WDDG :: Volume #4

#394: Small victory

Shen Xiang did not need pill furnace to refine the Five Elements True Elemental Dan speed to be quick enough, after exchanging pill furnace, unexpectedly was quicker! 沈翔不用丹炉炼制五行真元丹的速度都够快了,换上丹炉之后竟然更快! Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace inside time was different from outside, inside has various time formation, refining the technique is mysterious. 炎龙宝炉里面的时间本来就和外面不同,里面有着各种时间阵法,炼制手法非常玄奥。 Some high level pill take dozens years, even several hundred years can refine successfully, for the time-saving, some people will find out to refine this pill furnace, but this pill furnace is few, needs top rank Alchemist also top rank Refining Master to complete jointly, but Su Meiyao has said that may also be person complete, but this person is not only Alchemist, is Refining Master. 有一些高阶丹需要数十年,甚至数百年才能炼制成功,为了节省时间,才会有人想出要炼制出这种丹炉,但这种丹炉却很少,需要顶级炼丹师顶级炼器师联手才能完成,不过苏媚瑶说过,也有可能是一个人自己完成,只不过这个人既是炼丹师,也是炼器师 Many people on the scene believe that if controls two pill furnace simultaneously, the speed should be the same this can be better to control, but Shen Xiang is actually not, he keeps one eye on completely, both pill furnace inside situations are completely different. 在场的许多人原本认为,如果是同时操控两个丹炉的话,速度应该是一样的这样才能更加好掌控,但沈翔却不是,他完全是一心二用,两个丹炉里面的情况都是完全不同的。 At this time he puts out one box of processed Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs, invests in Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace, pours into the flame , to continue alchemy. 此时他又拿出一盒处理过的五行真元丹药材,投入炎龙宝炉之中,注入火焰,继续炼丹 Now has not thought that again Shen Xiang will lose, recognized winner who Shen Xiang is this competition, other continent's above Big Shot now secretly are happy, because they see that old man complexion to be not very attractive. Thinks that show off one's military strength King Continent, is attacked by Shen Xiang now ruthlessly, that mood can be imagined. 现在没有再认为沈翔会输了,都认定沈翔是这场比赛的赢家,其他大陆的上面的巨头现在都暗暗高兴着,因为他们看见那老人的脸色并不是很好看。想耀武扬威王者大陆,现在被沈翔狠狠打击了一番,那种心情可想而知。 Now King Continent that Divine Martial Palace's high level also regrets that invited Shen Xiang, if Shen Xiang won, by rear-drive went out, will definitely ridicule King Continent's, because King Continent prepared very complete not winning Shen Xiang, and disastrous defeat! 现在王者大陆神武殿的高层也后悔把沈翔请来,如果沈翔获得胜利,以后传出去的话,肯定会嘲笑王者大陆的,因为王者大陆做好了非常周全的准备都没有赢沈翔,而且还惨败! The playing time is three double-hour, now passes by a double-hour, Shen Xiang refined ten furnace Five Elements True Elemental Dan, this is 100 grains, according to that reference price words that calculates, this is hundred million crystal stones! 比赛时间是三个时辰,现在只是过去了一个时辰,沈翔就炼制出十炉五行真元丹,这可是一百粒,按照那个参考价的来算的话,这可是一亿晶石 Simultaneously refines two furnace Five Elements True Elemental Dan, this makes the speed that Shen Xiang refines quicker, this double-hour he also was just familiar with this way, then he must be quicker! 同时炼制两炉五行真元丹,这让沈翔炼制的速度更加快,这一个时辰他也只是刚刚熟悉这种方式,接下来他要更快! Shen Xiang now is a alchemy madman, is pursuing the peak speed and pill's number simultaneously, can guarantee that pills quality, this level is to let many high level Alchemist feels ashamed. 沈翔现在就是一个炼丹狂人,在追求极致的速度和出丹的数量同时,又能保证丹药的品质,这种水平就是让许多高阶炼丹师都感到惭愧。 Sect Master Gu, your Young Martial Uncle did he have young woman? I have a daughter, aptitude also calculate that good......” old man sets out to arrive by Gu Dongchen, asked in a low voice. 古掌教,你这小师叔他有婆娘了没有?我有一个女儿,资质还算不错……”一个老者起身走到古东辰旁边,低声问道。 Gu Dongchen said with a smile: Do not think, my Martial Uncle had the woman, moreover...... Hehe.” 古东辰笑道:“你就别想了,我师叔有女人了,而且……嘿嘿。” The Shen Xiang wife is Xue Xianxian, is known in Eastern Sea. The age is smaller than Shen Xiang, aptitude excellent, is Liu Meng'er's disciple, from now on will perhaps take over control of Divine Armament Heavenly Empire, 沈翔的妻子是薛仙仙,在东海小有名气。年纪比沈翔小,资质上乘,又是柳梦儿的徒弟,今后说不定会接管神兵天国, Naturally, Gu Dongchen also knows that Shen Xiang and Liu Meng'er did, but Liu Meng'er's another disciple Leng Youlan was the Shen Xiang knot sworn sister younger sister......, therefore he knows that Shen Xiang did not lack the woman. 当然,古东辰还知道沈翔柳梦儿搞上了,而柳梦儿的另外一个徒弟冷幽兰又是沈翔的结义妹妹……所以他知道沈翔不缺女人。 Even the females of Liu Meng'er this peerless grace and talent succeeded in obtaining, other goods are also very naturally difficult to have a liking for by Shen Xiang. 柳梦儿这种风华绝代的女子都到手了,其他的货色自然也很难被沈翔看上。 Another double-hour passed by, Shen Xiang refine 15 furnace Five Elements True Elemental Dan, but other four King Continent's Alchemist add not to have him to refine a lot, the total value was left behind by Shen Xiang. 又一个时辰过去了,沈翔又炼了十五炉五行真元丹,而其他四个王者大陆的炼丹师加起来都没有他炼得多,总价值更是被沈翔远远甩在后面。 Shen Xiang is sneering secretly, these people wanted him to lose very ugly/difficult to look at, but that four King Continent's Alchemist cannot raise the head now, competes herbs, competes alchemy technique, they are well below Shen Xiang, the competition from the beginning, King Continent has lost. 沈翔暗暗冷笑着,这些人原本想要他输得很难看,但现在那四个王者大陆的炼丹师都抬不起头来,无论是比拼药材,还是比拼炼丹术,他们都远远不如沈翔,比赛一开始,王者大陆就已经输了。 Now King Continent's these Alchemist exclaim in surprise the Shen Xiang talent at the same time, on the one hand also hopes that King Continent can have this talent, naturally, they thought that the victory and loss had not mattered, because they have lost very thoroughly, was sincerely convinced. 现在王者大陆的那些炼丹师一方面惊叹沈翔的天赋,一方面也希望王者大陆能拥有这种天才,当然,他们觉得输赢已经无所谓了,因为他们已经输得非常彻底,心服口服。 That old man frowned tightly, but actually restores the actually appearance now, looks Five Elements True Elemental Dan that Shen Xiang refines one after another, his heart is numb. 老人原本紧皱眉头,但现在却又恢复了原来的模样,看着沈翔一炉又一炉炼制出来的五行真元丹,他的心都已经麻木了。 Three double-hour quick on the past, the people did not think that the time is very long, because looked that Shen Xiang alchemy lets their very satisfying, especially these Five Elements True Elemental Dan grain of another grains was taken, although is not their. 三个时辰很快就过去了,众人都不觉得时间很长,因为看沈翔炼丹让他们很过瘾,特别是那些五行真元丹一粒又一粒的被取出来的时候,虽然不是他们的。 Hua Xiangyue looks in own front that jade box several hundred grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan, that caresses the face that flatters beautifully fully is astonished, three double-hour, Shen Xiang altogether refined 40 furnaces, each furnace is ten grains, without being defeated one time, now altogether is 400 grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan! 花香月看着自己前面那玉盒里面的几百粒五行真元丹,那妖艳抚媚的脸满是惊愕,三个时辰,沈翔总共炼制了四十炉,每一炉都是十粒,没有失败过一次,现在总共是四百粒五行真元丹 Those present the first time are saw so many Five Elements True Elemental Dan, although these pill pellet are transparent, but piles in a jade box completely, makes people feel that shocks. 在场的人都是第一次看见这么多五行真元丹,虽然这些丹丸都是透明的,但全部堆在一个玉盒里面,还是让人感到非常震撼。 In shocking Shen Xiang alchemy technique simultaneously, the people also shock the resources that in his hand has, where does he make so many herbs? 在震惊沈翔炼丹术同时,众人也震惊他手中掌握的资源,他是从哪里弄来这么多的药材 You won, this gives your reward!” That old man walks, gives the Shen Xiang two boxes, in a box is White Jade Lotus Seed, another is that Five Elements Profound Dan, this is be more precious than time of Earth Level High-Grade Dan Five Elements True Elemental Dan, several hundred grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan that even if Shen Xiang refines him sell out not to trade. “你赢了,这是给你的奖励!”那老人走过来,递给沈翔两个盒子,一个盒子里面是白玉莲子,另外一个就是那五行玄元丹,这可是要比五行真元丹珍贵许多倍的地级上品丹,就算沈翔把他炼制出来的几百粒五行真元丹卖掉都换不到。 Shen Xiang is smiling receiving, the competition, as soon as finished, does not need to make anything to judge again, King Continent such straightforward also makes Shen Xiang be surprised. 沈翔微笑着接过,比赛一结束,就不需要再做什么评判,王者大陆这么爽快也让沈翔感到意外。 Hua Xiangyue gives Shen Xiang that jade box, this is Shen Xiang Five Elements True Elemental Dan, making many Big Shot look greedyly. 花香月把那玉盒递给沈翔,这都是沈翔五行真元丹,让许多巨头看得眼馋。 Six months, does not know that these things can make me enter into Peak Realm, jokes aside, I want to obtain that Good Fortune Fruit!” Shen Xiang said with a smile. “还有半年时间,不知道这些东西能不能让我迈入极致境界,说真的,我很想得到那造化果!”沈翔笑道。 Alchemy Competition, regarding Shen Xiang him is only a small victory! 炼丹比赛,对于沈翔他来说只是一个小小的胜利! Jokes aside, I hope that you can attend the martial arts contest, when the time comes our King Continent welcome you absolutely!” That old man said, Shen Xiang has won one time, lets their King Continent rout, they naturally must ask, but Shen Xiang is not willing to attend the martial arts contest. “说真的,我非常希望你能来参加比武,到时候我们王者大陆绝对欢迎你!”那老人说道,沈翔已经赢了一次,让他们王者大陆大败,他们当然要讨回来,只不过沈翔不肯参加比武。 Even if Shen Xiang enters into Peak Realm, King Continent still has the confidence to let the Shen Xiang disastrous defeat, because that is the martial arts contest, is not Alchemy Competition, moreover this Alchemy Competition is not, moreover there is too a unknown factor. 就算沈翔迈入极致境界,王者大陆也是有信心让沈翔惨败,因为那是比武,不是炼丹比赛,况且这场炼丹比赛根本算不上,而且有太多未知的因素。 Shen Xiang obtains that Five Elements Profound Dan, perhaps also some so many Five Elements True Elemental Dan, really can enter into Peak Realm in six months. The people also anticipated at this time, because on their continent outstanding disciples are here disastrous severe wound turn over, King Continent's Human King bloodline truly makes many continent's people unable to raise the head. 沈翔得到那五行玄元丹,又有这么多五行真元丹,说不定半年内真的可以迈入极致境界。众人此时也非常期待,因为他们大陆上面的杰出弟子都是这里惨败重伤而归,王者大陆的人王血脉确实让许多大陆的人抬不起头来。 Quick, the news that Shen Xiang wins total victories spread over entire Extreme Martial Sect, feels a joy in the people of King Continent disastrous defeat, King Continent is really not at least fierce, some people of energy forcing they, as soon as plans, although in the pills aspect. 很快,沈翔大获全胜的消息就传遍了整个太武门,许多在王者大陆惨败的人都感到一丝喜悦,至少王者大陆不是真的那么厉害,还是有人能力压他们一筹的,虽然只是在丹药方面。 Shen Xiang returns to Extreme Martial Sect, closes up the cultivation immediately, but many people also heard that Shen Xiang must attack Peak Realm in six months, enters for the King Martial Dao meeting, first comes back with again. 沈翔一回到太武门,就立即闭关修炼,而许多人也听说沈翔要在半年内冲击极致境界,报名参加王者武道会,再次拿个第一回来。 But during this period, many people clash toward King Continent, wants to try one's luck, but in the face of the absolute strength, does not have the luck, the gone person is still the severe wound turns over, to go King Continent to participate in martial artist of that King Martial Dao meeting, no enters to a higher position, although several can support a period of time, to was still defeated by King Continent's bloodlines warrior finally! 而在这期间,还是有许多人往王者大陆里面冲,想碰碰运气,但在绝对实力面前,是没有运气可言的,去的人依然都是重伤而归,前去王者大陆参加那王者武道会的武者,没有一个进入到更高的名次,虽然有几个能撑一段时间,到最后依然被王者大陆的血脉战士击败!
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