WDDG :: Volume #5

#405: Dark power

Shen Xiang discovered after own attack is not effective, draws back ten steps, the whole face concentrates important place to look at Qiu Sheng, he knows that this Qiu Sheng has one type to be able the devour power method, he is thinking the countermeasure deals with, otherwise this competed with him to lose. 沈翔发现自己的攻击不奏效之后,就退开十来步,满脸凝重地看着邱胜,他知道这邱胜有一种能吞噬力量的手段,他正在想着对策应付,否则这场比试他就输定了。 water vine!” Shen Xiang releases, these water vine just presented then vanish from sight, unexpectedly is also useless. 水藤!”沈翔一释放出来,那些水藤刚刚出现便消失不见了,竟然也没有用。 Qiu Sheng looks at him with a smile: Brother Shen, your strength?” 邱胜只是笑吟吟地看着他:“沈兄,你就这点实力吗?” Saying, Qiu Sheng fiercely flashes, arrives at the Shen Xiang body side, waving is a fist, hits on Shen Xiang's cheeks, the fist is much quicker, unexpectedly cannot see him to act. 说着,邱胜猛的一闪,来到沈翔身侧,挥手就是一拳,打在沈翔的脸颊上面,拳快得惊人,竟然看不见他出手。 Shen Xiang's cheeks was hit a fist by heavily, has not flown, was only retreat several steps, on the face had not blushed, could see that he has not received the big injury. 沈翔的脸颊重重地打了一拳,也没有飞出去,只是后退了几步,脸上也没有发红,看得出他并没有受到多大的伤害。 This time was one's turn Qiu Sheng to be surprised, he that fist was not a moment ago weak, moreover after hitting, does not have any True Qi power can resist, he has to reduce and solve any True Qi ability, but Shen Xiang was actually only retreat several steps, but resulted in retreat by the power impact. 这次轮到邱胜惊讶了,他刚才那拳可不弱,而且打出去之后,没有任何真气力量可以抵挡,他有着化解任何真气的本领,但沈翔却只是后退几步,只是被力量冲击得后退的。 Shen Xiang touches the face, lightly smiled: You are also mediocre, it seems like you cannot use True Qi, because True Qi, once will touch you, I will say right!” 沈翔摸了摸脸,微微一笑:“你也不过如此嘛,看来你本身就不能使用真气,因为真气一旦触碰到你都会被化掉,我说得没错吧!” That fist Shen Xiang had not induced to the True Qi unique nature a moment ago, but the induction to unusual power, that power was very strong, but was not True Qi, Shen Xiang guessed that power reduced and solved his True Qi. 刚才那拳沈翔并没有感应到真气特有的性质,但却感应到一股奇特的力量,那股力量很强,但不是真气,沈翔猜测那股力量化解了他的真气 Right, was looked by you! Although I do not practice True Qi, but I have other one power, this power can make me dissolve powerful power that True Qi condense becomes, can make me have strong power.” Qiu Sheng said. “没错,被你看出来了!我虽然不修炼真气,但我却有着另外的一种力量,这种力量能让我把真气凝聚而成的强大力量溶解掉,同时也能让我拥有很强的力量。”邱胜说道。 Shen Xiang rushes over toward Qiu Sheng again, his speed is still quick, he Universe True Qi condense on the both legs, making him run the jump speed to be quicker. 沈翔再次朝邱胜冲了过去,他的速度依然很快,他把乾坤真气凝聚在双腿上面,让他奔跑跳跃的速度更加快。 Sees Shen Xiang to clash again, Qiu Sheng shakes the head to say with a smile: Useless, you put out you strongest power to come, I must dissolve you strongest True Qi power shape!” 看见沈翔再次冲上来,邱胜摇头笑道:“没用的,你拿出你最强的力量来吧,我要溶解了你最强的真气力量形态!” His words just said, Shen Xiang has flown to leap up, brandishes the fist to pound fiercely, hits to the cheeks of Qiu Sheng. 他的话刚刚说完,沈翔就已经飞蹿了过来,抡起拳头就猛砸过去,打向邱胜的脸颊。 Bang a sound gets up, after Shen Xiang's fist hits on the cheeks of Qiu Sheng, sent out the resounding of skeleton, but Qiu Sheng body also bank. “砰”的一声响起,沈翔的拳头邱胜的脸颊上之后,发出了骨骼的脆响,而邱胜的身体也侧飞了出去。 In the Qiu Sheng heart with amazement, he felt oneself broke several teeth, Shen Xiang the strength of that fist was not weak a moment ago, this makes him unbelievable, but he thinks quickly another possibility, what that is the Shen Xiang use is fleshly body power. 邱胜心中骇然,他感觉到自己断了几颗牙齿,沈翔刚才那拳的力道不弱,这让他难以置信,不过他很快就想到了另外一个可能,那就是沈翔使用的是肉身力量 Shen Xiang fleshly body is very strong, the same cultivation base person, unmanned energy enemy, after he cultivates Suppressing Devil Divine Art exercises Suppressing Devil Golden Body, Immortal Devil Body rises suddenly 10th Stage, but enters into Peak Realm time, after that vigorous ability baptism crosses, promoted 3rd Stage, but now Immortal Devil Body 13th Stage! 沈翔肉身很强,同样的修为的人,无人能敌,他修炼镇魔神功练就镇魔金身之后,仙魔之体就暴涨到十段,而迈入极致境界的时候,被那浑厚的能力洗礼过之后,又晋升了三段,现在可是仙魔之体十三段 Hehe, do not despise me!” Shen Xiang said with a smile, spun quickly, he used the fast sprint, erupted the strong impulse, fought with the fists again through the meat, power also becomes very powerful. 嘿嘿,你可别小看我!”沈翔笑道,快步疾奔,他利用快速的冲刺,爆发出强大的冲击力,再通过肉拳打出来,力量也会变得非常强悍。 Shen Xiang settles on Qiu Sheng fleshly body is not strong, because Qiu Sheng is very emaciated, he guessed that is because of cultivating that power, but, in the meat body surface, Qiu Sheng has therefore been well below Shen Xiang. 沈翔看准邱胜肉身不强,因为邱胜很瘦弱,他猜测那是因为修炼那种力量而早就的,所以在肉身上面,邱胜远远不及沈翔 Sees Shen Xiang to attack again, Qiu Sheng hastily bounces, wants to avoid Shen Xiang's fist, but Shen Xiang's fist has not pounded, on a opens the mouth roar, spouted azure astral wind, erupts along with stabbing pain eardrum dragon roar, shook Qiu Sheng mind/energetic directly, let his head slightly pain. 看见沈翔再次攻来,邱胜急忙弹跳而起,想避开沈翔的拳头,但沈翔的拳头还没有砸过来,就张口一吼,喷出了一阵青色的罡风,伴随着刺痛耳鼓龙啸爆发出来,直接震到了邱胜精神,让他头颅微微一痛。 Azure Dragon Roar is forms by True Qi, after touching Qiu Sheng, disappears on the dissipation, but actually created certain spiritual attack, making the Qiu Sheng speed change slow. 青龙咆哮是由真气形成,触碰到邱胜之后就消散不见了,但却造成了一定的精神攻击,让邱胜的速度变缓了一些。 Shen Xiang while Qiu Sheng slightly absent-minded time, shakes the fist to attack fiercely, hits directly on the bridge of the nose of Qiu Sheng, then a fast bang of fist another fist hits, hits completely in the head of Qiu Sheng. 沈翔邱胜微微失神的时候,挥拳猛击过去,直接打在邱胜的鼻梁上面,然后一拳又一拳的快速轰打出去,全部打在邱胜的头。 He shakes the fist, in the arm is condense massive True Qi, Shen Xiang to rely on True Qi is promoting the fist fast and strong impact, making his meat fist have a quicker speed, can create very strong power. 他挥拳的时候,手臂里面是凝聚着大量的真气,沈翔借助真气推动拳头快速而强劲的冲击出去,让他的肉拳拥有更强更快的速度,能造成非常强劲的力量 On Shen Xiang's fist does not have True Qi, but contains to have terrifying dashing strength, hits on emaciated Qiu Sheng, is very serious heavy losses. 沈翔的拳头上面没有真气,但却含带着非常恐怖的冲撞力,打在瘦弱的邱胜头上,也是非常严重的重创。 How the people will still deal with Qiu Sheng that mysterious dissolution method at the discussion a moment ago, but now they actually witness Shen Xiang to hit Qiu Sheng with physical strength do not have the strength to hit back. 刚才众人还在讨论该怎么应对邱胜那种神秘的溶解手段,而现在他们却亲眼目睹沈翔肉身的力量邱胜打得毫无还手之力。 So long as avoids True Qi touching Qiu Sheng, can attack Qiu Sheng, this truly is the good method, but the premise must use good fleshly body power. 只要避免真气触碰到邱胜,就能攻击邱胜,这确实是不错的方法,不过前提是得用不错的肉身力量 Shen Xiang occupied leeward, but quick reversed the aspect, the people acclaimed Shen Xiang that rich experience all, unexpectedly found appropriate attack method to deal with the enemy quickly. 原本沈翔可是占了下风,但很快就扭转了局面,众人无不赞叹沈翔那丰富的经验,竟然这么快就找到了一个恰当的攻击方式来对付敌人。 The head Qiu Sheng suddenly is exploded by the Shen Xiang crazy fist is attacking fiercely roars, the gray light flashes through together, sees only on his fist condense a light gray thing, probably took light gray glove such, power of that fist is very strong, hits on Shen Xiang's chest, making Shen Xiang fly upside down. 头颅被沈翔狂拳猛击着的邱胜突然爆吼一声,一道灰光闪过,只见他的拳头上面凝聚着一层淡灰色的东西,像是带上了一个淡灰色的手套那样,那一拳的力量很强,打在沈翔的胸膛上面,让沈翔倒飞出去。 If not Shen Xiang erupts True Qi to stand firm, perhaps he must depart the martial arts contest stage. 如果不是沈翔爆发出一阵真气来稳住,他恐怕就要飞出比武台了。 Bah!” Shen Xiang spat saliva of belt/bring blood, looks to Qiu Sheng, saw only on both hands of Qiu Sheng to take a pair of grey complete set probably, above that type of strange power aura spout, making Shen Xiang feel the heart startled. “呸!”沈翔吐了一口带血的唾沫,看向邱胜,只见邱胜的双手上面都好像带上了一对灰色的全套,上面那种奇异的力量气息喷涌着,让沈翔感到心惊不已。 Qiu Sheng was hit black and blue, but he does not have life Qi/angry, instead said with a smile: For these years, you are first make into this me! Since you do not need you strongest power to attack me, then I defeat you with I strongest power.” 邱胜被打得鼻青脸肿的,但他却没有生气,反而笑道:“这么多年来,你是第一个把我打成这样的!既然你不用你最强的力量来攻击我,那么我就用我最强的力量来打败你。” Although comes that's it!” Shen Xiang lightly smiled, does not have any scared look. “尽管来就是了!”沈翔微微一笑,没有任何惧色。 Qiu Sheng flashed, swooped, smile suddenly on Shen Xiang face vanished, because the fist of Qiu Sheng has hit ruthlessly on his face, after hitting, but also erupted an explosion, explodes his ear to buzz, lets him at present a fuzziness, the headache was incomparable. The left face just fired off, was one's turn the right face. 邱胜一闪,飞扑了上来,沈翔脸上的笑容突然消失了,因为邱胜的拳头已经狠狠的打在他的脸上,打过去之后,还爆发出一阵爆炸,炸得他耳朵嗡嗡作响,让他眼前一片模糊,头痛无比。左脸刚刚被打完,就轮到右脸了。 How a moment ago Shen Xiang was dozen of Qiu Sheng, how Qiu Sheng now is dozen of Shen Xiang, power that but he used Shen Xiang was stronger than time. 刚才沈翔是怎么打邱胜,邱胜现在就是怎么打沈翔,只不过他使用的力量要比沈翔的强许多倍。 Ten came the fist, Shen Xiang to blur on the state of mind, might faint such. 只是十来拳,沈翔就神志模糊了,好像要晕过去那样。 power that this fellow uses should is called dark power, his within the body should have dark vein, can make him cultivation dark power to come, definitely some people of directors he cultivates, otherwise he is unable to reach this situation, cultivates dark power, if walks not appropriately, might cause itself dead, very danger(ous).” Su Meiyao spoke finally. “这家伙使用的力量应该是叫做暗力量,他的体内应该有一条暗脉,能让他修炼出暗力量来,肯定有人指导他修炼,否则他无法走到这个地步,修炼暗力量如果走得不适当的话,就有可能会导致自己死亡,十分危险。”苏媚瑶终于说话了。 Person who has dark vein are not many, this is unusual its lineage/vein, is absorbs Spirit Qi condense to become dark power, this power strongest place, can dissolve True Qi, turns into the primitive condition True Qi, was absorbed by him!” Bai Youyou said. “有暗脉的人不多,这是一种非常其的脉,也是吸收灵气凝聚成暗力量的,这种力量最强的地方,就是能溶解真气,把真气化成原始的状态,然后再被他吸收!”白幽幽说道。 Shen Xiang has been hit now is unable to hit back, the offensive of opposite party was too fierce, moreover his True Qi also does not have the least bit use. 沈翔现在已经被打得无法还手,对方的攻势太猛了,而且他的真气又没有半点用处。
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