WDDG :: Volume #4

#395: Huang Jintian's plan

Shen Xiang alchemy, will enter a very marvelous condition now, after entering that condition, what feeling even he himself talks clearly that difficultly is. When enters that condition, his alchemy will be handier, lives alone in probably a space alchemy such, will not be affected by the outside world, between Heaven and Earth only then he and pill furnace! 沈翔现在炼丹,都会进入一个非常奇妙的状态,进入那个状态之后,连他自己都难说清楚那是什么样的感觉。进入那种状态时,他炼丹就会更加得心应手,就好像独处一个空间里面炼丹那样,不会受到外界的影响,天地间只有他和丹炉 This should enter Selfless State, at that time only had alchemy in your mind, this was truly rare!” Su Meiyao exclaims. “这应该是进入了忘我的境界在,那时候在你脑海中只有炼丹,这确实非常难得呀!”苏媚瑶惊叹道。 His limit alchemy time, three double-hour can refine 40 furnaces, this is controlling in two alchemic furnace situations simultaneously, but now he also uses two pill furnace alchemy simultaneously, but the speed slowed down. 他极限炼丹的时候,三个时辰就能炼制出四十炉,这是在同时操控两个炼丹炉的情况下,而现在他也是同时用两个丹炉炼丹,只不过速度放缓了许多。 On King Continent's Alchemy Competition, he altogether refines 40 furnace Five Elements True Elemental Dan, now his also 60 herbs, he only uses for day to handle, altogether is 1000 grains, without being defeated one time. 王者大陆的炼丹比赛上面,他总共炼制出四十炉五行真元丹,现在他还有六十份药材,他只用了一天就搞定了,总共是一千粒,没有失败过一次。 Moreover each time alchemy time, he will enter Selfless State, in that condition , he only then the consciousness of alchemy, pill furnace with his being as close as flesh and blood together such, lets he handier control pill furnace inside situation unceasingly probably. 而且每次炼丹的时候,他都会进入忘我之境,在那种状态下,他只有不断炼丹的意识,丹炉好像和他的血肉相连在一起那样,让他更加得心应手的控制丹炉里面的情况。 Shen Xiang must grasp the time to digest now these 1000 grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan, naturally, if takes away the sell, can definitely obtain a large sum of money wealth. 沈翔现在要抓紧时间把这一千粒五行真元丹消化掉,当然,如果拿去出售的话,肯定能得到一大笔财富。 He looked for Old Lunatic, does not know that in six months he can enter into Peak Realm!” Gu Dongchen said that Wu Kaiming because in one side. “他去找老疯子了,不知道半年内他能不能迈入极致境界!”古东辰说道,武开明因为在一旁。 Really admires his tolerance, unexpectedly can tolerate suffering of Old Lunatic!” The Wu Kaiming feeling said. “真佩服他的忍耐力,竟然能禁得住老疯子的折磨!”武开明感慨说道。 He is the young lunatic, naturally cannot fear Old Lunatic.” Gu Dongchen shakes the head smiles. “他是小疯子,自然不会怕老疯子。”古东辰摇头一笑。 Shen Xiang takes Five Elements True Elemental Dan of big wicker basket to look for him again and again, Huang Jintian is now numb, will not make much ado about nothing again. 沈翔三番两次拿着一大箩筐的五行真元丹来找他,黄锦天现在已经麻木了,不会再大惊小怪。 After listening Shen Xiang told the King Continent's competition, Huang Jintian frowns saying: Six months, this is a little tight! However can try, your Five Elements Profound Dan do not eat first, leaves attacks Peak Realm finally.” 听了沈翔讲述王者大陆的比赛之后,黄锦天皱起眉头说道:“半年时间,这有点紧呀!不过可以试试,你那五行玄元丹不要吃先,留给最后冲击极致境界。” The Peak Realm first boundary, is Spirit Martial Realm, mainly cultivates Divine Sense, Shen Xiang has no pressure, because he has Divine Soul, this can enable his Divine Sense quickly to arrive at so-called peak. 极致境界的第一境,就是灵武境,主要修炼神识,沈翔对此没有什么压力,因为他有神魂,这能让他的神识很快能到达所谓的极致 Your Divine Sense is very powerful, so long as can enter into True Martial Realm 9th Stage, has the sufficient energy to compress, must enter into Peak Realm is not difficult! Because enters Spirit Martial Realm time, needs very powerful Divine Sense to coordinate True Qi in within the body, opens the front door to high level section. At that time, the god and military fuse, massive energies will well up from that leaf of front door, enters your fleshly body and Sea of Consciousness. Therefore, Peak Realm martial artist True Martial Realm is more powerful than time, because in the breakthrough, will obtain very strong power.” “你的神识很强大,只要能迈入真武境九段,有足够的能量来压缩,要迈入极致境界就不难了!因为进入灵武境的时候,需要非常强悍的神识来配合体内的真气,打开通往更高阶段的大门。在那时候,神和武相融合,大量的能量会从那扇大门中涌出来,进入你的肉身识海。所以,极致境界武者真武境的强大许多倍,因为在突破的时候,会得到很强的力量。” Huang Jintian is also giving the Shen Xiang arrangement plan now, he wants certainly to blossom in radiant splendor in King Continent by oneself disciple, because these people will not rob Shen Xiang martial arts now, therefore Shen Xiang in the future not like him. 黄锦天现在也在给沈翔安排计划,他当然想让自己的徒弟王者大陆大放异彩,因为现在那些人都不会抢夺沈翔武功,所以沈翔将来不会像他那样。 Master, now they and you did not have grievances, you can go out.” Shen Xiang said. 师傅,现在他们和你没有恩怨了,你可以出去了。”沈翔说道。 Cannot, I go out the too long words, was discovered easily, your Master I should now on Heaven World, but I have not wanted to come up temporarily! My present strength is invincible in Mortal World, but on to above is actually small fry, this feeling is not good.” Huang Jintian said. “不能,我出去太久的话,容易被发现,你师傅我现在应该是在天界上面的,不过我暂时还不想上去!我现在的实力在凡界是无敌的,但上到上面却是一个小喽啰,这种感觉不好。”黄锦天说道。 Master, your can senior hide here for a lifetime?” Shen Xiang is somewhat speechless, seeing Huang Jintian to suffer injustice all day, in his heart does not feel better. 师傅,你老人家难道要在这里躲一辈子?”沈翔有些无语,看见黄锦天整天不见天日的,他心中也不好受。 Hehe, little rascal your does not understand, I will not pass away, my strength should be able adolescence/growth to get up in Heaven World, but I also same can promote in Mysterious Realm now, although the speed was slower, but can actually be very safe! Moreover I can also make Extreme Martial Sect continue to develop, I later can help many people ride out Nirvana Tribulation, perhaps without me, Little Bald they changed to become dregs under Nirvana Tribulation.” Huang Jintian said with a smile. 嘿嘿,小鬼你这就不懂了,我是不会老死的,我这种实力本应该在天界才能成长起来,但现在我在玄境里面也一样能提升,虽然速度缓慢了许多,但却能很安全!而且我还能让太武门继续发展下去,我以后可以帮助许多人安全渡过涅槃劫,如果没有我,小光头他们恐怕早在涅槃劫下变成渣了。”黄锦天笑道。 Huang Jintian has to know in advance that the Nirvana Tribulation ability, can be fully prepared ahead of time, has very big assurance in transcends tribulation, he keeps Mortal World truly is existence of heaven defying, this scheme hits that is resounding. 黄锦天有预知涅槃劫的能力,能让人提前做好充分的准备,在渡劫的时候有很大的把握,他留在凡界确实是一个逆天的存在,这算盘打得那是一个响亮。 little rascal, later your woman, your disciple anything's wanting transcends tribulation, although looks for my that's it! If your later alchemy were fierce, the old man I make several grains of good Immortal Dan anything, I have the infinite life span, consumes in this place slowly can also obtain power, person who do not forget me also to have Yin and Yang Veins.” Huang Jintian acts like a madman to laugh. 小鬼,以后你的女人,你的徒弟什么的要渡劫,尽管来找我就是了!如果你以后炼丹厉害了,给老头子我弄几粒好的仙丹什么的也可以,我有无限的寿命,在这地方慢慢耗也能得到力量,别忘了我也是有阴阳脉的人。”黄锦天疯疯癫癫地大笑起来。 Shen Xiang thinks, truly feels like this well, later he must cross Nirvana Tribulation, Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan, as well as his disciple friend, can look for the Huang Jintian help when the time comes. 沈翔想了想,确实觉得这样不错,以后他要渡涅槃劫,还有薛仙仙冷幽兰,以及他的徒弟朋友,到时候都可以找黄锦天帮忙。 „Should Heaven Level pill you have the use to Master? So long as I enter Peak Realm, won first, can obtain Good Fortune Fruit.” Shen Xiang said with a smile, he later can refine Immortal Dan, naturally will not forget his Master. 天级丹对师傅你应该有用处吧?只要我进入极致境界,赢得第一,就能得到一个造化果。”沈翔笑道,他以后能炼制仙丹,当然不会忘记他师傅 Never expected that Wang Quan Good Fortune Fruit unexpectedly remained was so long, if your brat really can enter into Peak Realm, the Good Fortune Fruit that perhaps he obtained in the past on convenient your brat.” Huang Jintian feels the beard to say with a smile. “没想到王权造化果竟然留了这么久,如果你小子真的可以迈入极致境界,说不定他当年得到的这造化果便宜了你小子。”黄锦天摸着胡子笑道。 Shen Xiang said: „Is Wang Quan that old man name? Master do you and he know?” 沈翔说道:“王权就是那老人的名字?师傅你和他认识吗?” Huang Jintian said with a smile: Naturally knew, this fellow is a wanting to save face at all costs person, do not look that he is usually temperate, is mean is also a crazed lunatic, in the past he was I strongest opponent, I crossed the Nirvana eight tribulations time, with his great war.” 黄锦天笑道:“当然认识,这家伙可是一个死要面子的人,别看他平时非常温和,阴狠起来也是一个丧心病狂的疯子,当年他可是我最强的对手,我渡过涅槃八劫的时候,就和他大战了一场。” Shen Xiang hastily asked: Afterward who won?” 沈翔急忙问道:“后来谁赢了?” Huang Jintian said while loudly laughing: Naturally is your Master I, I wipe out his tooth completely, at that time he was a very handsome youth, that dirty look made into the pig head by him actually, haha......” 黄锦天大笑道:“当然是你师傅我,我可是把他一口牙齿全部打掉,当时他还是一个很英俊的青年,那张臭脸硬是被他打成猪头,哈哈……” Huang Jintian the crazy laughs. 黄锦天又疯癫大笑起来。 He is on King Continent strongest? In probably what Divine Martial Palace.” Shen Xiang asked curiously. “他是王者大陆上面最强的吗?好像是什么神武殿里面的。”沈翔好奇地问道。 Right, his Human King bloodline is purer, was earlier than me crossed the Nirvana eight tribulations, at that time he was known as Mortal World first expert, but this given name was robbed by me afterward, therefore he hated me! However this fellow now or the Nirvana eight tribulations, it seems like he does not dare to face Ninth Tribulation, haha...... your Eldest Senior Brother is my disciple, the flying, Little Featherhead has been my grand disciple, now was to also cross the Nirvana Realm eight tribulations, this fellow saw that Little Featherhead surely did not have the face very much.” “没错,他的人王血统更纯,比我早渡过涅槃八劫,当时他可是号称凡界第一强者,不过后来这名号还是被我抢走了,所以他非常恨我!不过这家伙现在还是涅槃八劫,看来他不敢面对第九劫呀,哈哈……你大师兄是我的徒弟,早就飞天了,小毛头是我的徒孙,现在也是渡过涅槃境八劫,这家伙见到小毛头肯定很没面子。” Nirvana Ninth Tribulation, that definitely is in Nirvana Tribulation most awfully, famous expert in this tribulations die. 涅槃九劫,那肯定是涅槃劫中最要命的,许多有名的强者都是在这一劫陨落的。 I think that Good Fortune Fruit should to reward to give his several disciple, therefore holds what King Martial Dao meeting, he these fierce disciple estimates died in Nirvana Tribulation before, his present disciple should receive newly.” Huang Jintian guessed. “我想那造化果应该是要奖赏给他的几个徒弟,所以才召开什么王者武道会,他以前那些厉害的徒弟估计都在涅槃劫中死掉了,他现在的徒弟应该是新收的吧。”黄锦天猜测道。 Does not have Huang Jintian that ability that knows in advance Nirvana Tribulation, to live crossing, that is truly difficult. 没有黄锦天那种预知涅槃劫的能力,要想活着渡过,那确实很难。 little rascal cultivates well, now in this Mortal World is fiercest for the master, moreover I can also make large quantities of expert! Planned me to think, now starts, compared with previous time will want laboriously.” Huang Jintian said. 小鬼好好修炼吧,为师现在这凡界里可是最厉害的,而且我还能制造出一大批强者!计划我已经想好了,现在就开始吧,会比上次要辛苦一点。”黄锦天说道。 Quick, under this forbidden land reverberates wickedly Shen Xiang that neighed...... 很快,这禁地下面就回荡起沈翔那惨厉的嘶叫……
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