WDDG :: Volume #4

#396: Granted power

King Continent's Human King bloodline already thoroughly praising entire Mortal Martial World, although knows that enters for King Martial Dao to want the severe wound, but still some people advance uninterruptedly enters. 王者大陆的人王血脉已经彻底扬名整个凡武界,虽然知道报名参加王者武道会是要重伤的,但依然有人前赴后继的去报名参加。 After all many people of practicing martial arts want to challenge this most continent above martial artist, simultaneously can examine own strength. Naturally , some people are try one's luck, if they can enter the finals, that meeting can obtain a fame. 毕竟许多练武的人都想挑战一下这最大陆上面的武者,同时能检验自己的实力。当然,也有一些人是碰运气的,如果他们能打进决赛,那会能得到一点名气。 Five months passed by, the people have been waiting for the appearance of Shen Xiang, but is a news does not have, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming also by that deep hole, hear the pitiful yell of Shen Xiang, knows that Shen Xiang each day is conducting that brutal and painful practice. 五个月过去了,众人一直等待着沈翔的出现,但始终是一点消息都没有,古东辰武开明也只是在那深坑旁边,听见沈翔的惨叫,知道沈翔每天都在进行那种残酷而痛苦的修行 Shen Xiang crossed for five months in forbidden land, Five Elements True Elemental Dan had finished eating completely, but he also lightens 480 grains of true element grains now, only then lightens 500 grains, he has enough power, opens front door of his say/way to peak, after entering that leaf of front door, then he must be practiced peak by oneself various aspects! 沈翔禁地之中渡过了五个月,五行真元丹已经全部吃完,但现在他也只是点亮了四百八十粒真元粒,只有点亮五百粒,他才拥有足够的力量,打开他自己那道通往极致的大门,迈入那扇大门之后,接下来他就要让自己的各方面修炼到极致 Finally is Five Elements Profound Dan, but also almost, hoping you to succeed!” Huang Jintian sighed deeply, Shen Xiang can walk such quickly, has made him feel surprisedly. “最后是五行玄元丹,还差一点,但愿你能成功!”黄锦天长叹了一声,沈翔能走得这么快,已经让他感到惊讶了。 After entering into Peak Realm, Shen Xiang again transformation, he will be more powerful at that time. 迈入极致境界之后,沈翔将会再次蜕变,那时候他会更加强大。 By the present, True Qi that he needs to compress, moreover True Qi after unceasing compression, becomes very powerful! 到了现在,他需要压缩的真气非常之多,而且真气经过不断的压缩之后,也会变得非常强悍! For example, he just entered into True Martial Realm time, needs to compress the grain of rice size to lighten grain of true element grains a house, but he needs mountain Yacheng a grain of rice, after the unceasing extrusion, the True Qi quality to strengthen now, inside impurity will also be pushed, but release time, that explosive force is the terrifying. 比如,他刚刚迈入真武境的时候,需要把一座房子压缩成米粒大小才能点亮一粒真元粒,但现在他则需要把一座山压成米粒,经过不断的挤压,真气的质量会更加强,里面的杂质也会被挤出来,而释放的时候,那种爆发力更是恐怖。 Realm is high, True Qi that needs to compress are more, now he is unbearable, if to later Nirvana Realm, that will be definitely more terrifying. 境界越是高,需要压缩的真气就越多,现在他就够呛了,如果到以后涅槃境,那肯定会更加恐怖。 So long as you open the door of peak, you will obtain very boundless True Qi, when the time comes you light/only digest that power, requires very long time.” “只要你打开极致之门,你就会得到一股非常磅礴的真气,到时候你光消化那股力量,都需要很长的时间。” Shen Xiang nods saying: Master, where that does True Qi come? I do not have so many!” 沈翔点了点头道:“师傅,那股真气是从哪里来的?我本身没有那么多呀!” Hehe, this is Martial Dao bestows your, is much more mystical! I also heard that is Martial Dao grants martial artist, lets martial artist heaven defying, but good power, the breakthrough has each time, you enter True Martial Realm time is weak, therefore you cannot induce.” Huang Jintian said with a smile mystically. 嘿嘿,这是武道赐给你的,神秘得狠!我也只是听说,那是武道赐予武者,让武者逆天而行的力量,每次突破都有,你进入真武境的时候只是非常微弱,所以你感应不到。”黄锦天神秘地笑道。 Shen Xiang does not doubt, he must be covered with cuts and bruises by the Huang Jintian training now, moreover True Qi in within the body was also consumed completely. 沈翔对此毫不怀疑,他现在已经被黄锦天训练得满身是伤,而且体内的真气也被全部消耗掉。 He ate up that Five Elements Profound Dan, pills immediately in his within the body melting, before he ate up Five Elements True Elemental Dan time, these efficacies seemed the small stream to flow in his within the body equally slowly, but now eats up Five Elements Profound Dan, like giant rivers and streams, in his within the body surging forward, is actually attacking all the limbs and bones, the pure energy of implication was astonishing. 他吃下了那五行玄元丹,丹药立即在他的体内融化,之前他吃下五行真元丹的时候,那些药力就好像小溪一样在他体内缓缓流淌着,而现在吃下五行玄元丹,却像一条条巨大的江河,在他体内汹涌澎湃,冲击着四肢百骸,蕴含的精纯能量非常惊人。 This and his previous eating that the stock is different, what his previous time obtains in Black Tortoise Mysterious Realm is waste pill, but this grain is actually high-quality, differs innumerable times. 这和他上次吃的那过期货不同,他上次在玄武玄境里面得到的是废丹,而这粒却是品质上乘的,相差无数倍。 Before after he was trained, eats up Five Elements True Elemental Dan, at that time the efficacy proliferated in his within the body, did not need him to refine, but he has to revolution Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art digest that boundless energy now, inhales in the dantian to refine True Qi that welled up massively unceasingly, turned into own True Qi, compressed in Five Elements beast image inside true element grains. 以前他都是训练完了之后才吃下五行真元丹的,那时候药力在他体内扩散了,都不需要他炼化,但现在他不得不运转太极降龙功来消化那磅礴的能量,把大量涌来的真气不断吸入丹田之中炼化,化成自己的真气,压缩在五行兽像里面的真元粒之中。 That Five Elements Profound Dan seems like solar this Great Fireball such in the Shen Xiang dantian, unceasingly spout the energy to the four directions, raises an intermittent energy the storm, very with amazement. 五行玄元丹就好像是太阳这大火球那样在沈翔丹田之中,不断向四方喷涌着能量,掀起一阵阵能量的风暴,十分骇然。 Worthily is Earth Level High-Grade Dan, if this brat can also a refinement of wicker basket wicker basket, that three realms great war arrive at time, these Demon and Devil radically are the trash.” Huang Jintian exclaims, he can certainly see Shen Xiang to have the fast planter massive spirit herb abilities, his suspicion is that golden liquid that Shen Xiang condense has. “不愧是地级上品丹,要是这小子也能一箩筐一箩筐的炼制出来,那三界大战到的时候,那些妖魔根本就是渣渣。”黄锦天惊叹道,他当然看得出沈翔拥有快速种植大量灵药的能力,他就怀疑是沈翔凝聚出的那种黄金液体。 That was the Shen Xiang secret, Shen Xiang did not say, Huang Jintian will not ask, seemed Huang Jintian he himself to have many secrets, although Shen Xiang was curious, but has not gone to ask him. 那是沈翔的秘密,沈翔自己不说,黄锦天也不会去问,就好像黄锦天他自己有很多秘密,沈翔虽然好奇,但也没有去问他。 Ten days passed by, Huang Jintian said with a smile: It seems like has surpassed, this brat's body is fortunately good, digests quickly, otherwise at least also wants over half a month.” 十天过去了,黄锦天笑道:“看来已经超出了,还好这小子的身子好,消化得快,否则至少还要大半个月。” Shen Xiang had not felt that passing of time, he is only crazy compresses True Qi in that Five Venerables beast image, making these gloomy particles shine the ray to come, unknowingly, he energy of Five Elements Profound Dan obtaining, let his condense 20 grains of true element grains. 沈翔并没有感觉到时间的流逝,他只是疯狂的把真气压缩在那五尊兽像里面,让那些暗淡的微粒亮起光芒来,不知不觉中,他从五行玄元丹中获得的能量,就让他凝聚了二十粒真元粒 He in that Five Venerables beast image shines hundred true element grains now respectively, now he has enough power to open that leaf of mysterious peak front door. 他现在那五尊兽像里面都各亮起一百真元粒,现在他已经拥有足够的力量去打开那扇神秘的极致大门了。 Shen Xiang's body suddenly shivers, the body spout the colorless multi-colored sunlight, this makes Huang Jintian look secretly is flabbergasted. 沈翔的身体突然颤抖起来,身体喷涌出无色霞光,这让黄锦天看得暗暗咂舌。 „When compared with his Eldest Senior Brother breakthrough must shine a lot!” Huang Jintian looks at the above, this is one very deep, moreover fills dark huge crater, these five colors multi-colored sunlight that but Shen Xiang releases now are actually similar to the fountain like that the direct injection, gushes out to the ground very high place. “比他大师兄突破时要亮得多!”黄锦天看着上方,这原本是一个很深而且充满黑暗的巨坑,但现在沈翔释放出来的那些五色霞光却如同喷泉那般,直接喷射出来,涌出到地面很高的地方。 After Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming induce, hastily flew, looks that huge crater that is similar to the five colors multi-colored sunlight that the volcanic eruption generally spout, shocks when this type of magnificent marvelous sight, they guessed correctly quickly was Shen Xiang entered into Peak Realm, because they saw their Master to break through big Realm before similar. 古东辰武开明感应到之后,急忙飞了过来,看着巨坑那如同火山爆发一般喷涌出来的五彩霞光,都震惊在这种壮观的奇景之中,他们很快就猜到是沈翔迈入了极致境界,因为之前他们都见过他们师傅突破一个大境界时都差不多。 Shen Xiang does not know that what happened, when he lightens 500 grains of true element grains, he only thought that Divine Sense suddenly welled up, gathers together with True Qi, fuses a very strange energy, then explodes in his dantian, but he has not actually felt the pain, only thought that in own dantian presented a very big world, flashes the golden light front door to open, incomparably boundless energy enormous and powerful gushes out from the front door, enters in his dantian. 沈翔根本不知道发生了什么事情,当他把五百粒真元粒点亮的时候,他只觉得神识突然自己涌了出来,和真气汇聚在一起,融合成一种非常奇异的能量,然后在他丹田之中爆炸开来,但他却没感觉到疼痛,只觉得自己的丹田里面出现了一个很大的世界,一闪金光大门打开,无比磅礴的能量浩浩荡荡的从大门涌出,进入他的丹田之中。 Feels this energy, remaining subconscious revolution Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, are compressing crazily, at this time he compresses True Qi speed unexpectedly also becomes fast incomparable, but these energies are also docile, can easily press in Five Elements beast image by him, turns into true element grains. 感受到这股能量,剩下下意识的运转太极降龙功,疯狂的压缩着,此时他压缩真气的速度竟然也变得飞快无比,而那些能量也非常温顺,能被他非常轻易的压入五行兽像里面,变成真元粒 The Shen Xiang body spout massive five colors multi-colored sunlight, form the strange magnificent phenomenon, but the duration is not long, these five colors multi-colored sunlight by receiving, entered in Shen Xiang's body again. 沈翔身体喷涌大量的五彩霞光,形成奇异壮观的异象,不过持续时间不长,这些五彩霞光就被“收”了回去,再次进入沈翔的身体之中。 Not long, this young lunatic can let entire Mortal Martial World Heaven and Earth turning upside down! Hehe...... has looks.” Huang Jintian is smiling, while is roasting a great cow with the fire. “不用多久,这小疯子就可以让整个凡武界天翻地覆了!嘿嘿……有得瞧啰。”黄锦天一边笑着,一边用火烤着一头巨牛。 Shen Xiang has not thought that this Martial Dao grants his energy, unexpectedly meets so many, continuously, moreover these energies are relaxed can possess by him, the good inverse image itself/Ben is his such, but is received by him now. 沈翔没想到这“武道”赐予他的能量,竟然会这么多,源源不断,而且这些能量非常轻松就能被他占为己有,就好像原本就是他的那样,只不过现在被他收了回来。
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