WDDG :: Volume #4

#397: Peak Realm

Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming are walking in that forbidden land deep hole nearby back and forth, the whole face is anxious. 古东辰武开明在那禁地深坑的边上来回走着,满脸焦急。 Because of present range registration till time also three days, they know that Shen Xiang had stepped over a very difficult ridge, should enters Peak Realm, but has not actually come up to the present. 因为现在距离报名截至的时间还有三天,他们知道沈翔已迈过了一道非常艰难的坎,应该是进入极致境界的,但到现在却还没有上来。 Shen Xiang absorbs power that Martial Dao is granting crazily, has long a period of time, almost 20 days, but still has not actually absorbed now, obviously this energy is how huge. 沈翔疯狂吸收着那武道赐予的力量,已经有很长一段时间了,差不多二十天,但现在却依然没有吸收完,可见这股能量是多么庞大。 Also passed for two days, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming still have not departed here, this time is late at night, the jet black nighttime sky embellishes the beautiful star light, the bright moonlight is hanging, the moonlight such as washes. 又过去了两天,古东辰武开明依然在这里没有离去,此时是深夜,漆黑的夜空点缀着美丽的星光,明月高悬,月色如洗。 Gu Dongchen is lying down on the lawn looks at the beautiful starry sky, actually suddenly he hears in deep hole to reverberate together the roar, this roar is Shen Xiang. The air/Qi is sufficient, the aura is long, in that sound wave is smuggling very powerful power probably, is shaking the air, returns in that deep hole, unexpectedly shakes the ground slightly to tremble. 古东辰正躺在草坪上面看着美丽的星空,却突然他听到深坑之中回荡着一道吼声,这吼声是沈翔的。中气充足,气息悠长,那声波之中好像夹带着一股非常强悍的力量,震荡着空气,回到在那深坑之中,竟然震得地面微微发颤。 Hears Shen Xiang that excited roar, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming are also excited, they are certain from this sound, Shen Xiang entered into Peak Realm! 听到沈翔那激动的吼声,古东辰武开明也激动起来,从这声音他们就可以肯定,沈翔迈入了极致境界 After Shen Xiang opens the eye, first is exudes one to bellow, divulges within the body that powerful power aura, later is the disgusting laughter that exudes to act like a madman, hears his laughter, Huang Jintian also smiles insanely. 沈翔睁开眼睛之后,先是发出一声大吼,宣泄自己体内那股强大力量气息,随后便是发出疯疯癫癫的恶心笑声,听到他这种笑声,黄锦天也疯笑起来。 But after Wu Kaiming and Gu Dongchen they hear, actually has a headache, they know, if Shen Xiang once also becomes the crazy, then not long, this Mortal Martial World might be stirred Heaven and Earth turning upside down by Shen Xiang very much. 武开明古东辰他们听到之后,却十分头痛,他们知道如果沈翔一旦也变得疯癫的话,那么不用多久,这凡武界很有可能就会被沈翔搅得天翻地覆 motherfucker, this energy is really are much more!” 他娘的,这股能量真是多得吓人!” In the Shen Xiang dantian only lightened 500 grains of true element grains, but after he refining up power that Martial Dao grants, unexpectedly had 5000 grains, were many ten times, but strength not only actually enhances ten times, but are more are more. true element grains that because lightens are more, more is hard to lighten to behind, True Qi that needs to compress are many, therefore he in behind condense these true element grains, compressed very many True Qi. 沈翔的丹田内原本只点亮了五百粒真元粒,但在他炼化那武道赐予的力量之后,竟然拥有了五千粒,足足多了十倍,但实力却不只是提高十倍,而是更多更多。因为点亮的真元粒越多,到后面就越是难以点亮,需要压缩的真气很多,所以他在后面凝聚的那些真元粒,都是压缩了非常多的真气 Hehe, you know well! You cultivation five elements of True Qi, the energy that therefore you obtain is five times of others, you have the Human King bloodline fellow to have the advantage on this compared with these, especially to behind, you can experience to cultivate many attribute True Qi advantage simultaneously.” Huang Jintian said with a smile. 嘿嘿,你知道就好!你是修炼五行真气的,所以你得到的能量是其他人的五倍,在这点上面你是比那些拥有人王血脉的家伙有优势,特别是到了后面,你就能体验到同时修炼多种属性真气的好处了。”黄锦天笑道。 Shen Xiang nods, his took a deep breath, asked slightly: How many day of closure registrations?” 沈翔点了点头,他微微吸了一口气,问道:“还有多少天截止报名?” Probably also one day! You later best on this stage stay a period of time, your Divine Sense is very strong, is very high in starting point, therefore your Divine Sense peak condition also might be high! If you one day to cultivate Divine Sense, but produced any strange thing, that is your assigns/life Martial Spirit, this type of thing I will not say too, yourself with you will understand when the time comes.” The Huang Jintian injunction said. “大概还有一天!你以后最好在这个阶段上面停留一段时间,你的神识本身就很强,起点很高,所以你神识极致的状态可能也很高!如果你有一天修炼神识,而产生了什么奇怪的东西,那就是你的本命武魂,这种东西我不和你说太多,到时候你自己就会懂。”黄锦天嘱咐道。 Although I used some training methods to make your foundation more reliable, but was insufficient, because you promoted to be quick too, therefore you remain the 1st Stage very long time at present this stage ten million/countless fine.” “虽然我用了一些训练方法能让你的根基更牢固,但还是不够,因为你提升得还是太快,所以你千万要得在现在这个阶段停留一段很长的时间。” Shen Xiang nods to say earnestly: Master, I will remember!” 沈翔认真地点头道:“师傅,我会记住的!” Good, hurries to roll......” “那好,赶紧滚上……” The Huang Jintian voice falls, the Shen Xiang both feet spout two groups of flame, erupts very powerful heat, forms a very big propelling force, making Shen Xiang leap instantaneously sky over, such a, he can avoid Huang Jintian kicking. 黄锦天话音一落,沈翔的双脚就喷涌出两团火焰,爆发出一股非常强大的热气,形成一种很大的推动力,让沈翔瞬间飞跃到上空,这么一来,他就可以避免黄锦天踢上了。 After entering into Peak Realm, the Shen Xiang flame promotes obviously, because his Heavenly Sun Fire Soul is need very strong True Qi can display stronger power. 迈入极致境界之后,沈翔的火焰提升得最明显,因为他的天阳火魂是需要很强的真气才能发挥出更强的力量来。 This brat's wing stiffened!” Huang Jintian ridicules one. “这小子的翅膀变硬了嘛!”黄锦天笑骂一声。 Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming suddenly induces to one scalding hot attacks, sees only a flame suddenly flies to shoot from deep hole, they look up, see only on the Shen Xiang both legs to burn the flame, under the both feet is unceasingly is more boundless two scalding hot fire Qi, lets his float in the air. 古东辰武开明突然感应到一股灼热的起来袭来,只见一道火光忽的从深坑之中飞射出来,他们抬头一看,只见沈翔双腿上面燃烧着火焰,双脚下面更是不断磅礴出两道灼热的火气,让他悬浮在空中 brat, is quick the registration, the time are not many!” Wu Kaiming shouted, sees Shen Xiang became stronger, he also excited. 小子,快下来报名,时间不多了!”武开明喊道,看见沈翔变强了,他心里也激动。 Gu Dongchen laughs: We can see on King Continent these to have Human King bloodline not long was punched scared shitless.” 古东辰哈哈一笑:“不用多久我们就能看见王者大陆上面那些拥有人王血脉的被揍得屁滚尿流了。” If were not stopped by calling out by these two Martial Nephew, Shen Xiang also really wants to try his Vermillion Bird Fire Wings to be able now big, because Su Meiyao has said that the strength is stronger, can become bigger, can the spreading the wings thousand li (500 km), flutter huge fire wings even be able to raise intermittent fire tornado, the lethality is very broad. 如果不是被这两个师侄叫住,沈翔现在还真的想试试他的朱雀火翼能有多大,因为苏媚瑶说过,实力越强,就可以变得越大,可以展翅千里,扑动巨大的火翼甚至能掀起一阵阵火龙卷风,杀伤力很广。 Shen Xiang stayed for a half year below, he comes up the first matter to take a bath, after taking a bath, he does not sleep, after entering into Peak Realm, his mind/energetic is full, now he starts to contend in martial arts. 沈翔在下面呆了半年,他一上来第一件事就是洗澡,洗过澡之后他也不睡觉了,迈入极致境界之后,他精神饱满,现在他就开始比武。 Some hearing people of greater part of the night in snort/hum folk song, moreover once for a while exudes to laugh, rests Wu Qianqian that also to be awakened by this in the room, for serveral days she was also waiting for Shen Xiang to come back, she wants to notice that Shen Xiang blossoms in radiant splendor on the King Martial Dao meeting, now she knows that Shen Xiang came back, moreover was so happy, definitely entered into Peak Realm. 大半夜的听见有人在哼着小调,而且还时不时发出一声声大笑,在房中休息的吴芊芊也被此惊醒,这些天来她也都在等待沈翔回来,她想看到沈翔王者武道会上面大放异彩,现在她知道沈翔回来了,而且还这么高兴,肯定是迈入了极致境界 Thinks of this, in the Wu Qianqian heart is sighing secretly, because she and Shen Xiang disparity differed a big truncation, she had decided that after waiting for King Martial Dao to finish, deferred to the map that Elder Dan kept to go to a place, Elder Dan had said where can make her stronger. 想到这点,吴芊芊心中暗暗叹息着,因为她自己和沈翔的差距又相差了一大截,她已经决定,等王者武道会结束之后,就按照丹长老留下来的地图去一个地方,丹长老说过在哪里能让她变得更强。 Shen Xiang left Extreme Dan King Courtyard hurriedly, steps into Teleportation Formation with Wu Kaiming and Gu Dongchen, goes to King Continent, enters for the King Martial Dao meeting. 沈翔匆忙的离开了太丹王院,跟着武开明古东辰踏入传送阵,前往王者大陆,报名参加王者武道会。 „After the registration, is one fights the test, after this test, enters the second pass/test, the obtained score can disperse into first 50 to enter to the third pass/test......” “报名之后就是一个对打测试,通过这个测试之后,就进入第二关,得到的分数能排入前五十就能进入到第三关……” Shen Xiang some did not say patiently: Little Bald, what Martial Dao meeting is this? Isn't the martial arts contest? Where comes so many passes/tests!” 沈翔有些不耐烦地说道:“小光头,这是哪门子的武道会?不是比武吗?哪来这么多关!” Oh, without means! I was disinclined with your argument, Young Martial Uncle will also know in any case when the time comes.” Wu Kaiming said. “唉,没办法!我还是懒得和你费口舌了,反正小师叔到时候也会知道的。”武开明说道。 Wu Kaiming is responsible for accepting the registration work in Chenwu Mainland, after he continues Shen Xiang's hand handles, brings Shen Xiang to arrive on huge ratio martial stage. 武开明就是在辰武大陆负责接受报名工作的,他把沈翔的手续办理好之后,就带着沈翔来到了一个巨大的比武场上面。 This is huger than martial stage, the Shen Xiang present eyesight is unable to see the plaza edge. 这个比武场非常巨大,就连沈翔现在的眼力都无法看到广场的边缘。 At this time display of vigour and vitality, the dawn shines in this grand huge developing martial stage, seems very magnificent, Shen Xiang knew, this develops on martial stage to conduct very several martial arts contests, is sprinkling the blood of each continent these talent martial artist. 此时旭日东升,晨光照射在这宏伟巨大的演武场之中,显得十分壮观,沈翔得知,这个演武场上面已经进行过非常多次的比武,洒着各个大陆那些天才武者的血液。 Shen Xiang, never expected that your unexpectedly really entered into Peak Realm, this is the good matter!” old man suddenly appears, this once wiped out Wang Quan of tooth by Huang Jintian. 沈翔,没想到你竟然真的迈入了极致境界,这可是好事情呀!”一个老人突然出现,这就是曾经被黄锦天打掉一口牙齿的王权 Wang Quan was happy, because Shen Xiang attended this King Martial Dao meeting, he has the opportunity to let Shen Xiang lose face, because he is very confident to Human King bloodline, he believes firmly even cultivates Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art Shen Xiang, still certainly will be been much more oppressive by his disciple. 王权非常高兴,因为沈翔参加这王者武道会,他就有机会让沈翔出丑,因为他对人王血脉很有信心,他确信即便是修炼太极降龙功沈翔,也一定会被他的弟子虐得惨不忍睹。
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