们太小看我了!”沈翔大笑一声,那四把短剑在他的神识控制之下,猛的飞射而出,刺入那四个人背后,然后能量爆开,将那四个人的背部炸出了一个血洞。 Imprisoned Shen Xiang formation to vanish, Shen Xiang can control within the body that vigorous True Qi again, saw only him to explode roars, the True Qi fierce craziness in within the body welled up, under his control, True Qi became tyrannical variable, exploded from his body, formed one to fill the destructive air wave intensely, shaking to fly away that four black-robed man. 禁锢住沈翔阵法消失了,沈翔再次能操控体内那浑厚的真气,只见他爆吼一声,体内的真气猛的狂涌而出,在他的控制之下,真气变得暴虐无常,从他身体爆开,形成一股非常强烈而充满毁灭性的气浪,将那四个黑衣人给震飞开来。 That four person black-robed man were pricked the body by that four energy short-swords . Moreover the energy short-sword still explodes in their bodies, they had been wounded at that time, now adds on terrifying True Qi that Shen Xiang releases to explode again, the meridians of their within the body were shaken completely, faints in the ground. 那四个人黑衣人被那四把能量短剑刺入身体,而且能量短剑还在他们身体中爆炸开来,他们在那时候就已经被炸伤,现在再加上沈翔释放出来的恐怖真气爆,他们体内的经脉全部被震断,晕死在地面上。 Shen Xiang looks at that to lie down in black-robed man of ground, coldly snorted, as soon as he leaps in the air, when he wants to release Vermillion Bird Fire Wings, actually suddenly by power pressing, let his fierce crash in the ground. 沈翔看着那躺在地面的黑衣人,冷哼了一声,他一跃到空中,就在他想释放出朱雀火翼的时候,却突然被一股力量给压了下来,让他猛的坠落在地面。 Damn, that formation really also in!” Shen Xiang induced to that coming person was getting more and more near, although that person of speed was somewhat slow, as he approached, Shen Xiang more felt that had danger(ous) after all. “该死,那阵法果然还在!”沈翔感应到那个前来的人越来越近了,那人的速度虽然有些慢,不过随着他靠近,沈翔就越是感到有一种危险毕竟。 Therefore he wants to fall quickly runs away, if gets down with that person of dogfight, will be delayed a lot of time, if Divine Martial Palace can delay his time, making him fall behind many, he will be eliminated here. 所以他想快掉跑掉,如果和那人缠斗下去的话,会被拖延不少时间的,神武殿如果能拖延他的时间,让他落后很多的话,他就会在这里被淘汰掉。 Should be bloodlines martial artist, their True Qi are unusual, True Qi and fleshly body be more powerful than the average person, I think that should be relationship of their within the body blood, but I have not heard such race! Herculean Clan and they are different, that is the special ethnic group that a very ancient time world breeds, this Human King Clan is fiercer than Herculean Clan, their bloodlines are not definitely simple.” Long Xueyi said. “应该是一个血脉武者,他们的真气都是与众不同的,真气肉身都要比普通人强大许多,我想应该是他们体内血液的关系,但我从来没有听说过这样的种族!大力族和他们是不同的,那是很古老时候一个天地孕育出的特殊族群,这人王族大力族还厉害,他们的血脉肯定不简单。”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang releases water vine, twined that four dizzy past black-robed man, took off/escaped own front them fast, then to displayed Bai Youyou to teach his Grasping Soul Devil Curse, is searching for their memory, searched for the to break the formation means. 沈翔释放出水藤,缠绕住那四个晕过去的黑衣人,把他们快速脱到了自己的面前,然后对其中一个施展白幽幽教给他的摄魂魔咒,搜寻着他们的记忆,寻找破阵的办法。 Quick, he found, at this time he feels more surprised about Divine Martial Palace's talent, this formation completes on a giant slate, that slate deeply buries below of this lands. 很快,他就找到了,此时他对神武殿的手笔感到更加吃惊,这个阵法是在一个巨大的石盘上面完成的,那石盘就深埋在这片土地的下面。 Motion formation, this formation construction cost not poor, to material very high of formation plate, moreover inside must lay aside a lot of set up formation cornerstones, generally is the things of top grade crystal stones and some implication huge energies, if ruins this formation plate, Divine Martial Palace will really possibly cry!” Su Meiyao said with a smile. “移动型阵法,这种阵法造价不菲,对阵盘的材料非常之高,而且里面还得放置大量的布阵基石,一般都是极品晶石和一些蕴含巨大能量的东西,如果把这个阵盘毁掉的话,神武殿真可能会哭!”苏媚瑶笑道。 Generally set up formation time, arranges, but now this keeps Shen Xiang from flying is an arrangement moves formation in formation of upper air on a giant slate, the formation energy that the slate releases can cover very broad ground, only then some wealthy sect has this formation. 一般布阵的时候,都是就地布置,而现在这个让沈翔无法飞行在高空的阵法就是一种布置在一块巨大石盘上面移动阵法,石盘释放出来的阵法能量可以覆盖很广的地面,只有一些非常富裕的门派才拥有这种阵法 Shen Xiang also obtained many memories from that four person mind, is some set up formation, but there are these memories not to represent him to arrange immediately, but these are actually very valuable experiences, his suddenly discovered that Grasping Soul Devil Curse was fierce, words that such a comes, he can learn/study many things fast. 沈翔从那四个人脑海中还得到了许多记忆,都是一些布阵的,不过有这些记忆不代表他就能立即布置,但这些却都是非常宝贵的经验,他突然发现那摄魂魔咒的厉害了,这么一来的话,他就可以快速学习到许多东西。 That many set up formation methods were preserved by him in the mind, he decided has the time time tries, then, he continues to search for in that four person mind to have the thing about set up formation with Grasping Soul Devil Curse. 那许多布阵的方法都被他保存在脑海之中,他决定有时间的时候就去试试,接下来,他继续用摄魂魔咒搜寻着那四个人脑海中有关于布阵的东西。 The content is a lot , might explode his head crowded was the same, if not because of he is using very powerful mind/energetic, he is unable to hold these memories. 内容很多,好像要把他的头挤爆了一样,如果不是因为他用着非常强大的精神,他也无法容纳这些记忆。 Although somewhat painful, but on his face actually full is the happy expression, he knows that now these four people are good Formation Grandmaster, but their set up formation knowledge is obtained by Shen Xiang now. 虽然头有些痛,但他脸上却满是笑意,他现在知道这四个人都是不错的阵法大师,但现在他们布阵的知识都已被沈翔得到。 Ruins that formation plate quickly, that person must come!” Long Xueyi said. “快去毁掉那阵盘,那人就要来了!”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang nods, runs swiftly in a direction, he knows that now that formation plate where, but he planned that attracts that bloodlines martial artist, copes with that bloodlines martial artist with that formation. 沈翔点了点头,朝着一个方向飞跑过去,他现在知道那阵盘在什么地方,而他打算把那血脉武者吸引过来,用那个阵法对付那血脉武者 He knew from that four black-robed man memory that formation plate use is very big, not only can make people unable to fly in the air, but also has to defend power and attacks power, that formation plate is in Divine Martial Palace was protecting medicine garden, but Wang Quan to increase copes with the Shen Xiang assurance, temporarily makes. 他从那四个黑衣人的记忆中得知,那个阵盘的用处很大,不仅仅是能让人无法飞行到空中,还有着防御力量和攻击力量,那阵盘原本是神武殿里面保护着一个药园的,只不过王权为了增加对付沈翔的把握,才临时弄了过来。
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