WDDG :: Volume #5

#412: Continuous barrier

Shen Xiang is revolving unceasingly, that giant Thunderfire Dragon volume does not seem to stop such, extracts all of ground crazily, everywhere one visit, will be razed to the ground. 沈翔不断旋转着,那巨大的雷火龙卷就好像不会停止下来那样,疯狂抽取地面的一切,所到之处,都会被夷为平地。 After these Vajra Griffin were curled, in inside and some giant stone hits, or hits mutually, meanwhile was baked by the raging fire, lightning chops to hit, that several people are also so, but they had not died all of a sudden, but the body was devastated. 那些金刚狮鹰被卷进去之后,在里面和一些巨石撞击,或者是相互撞击,同时还被烈火烘烤,雷电劈打,那几个人也是如此,不过他们都并未一下子死去,只是身体饱受摧残。 Only meets Vajra Griffin that several Peak Realm martial artist is also only Spirit Martial Realm initial stage, the strength is well below Shen Xiang, is hard to escape from Shen Xiang this to use martial skill that powerful Vermilion Bird True Qi released, moreover they are also seriously injured now. 只会金刚狮鹰的那几个极致境界武者也只是灵武境初期的,实力远远不如沈翔,难以逃脱沈翔这使用了强悍朱雀真气释放出来的武技,而且他们现在还受了重伤。 Shen Xiang felt own Vermilion Bird True Qi and Azure Dragon True Qi only have half of times, receives the merit on hastily, sees only these Vajra Griffin and several person suddenly falls, tens of thousands of Vajra Griffin send out wail in a low voice, falling of heavily in the ground, the casualty is serious. 沈翔感觉到自己的朱雀真气青龙真气只剩下一半的时候,就急忙收功,只见那些金刚狮鹰和几个人突然掉落下来,成千上万的金刚狮鹰发出低声的哀鸣,重重的掉落在地面,死伤惨重。 Shen Xiang implored the one breath gently, the back wing also became small, recognized certainly the direction, flutter fire wings, flew the upper air, continued toward the target point flight in the past. 沈翔轻轻吁了一口气,背后的翅膀也变得小了许多,认准方向,扑动火翼,飞到高空,继续朝目标点飞行过去。 Wang Quan came, Shen Xiang just walked shortly, he arrived here, because he receives the urgent pass on message, knew after here casualty very serious situation, caught up immediately. 王权来了,沈翔刚刚走没多久,他就来到了这里,因为他收到紧急传讯,得知这里死伤非常严重的情况之后,立马赶了过来。 Looks at ground big piece of remaining unconscious Vajra Griffin, listening to these weak low cries, the forehead of Wang Quan fist to stick out suddenly the blue vein immediately, he looked that to direction that Shen Xiang vanished, wished one could immediately rush over. 看着地面一大片昏迷不醒的金刚狮鹰,听着那些微弱的低鸣,王权拳头的额头顿时暴起了青筋,他看向沈翔消失的方向,恨不得立马冲过去 Old Wang, I had said before, do not despise him! Is you made these Vajra Griffin stop intentionally his, he hits back is also very normal matter! Only can say that this is you brings upon oneself, I urged you in the halfway do not get up to what tricks, aggravated him, but will kill.” Gu Dongchen said. 王老,我之前就说过,别小看他!原本就是你故意让这些金刚狮鹰阻拦他的,他做出反击也是很正常的事情!只能说这都是你自找的,我劝你还是别要在半路做什么手脚,惹火了他,可是会出人命的。”古东辰说道。 The Wang Quan big mouth is gasping for breath, suppresses the anger in his heart also to vanish slowly, his coldly snorted and said: This is the rule of competition, I have not stopped him especially!” 王权大口喘着气,憋在他心中的怒火也慢慢消失了,他冷哼道:“这是比赛的规则,我并没有特地阻拦他!” Gu Dongchen sees Wang Quan to come, he also follows on the heels, he is worried about Wang Quan to be able Shen Xiang fight. 古东辰看见王权来,他也跟在后面,他担心王权会都沈翔动手 Oh, now died some Spirit Beast, if you make one stop again his, dying was some people!” Gu Dongchen sighed, that several only met the Vajra Griffin person not dead, but received very serious wound. “唉,现在只是死掉一些灵兽,如果你再让人阻拦他的,死的就是一些人了!”古东辰叹气道,那几个只会金刚狮鹰的人并没有死去,只是受到了非常严重的伤。 From the beginning, stopping the Shen Xiang people not to have the good end, before that several were also the severe wound falls down. 从一开始,阻拦沈翔的人都没有好下场,之前那几个也是重伤掉下。 Wang Quan do not stop Shen Xiang, but wants to delay the Shen Xiang time, but he has not actually thought that Shen Xiang unexpectedly will use this fierce killing move, tens of thousands of Vajra Griffin also attack radically without enough time, by Shen Xiang trigging. 王权并不是要阻拦沈翔,只是想拖延沈翔的时间,但他却没有想到沈翔竟然会使用这种厉害的杀招,成千上万的金刚狮鹰根本还来不及攻击,就已经被沈翔给制住了。 The Shen Xiang soaring in the upper air, is blowing the whistling, at this time his is happy, because he knows that the Vajra Griffin casualty big piece will let the Divine Martial Palace massive hemorrhage, but this is they brings upon oneself. 沈翔飞翔在高空,吹着口哨,此时他的心情非常好,因为他知道金刚狮鹰死伤大片会让神武殿大出血,而这都是他们自找的。 motherfucker, has the fellow to stop again my, I must make a move personally!” Shen Xiang suddenly anticipates now very Divine Martial Palace sends people to intercept him again. 他娘的,再有家伙阻拦我的,我就要亲自出手!”沈翔现在突然十分期待神武殿再派人来拦截他。 Hey, you a moment ago that move quite fierce, but consumes very in a big way, but suits copes with the strength the person who you are weaker, but if to me, meets an effect not to have.” Lan Lan came, she appears in the Shen Xiang above, is away from Shen Xiang by far. “喂,你刚才那招好厉害,不过消耗很大,只是适合对付实力比你弱的人,但如果是对我,会一点效果都没有。”蓝兰又来了,她出现在沈翔的上方,远远隔着沈翔 little girl, why do you always follow I? I am big rascal! Is not because of I extremely handsome reason?” Shen Xiang happily said with a smile. 小丫头,你为什么总是跟着我?我可是一个大坏蛋!是不是因为我太过英俊的缘故?”沈翔嘻笑道 Bah! The narcissistic fellow, I am only bored, has not known when must fly, this competition was too boring , nothing stops me to make me find relief.” Lan Lan sighed one lightly. “呸!自恋的家伙,我只是无聊嘛,还不知道要飞到什么时候,这比赛太无聊了,又没有什么东西阻拦我让我解闷。”蓝兰轻叹了一声。 You look for your King Continent's martial artist! Asks me to do?” Shen Xiang also thinks that does not understand why will stare by this little girl. “你去找你们王者大陆的武者呀!找我干什么?”沈翔也想不明白为什么会被这小丫头盯上。 They were too slow, only then you are flying, they run, cannot chat with me.” Lan Lan said. “他们都太慢了,而且只有你是飞着的,他们都是奔跑,根本不能和我聊天。”蓝兰说道。 Ok, my some, go to the end point fast as soon as possible, was bored!” “算了,我还是飞快一些,尽早去到终点,无聊死了!” The Lan Lan speed makes Shen Xiang envy very much, moreover looked time that she soars is also very relaxed, he can only sigh one secretly, he has not known on the road has many things to wait for him, he guessed that this competition is held in view of him, because he has that powerful Dragon Force, the words of direct engagement, Wang Quan has not grasped to own disciple. 蓝兰地速度让沈翔很是羡慕,而且看她飞翔起来的时候也很轻松,他只能暗叹一声,他还不知道在路上有多少东西等着他,他猜测这场比赛就是针对他而举行的,因为他有着那强悍的龙力,正面交战的话,王权对自己的徒弟也没有把握。 In order to let Shen Xiang loses, can only compete to eliminate him with this type, thinks of this, Shen Xiang gets angry secretly, this is he does not hide the reason of whereabouts intentionally, to let person of these ambushes on road discovers him, such a, he can make into the severe wound these people, divulges disaffection in the heart. 为了让沈翔输掉,只能用这种比赛来把他淘汰,想到这点,沈翔暗暗发怒,这也是他故意毫不隐藏自己行踪的原因,就是为了让那些埋伏在路上的人发现他,这么一来,他就可以把这些人打成重伤,宣泄自己心中的不满。 Two days passed by, in the night, Shen Xiang suddenly see front to have a beam of light from the ground directly shoots to the upper air, when he feels odd, suddenly the induction to a very strong pressure, making him stop immediately. 两天过去了,在深夜中,沈翔突然看见前面有一道光束从地面直射到高空,就在他感到奇怪的时候,却忽然感应到一股非常强劲的压力,让他立即停了下来。 The Shen Xiang flutter wing, was landed by oneself that heavy body on the ground difficultly, he understands that now that light beam is anything, that is one can formation of Long Life pressure. 沈翔艰难地扑动翅膀,让自己那沉重的身体降落在地面,他现在明白那光束是什么,那是一个能长生压力的阵法 If not he responds quickly, might very much fiercely in a moment ago on crashed. 如果不是他反应得快,很有可能在刚才就猛的坠落下来。 This is large formation, Divine Martial Palace to eliminate you, but got down the initial capital!” Su Meiyao said. “这可是一个大阵,神武殿为了把你淘汰掉,可是下了血本!”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang angrily roars, to the ground is a palm, moreover used Dragon Force, sees only the ground in a circumference of several miles split open, the ground shivers to sway immediately crazily, a mountain scene forest was ruined instantaneously. 沈翔怒吼一声,对着地面就是一掌,而且还是使用了龙力,只见方圆数里的地面顿时开裂,地面疯狂颤抖摇晃起来,一片山林瞬间被毁掉。 Has the person, be careful!” Long Xueyi suddenly shouted. “有人,小心!”龙雪怡突然喊道 Shen Xiang has induced the aura of these people, is four people, moreover is Peak Realm. 沈翔已经感应到了那些人的气息,是四个人,而且都是极致境界的。 That formation had ruined with the big lands, that pressure has disappeared, but Shen Xiang has not chosen to fly away, person but who must approach toward him facing these four. 那个阵法已经随着大片土地毁掉了,那种压力已经消失,不过沈翔并没有选择飞走,而是要面对这四个正在朝他靠近的人。 In the darkness, four black-robed man suddenly present around Shen Xiang, they see a Shen Xiang face to be natural, seems like waiting for them to be the same, in the heart feels very surprisedly. 黑暗中,四个黑衣人突然出现沈翔四周,他们看见沈翔一脸当然,就好像是在等待他们一样,心中都感到十分惊讶。 After they appear, not saying anything further, extends both hands simultaneously, in the palm spout strange power, was only the suddenly time, under the Shen Xiang foot presents one fully is mysterious spirit pattern formation. 他们出现之后,二话不说,同时伸出双手,手掌中喷涌出一股奇异的力量,只是眨眼间的功夫,沈翔脚底下就出现了一个满是玄奥灵纹阵法 This formation appearance, Shen Xiang immediately complexion big change, because his True Qi cannot use, what awfully is, his whole body cannot move. 这个阵法一出现,沈翔顿时脸色大变,因为他的真气不能使用了,要命的是,他浑身都不能动弹。 Sees the Shen Xiang complexion, in that four black-robed man looks full taunts and haughty. 看见沈翔的脸色,那四个黑衣人都眼神中都满是嘲讽和得意 Shen Xiang quickly calm, his said with a sneer: You not to my fight?” 沈翔很快就镇定了下来,他冷笑道:“你们不对我动手吗?” We are responsible for your anchorage, must come to your fight person quickly!” Person coldly said. “我们只是负责把你定住,要对你动手的人很快就来了!”一个人冷冷地说道 Shen Xiang brow one type, in the heart hates secretly, his present both feet was closely attracted probably in ground such, is unable to move, moreover he was unable to use True Qi, if some people come now, he is very dangerous. 沈翔眉头一种,心中暗恨不已,他现在的双脚就好像被紧紧吸在地面那样,根本无法挪动,而且他还不能使用真气,如果现在有人来的话,他是非常危险的。 It seems like that large formation is you arranges, but was ruined by me suddenly!” Shen Xiang now unexpectedly is calm, this makes that four black-robed man be worried. “看来那个大阵是你们布置的,不过只是被我一下就毁掉了!”沈翔现在竟然还非常淡定,这让那四个黑衣人都感到担忧。 However they are very confident to formation that this time he displays jointly, moreover that must deal with the Shen Xiang person also to draw near, when the time comes is Shen Xiang made into the severe wound the time. 不过他们都对此时他联手施展的阵法很有信心,而且那要对付沈翔的人也快到了,到时候就是沈翔被打成重伤的时候。 Shen Xiang cannot use True Qi, cannot move! But his mouth can actually move, his magic power can also move! Such a, he can display Divine Ability, convenes between Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi to gather power using magic power, attacks. 沈翔不能使用真气,不能动!但他嘴巴却可以动,他的法力也可以动!这么一来,他就可以施展神通,利用法力召集天地间灵气汇聚成力量,进行攻击。
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