WDDG :: Volume #4

#393: Keeping one eye on

Shen Xiang proficiently refines Five Elements True Elemental Dan incomparable . Moreover the speed is fast, making some Alchemist on the scene exclaim in surprise. Because Shen Xiang currently has not used alchemic furnace, but refines baseless can refine such well, obviously his foundation is solid, in this regard, young Alchemist in their King Continent is hard to compare favorably with Shen Xiang. 沈翔炼制五行真元丹已熟练无比,而且速度非常快,让在场的一些炼丹师惊叹着。因为沈翔现在是没有使用炼丹炉的,只是凭空炼制都能炼得这么好,可见他的基础非常扎实,在这方面,他们王者大陆中的年轻炼丹师难以比得上沈翔 However the King Continent's person thinks Shen Xiang could not win, because this Alchemy Competition did not compete alchemy technique, the resources that but had whom were more, originally was the fair contest, to let Shen Xiang losses here. 不过王者大陆的人还是认为沈翔赢不了,因为这场炼丹比赛不是比拼炼丹术,而是比谁拥有的资源多,本来就是公平的较量,就是为了让沈翔在这里。 As that transparent pill furnace inside multi-colored sunlight contracts slowly, all herbal Spirit Qi and herbal powder condense in the pill furnace uppermost layer, revolves fast. 随着那透明丹炉里面的霞光慢慢收缩,所有的药灵气药粉凝聚丹炉的最上层,飞快旋转起来。 The people hold the breath to stare, they could see that this was soon concentrates pill. suddenly, that big group transparent Qi mist separates ten, this explained that condense will have ten grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan, according to words that price list calculates, is value ten millions crystal stones, this is also only a furnace. 众人屏息凝视着,他们都看得出这是快要凝丹了。突然,那一大团透明的气雾分离出十份,这说明将会凝聚出十粒五行真元丹,按照那份价格表来算的话,就是价值千万晶石,这也只是一炉而已。 Half double-hour, Shen Xiang refines furnace Five Elements True Elemental Dan, is participating in Alchemist of competition actually to refine two furnaces with him, but the overall price is much lower than Shen Xiang Five Elements True Elemental Dan. 半个时辰都不到,沈翔就炼制出一炉五行真元丹,不过在和他一起参加比赛的炼丹师却炼制出两炉来,但总体价格还是远远低于沈翔五行真元丹 But they believe firmly, Shen Xiang not too many Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs, therefore they have the confidence to win, because of according to them the understanding Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs, knows that this herbs is hard to plant, is impossible to have massive, usually is appearances one after another. 可他们确信,沈翔没有太多的五行真元丹药材,所以他们还是非常有信心获胜的,因为根据他们对五行真元丹药材的了解,知道这种药材非常难以种植,不可能有大量,平时都是一份一份的出现。 Shen Xiang puts in front in pill pellet of these ten grains of transparencies the Hua Xiangyue that table big jade box, Hua Xiangyue and referee old men take the examination in abundance, seeing is the excellent quality, these referee old men exclaim in surprise. 沈翔把这十粒完全透明的丹丸就放入花香月那张桌子前面的大玉盒中,花香月和裁判老头们都纷纷拿起来查看,看见是上乘品质,那些裁判老头都纷纷惊叹起来。 The quality and speed, pill number, Shen Xiang achieved perfect, has such foundation, later can definitely become very splendid Alchemist, now the King Continent's person somewhat worries, because of their present pits Shen Xiang, later will definitely be remembered by Shen Xiang, gets into a deadlock relationship is not good. 品质、速度、出丹数量,沈翔都做到了完美,有这样的基础,以后肯定能成为一名非常出色的炼丹师,现在王者大陆的人就有些担忧,因为他们现在坑了沈翔,以后肯定会被沈翔记住的,把关系搞僵可不好。 Must know that Shen Xiang's status is special, because he is Huang Jintian's disciple, has Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, in the future will could become Extreme Martial Sect's Sect Master, moreover like Huang Jintian, will stand in entire Mortal Martial World most apex. Naturally, in addition Alchemist this reputation, that is be much fiercer than Huang Jintian. 要知道沈翔的身份非常特殊,因为他还是黄锦天的徒弟,身怀太极降龙功,将来说不定能成为太武门的掌教,而且还会像黄锦天那样,站在整个凡武界的最顶点。当然,再加上炼丹师这个名头,那可是要比黄锦天厉害得多。 Now I must use pill furnace!” Shen Xiang smiles, attains in front of Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace at the same time oneself. “现在我要用丹炉了!”沈翔笑了笑,把一边的炎龙宝炉拿到自己前面。 He turns on the pill furnace cover, then put out a jade box, cautious and solemn invests herbs toward in pill furnace, seeing these herbs, the people to send out low and deep calling out in alarm, because that was Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs, moreover processed! 他打开丹炉的盖子,然后拿出了一个玉盒,小心翼翼的往里丹炉里面投入药材,看见这些药材,众人发出了一声低沉的惊呼,因为那是五行真元丹药材,而且还是处理过的! Shen Xiang sees that four King Continent's Alchemist directly to use processed herbs, therefore he also makes Su Meiyao first do well, such a, he can win more time. 沈翔看见那四个王者大陆的炼丹师都可以直接使用处理过的药材,所以他也让苏媚瑶先弄好,这么一来,他就能争取到更多的时间。 Refining up to be many some Five Elements True Elemental Dan, is battered to death this group of fellows.” Long Xueyi happily said with a smile. “炼多一些五行真元丹,砸死这群家伙。”龙雪怡嘻笑道 After Divine Martial Skill pavilion powerful old man sees, cannot help but frowns, Shen Xiang refines the words that a furnace comes out, that was two ten millions crystal stones, moreover now they do not determine some Shen Xiang many Five Elements True Elemental Dan, perhaps Shen Xiang really will also win this competition first, when the time comes disgraced may be they. 神武阁位高权重的老人看见之后,不由得皱起眉头来,沈翔又炼制一炉出来的话,那就是两千万晶石了,而且现在他们都不确定沈翔还有多少五行真元丹,说不定沈翔真的会赢得这场比赛的第一,到时候丢人的可就是他们了。 At this time discussed that person suddenly stopped the sound, looks at Shen Xiang dumbfoundedly, saw only a Shen Xiang hand to be similar to fiery red gem pill furnace according to that another hand actually put out a jade box, the jade box opened, inside unexpectedly was Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs. 这时候议论中的人突然停住了声音,目瞪口呆地看着沈翔,只见沈翔一只手按照那如同火红色宝石的丹炉上面,另外一只手却又拿出了一个玉盒,玉盒打开,里面竟然又是一份五行真元丹药材 „Does he want to do?” The heart of everyone is jumping crazily, they guessed correctly probably Shen Xiang must do, but is unbelievable. “他要干什么?”每个人的心脏都狂跳着,他们好像猜到沈翔要干什么了,但却难以相信。 Shen Xiang smiles lightly, grasps on the jade box these processed Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs, invested in that transparent pill furnace, his unexpectedly must refine two furnaces simultaneously! 沈翔淡淡一笑,抓起玉盒里面那些处理过的五行真元丹药材,投入了那个透明丹炉之中,他竟然要同时炼制两炉! This...... this simply is a young lunatic!” Lan Hai shouted one lowly, other continent's Big Shot also stare the big eye, looks at Shen Xiang. “这……这简直就是一个小疯子!”蓝海低呼了一声,其他大陆的巨头也瞪大眼睛,看着沈翔 Can see Alchemist not to use pill furnace alchemy, this is broadened the outlook, but Shen Xiang actually must refine two furnaces now simultaneously, a furnace with pill furnace, a furnace does not use, if this is really the case, then Shen Xiang is equivalent to two Alchemist simultaneously alchemy, this radically is heaven defying cultivation base. 能看见炼丹师不使用丹炉炼丹,这已经算是大开眼界了,但现在沈翔却要同时炼制两炉,一炉是用丹炉,一炉是不用的,如果真的是这样的话,那么沈翔就相当于两个炼丹师同时炼丹,这根本就是逆天修为 Hua Xiangyue is recent from Shen Xiang, she has long known Shen Xiang has many herbs, but never expected that Shen Xiang makes her be surprised, unexpectedly controls two pill furnace simultaneously, keeping one eye on, although is the alchemy taboo, but controls the good words, that efficiency will be higher. 花香月距离沈翔最近,她是早就知道沈翔拥有许多药材,但没想到沈翔还是让她感到意外,竟然同时操控两个丹炉,一心二用虽然是炼丹大忌,但掌控得好的话,那效率会更高。 These referee old men are pills circle inside peak exist, but on the scene also has many other continent's high level Alchemist, at this time they were frightened unable to speak by the Shen Xiang action, a person controls two pill furnace simultaneously, this is many Alchemist at the matter that in the fantasy dares to handle, but Shen Xiang actually must do now to them looks! 那些裁判老头都是丹药圈子里面的巅峰存在,而在场也有许多其他大陆的高阶炼丹师,此时他们都被沈翔的举动吓得说不出话来,一人同时操控两个丹炉,这是许多炼丹师在幻想中才敢做的事情,但现在沈翔却要做给他们看! Liu Meng'er looks at Shen Xiang that generous shoulder, in the heart secret haughty, she is being proud for Shen Xiang, Shen Xiang can always make some unexpected things, she has been unalarmed by strange sights. 柳梦儿看着沈翔那宽厚的肩膀,心中暗暗得意,她在替沈翔感到骄傲,沈翔总是能做出一些出人意料的事情,她已经见怪不怪了。 Shen Xiang reveals such a, making the King Continent's person immediately the pressure very big, they have not expected Shen Xiang unexpectedly to have so many Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs, moreover probably comes prepared, unexpectedly is processed. 沈翔露出这么一手,让王者大陆的人顿时压力很大,他们都没有料到沈翔竟然会有这么多五行真元丹药材,而且好像还是有备而来,竟然都是处理过的。 Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs Shen Xiang also over a hundred, compete the herbs words, he is wins steadily. 五行真元丹药材沈翔还有上百份,比拼药材的话,他是稳赢的。 Simultaneously refined two furnace pill this is Shen Xiang already some ideas, because he refined a furnace time felt to accomplish a task with ease, especially when used the Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace this high level thing. 同时炼制两炉丹这是沈翔早就有的想法,因为他炼制一炉的时候都感到游刃有余,特别是使用炎龙宝炉这种高阶的东西时。 If he can refine two furnace pill simultaneously, he can refine massive Five Elements True Elemental Dan fast, can win the time to enter into Peak Realm in six months! 如果他能同时炼制两炉丹的话,他就能快速炼制出大量的五行真元丹,能争取时间在半年内迈入极致境界 Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace inside situation is systematic, he has proficiently resulted in cannot be skilled, although enters the fire single-handed, but he actually releases a lot of flame, moreover is Heavenly Sun Fire, is alchemy the fire of top grade. 炎龙宝炉里面的情况井然有序,他已经熟练得不能再熟练了,虽然是单手进火,但他却释放出大量的火焰,而且都是天阳之火,是炼丹极品之火。 In Illusionary Brilliant Furnace was also poured into the flame by him, the flame starts to burn down herbs, as the herbs been suitable flame incinerator, these beautiful five colors multi-colored sunlight appear again, making the entire palace be covered by this beautiful light glow. 幻法宝炉之中也被他灌入火焰,火焰开始焚烧药材,随着药材被适宜的火焰焚烧,那些美丽的五色霞光再次出现,让整个殿堂都被这种美丽的光霞笼罩。 In the Shen Xiang mind in the refining simulation two pill furnace internal situation, this to him is also an exercise, is one type strengthens him to the Refining Simulation Technique skilled method, if he can complete, his Refining Simulation Technique will promote a rank again, is not easy his stage. 沈翔脑海中正在演炼两个丹炉的内部情况,这对他来说也是一种锻炼,是一种增强他对演炼法熟练的方法,如果他能做好,他的演炼法又会再次提升一个级别,在他这个阶段来说已经算是非常不易的。 If Shen Xiang currently has Profound Level Middle-Grade Dan herbs, he will definitely attempt to refine, but before then, he must guarantee that Divine Sense arrives at certain stage, otherwise insufficient mind/energetic maintains refining simulation when the time comes, the consequence is very serious. 如果沈翔现在有玄级中品丹药材,他肯定会尝试去炼制一番,不过在此之前,他得确保神识到达一定阶段,否则到时候不够精神去维持演炼,后果是非常严重的。 Not long, Shen Xiang turned on that Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace cover, takes out ten grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan from inside, this all people are startled, because his unexpectedly refine, this made the people think that the time passed was very long! 不用多久,沈翔就打开了那炎龙宝炉的盖子,从里面取出十粒五行真元丹,这又所有人大吃一惊,因为他竟然炼好了,这让众人都以为时间过去了很久! His did herbs just put probably shortly after?” Wu Kaiming asked surprised. “他的药材好像刚刚放进去没多久吧?”武开明吃惊地问道。
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