WDDG :: Volume #5

#410: The wing of Thunder Fire

Shen Xiang flies high, to avoid by others being stopped, but he has not thought that some people will be waiting for him in the upper air. 沈翔飞得这么高,就是为了避免被别人阻拦,但他没想到还是会有人在高空中等待着他。 These fellows and other? How they know that I will pass through here!” Shen Xiang somewhat doubtful, but he was actually not worried. “这些家伙是在等我的吗?他们怎么知道我会经过这里!”沈翔有些疑惑,不过他却不担心。 rush over that's alright, it is estimated that they used the way in spirit talisman to convey the news, can make them have prepare, who makes your wing so obvious, if like beforehand that little girl, is very difficult to discover you.” Long Xueyi said. 冲过去就行了,估计他们用灵符之中的方式来传达讯息,才能让他们有所准备的,谁让你的翅膀这么明显,如果像之前那小丫头那样,就很难发现你。”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang wing suddenly increases more than one time, makes to the wing more powerful, the flying speed is faster. 沈翔的翅膀突然变大一倍多,让对翅膀更加有力,飞行速度更快。 The front six people are really waiting for him, they are float in the air, aura that Shen Xiang since they lend, they used many power to make oneself body float. 前面果然有六个人在等着他的,他们都是悬浮在空中的,沈翔从他们散发出来的气息来看,他们是用了不少力量让自己的身体悬浮起来。 Words that must hit, they definitely cannot be victorious Shen Xiang, but their goals here are very obvious, are the protracted time, lets Shen Xiang compared with on other King Continent's disciple slow some, making him be eliminated finally. 要打的话,他们肯定打不过沈翔,而他们在这里的目的很明显,就是要拖延时间,让沈翔比其他王者大陆的弟子慢上一些,让他最后出局。 This Wang Quan is really causing to cheat to me, good, I make him know that my Shen Xiang is not good to bully.” In the Shen Xiang heart gets angry slightly, on the wing glittering golden light, is seeing only his to turn into general of golden eagle to fire wings suddenly immediately, but sends out the golden-red mixed ray. “这王权果然在对我使诈,也好,我就让他知道我沈翔不是好欺负的。”沈翔心中微微发怒,翅膀上面顿时闪烁着一阵金光,只见他那对火翼突然变成金雕的一般,只不过散发出金红交杂的光芒。 This is Shen Xiang lets fire True Qi and metal attribute True Qi fuses together to turn, his True Qi to within the body has controlled freely, can flexibly utilize, must achieve this type is not difficult. 这是沈翔让火真气金属性真气融合在一起变成的,他对体内的真气已经掌控自如,可以灵活运用,要做到这种不难。 That six Peak Realm martial artist sees Shen Xiang that to the giant golden eagle wing, in the heart to have not the good premonition behind. 那六个极致境界武者看见沈翔身后那对巨大的金雕翅膀,心中都有不好的预感。 The wing of Shen Xiang is very big, extends to have dozens zhang (3.33 m) width, seems like shocks, making people think that this is antique giant bird such, that awfully contains terrifying power to the golden eagle wing probably like that. 沈翔的翅膀很大,伸展开来有几十丈宽,看上去十分震撼,让人觉得这是太古巨鸟那样,要命的那对金雕翅膀好像蕴含着恐怖力量那般。 Must come!” Guy complexion concentrates important place saying that at this time he wants to escape, because he knows that to the time that the wing dashes, can definitely have strong impulse. “要过来了!”一个大汉脸色凝重地说道,此时他想逃,因为他知道那对翅膀冲撞过来的时候,肯定会带着非常强大的冲击力。 Cannot block, escapes quickly!” Person shouted, the Shen Xiang present range he is very far, but they see Shen Xiang that stance, knows that they will run upon with Shen Xiang not long, but Shen Xiang intends to dash their. “挡不住的,快逃!”一个人喊道,沈翔现在距离他还很远,不过他们看见沈翔那种架势,就知道不用多久他们就会和沈翔撞上,而沈翔是有意要冲撞他们的。 Shen Xiang said while loudly laughing: You did not have the opportunity!” Saying, his on suddenly to the gold/metal wing is winding around soul-stirring lightning glow, making his speed speed up many times. 沈翔大笑道:“你们没机会了!”说着,他那对金翅上面突然缭绕着道道惊心动魄的电芒,让他的速度加快了许多倍。 I kill you!” Shen Xiang drinks one severely, the launched gold/metal wing brings electricity snake that fills terrifying power, but Shen Xiang's body also overflows intermittent golden light, brings murderous aura that incomparably is soaring to the heavens, probably a banding the dragon of wing is getting angry dashing like that. “我撞死你们!”沈翔厉喝一声,展开的金翅带着充满恐怖力量的电蛇,而沈翔的身体也溢出阵阵金光,带着无比冲天的杀气,好像一条带着翅膀的龙在发怒冲撞那般。 Instantaneously, Shen Xiang passed through the place that six people were , the dashing past time, but also sent out to Heaven-shaking thunder cry, thunder cry resounded through sky along with these people's pitiful yells. 只是瞬间,沈翔就穿过了那六个人所在的地方,冲撞过去的时候,还发出许多到惊天雷鸣,雷鸣伴随着那些人的惨叫响彻云天 Shen Xiang can feel clearly that six people by his to terrifying wing to hit, on his wing brings metal, fire and thunder these three terrifying power, simultaneously erupts, the might is huge, moreover by extremely quick velocity shock in the past, power will promote more. 沈翔能清楚感觉到那六个人被他那对恐怖的翅膀给撞击,他翅膀上面可是带着金、火、雷这三种恐怖的力量,同时爆发出来,威力巨大无比,而且还是以极快的速度冲击过去,力量会提升更多。 How that six people Shen Xiang do not know, his impact in the past, had been far away from that place, the lives of these people he no matter, he has not lashed out after all, he made very normal action, is rush over! 那六个人怎么样了沈翔不知道,他那一个冲击过去,就已经远离了那个地方,那些人的死活他也不管,毕竟他没有出手攻击,他只是做了很正常的举动,就是冲过去 Shen Xiang now above the clouds, is very high from the ground, words that Peak Realm falls down, the consequence is very serious, severely wounded that is the affirmation, but will be insufficient dead. 沈翔现在可是在云端之上,距离地面很高,极致境界掉下去的话,后果是非常严重的,重伤那是肯定的,不过不至于会死去。 His wing restores to the Vermillion Bird Fire Wings appearance again, although that type was very quick a moment ago, but consumes is very big, he has not known how long must fly to meet, moreover front definitely will have many things to stop, he must keep power. 他的翅膀再次恢复到朱雀火翼的样子,虽然刚才那种速度很快,不过消耗却很大,他还不知道要飞多久才会到,而且前面肯定还会有不少东西阻拦,他得留一点力量 Is that little girl!” Long Xueyi said. “是那小丫头!”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang sees front to have a young girl to put on the cloud layer, exudes a series of joyful laughter, plays looks like a child, after she sees Shen Xiang arrives, then flies above Shen Xiang, is flying with Shen Xiang. 沈翔看见前面有一个少女在云层中穿来穿去,发出一连串的快乐笑声,玩得就像是个孩子,她看见沈翔来到之后,便飞到沈翔上方,和沈翔一起飞行着。 I am quite bored, your speed is fast point words, we can fly the end point together!” Lan Lan honk the mouth said that her unexpectedly and other Shen Xiang. “我好无聊呀,你的速度再快一点的话,我们就可以一起飞到终点了!”蓝兰嘟嘴说道,她竟然在等沈翔 The Shen Xiang forced smile said: I solved six being in the way fellows a moment ago, haven't they blocked you?” 沈翔苦笑道:“我刚才可是解决了六个挡路的家伙,他们没有拦你吗?” Lan Lan said with a smile: Naturally no, why can they block me?” 蓝兰笑道:“当然没有,他们为什么要拦我?” Shen Xiang was more depressed: This arrives is also, your King Continent clarified bullied the bystander, intentionally in view of me!” 沈翔更加郁闷了:“这到也是,你们王者大陆摆明了欺负外人,故意针对我!” Who makes you so fierce, made that we do not have the face very much, how doesn't aim at your line intentionally?” Lan Lan hee happily said with a smile. “谁让你这么厉害,弄得我们很没面子,不故意针对你怎么行?”蓝兰嘻笑道 Shen Xiang curls the lip, although he knows that this is very unfair, but he does not care, moreover this can also test his strength, to him is good. 沈翔撇了撇嘴,虽然他知道这很不公平,不过他不在意,而且这还能考验他的实力,对他来说还算不错。 Why do you want to wait for me? Did yourself first fly the end point not to?” Shen Xiang raises head to look at that to fly difficultly in his above Lan Lan, this looks also really awfully, because he sees Lan Lan that to fish with the chest that her appearance does not tally, can see by that blue skirt very in a big way. “你为什么要等我?你自己先飞到终点不就得了吗?”沈翔艰难地仰头看着那飞在他上面的蓝兰,这一看还真要命,因为他看见蓝兰那与她外貌不符合的胸膛垂钓下来,透过那蓝裙还是能看见非常大的。 This makes him think in Legend that young face great anything's thing. 这让他想到传说中那童颜巨什么的玩意 little girl, you seem like, although is small, but the chest is big! Others definitely do not think you are a little girl.” 小丫头,你人看起来虽然小,但胸好大呀!别人肯定不会认为你是小女孩的。” Heard this saying, Shen Xiang was shocked, because this was Long Xueyi said that Long Xueyi was very long has not pretended to be his sound to come practical joke, making him almost forget the giving people a hard time unique skill of this mischievous dragon. 听到这话,沈翔愣住了,因为这是龙雪怡说的,龙雪怡可是很久没有冒充他的声音来恶作剧了,让他差点忘记这调皮龙的整人绝招。 Small oval face of Lan Lan that cute one red, the delicate eyebrows wrinkle, on the face brings anger: Shen Xiang, you...... you are rascal!” 蓝兰可爱的小瓜子脸一红,秀眉微皱起来,脸上带着一丝怒意:“沈翔,你……你是个坏蛋!” Shen Xiang is criticizing Long Xueyi, on the mouth actually hurriedly said: cough cough, what this...... I said is the truth, you must know the man looks at the woman time, majority first look at the chest, don't you feel?” 沈翔暗暗骂着龙雪怡,嘴上却急忙说道:“咳咳,这个……我说的是真话,你要知道男人看女人的时候,大多数都是先看胸部的,你难道不觉得吗?” I know certainly! Does not need you to tell me.” Lan Lan tenderly snorted and said. “我当然知道!不用你告诉我。”蓝兰娇哼道 Can rub to me?” Long Xueyi imitates Shen Xiang's voice saying that but Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou titter in the ring. “能给我揉揉吗?”龙雪怡又模仿沈翔的声音说道,而苏媚瑶白幽幽在戒指里面偷笑起来。 Rubs your head, your rascal, I paid no attention to you, humph, humph!” Lan Lan picks up the speed, bringing the face of blushing to fly away. “揉你个头,你个坏蛋,我不理你了,哼哼!”蓝兰加快速度,带着羞红的脸飞走了。 Long Xueyi said with a smile tenderly: Does not have the meaning, cannot withstand to sexually harass!” 龙雪怡娇笑道:“没意思,经不起调戏呀!” Shen Xiang angrily said: dragon brat, you later best probably have such big chest not, otherwise I rub when the time comes daily your! Knows a younger sister in this King Continent with great difficulty, was given to screw up by you.” 沈翔怒道:“小屁龙,你以后最好莫要有这么大的胸,否则我到时候天天揉你的!好不容易在这王者大陆认识一个妹子,就被你给搞砸了。” Yes! Very allows to know chest big little girl, had reads evilly! You currently have your Elder Sister Meng'er and Xianxian's have a headache about the matter not to solve! Also, Xianxian and your Elder Sister Meng'er is not smaller than this little girl, Elder Sister Meiyao and Elder Sister Youyou is also very big, you should see, giggle!” Long Xueyi hee happily said with a smile “是呀!好不容认识一个胸大的小丫头,心生歹念了!你现在可是还有你梦儿姐仙仙的头疼事没有解决!再说了,仙仙和你梦儿姐的都不比这小丫头小,媚瑶姐幽幽姐的也很大,你应该都见过了,咯咯!”龙雪怡嘻笑道 Shen Xiang thinks, grins to say with a smile: This but actually is also, but then troubled, this little girl will definitely hate me, perhaps at martial arts contest under cruel methods to me.” 沈翔想了想,咧嘴笑道:“这倒也是,不过这下麻烦了,这小丫头肯定会恨上我的,说不定在比武的时候会对我下狠手。” rascal, do not smile, has several thousand Vajra Griffin in front! Hurrying to fly to be lower!” Shen Xiang suddenly hears that Lan Lan sound to spread to his ear. 坏蛋,别笑了,在前面有好几千的金刚狮鹰!赶紧飞低一些!”沈翔突然听到那蓝兰地声音传入他的耳中。
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