WDDG :: Volume #5

#407: Overeating

A fist then strikes to fly Qiu Sheng disappears, this power lets everyone sucked in a cold breath on the scene. 一拳便把邱胜打飞得不见踪影,这种力量让在场的所有人都倒吸了一口凉气 Dragon Force is so powerful, but the people know that must cultivation to be difficult, because itself must have Five Elements Universe True Qi, moreover fleshly body must be powerful enough, condense True Qi must be vigorous enough. 龙力如此强大,不过众人都知道要修炼出来非常困难,因为本身就得拥有五行乾坤真气,而且肉身要够强大,凝聚真气要够浑厚。 For all that but many people want to obtain Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, but they cannot look for Shen Xiang to want now again, otherwise that did not speak morality and justice, Shen Xiang made them obtain martial arts that the Old Ancestor master left behind, this has the graciousness to them, did their these stand erect in the Mortal World strength peak person are how could ungrateful? 虽然如此,不过许多人还是想得到太极降龙功,但现在他们都不能再去找沈翔要了,否则那就是不讲道义,沈翔让他们得到了老祖师遗留下来的武功,这本身就是对他们有恩,他们这些屹立在凡界实力巅峰的人岂能忘恩负义? The Shen Xiang 3300 percentages, in addition the Qiu Sheng 3300 percentages, were 6600 percentages, he ranks tenth now! But was away from finished also has for quite a while, in this half of the day he is pushed absolutely. 沈翔原本有三千三百分,加上邱胜的三千三百分,就是六千六百分了,他现在可是排名第十!而距离结束还有半天,在这半天内他是绝对不会被挤下来的。 Short two -and-a-half days, Shen Xiang leaps to tenth, must know that the ranking people near the top are before the rule is imperfect, experienced many fights to have many points, but Shen Xiang was only three days does not arrive now got so far as this ranking, this made many King Continent's martial artist be shocked, some envious hatred Shen Xiang this outsiders. 只是短短的两天半,沈翔就一跃到第十,要知道排名靠前的人都是在之前规则不完善的时候,经历了许多场战斗才能拥有许多积分的,但现在沈翔只是三天不到就弄到了这个排名,这让许多王者大陆的武者感到震惊,同时也有些嫉恨沈翔这个外来人。 Because Shen Xiang is not the King Continent above person, and attained such a good position, naturally will martial artist on King Continent feel discomfort. 因为沈翔不是王者大陆上面的人,而又拿到了这么一个好名次,当然会王者大陆上的武者感到不舒服。 The points tournament had ended, below 50 were eliminated completely, is unable to conduct the following link, before that just pushed in the 50 th person is depressed incomparable, because he just forced one's way in shortly, was pushed, this because of Shen Xiang. 积分排名赛已经结束了,五十以下的全部被淘汰,无法进行后面的环节,之前那个刚刚挤入第五十的人更是郁闷无比,因为他刚挤进去没多久,就被挤下来了,这都是因为沈翔 Shen Xiang waited for the less than half double-hour, when Wang Quan comes back. 沈翔等了小半个时辰,才等到王权回来。 Old Wang, hasn't he died?” Shen Xiang somewhat cared that asked. 王老,他没死吧?”沈翔有些关心地问道。 Has not died, but injures very much heavily, at least needs to lie down for a month.” Wang Quan shakes the head sighs, holds Qiu Sheng to depart. “没死,不过伤得很重,至少要躺一个月。”王权摇头一叹,抱着邱胜离去。 At this time Gu Dongchen patted Shen Xiang's shoulder, said with a smile: Young Martial Uncle, you must take first now are not the difficult matter, never expected that you can use Dragon Force now, in the past my Master told me, he when the Nirvana Realm peak can use.” 这时候古东辰拍了拍沈翔的肩膀,笑道:“小师叔,你现在要拿第一可不是什么难事,没想到你现在就能使用龙力了,当年我师傅告诉我,他在涅槃境巅峰的时候才能使用。” Shen Xiang smiles: Does not know that what content the next pass/test is? If there is contended in martial arts were good, I think that this King Continent definitely lane will be many some thing, thinking the means to eliminate me.” 沈翔笑了笑:“不知道下一关是什么内容?如果是一直比武就好了,我想这王者大陆肯定还会弄多一些玩意,想办法把我淘汰了。” Wu Kaiming said with a smile: Has the possibility very much, but Young Martial Uncle you should be able to deal with!” 武开明笑道:“很有可能,不过小师叔你应该都能应付吧!” Sure, I entered first 50, what can you have to express?” Shen Xiang looked at Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming. “当然可以,我进入前五十了,你们总该有什么表示吧?”沈翔看了看古东辰武开明 Good, asked you to have food.” Gu Dongchen seemed like meat such. “好吧,就请你吃一顿饭。”古东辰好像掉了一块肉那样。 I must they call Xiaodao Zhu Rong, they have not watched my martial arts contest, has definitely been complaining.” Shen Xiang said with a smile, the Gu Dongchen meat pain, Zhu Rong was a glutton, the appetite was much bigger, Gu Dongchen he was King Martial Courtyard Dean, asked Zhu Rong they to eat meal, that Zhu Rong they be relentless ate his many crystal stones. “我得把小刀朱荣他们叫上,他们没有看我的比武,肯定一直在抱怨。”沈翔笑道,古东辰更加肉痛了,朱荣本来就是一个吃货,食量大得惊人,古东辰他是王牌武院院长,曾经请过朱荣他们吃饭,那一次朱荣他们可是毫不留情的吃掉了他许多晶石 After returning to Extreme Martial Sect, Shen Xiang found Yun Xiaodao immediately they, then follows Gu Dongchen to go to the hotel, all the way he and is blowing flamboyant, how speaking to win these King Continent above martial artist. 回到太武门之后,沈翔立即找到了云小刀他们,然后跟着古东辰去酒店,一路上他和吹着牛逼,讲着自己是怎么打赢那些王者大陆上面的武者 Xiao Chou's injured, do not look at others to be small, he ate the thing to come is not unambiguous, Gu Dongchen was hard to understand how his abdomen had so many things. 萧仇的伤好了许多,别看他人小,他吃起东西来可不含糊,古东辰难以理解他那小肚子到底是怎么装下那么多东西的。 Eating meal time, Shen Xiang their a few words did not say, seems like hungry ghost reincarnation such, desperate is swallowing various types of expensive vegetables/dishes, these vegetables/dishes are not some precious exotic flowers and rare herbs make, is some delicious Demon Beast meat and Spirit Beast meat, is delicious. 吃饭的时候,沈翔他们一句话都不说,就好像是饿鬼投胎那样,拼命的吞咽着各种昂贵的菜,这些菜不是一些珍贵的奇花异草做成,就是一些可口的妖兽肉、灵兽肉,非常美味。 Wu Qianqian has not come, because Shen Xiang could not find her, although she is a female, but they mixed after Shen Xiang for a long time, will come to this hotel each time also them the eating thing of wolfing down like Shen Xiang, an appearance of virtuous young woman did not have. 吴芊芊并没有来,因为沈翔找不到她,她虽然是个女子,但和沈翔他们混久了之后,每次来这酒店也会像沈翔他们那样狼吞虎咽的吃东西,一点淑女的模样都没有。 Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming in one side, Wu Kaiming look with a smile, but Gu Dongchen actually calculated Shen Xiang they to eat many secretly. 古东辰武开明都在一边,武开明只是笑吟吟地看着,而古东辰却暗暗计算着沈翔他们吃掉了多少。 Lei Xionglin and Lei Zhong are big fellows, moreover whose with Zhu Rong this specialized glutton, is the experience is for a long time rich in the aspect of eating, Lian Mingdong not to mention, he came the place of Lotus Island this riches and honor, since childhood eats is the delicacies of every kind, now has eats, naturally cannot let off. 雷雄林雷忠都是大块头,而且跟谁朱荣这个专业吃货许久,在吃的方面也是经验丰富,连明东就更不用说了,他出身莲花岛这个富贵之地,从小吃的都是山珍海味,现在有得吃,自然不会放过。 After all is Extreme Martial Sect Sect Master treats, they will not be certainly polite, otherwise that does not show due respect for the feelings! 毕竟是太武门掌教请客,他们当然不会客气,否则那就是不给面子! Only then Hao Dongqing and Yao Haisheng are quite low-key, eats the similar time, they look in the one side. 只有郝东清药海生比较低调,吃得差不多时候,他们都在一旁看着。 Everyone, although eats, eating his dark day is secret, when the seas run dry and the stones go soft, haha......” in the Shen Xiang mouth is chewing the Demon Beast meat, said while loudly laughing, sees the complexion of Gu Dongchen this stingy ghost, in his heart exceptionally is excited. “大家尽管吃呀,吃他个昏天暗地,海枯石烂,哈哈……”沈翔口中嘴嚼着妖兽肉,大笑道,看见古东辰小气鬼的脸色,他心中就异常兴奋。 Three days and three nights passed, Shen Xiang they do not remember that selected many vegetables/dishes and how much liquor, in brief now they feel the words that ate again perhaps, wanted the internal injury. 三天三夜过去了,沈翔他们不记得点了多少菜和多少酒,总之现在他们觉得再吃下去的话,恐怕就要内伤了。 Was similar, pays up!” Shen Xiang said while loudly laughing, they are fierce martial artist, eats can transform delicious food as the energy when the time comes fast, therefore digests quickly. “差不多了,结账吧!”沈翔大笑道,他们都是厉害的武者,吃到时候可以快速把可口的食物转化为能量,所以消化得很快。 Shen Xiang they patted the buttocks to walk, but Gu Dongchen actually must pay up, although he expensive/noble was Sect Master, but actually cannot give credit, moreover he also ate meal frequently here, was very familiar with the storekeeper, at this time also can only meat pain pulling out crystal stones. 沈翔他们拍拍屁股走了,而古东辰却要结账,他虽然贵为掌教,但却不能赊账,而且他也经常在这里吃饭,和掌柜十分熟悉,此时也只能肉痛的掏出晶石 I said Senior Brother, your also too stingy, but is little crystal stones!” Wu Kaiming relatively is speechless. “我说师兄,你也太小气了吧,不过是一点点晶石而已!”武开明对此相对无语。 You understand anything, so-called many a little makes a mickle, accumulating many that was a big number, I really want transcend Heaven World, to be kept thinking about my crystal stones by this Young Martial Uncle a bit faster all day, you do not know that this was also worried.” Gu Dongchen sighed painstakingly. “你懂什么,所谓积少成多,累计许多次那就是一个大数目了,我真想快点飞升天界,整天被这小师叔惦记着我的晶石,你不知道这又多苦恼。”古东辰苦叹道。 The next pass/test starts ten days later, Shen Xiang has ten days of relaxation times, these ten days he has not been idling, condense massive golden dragon saliva plant White Jade Lotus Seed, because he arrived at Peak Realm, the Five Elements True Elemental Dan effect was to him smaller, this is also his worried place, cultivation base comes up, pills that he eats must follow, therefore he must refine Profound Level Middle-Grade Dan to substitute. 下一关开始在十天后,沈翔有十天的休息时间,这十天他也没闲着,凝聚大量的黄金龙涎来种植白玉莲子,因为他到了极致境界,五行真元丹对他来说功效小了许多,这也是他苦恼的地方,修为一上去,他所吃的丹药也得跟着上去,所以他得炼制玄级中品丹来替补过来。 He must stay a period of time in Spirit Martial Realm early stage, in this period of time he plans to collect Profound Level Middle-Grade Dan herbs, therefore needs White Jade Lotus Seed this precious spirit herb to receive in exchange, this will become simply. 他在灵武境前期还得停留一段时间,这段时间内他打算收集玄级中品丹药材,所以需要白玉莲子这种珍贵的灵药去换取,这会变得简单一些。 Your golden dragon saliva quality was raised, later wants accelerate ripening spirit herb is also quicker!” Su Meiyao said. “你的黄金龙涎质量提升了许多,以后要催熟灵药也会快许多!”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang is considering now how to use massive Building Foundation Dan that he grasps, utilizes the appropriate words, grain of Building Foundation Dan can accomplish True Martial Realm martial artist, he now more than 200 grains, moreover there are big pile of herbs. 沈翔现在考虑着到底如何使用他所掌握的大量筑基丹,运用得当的话,一粒筑基丹就能造就一个真武境武者,他现在有两百多粒,而且还有一大堆的药材 Trains your own influence best! If you have this idea, I will help you cause a training program, trains a True Martial Realm army! Especially facing future three realms great war small Demon and Devil, this army will have very big lethality.” Bai Youyou said. “培养你自己的势力最好!如果你有这个想法,我会帮你弄出一个训练计划,培养一支真武境的大军!特别是面对将来三界大战的小妖魔,这支大军会有很大的杀伤力。”白幽幽说道。
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