WDDG :: Volume #5

#409: Blue Blood Clan

Wang Quan loudly shouted start. 王权大喝一声“开始”。 50 young martial artist were similar to takes off/escapes the profound arrow such to fly to shoot immediately, several suddenly, ran the Divine Martial Palace plaza front door, is dashing in the main street and small alley in city, the people could not have seen their forms. 五十名年轻武者顿时如同脱玄的箭那样飞射了出去,几个眨眼间,就奔跑出了神武殿广场的大门,在城内的大街小巷中飞奔着,众人已经看不见他们的身影了。 Goes to the end point they!” Wang Quan said. “去终点等他们吧!”王权说道。 Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming also nod, had many other continent's Big Shot to come here, but knew after is the bored race, departs in abundance, they only want to watch the martial arts contest, especially watches the martial arts contest of Shen Xiang, because they want from sees that Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art interesting part. 古东辰武开明也点了点头,原本有不少其他大陆的巨头来到这里,不过得知是无聊的赛跑之后,都纷纷离去,他们只想看比武,特别是看沈翔的比武,因为他们想从其中看出那太极降龙功的妙处。 When Wang Quan they just want to fly to the end point, induces front distant place suddenly to be used for a weak heat, they looked immediately, saw only there to present one group of fiery red ray, words that carefully looked, can see that is pair of very huge fire wings, Shen Xiang releases his Vermillion Bird Fire Wings. 就在王权他们刚刚想飞往终点的时候,感应前方远处突然用来一股微弱的热量,他们顿时看了过去,只见那里出现了一团火红色的光芒,仔细一看的话,能看见那是一双非常巨大的火翼,沈翔释放出了他的朱雀火翼 This brat really did that!” Gu Dongchen shakes the head smiles. “这小子果然这么做了!”古东辰摇头一笑。 Snort, this is the behavior of courting death.” Wang Quan low coldly snorted, then vanish from sight. “哼,这是找死的行为。”王权哼了一声,便消失不见了。 Shen Xiang goes out of town, releases Vermillion Bird Fire Wings to come, he can Vermillion Bird Fire Wings make that now is very very big, but that does not need, because that is not very flexible, moreover consumes enough in a big way, although the speed will be faster, but he thought that is smaller is quite appropriate. 沈翔一出城,就释放出朱雀火翼来,他现在可以把朱雀火翼弄得很大很大,不过那没有必要,因为那不够灵活,而且消耗够大,虽然速度会快一些,不过他觉得还是小一些比较妥当。 For all that his time Vermillion Bird Fire Wings was 20 zhang (3.33 m) to extend , from afar, was very scary, moreover that type of scalding hot aura also made people feel very uncomfortably. 虽然如此,他此时的朱雀火翼都有二十丈宽了,远远看去,十分吓人,而且那种灼热的气息也让人感到十分难受。 Shen Xiang flutter fire wings, sees only him to turn into together the fiery red ray immediately, entered in the clouds, the speed that he started running is quick, many people in him behind, see Shen Xiang with this terrifying speed soaring in the upper air, in the heart to envy now. 沈翔扑动火翼,只见他顿时化成一道火红色的光芒,进入了云端之中,原本他起跑的速度就很快,有许多人都在他身后,如今看见沈翔用这种恐怖的速度飞翔在高空,心中嫉妒不已。 giggle, I first walked one step, everyone do not lose to this external person.” A cute beautiful blue skirt young girl said with a smile, sees only her to reappear behind a pale blue small wing, seemed like the shape of butterfly that wing, but translucent, has one light is closing. 咯咯,我先走一步了,各位千万不要输给这外来的人。”一个可爱美丽的蓝裙少女笑道,只见她身后浮现出一对淡蓝色的小翅膀,看上去像是蝴蝶那种翅膀的形状,只不过是半透明的,带着一点淡色的关着。 Young girl flutter that after small wing, then entered in the forest, is shuttling back and forth in inside flexibly, but also sends out clear laughter and exciting shouting, before this young girl is , that the inquiry can fly. 少女扑动那对小翅膀之后,便进入了森林里面,非常灵活地在里面穿梭着,还发出一道道清脆的笑声与兴奋的呼喊,这少女就是之前询问能不能飞的那个。 Hears the voice of young girl to vanish, the people know that they cast off by far, now they go to outside the city, can give full play, uses the quickest speed to flush away toward the target point. 听着少女的声音消失,众人都知道他们被远远地甩开了,如今他们都到了城外,都可以大展身手,使用自己最快的速度朝目标点冲去。 Some people are similar to a crazy cow, batters in the forest, many tree were hit, but this person of speed is fast, is only the flash, in the forest many tree dropped down. 有的人就如同一头狂牛,在森林里面横冲直撞,许多树木都被撞到,但这人的速度却非常快,只是一瞬间,森林中就有许多树木倒下了。 The Shen Xiang soaring in the upper air, naturally does not know that under has these ferocious competitions, now his speed is quickest, his wing each flutter, can make him leap fierce of big section, when almost glides, he flutter, in falcon like upper air like that very relaxed elegant. 沈翔飞翔在高空,自然不知道下面发生那些激烈的竞争,现在他的速度是最快的,他的翅膀每扑动一下,都能让他飞跃一大段的剧烈,当滑翔得差不多的时候,他又扑动一下,就像高空中的猎鹰那般,十分轻松飘逸。 Really crisp, that anything Vajra Griffin appears a bit faster, otherwise will be very bored.” Shen Xiang said with a smile leisurely. “真爽呀,那什么金刚狮鹰快点出现吧,否则会很无聊的。”沈翔悠哉悠哉地笑道。 Hey, are you an idiot?” The voice of female conveys together, this makes Shen Xiang fierce is startled. “嘿,你是个白痴吗?”一道女子的声音传来,这让沈翔猛的一惊。 Shen Xiang turns head to look, saw only presented a blue skirt young girl in his side unexpectedly, this young girl he remembers, inquired Wang Quan initially low voice, that can fly. 沈翔扭头一看,只见在他身边竟然出现了一个蓝裙少女,这个少女他记得,就是当初小声询问王权,能不能飞行的那个。 This blue skirt young girl behind that fifty-fifty transparent wing is fast the flutter, has not slid like Shen Xiang, her to small wing flutter time will release the light blue rosy cloud, is very attractive. 这蓝裙少女身后那对半透明的翅膀是飞快扑动着的,不像沈翔那样一直滑行,她那对小翅膀扑动的时候会释放出淡淡的蓝霞,十分好看。 You are an idiot.” Shen Xiang said with a smile, this young girl cute, has a Zhang Meili's oval face , the cherry small mouth is sipping slightly, that pair of big eyes is exuding a curious ray, is staring at Shen Xiang. “你才是个白痴。”沈翔笑着说道,这少女十分可爱,有着一张美丽的瓜子脸,樱桃小嘴微微抿着,那双大大的眼眸泛着一种好奇的光芒,盯着沈翔 Shen Xiang discovered that in eyes of this young girl unexpectedly has blue light glow, but her eyes is actually the black. 沈翔发现这少女的眼眸里面竟然有一丝蓝色的光霞,但她的眼眸却是黑色的。 Why said that I am an idiot? You are an idiot, flying is so high!” Young girl stuck out the tongue, seeing the small tongue of that half cute, Shen Xiang to have impulsion that wants to put out a hand to press firmly between the fingers. “为什么说我是个白痴?你才是白痴,飞那么高!”少女吐了吐舌头,看见那半截可爱的小舌头,沈翔有想伸手过去捏住的冲动。 Shen Xiang smiled: You and my idiot spoke, explained that your brain was sick! Moreover how yourself also fly high, you are also an idiot! You are in the idiot the idiot, haha, your big idiot!” 沈翔笑了:“你和我这个白痴说话,就说明你脑子有病!而且你自己也飞怎么高,你也是个白痴!你是白痴中白痴,哈哈,你个大白痴!” Young girl unexpectedly has not gotten angry, is only tenderly snorted and said: Others fly to remind you with good intention, your unexpectedly does not know the will of the people!” 少女竟然没有发怒,只是娇哼道:“人家好心飞上来提醒你,你竟然不识好人心!” Shen Xiang was startled, said with a smile: Hehe, sorry! Many thanks miss, who makes you come up to ask that I am an idiot!” 沈翔怔了一下,笑道:“嘿嘿,对不起啦!多谢姑娘,不过谁让你一上来就问我是不是白痴!” The young girls unfold the face to smile, smile the person very: Some people called me for the miss for the first time, little brat, you in Elder Sister my eye were one just the small bird of broken shell!” 少女展颜一笑,笑得十分可人:“还是第一次有人称呼我为姑娘,小家伙,你在姐姐我眼里就是一只刚刚破壳的小鸟儿!” Shen Xiang is taking a look at this young girl again, discovered that she is big some not to conform to the common sense besides the chest, other aspects radically is a 14 or 15-year-old young girl. 沈翔再次打量着这少女,发现她除了胸部大得有些不符合常理之外,其他方面根本就是一个十四五岁的少女。 Then Aunt, this year your 's your age? You and our one crowd of do little brat mix together not to feel very senseless?” Shen Xiang teased says with a smile. “那么大娘,你今年贵庚?你和我们一群小家伙在一起不觉得很无趣吗?”沈翔调侃笑道。 Elder Sister I over 500 years old am, your Master was experienced, hasn't told you on King Continent to have an antique race to exist?” Young girl flies, while plays with is sending the tree top. 姐姐我五百多岁了,你师傅见多识广,没有告诉过你王者大陆上面有一种太古种族存在吗?”那少女一边飞行,一边玩弄着发梢。 Shen Xiang is turning the memory in mind immediately, was quick he to remember Huang Jintian saying that had a not being able to grow up race on King Continent, moreover needs to be pregnant for 500 years, after the birth, had the True Martial Realm strength. 沈翔立即翻着脑海中的记忆,很快他就想起黄锦天曾经说过,在王者大陆上面有一种长不大的种族,而且需要怀胎五百年,出生之后就拥有了真武境的实力。 Blue Blood Clan?” If not this young girl raises, he not this relates. 蓝血族?”如果不是这少女提起,他也没有将此联想起来。 Your Master once won our Blue Blood Clan strongest person! Therefore I must defeat you, do not despise me, I have Human King bloodline, but my bloodlines special bloodlines!” The young girls said with a smile: Relax, I will show mercy when the time comes.” “你师傅可是曾经打赢了我们蓝血族最强的人!所以我一定要打败你,别小看我,我也是拥有人王血脉的,我的血脉可是特殊血脉!”少女笑道:“放心吧,到时候我会手下留情的。” Shen Xiang suddenly remembers in the beforehand that points ranking the third name: „Was your name Lan Lan?” 沈翔突然想起之前那积分排名榜中第三的一个名字:“你的名字叫蓝兰?” I am being able to grow up Lan Lan! After I since was lived, lives for 25 years, is the appearance of this kid, I later could not grow up!” The young girls somewhat said annoyingly. “我就是长不大的蓝兰!我自从被生下来之后,活二十五年,还是这小屁孩的模样,我以后再也长不大了!”少女有些懊恼地说道。 Shen Xiang thought that this young girl is very interesting, he said with a smile: Lan Lan, Herculean Clan is also this, you do not need to be worried!” 沈翔觉得这少女十分有趣,他笑道:“蓝兰,大力族也是这样的,你不用担心!” Lan Lan shakes the head saying: „It is not, our Blue Blood Clan and Herculean Clan freak is different, we are like the normal person, this/should growing up time is big on the association president.” 蓝兰摇头道:“不是,我们蓝血族大力族怪胎不同,我们是和正常人一样,该长大的时候就会长大。” Rubbish with you, I first walked one step!” Lan Lan to Shen Xiang stuck out the tongue, mischievous made an ugly face, then dives, accelerates instantaneously, quick leaves behind Shen Xiang. “不和你废话了,我先走一步!”蓝兰沈翔吐了吐舌头,调皮的做了一个鬼脸,便俯冲下去,瞬间加速,很快就把沈翔抛在后面。 Saw this Lan Lan speed, Shen Xiang to be shocked! 看见这蓝兰的速度,沈翔愣住了! This little girl is also freak! Moreover is the attire tender fellow.” Shen Xiang was to Long Xueyi was saying that is following his Long Xueyi, was super old fellow, fitted out a little fart girl, cheated compared with that Lan Lan. “这小丫头也是个怪胎!而且还是个装嫩的家伙。”沈翔是对着龙雪怡说的,跟随着他的龙雪怡,就是一个超级老家伙,装成一个小屁女孩,比那蓝兰更加坑人。 Airborne danger(ous), Shen Xiang knew very much quickly, because he induces to has several very strong aura in front unexpectedly, is Peak Realm. 空中很危险,沈翔很快就知道了,因为他感应到在前面竟然有好几股十分强的气息,都是极致境界的。
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