WDDG :: Volume #5

#406: Strongest power

Two Elder Sister, you replied me finally! Helps me try to find the solution quickly, I must lose!” Shen Xiang innermost feelings shouted. “两位姐姐,你们终于回答我了!快帮我想想办法,我要输了!”沈翔内心呐喊道 We were practicing a moment ago, therefore cannot reply you immediately! Opposite party dark power has no good way, making us think again, jokes aside, we also the first time were saw some people to use dark power, before we were hear.” Su Meiyao also worries. “我们刚才在修炼,所以不能立即回答你!对方这暗力量没有什么好的办法,让我们再想想,说真的,我们也是第一次看见有人使用暗力量,之前我们都是听说而已。”苏媚瑶也十分着急。 At this time Long Xueyi hit a yawn, said with a smile: Big matter? Told you, these cultivated the dark power fellows are very rampant, many expert ran into them is evades, but far it, how them even if were stronger than time of person not to dare to provoke! But our Imperial Dragon Clan does not fear them.” 这时候龙雪怡打了一个呵欠,笑道:“多大点事?告诉你,这些修炼暗力量的家伙都是非常嚣张的,许多强者遇到他们都是避而远之,就算比他们强许多倍的人都不敢怎么去招惹!但我们皇龙一族不怕他们。” Shen Xiang scolded lowly: dragon brat actually you are sleeping! How told me to cope a bit faster!” 沈翔低骂道:“小屁龙原来你在睡觉呀!快点告诉我到底怎么对付!” Mixes in magic power True Qi, dark power is unable to dissolve! Therefore this fellow meets our Imperial Dragon Clan, the share that only then begs for mercy, you mix in True Qi magic power, punches his that's it.” Long Xueyi said. “把法力混入真气之中,暗力量就无法溶解了!所以这种家伙遇到我们皇龙一族,只有求饶的份,你把法力混入真气,揍他就是了。”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang complies immediately, the magic power stimulation of movement in Sea of Consciousness, integrates in his True Qi, then erupts from the both arms, sees only him to bellow, both arms suddenly braves the raging fire, two pairs of fists like burning red iron such, knock out the fist simultaneously, is up and down, hits in the chest and abdomen of Qiu Sheng, strikes to fly Qiu Sheng directly. 沈翔立即照做,把识海中的法力催动,融入他的真气之中,然后从双臂喷发出来,只见他大吼一声,双臂突然冒着烈火,两双拳头如同烧红的铁那样,同时出拳,一上一下,打在邱胜的胸膛和腹部,直接把邱胜打飞。 Shen Xiang fierce scratches the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, his present whole face is inflamed, was been much more oppressive by Qiu Sheng! 沈翔猛的一擦嘴角的血迹,他现在满脸红肿,被邱胜虐得不轻! Liu Meng'er and Hua Xiangyue were worried about Shen Xiang secretly, they want to persuade Shen Xiang to give up with Divine Sense, otherwise was hit to abandon that is very serious, other expert see Shen Xiang to encounter that type to punch crazily, was definitely hard to counter-attack, but Shen Xiang actually strikes to fly Qiu Sheng now, moreover used True Qi. 柳梦儿花香月原本暗暗担心着沈翔,她们都想用神识劝说沈翔放弃了,否则被打废了那可是很严重的,其他强者看见沈翔遭到那种狂揍,肯定是难以反击了,但现在沈翔却把邱胜打飞了,而且还是使用真气 An audience peace, Wang Quan also opens the mouth, looks at Shen Xiang that pair of red hot fist unbelievable. 全场一阵安静,就连王权也张大嘴巴,难以置信地看着沈翔那双红色的火拳。 This...... is this possible? True Qi is unable to hit Qiu Sheng!” Wang Quan murmured. “这……这怎么可能?真气是无法打中邱胜的呀!”王权喃喃地说道 Qiu Sheng is a litigant, most surprised was he. Since he cultivates dark power, only then True Qi of Nirvana Realm rank can trig him, once otherwise touches his body, by dark power of his within the body dissolving, will turn into the initial state, will not be scatters, was inhaled within the body by him. 邱胜是当事人,最惊讶的就是他了。自从他修炼暗力量之后,只有涅槃境级别的真气才能制住他,否则一旦触碰他的身体,就会被他体内的暗力量给溶解掉,化成原始状态,不是飘散开来,就是被他吸入体内。 But Shen Xiang uses True Qi to hit his two fists now ruthlessly, this is he for these years, feels hit by True Qi, that is scalding hot power, his body two were hit the place seems like by the burning red iron is ironed such, hot stabbing pain. 可现在沈翔去用真气狠狠的打了他两拳,这是他这么多年来,感受到被真气打中,那是一种灼热的力量,他身体两个被打中的地方就好像是被烧红的铁烙了一下那样,热辣辣的刺痛着。 Qiu Sheng crawled, he knits the brows: How do you achieve?” 邱胜爬了起来,他皱眉道:“你到底是怎么做到的?” Shen Xiang smiles not to speak, has not replied him: If you win me, I told you! Haven't you wanted to look at I strongest power shape? Now I make you take a look.” 沈翔笑而不语,并没有回答他:“如果你打赢我,我就告诉你!你不是一直想看我最强的力量形态吗?现在我就让你瞧瞧。” Qiu Sheng hearing this, the whole face is serious, dark power of hastily revolution within the body, his outside the body forms grey energy shield now. 邱胜闻言,满脸严肃,急忙运转体内的暗力量,现在他身体外面形成了一个灰色气罩 Come, possibly was I neglected a moment ago, this I will certainly reduce and solve you strongest attack time.” Qiu Sheng is confident, is confident to own dark power because of him, this is not he is arrogant, but has been for many years he had attempted at many martial arts contests. “来吧,刚才可能是我疏忽了,这一次我一定会化解你最强的攻击。”邱胜信心十足,因为他对自己的暗力量非常有信心,这并不是他自大,而是多年来他在许多场比武上尝试过的。 Shen Xiang suddenly hesitant: I worried that kills you, you are not repugnant, I only want to make you lose, does not want to make you have the severe wound to leave office.” 沈翔突然犹豫了起来:“我担心把你打死,你并不讨厌,我只想让你输,不想让你带着重伤下台。” Qiu Sheng said with a smile: You come that's it although, if were really killed by you strongest power, I died also recognized, will not complain about you! As for hitting hits remnantly waste, there is nothing, the total ratio dies, if so, can only say that I am not as skillful as others!” 邱胜一笑道:“你尽管来就是了,如果是真的被你最强的力量打死,我死也认了,不会怨你!至于打残打废,那倒没什么,总比死好,如果真是这样,只能说我技不如人!” The people can see Shen Xiang with Qiu Sheng are the people of that enjoyment martial arts contest pleasure, even if were defeated by the opposite party, was hit remnantly by the opposite party, will not hate the opposite party, not like these opponents who former Shen Xiang runs into, comes up rampantly incomparable, wishes one could to treat as the ant the same as stamp Shen Xiang in underground, but finally the disastrous defeat also hates Shen Xiang after the Shen Xiang hand. 众人都看得出沈翔邱胜是那种享受比武乐趣的人,就算被对方打败,被对方打残,也不会怨恨对方,不像之前沈翔遇到的那些对手,一上来就嚣张无比,恨不得把沈翔当作蚂蚁一样踩死在地下,而最后惨败在沈翔手中之后也更加憎恨沈翔 Shen Xiang most power, what is that? The people are also very curious! Although Qiu Sheng is bloodlines martial artist, but he does not practice True Qi, therefore is not good to judge his concrete strength, moreover he cultivates is special power, can dissolve others' True Qi, letting the person is unable to draw the conclusion to the Qiu Sheng strength. 沈翔的最力量,那到底是什么样的?众人也十分好奇!邱胜虽然是血脉武者,但他不是修炼真气的,所以不好判断他的具体实力,而且他修炼的又是一种特殊的力量,能溶解别人的真气,让人无法对邱胜的实力下定论。 The Shen Xiang fist grasps, suddenly overflowed a light white multi-colored sunlight, at the same time, the entire ground shivers slightly, Qiu Sheng is also the whole face is at this time panic-stricken, the body by that power that the Shen Xiang fist releases compelling retreat. 沈翔拳头一握,突然溢出了一股淡淡的白色霞光,与此同时,整个地面都微微颤抖起来,邱胜此时也是满脸惊恐,身体被沈翔拳头释放出来的那股力量给逼得后退 expert that all around surrounds is also the color of whole face shock, this power many of them are familiar, many people are hard to forget to this power, because they were beaten with this power by Huang Jintian in the past. 四周围观的强者也是满脸震惊之色,这种力量他们之中许多人都非常熟悉,有不少人对这种力量都难以忘记,因为他们当年就是被黄锦天用这种力量击败的。 Dragon Force! Can kill power of dragon, Shen Xiang can only condense have granulose, but after entering into Peak Realm, going to make Dragon Force cover the entire arm! 龙力!能杀死龙的力量,沈翔原本只能凝聚出一小粒来,但迈入极致境界之后,去能让龙力覆盖整条手臂! Dragon Force, the release a power storm, takes away as many things as possible to all around, True Martial Realm that comes to surround by this power blowing unceasingly retreat, only then these Nirvana Realm and Peak Realm can also halt. 龙力一出,释放出一种力量的风暴,向四周席卷而去,许多前来围观的真武境都被这股力量给吹得不断后退,只有那些涅槃境极致境界的还能站住。 Extraordinary, this brat can use this power at this time!” Gu Dongchen exclaims in surprise one, he has asked for advice fierce of this power, his Master often uses this power to punch him. “了不得呀,这小子这种时候就能使用这种力量了!”古东辰惊叹一声,他领教过这种力量的厉害,他师傅就经常使用这种力量来揍他。 The Wang Quan complexion is pale: Huang Jintian this Old Lunatic has not said that only then to Peak Realm end of can condense this power?” 王权脸色铁青:“黄锦天老疯子不是说过,只有到极致境界末期才能凝聚这种力量的吗?” Qiu Sheng does not know that this type is what power, but he is very excited, because Shen Xiang has not deceived him, this power is truly strong, if he knows that this is what power, perhaps will not insist again. 邱胜不知道这种是什么力量,但他却十分兴奋,因为沈翔没有骗他,这种力量确实很强,如果他知道这是什么力量的话,恐怕也不会再坚持下去了。 „Very strong, but actually comes out with True Qi condense!” Qiu Sheng smiles lightly: Wanting is True Qi, my ability dissolution.” “很强,不过却是用真气凝聚出来的!”邱胜淡淡一笑:“只要是真气,我就能力溶解。” Wang Quan planned to prevent Qiu Sheng, but after hearing the Qiu Sheng words, he also wants to have a look at dark power that Qiu Sheng cultivates really to dissolve this Dragon Force, if possible, then Qiu Sheng can restrain Shen Xiang, this is a good matter. 王权原本打算阻止邱胜,但听见邱胜的话之后,他也想看看邱胜修炼的暗力量是不是真的能溶解掉这龙力,如果可以的话,那么邱胜将能克制沈翔,这可是一件好事情。 Long Xueyi disdainfully said: In addition magic power, ruthlessly struck to fly this fellow, uses the dark power fellow to be most repugnant!” 龙雪怡不屑地说道:“加上法力,狠狠的把这家伙打飞,使用暗力量的家伙最讨厌了!” The Shen Xiang corners of the mouth go up slightly, rushes over quickly, this is the first time that he used Dragon Force to hit the person . Moreover the opposite party stands there calls him, this type the matter is not can with obtaining frequently. 沈翔嘴角微微上翘,快步冲了过去,这是他第一次使用龙力来打人,而且还是对方站在那里给他打,这种好事情可不是经常能遇得到的。 The ground shivers unceasingly, this is because Dragon Force is extremely powerful, as Shen Xiang dashes, Dragon Force received the sharp shake, making the ground shake intensely. 地面不断颤抖,这是因为龙力太过强大,而随着沈翔飞奔,龙力受到了剧烈的震荡,使得地面震荡得更加强烈。 Bye!” Shen Xiang flies to clash, smiles lightly. “再见!”沈翔飞冲的时候,淡淡一笑。 What......” Qiu Sheng just said these two characters, Shen Xiang the fist of that implication powerful Dragon Force like a white light, attacks in the chest of Qiu Sheng. “什么……”邱胜刚刚说出这两个字,沈翔的那蕴含强悍龙力的拳头如同一道白光,冲击在邱胜的胸膛。 The people only see wind of blood arrow from the Qiu Sheng mouth to shoot together, then was one, Qiu Sheng must fly to the hit by that terrifying power, submerged in the far spatial white clouds instantaneously, vanish from sight. 众人只看见一道血箭邱胜的口中飙射出来,然后便是咻的一声,邱胜被那恐怖的力量给撞击得飞了出去,瞬间没入了远空的白云之中,消失不见了。 Wang Quan gawked, vanishes in immediately same place, pursued in the Qiu Sheng struck to fly direction...... 王权愣了一下,也立即消失在原地,朝邱胜被打飞的方向追了过去…… Hey, you had not announced that I won!” Shen Xiang grinningly shouted. “喂,你还没有宣布我赢了!”沈翔笑嘻嘻地喊道
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