WDDG :: Volume #4

#392: The unique skill is astonishing

Reward? This lets in that old man and other four participating young Alchemist hearts despises, because they felt the opportunity that Shen Xiang has not won, unexpectedly may also I ask the reward! 奖励?这让那老人和其他四个参赛的年轻炼丹师心中鄙夷,因为他们觉得沈翔没有获胜的机会,居然还敢问奖励! Although King Continent has sealed up, but many expert come to here frequently, but some King Continent also many people go out frequently, therefore they know other continent's some situations, especially pills aspect. 王者大陆虽然一直封闭,但还是有不少强者经常来这里,而王者大陆也有许多人经常出去,所以他们知道其他大陆的一些情况,特别是丹药方面。 For example Building Foundation Dan, Elemental Spirit Dan and Five Elements True Elemental Dan situation, this is like their King Continent, is very scarce, moreover other side door pills herbs are also so, but their here side door pills herbs are many, therefore they cause this rule intentionally, this is to let Shen Xiang loses the competition here. 比如筑基丹元神丹五行真元丹的情况,这和他们王者大陆一样,都是非常稀少的,而且其他偏门丹药药材也是如此,而他们这里的偏门丹药药材却很多,所以他们才故意弄出这个规则来,这是为了让沈翔在这里输掉比赛。 They want to make Shen Xiang attend the martial arts contest, then ruthlessly defeats Shen Xiang this Chenwu Mainland first young expert, has not thought Shen Xiang has not gone, only then his disciple Xiao Chou came. Although Xiao Chou is the severe wound goes back, but King Continent finds it not enough, because their goals are Shen Xiang, but Xiao Chou is only under Shen Xiang's hand the defeated general, they defeat the Xiao Chou not superiority feeling. 原本他们就想让沈翔参加比武,然后狠狠的把沈翔这个辰武大陆第一年轻强者打败,可没想到沈翔没有去,只有他的徒弟萧仇来了。虽然萧仇是重伤回去的,但王者大陆还是觉得不够,因为他们的目标是沈翔,而萧仇只是沈翔的手下败将而已,他们打败萧仇并没有优越感。 Therefore, this Alchemy Competition has custom-made for Shen Xiang! 所以,这次炼丹比赛是为了沈翔而定制的! This competition, only then a victor, can obtain White Jade Lotus Seed!” That old man said. “这场比赛只有一个胜利者,将能获得一个白玉莲子!”那老人说道。 Oh! Shen Xiang complied with one gently, on the face unexpectedly is very light, moreover in the look also fills disappointedly, seems like this White Jade Lotus Seed is cabbage such. 哦!沈翔轻轻应了一声,脸上竟然很平淡,而且眼神中还充满失望,就好像这白玉莲子是大白菜那样。 Must know that White Jade Lotus Seed is very good thing, that is Earth Level High-Grade Dan, one of the Life Returning Pill main herbs, even some Heaven Level pill also need to arrive at this White Jade Lotus Seed. 要知道白玉莲子已经算是非常好的东西了,那可是地级上品丹,还命丹主药材之一,甚至有一些天级丹也需要到这白玉莲子 I want to know why this does reward will disappoint you so?” That old man took a deep breath, asked slightly. “我想知道这奖励为什么会让你这么失望?”那老人微微吸了一口气,问道。 This old man cannot allow others to have the least bit to be disappointed to his King Continent, he sees Shen Xiang that facial expression, in the heart is uncomfortable. 老人容不得别人对他王者大陆有半点失望,他看到沈翔那种神情,心中就非常不爽。 Shen Xiang said with a smile: Was not disappointed, when I fought with a Lotus Island Master Young Master gambling a while ago, won several White Jade Lotus Seed.” 沈翔笑道:“也不是失望了,只是我前段时间和莲花岛主的一个公子赌斗时,就赢得了好几个白玉莲子。” Hears Shen Xiang's words, the audience in an uproar, everyone looks to Lian Yingxiao, but Lian Yingxiao the celebrity in Mortal World, especially his excessive wealth, is famous on many continent. 听到沈翔的话,全场哗然,所有人都看向连颖箫,连颖箫可是凡界中的名人,特别是他的财大气粗,在许多大陆上面都是有名的。 Really has its matter, moreover many Fire Dragon Blood Lotus.” Lian Yingxiao said. “确有其事,而且还有不少火龙血莲。”连颖箫说道。 Lotus Island most famous is White Jade Lotus Seed, it is said King Continent above White Jade Lotus Seed is Lian Yingxiao that Lotus Island's, but a gambling fights, the Shen Xiang collection won several White Jade Lotus Seed, but now King Continent holds significant Alchemy Competition reward also just one. 莲花岛最有名的就是白玉莲子,据说王者大陆上面的白玉莲子都是连颖箫莲花岛的,只是一场赌斗,沈翔集赢得了几个白玉莲子,而现在王者大陆举行重大炼丹比赛的奖励也只不过一个。 The contrast, this King Continent's reward was too truly poor a point, Shen Xiang will be no wonder disappointed, now the people thought that White Jade Lotus Seed as the reward was not anything. 对比来看,这王者大陆的奖励确实太寒酸了一点,也难怪沈翔会失望,现在众人觉得那白玉莲子作为奖励也不算什么了。 Then I increase grain of Five Elements Profound Dan now again!” That old man said. “那么现在我再增加一粒五行玄元丹!”那老人说道。 Shen Xiang is pleasantly surprised, before he had eaten Five Elements Profound Dan, but that grain is the Low-Grade quality, moreover deposited too for a long time causes the efficacy to be weaker, therefore his previous time only ate grain of abandoned Five Elements Profound Dan. 沈翔惊喜不已,之前他就吃过五行玄元丹,不过那一粒是下乘品质,而且存放太久导致药力弱了许多,所以他上次只算是吃了一粒废弃的五行玄元丹 Must know Five Elements Profound Dan, but Earth Level High-Grade Dan, but at that time also letting he promoted 2nd Stage from True Martial Realm 1st Stage, he also understood afterward when Earth Level pills knows that grain that at that time he ate is waste pill. 要知道五行玄元丹可是地级上品丹,而当时也只是让让他从真武境一段提升到二段而已,他也是后来了解到地级丹药时才知道当时他吃的那粒是废丹。 Waste pill was so fierce, if good? To be better, he lacks pills now, if he can obtain this Five Elements Profound Dan, perhaps he can enter into Peak Realm in six months. 废丹都这么厉害了,如果是好的呢?岂不是更好,他现在可是非常缺少丹药,如果他能得到这五行玄元丹的话,说不定他就能在半年内迈入极致境界 That present starts!” That old man some dislike looked at Shen Xiang one. “那现在开始吧!”那老人有些厌恶地看了沈翔一眼。 Shen Xiang thought that this old man affirmation and his Master have a grudge, will otherwise not aim at him. 沈翔觉得这老人肯定和他师傅有仇,否则也不会这么针对他。 The competition from the beginning, the people are criticizing King Continent these Alchemist, such that because thinks with them, these Alchemist have large number of side door pill's herbs, is Low-Grade Profound Level Dan, if refines comes out, the final price is highest, can defeat Shen Xiang. 比赛一开始,众人就暗暗骂着王者大陆那些炼丹师,因为和他们想的那样,这些炼丹师都有着大量的偏门丹的药材,都是玄级下品丹,如果炼制很多出来,最后价格最高的话,就能把沈翔打败。 The one who most lets person life Qi/angry is, these King Continent's Alchemist uses herbs unexpectedly already processed, after that old man shouted started, King Continent's four Alchemist immediately start alchemy, but Shen Xiang is actually processing herbs, people eyes recognized that are Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs. 最让人生气的是,那些王者大陆的炼丹师使用的药材竟然都早就处理过的,那老人一喊开始之后,王者大陆的四个炼丹师就立即开始炼丹了,而沈翔却在处理药材,众人一眼就认出那是五行真元丹药材 The one who disappoints people somewhat is, Shen Xiang has not used his transparently alchemic furnace, many Big Shot want to take a look at that pills in the process that in pill furnace forms. 让人有些失望的是,沈翔并没有使用他那个“透明”的炼丹炉,许多巨头都非常想看看那种丹药丹炉里面形成的过程。 These Alchemist that competes, cannot bear looks at herbs in several Shen Xiang hands, that is Five Elements True Elemental Dan, although they have seen, but has actually never refined, because this is extremely rare, to words that they refine, destiny that also is failed. 就连比赛的那些炼丹师,都忍不住都看几眼沈翔手中的药材,那可是五行真元丹,他们虽然见过,但却从未炼制过,因为这太过稀有,给他们炼制的话,也只有失败的命运。 Shen Xiang knows that King Continent wants to show off, now he also plans to show off, refines furnace Five Elements True Elemental Dan with his transparent pill furnace. 沈翔知道王者大陆就是想炫耀,现在他也打算炫耀一把,用他那透明的丹炉炼制一炉五行真元丹 Does not know whether I first cannot need pill furnace to refine a furnace pill, my is first warms up.” Shen Xiang looks that old man asked. “不知道我能否先不用丹炉炼制一炉丹,我这是先热热身。”沈翔看着那老人问道。 Sure!” That old man also wants to have a look at Shen Xiang this alchemy unique skill, he lived was so long, heard that for the first time did not need pill furnace to refine Five Elements True Elemental Dan this pill. “当然可以!”那老人也想看看沈翔这种炼丹绝技,他活了这么久,第一次听说不用丹炉就能炼制出五行真元丹这种丹来。 These referee old men stare greatly the eye, they are top Alchemist in King Continent, has not seen this matter, they are also hard to achieve. They before are very early had heard this matter, has wanted to have a look. 那些裁判老头都纷纷瞪大着眼睛,他们都是王者大陆中的顶尖炼丹师,都没有见过这种事情,他们自己也难以做到。他们是在很早之前就听说过这件事了,一直想看看。 Shen Xiang places the one side Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace, then releases magic power, condense has not visible pill furnace, to stay this skilled condition, he will refine several pill with this Illusionary Brilliant Furnace once for a while, therefore his pressure does not have now. 沈翔炎龙宝炉放在一旁,然后释放出法力,凝聚出一个看不见的丹炉,为了保持这种熟练的状态,他会时不时的用这幻法宝炉来炼制几丹,所以现在他一点压力都没有。 After Shen Xiang herbs processes, invests in Illusionary Brilliant Furnace, pours into the flame, at this time the people see clearly sees the three layer structures of that transparent valuable furnace, the floor is the flame, the middle is herbs, the upper layer is five colors riotous herbal Spirit Qi. 沈翔药材处理完之后,投入幻法宝炉之中,注入火焰,此时众人看见清楚的看见那透明宝炉的三层结构,底层是火焰,中间是药材,上层是五彩缤纷的药灵气 When these herbs by the flame incinerator, five colors light glow that sends out is been also more dazzling, looks at impressive again and again, the people can now clear sees herbs to be burnt down, herbal Spirit Qi that little overflows how beautiful, seems like five colors multi-colored sunlight such. 那些药材被火焰焚烧着,散发出来的五彩光霞也更加炫目,看得让人惊叹连连,现在众人都能清晰的看见药材被焚烧时,那一点点溢出来的药灵气是多么的美丽,就好像五彩霞光那样。 These herbal Spirit Qi gather together, becomes very tyrannical, is dashing in the uppermost that matter everywhere, making these five colors multi-colored sunlight flick, is dazzling, these tyrannical herbal Spirit Qi seem like must destroy that transparent pill furnace is the same, but they actually by not visible power stopping. 这些药灵气聚聚在一起,变得非常暴虐,在最上面那层四处冲撞着,让那些五彩霞光一闪一闪的,非常炫目,那些暴虐的药灵气像是要把那透明丹炉撞烂一样,但它们却被一股看不见的力量给阻拦下来。 These first time people who see this scene are dumbfounded, they were also side Big Shot, lived many years, thinks oneself were experienced, but is given to be shocked by this Mei and Jing (beautiful scenery) now at present, their being hard phenomenon in alchemy, inside unexpectedly was such beautiful. 那些第一次看见这种场景的人都是目瞪口呆,他们也算是一方巨头了,都活了很多年,都自认为自己见多识广,但现在还是被眼前这种美景给惊呆,他们难以现象在炼丹的时候,里面竟然是这么美丽的。 King Continent's four Alchemist also with astonishment look at Shen Xiang to refine Five Elements True Elemental Dan, they do not appreciate these beautiful light glow now, but shocks in Shen Xiang that alchemy ability, they are Alchemist, the seen thing be more than others. 王者大陆的四名炼丹师也都惊愕地看着沈翔炼制五行真元丹,他们现在可不是欣赏那些美丽的光霞,而是震惊于沈翔那种炼丹本领,他们是炼丹师,看到的东西要比其他人多。
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