WDDG :: Volume #5

#408: Vajra Griffin

When three realms great war starts also no one to determine, but Shen Xiang from the actions of these Sect Master Big Shot, these also has a period of time, otherwise they such calm trained disciple, for example Gu Dongchen, he will not purchase many Building Foundation Dan from Shen Xiang there now. 三界大战什么时候开始也没有人能确定,不过沈翔从那些掌教巨头的行动来看,这其中还有一段时间,否则他们现在也不会这么淡定的培养弟子,比如古东辰,他就从沈翔那里购买了不少筑基丹 Shen Xiang decided that wants to train a True Martial Realm squad, the population probably about 100 people, he also during the plan, he must wait for King Martial Dao to finish now, collects some spirit herb to refine better pills again, when the time comes cannot only depend upon Building Foundation Dan, but also needs other good pills to be good. 沈翔决定要自己培养一支真武境小队,人数大概在一百人左右,他现在也只是在计划之中,他要等王者武道会结束,再去收集一些灵药来炼制更好的丹药,到时候不能只依靠筑基丹,还需要其他一些好的丹药才行。 Ten days of relaxation times quick on the past, whose Shen Xiang one day ahead of schedule arrived at King Continent with Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming, Shen Xiang now also in a King Continent's city, other King Continent places he has not gone to stroll, he does not dare to wander about aimlessly everywhere, in order to avoid stirs up trouble. 十天的休息时间很快就过去了,沈翔提前一天跟谁古东辰武开明来到了王者大陆,沈翔现在也只是在王者大陆的一个城市里面,王者大陆其他地方他都没有去逛过,他也不敢到处乱走,以免惹事。 Shen Xiang arrives in a luxurious palace, has other 49 King Continent's martial artist in this, Shen Xiang recognizes several, that several often with whom side Wang Quan, Shen Xiang guessed that their scores are very high. 沈翔来到一个奢华的殿堂之中,在这里面还有其他四十九个王者大陆的武者,沈翔认得其中几个,那几个经常跟谁在王权身边,沈翔猜测他们的分数都很高。 Sees Shen Xiang to arrive, that more than 40 young disciples look to Shen Xiang, this makes Shen Xiang think that somewhat, he discovered strangely oneself seemed like a rabbit, suddenly by one flock of wolves staring. 看见沈翔到来,那四十多个年轻弟子都看向沈翔,这让沈翔觉得有些怪怪的,他发现自己就好像是一只兔子,突然被一群狼给盯上了。 In that 49 young disciple, unexpectedly has more than ten females, Shen Xiang has not thought that the King Continent above female so will be strong, can have so many to enter first 50. 那四十九个年轻弟子中,竟然有十多个女子,沈翔没想到王者大陆上面的女子会这么强,能有这么多进入前五十。 Good, now starts to announce that under closes the content that you must compete, this is to your tests! This closes is mainly the competition speed, looked that who can arrive at the place that assigns most quickly, even wins.” Wang Quan said. “好,现在开始宣布下一关你们要比拼的内容,这是对你们的考验!这一关主要是比拼速度,看谁能最快到达指定的地点,就算获胜。”王权说道。 After Shen Xiang hears, in the heart smiled secretly, before he once in the Extreme Martial Sect speed competition, flew directly back and forth with Vermillion Bird Fire Wings, obtains first, now he can also use. 沈翔听到之后,心中暗暗笑了起来,之前他就曾经在太武门举办的速度比赛中,直接用朱雀火翼来回飞了一趟,获得第一,现在他也可以这么用。 I first said the rule, in going to assigned location on the way, among you cannot clash, cannot prevent others to go forward! Also, we will put many barriers on the way, Spirit Beast that for example we raise will stop you, attacks you. Is some Divine Martial Palace's Peak Realm disciples, will also block you on the way, you must defeat to continue them to go forward. Naturally, if you able, can get rid of them.” “我先说一下规则,在前往指定地点的途中,你们之间不能发生冲突,不能阻挡别人前进!还有,在途中我们会设下许多障碍,比如我们饲养的灵兽会阻拦你们,攻击你们。或者是神武殿的一些极致境界弟子,在途中也会拦下你们,你们要把他们打败才能继续前进。当然,如果你们有能力的话,也可以摆脱他们。” Wang Quan is saying the rule, but after Shen Xiang contacts Wang Quan that vision, in the heart is criticizing, he guessed that perhaps Wang Quan to him special accommodation, will definitely make big bunch of things stop him to go forward when the time comes. 王权说着规则,而沈翔接触到王权的那种目光之后,心中暗暗骂着,他猜测王权肯定会对他“特殊照顾”,到时候说不定会让一大堆东西阻拦他前进。 Can fly?” A young girl asked timidly. “可以飞吗?”一个少女怯怯地问道。 Can fly, but in the air compares danger(ous), you should know that our Divine Martial Palace raised many Vajra Griffin, although is 9th level Spirit Beast, but words in groups, Peak Realm or danger(ous).” Wang Quan said. “可以飞,不过在空中可是比较危险的,你们都应该知道我们神武殿饲养了许多金刚狮鹰,虽然都是九品灵兽,但成群的话,极致境界还是危险的。”王权说道。 Shen Xiang does not fear these thing, moreover what he also plans to experience Vajra Griffin in that Legend is, he knew from the book, this Spirit Beast has the body of lion, the wing of eagle, the claw of eagle, the eye of eagle, won beak, the build like the horse, the feather is similar to diamond to be the same, but is very light, flying speed very rapidness, time in groups, is in the air Overlord. 沈翔可不怕这些玩意,而且他还打算见识见识那传说中的金刚狮鹰是什么样的,他从书上得知,这种灵兽有着狮子的身躯,鹰的翅膀,鹰的爪子,鹰的眼睛,赢的喙,体型如马,羽毛都如同金刚一般僵硬,但却很轻,飞行速度非常之快,成群结队的时候,就是空中的霸主 Hears will have the Vajra Griffin in the air interception, the people are startled slightly, they know that what fate facing tens of thousands of Vajra Griffin is. 听到会有金刚狮鹰在空中拦截,众人都微微吃惊,他们知道面对成千上万的金刚狮鹰是什么样的下场。 Tens of thousands of Vajra Griffin?” Shen Xiang hears from these Divine Martial Palace disciples' discussions in a low voice, cannot help but startled. “成千上万的金刚狮鹰?”沈翔从那些神武殿弟子的低声议论中听到,不由得吃惊起来。 Vajra Griffin? Hehe, this type of thing, but the evolution is incomplete, therefore has is the Spirit Beast ranks, is unable to become floating Profound Beast!” Long Xueyi disdain said with a smile. 金刚狮鹰嘿嘿,这种东西可是进化不完全的,所以拥有都是灵兽的级别,无法成为悬玄兽!”龙雪怡不屑地笑道。 At this time, Wang Quan shouted: Gives you half double-hour to prepare again, now we will send the map to you, so long as first arrives there, sounds a there bell, even arrives, 20 people who first arrive at pass even, elimination of backwardness.” 这时候,王权喊道:“再给你们半个时辰准备,现在我们会给你们发地图,只要先去到那里,敲响那里的一口大钟,就算到达,最先去到的二十个人就算过关,落后的就淘汰。” Shen Xiang attained a map, the assigned place is very far, needs to pass through many mountains, several giant rivers, after Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming see this map, frowns slightly. 沈翔拿到了一张地图,指定的地方很远,需要穿过许多山岳,其中还有好几条巨大的河流,古东辰武开明看到这地图之后,微微皱起眉头来。 This stretches across most King Continent, the ordinary horses at least also take one year to go to this place.” Wu Kaiming said “这横跨大半个王者大陆,普通马匹至少也需要一年才能去到这个地方。”武开明说道 Rides a horse also needs one year! Shen Xiang exclaimed in surprise one: This King Continent is really big enough, how long doesn't know my present speed to be able?” 骑马也要一年!沈翔惊叹了一声:“这王者大陆果然够大的,不知道我现在的速度多久会到?” Shen Xiang continues to read the map, he when the time comes definitely is soaring in the air, therefore the situation in ground he does not need to understand. 沈翔继续看着地图,他到时候肯定是飞翔在空中,所以地面的情况他不需要了解。 Young Martial Uncle, these golden Griffin speeds are fast, if you with fire wings, may be caught up.” Wu Kaiming said. 小师叔,那些黄金狮鹰的速度可是非常快的,你如果用火翼的话,可能都会被追上。”武开明说道。 Shen Xiang said with a smile: You underestimated me, I to my speed confident.” 沈翔笑道:“你太小看我了,我对我的速度有信心。” Wu Kaiming and Gu Dongchen shake the head, they do not know about the Shen Xiang speed now, did not say anything. 武开明古东辰都摇了摇头,他们现在对沈翔的速度也不了解,也不好说什么。 Long Xueyi tenderly snorted and said: Relax, I dare saying that evolution incomplete thing affirmation quickly you! little rascal, you did not say that can establish a True Martial Realm army? What always needs some mount?” 龙雪怡娇哼道:“放心,我敢说那种进化不完全的东西肯定快不过你!小坏蛋,你不是说要建立一支真武境的大军吗?总需要一些坐骑什么吧?” Shen Xiang at present one bright, said: Army? That too consumed the resources, I could not consume! Hundred people enough.” 沈翔眼前一亮,说道:“大军?那太消耗资源了,我耗不起呀!百来人就够了。” „, Hundred people? How to say must 3000! Such imposing manner is full enough, I believe that you can certainly achieve.” Long Xueyi said with a smile. “切,才百来人?怎么说都得三千吧!那样气势才够足,我相信你一定做得到的。”龙雪怡笑道。 Three thousand True Martial Realm! The imposing manner is truly full, but that not only needs three thousand Building Foundation Dan, but also needs other pills to assist, only then the True Martial Realm 1st Stage 2nd Stage words, the strength is insufficient, Shen Xiang thinks at least True Martial Realm 3rd Stage. 三千真武境!气势确实很足,但那不仅仅需要三千筑基丹,还需要其他丹药辅助,只有真武境一段二段的话,实力还是不够的,沈翔认为至少得真武境三段 If you promise me to make three thousand True Martial Realm small armies, I lead you to seek for diamond Flying Tiger, this is be much fiercer than these hybrids Griffin, does not believe you to ask Small White Tiger.” Long Xueyi said. “如果你答应我会弄三千真武境的小军队,我就带你去寻找金刚飞虎,这可是要比那些杂交的狮鹰厉害得多,不信你问问小白虎。”龙雪怡说道。 Bai Zhenzhen that delicate voice transmits immediately: Master, what Elder Sister Long said is real, diamond Flying Tiger can become Profound Beast, moreover is better than to tame a lot these Griffin, but the quantity is scarcer!” 白珍珍那细嫩的嗓音立即传来:“主人,龙姐姐说的是真的,金刚飞虎可以成为玄兽,而且比那些狮鹰好驯养得多,但数量却更加稀少!” Quantitative aspect does not need to be worried, wraps in my body.” Long Xueyi said with a smile. “数量方面不用担心,包在我身上。”龙雪怡笑道。 The Shen Xiang forced smile said: 3000 people of small armies, I fear the time without enough time, that is needs many Building Foundation Dan to accomplish, moreover must seek for one batch the seedling.” 沈翔苦笑道:“三千人的小军队,我怕时间来不及,那可是需要很多筑基丹才能办到,而且还得寻找一批好苗子。” Time enough, three realms great war soon will not definitely start, although crack, but spreads the news from these sect now, they definitely are think that also has enough time enough they to be ready.” Su Meiyao said. “时间肯定够,三界大战不会很快就开始的,虽然有一道裂缝,但从那些门派现在才放出消息来看,他们肯定是认为还有着充足的时间来够他们做好准备。”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang sighed: Good, I go to the type as far as possible multi- some herbs that refines Building Foundation Dan.” 沈翔叹道:“好吧,我尽量去种多一些炼制筑基丹药材。” The relaxation time ended, Shen Xiang they were brought to plaza on, they will start to start running here, arrive at that the place that assigns in the distant place. 休息时间结束,沈翔他们被带到广场上面,他们将会在这里开始起跑,到达那在远处指定的地方。
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