WDDG :: Volume #5

#411: Airborne Purgatory

Impression of Shen Xiang to this little girl is very good, he said with a smile hastily: Thanks, I fly to take a higher position to experience fierce of these Vajra Griffin.” 沈翔对这小丫头的印象还是非常不错的,他连忙笑道:“谢谢啦,我飞这么高就是为了见识一下这些金刚狮鹰的厉害。” Snort, big idiot!, I in the end point you, you do not withdraw in this pass/test as you like, must fight finally with you to me.” “哼,大白痴!随你吧,我在终点等你,你可别就在这关退出了,到最后我一定要和你打一场。” Lan Lan flew away quickly, her speed is truly terrifying, Shen Xiang only then becomes the wing can fly greatly quickly, that is the Vermillion Bird Fire Wings complete shape, displays, his body will also release flame, turns into the body of giant bird, by that time, seems like in the ground, he seems like huge fire bird. 蓝兰很快就飞离了,她的速度确实非常恐怖,沈翔只有把翅膀变得很大才能飞得更快,那是朱雀火翼的完全形态,施展的时候,他的身体还会释放出一阵火焰,化成巨鸟的身体,到那时候,在地面看上去,他就好像是一头巨大的火鸟 Knew that front has Vajra Griffin, Shen Xiang is secretly excited, he learned from Wu Kaiming there, these Vajra Griffin are the thing that Divine Martial Palace is proud, the hundred thousand year ago three realms great war time many continent do not borrow taking advantage of them to them, moreover does not allow the disciple to bring these Vajra Griffin to enter the war. 得知前面有金刚狮鹰,沈翔暗暗激动着,他从武开明那里得知,这些金刚狮鹰神武殿引以为傲的东西,十万年前三界大战的时候许多大陆向他们借他们都不借,而且也不允许弟子带这些金刚狮鹰去参战。 Shen Xiang not only need experience these Vajra Griffin, meanwhile wants to make this batch of Vajra Griffin cause heavy losses! Because he is extremely discontented with the Wang Quan approach, sends people to stop him intentionally, he believes, other King Continent's martial artist will definitely not encounter what barrier on the road, only then he with obtaining. 沈翔不仅仅是要见识这些金刚狮鹰,同时还想让这批金刚狮鹰受到重创!因为他对王权的做法非常不满,故意派人来阻拦他,他相信,其他王者大陆的武者在路上肯定不会遇到什么障碍,只有他会遇得到。 Vajra Griffin? Now I make you know Vermilion Bird Divine Bird power!” Shen Xiang said with a smile, in the heart full was the anticipation. 金刚狮鹰吗?现在我就让你们知道朱雀神鸟力量!”沈翔笑道,心中满是期待。 Shen Xiang on the alert flight, flew ten not to see Vajra Griffin, but he had the patience. 沈翔警惕着飞行,飞了十都没有看见金刚狮鹰,不过他还是非常有耐心的。 Front that partial clouds! Careful.” The Long Xueyi reminder said. “前面那片云!小心点。”龙雪怡提醒道。 Has huge cloud pillar that soars to the heavens together in the Shen Xiang front, carefully looked, Shen Xiang can see in that cloud layer to have many small point, that is Vajra Griffin in the circuit, makes a qi flow vortex, attracts completely the cloud, lets Shen Xiang exposed in Lan Tian (blue sky), hides nowhere. 沈翔前方有一道冲天的巨大云柱,仔细一看,沈翔能看见那云层里面有着许多小点,那都是金刚狮鹰在绕圈飞行,制造出一个气流漩涡,把云全部吸过去,让沈翔暴露蓝天之中,无处躲藏。 Many!” Shen Xiang looks at that incomparably huge cloud pillar, in the heart cannot help but exclaims. “好多!”沈翔看着那无比巨大的云柱,心中不由得惊叹道。 These Vajra Griffin definitely some people control, that person should rides Vajra Griffin, possibly also not just one person, even is several.” Long Xueyi said. “这些金刚狮鹰肯定是有人操控的,那个人应该是骑乘金刚狮鹰,可能还不止一个人,甚至是几个。”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang non-stop flies, but the distant place that huge cloud pillar small point also gathers together completely , from afar seems like one flock of birds, but Shen Xiang is very clear, that is one crowd of strengths endures to compare True Martial Realm 9th level 9th level Spirit Beast, Vajra Griffin! 沈翔一路直飞,而远处那巨大云柱的小点也全部聚拢在一起,远远看过去就好像是一群小鸟,但沈翔很清楚,那是一群实力堪比真武境九重九品灵兽,金刚狮鹰 The Vajra Griffin feather is firm, the wing can treat as the sharp blade to divide to cut, moreover in the mouth can also PF produce fire flame, flying speed be also quick, coordinates that sharp claws and sharp mouth, can pose very big threat. 金刚狮鹰的羽毛非常坚固,翅膀可以当作利刃劈砍,而且口中还能出火焰来,本身的飞行速度也很快,配合那利爪和尖锐的嘴巴,能给人造成非常大的威胁。 Shen Xiang is Peak Realm, if independent combat definitely not Spirit Beast of this True Martial Realm 9th level strength, but he will face will not be one, but will be tens of thousands, will swoop completely toward him, he will not definitely be able to endure. 沈翔极致境界的,如果单打独斗肯定不会把这种只有真武境九重实力的灵兽,但他面对的不是一个,而是成千上万,全部朝他飞扑过来的话,他肯定也吃不消。 Vajra Griffin of distant place approaches fast, the wing of Shen Xiang also becomes more and more greatly, suddenly several thousand feet (333 m) widths, Shen Xiang is releasing Vermilion Bird True Qi in within the body unceasingly, in 1000 grains of true element grains is compressing vigorous True Qi gushes out unceasingly, the wing of Shen Xiang rises unceasingly in a big way, is burning fierce flame in the air is confused, forms piece of sea of fire! 远处的金刚狮鹰快速逼近,沈翔的翅膀也变得越来越大,眨眼间就有好几百丈宽,沈翔正在不断释放体内的朱雀真气,一千粒真元粒里面压缩着的浑厚真气不断涌出,沈翔的翅膀不断涨大,燃烧着的剧烈火焰在空中迷茫,形成一片火海 Lan Lan in following forest sees this to the giant wing, was startled is growing up the small mouth, exclaims: This rascal is quite fierce, does he want to do?” 在下面一片森林中的蓝兰看见这对巨大的翅膀,被惊得长大着小嘴,惊叹道:“这坏蛋好厉害,他要干什么?” Was similar!” Shen Xiang implored the one breath slightly, his displays behind to the giant wing, the wind that the words that thousand zhang (3.33 m) widths, the flutter has gotten up, blow can be imagined. “差不多了!”沈翔微微吁了一口气,他的身后那对巨大翅膀施展开来,已有千丈宽,扑动起来的话,刮起的风可想而知。 After these ride Vajra Griffin martial artist is seeing, slows the tempo, they know that Shen Xiang must resist them, sees that grand magnificent huge fire wings, is feeling you incomparably scalding hot steaming air wave, they were considering that if wanted goes forward. 那些骑乘着金刚狮鹰武者看见之后,也放慢了速度,他们知道沈翔要对抗他们,看见那宏伟壮观的巨大火翼,感受着你无比灼热的腾腾气浪,他们在考虑要不要前进。 Altogether eight people are riding Vajra Griffin respectively, their strengths are Peak Realm, their distinction brings 1000 Vajra Griffin to fly toward Shen Xiang. 总共有八个人分别骑乘着金刚狮鹰,他们的实力都是极致境界的,他们分别带着一千头金刚狮鹰沈翔飞过去。 Does not need to fear him, we have eight thousand Vajra Griffin, no matter he is fierce, will be sieged by Vajra Griffin, discarded that's alright him!” Male shouted. “不用怕他,我们有八千金刚狮鹰,不管他多厉害,都会被金刚狮鹰围困,把他废掉就行了!”一个男子喊道 Shen Xiang hears this saying, in the heart the anger is dreadful immediately, he angrily roars. 沈翔听到这话,心中顿时怒气滔天,他怒吼一声。 Purgatory Tornado!” 炼狱龙卷风!” Sees only the Shen Xiang whole person suddenly zero forward velocity operation, then also revolves with his body to huge fire wings, first is intense scalding hot storm spreads to all around, later was a strong suction appears, sees only some big trees and giant stones of ground gives that suction attracting, Shen Xiang is revolving with whom, formed width thousand-ten feet huge Fire Tornado, the scene shocked with the terrifying extremely, as if the judgment day was ordinary. 只见沈翔整个人突然原地旋转起来,那对巨大的火翼也随着他的身体旋转起来,先是一阵强烈的灼热风暴向四周扩散,随后便是一股强大的吸力出现,只见地面的一些大树和巨石都给那股吸力给吸了上去,跟谁着沈翔旋转起来,形成了一个宽达千丈的巨大火龙卷,场面极其震撼和恐怖,仿佛世界末日一般。 The cloud layer of square distant place was attracted, cloud layer thick, bumps into together, the eruption makes a debut a crazy thunder, these lightning by Fire Tornado that Shen Xiang released attracting. 四方远处的云层都被吸了过来,云层非常之厚,相撞在一起,爆发出道道狂雷,这些雷电都被沈翔释放出来的火龙卷给吸了进去。 That crowd of Vajra Griffin flew rush over toward Shen Xiang, when they, they have wanted to flee that terrifying now without enough time Fire Lightning tornado, has been too late, tornado is extremely huge, the suction that produces is powerful. These Vajra Griffin in front of this huge tornado, are similar to the mosquito to be the same, is only very short time, was pulled into that belt/bring to be very scalding hot completely and in crazy thunder huge tornado. 那群金刚狮鹰原本就是朝沈翔冲过去,但现在他们已经来不及了,他们想逃离那恐怖的火雷龙卷风时,已经为时已晚,龙卷风太过巨大,所产生的吸力强大无比。那些金刚狮鹰在这巨大的龙卷风面前,就如同蚊子一般渺小,只是很短暂的时间,就全部被扯入了那带着无比灼热和狂雷的巨大龙卷风里面。 This rascal was too abnormal, I almost also planted!” Lan Lan is gasping for breath in gulps, that abundant chest is very fluctuating unceasingly, has a lingering fear looks that distant place that is full of the endless destruction strength huge Fire Lightning tornado! “这坏蛋太变态了,我差点也栽了进去!”蓝兰大口大口喘着气,那丰挺的胸膛不断起伏着,心有余悸地看着远处那充满无尽毁灭力的巨大火雷龙卷风 Saw in nearby person, majority are some participating martial artist, they hear shouting that the say/way lightning sound smuggles them to be familiar with, that is tens of thousands of Vajra Griffin simultaneously the sound of wail. 在附近的人都看见了,大多数都是一些参赛的武者,他们听见道道雷电声夹带着一声声他们熟悉的嘶吼,那是成千上万金刚狮鹰同时哀鸣的声音。 Shen Xiang revolving while sends out laughs wildly truly, moreover he also releases wood attribute Lightning True Qi unceasingly, making the strength of lightning wilder. 沈翔一边旋转一边发出真正狂笑,而且他还不断释放出木属性雷电真气,让雷电之力更加狂暴。 In this huge tornado has turned into Purgatory, has no resistance power in Purgatory inside person, can only accept Purgatory inside penalty, the experiencing suffering pain. 这巨大的龙卷风里面已经变成炼狱,在炼狱里面的人没有任何反抗的力量,只能接受炼狱里面的刑罚,受尽痛苦。 This is Shen Xiang Purgatory Tornado! Previous time he is used to cope with Devil Path Martial Artist, but his strength was very weak at that time, tornado is also very small, present was bigger than at that time several hundred times. 这就是沈翔炼狱龙卷风!上次他就用来对付过魔道武者,不过那时候他的实力还很弱,龙卷风也很小,现在的可是比当时大了几百倍。 This great tornado all around high mountains, the green forest, was given completely by this tornado, Lan Lan is clear sees a thousand-ten feet great mountain to be given suction by that wild tornado little, finally vanishes. 这巨龙卷风四周的高山峻岭,苍翠的森林,全部被这龙卷风给回去,蓝兰可是清楚的看见一座高达千丈的巨山一点点被那狂暴的龙卷风给吸走,最后消失。 In tornado has tyrannical Heavenly Sun Fire and crazy lightning, both fuse together, is powerful incomparable. 龙卷风里面有着暴虐的天阳之火和疯狂的闪电,两者融合在一起,更是强悍无比。 Haha...... haha......, I also think the Vajra Griffin group fiercely, no more than so, haha......” the Shen Xiang laughing wildly sound is common like Evil Devil, reverberates in all directions, after making one hear, absolutely terrified. “哈哈……哈哈……哈哈,我还以为金刚狮鹰群有多厉害呢,也不过如此,哈哈……”沈翔的狂笑声如同恶魔一般,回响在四面八方,让人听到之后,毛骨悚然。
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