WDDG :: Volume #4

#391: King Continent's clever trick

Asked in that middle-aged heart of Shen Xiang issue a moment ago, although was not quick, but he was with smile on the face, said: so that's how it is, I think that King Martial Dao will be short of Young Hero Shen gloomily certainly many, is really regrettable.” 刚才问沈翔问题的那个中年心中虽然不快,但他还是面带微笑,说道:“原来如此,我想王者武道会少了沈少侠一定会暗淡不少,真是遗憾。” To be honest, I very want to participate, is only the strength is truly insufficient, if I can enter into Peak Realm I to register in six months!” The Shen Xiang smile said. “说实话,我是挺想参加的,只是实力确实不够,如果我能在半年内迈入极致境界我就去报名!”沈翔微笑道。 In six months enters into Peak Realm? Many people here are Nirvana Realm expert, they think that this is absolutely impossible, Shen Xiang in their eyes is only True Martial Realm 7th Stage martial artist, but enters into Peak Realm is not that simple, if enters True Martial Realm 9th Stage that to be passable. 半年内迈入极致境界?在这里的许多人都是涅槃境强者,他们认为这绝无可能,沈翔在他们眼中只是一个真武境七段武者,而迈入极致境界不是那么简单的,如果说进入真武境九段那还说得过去。 If Young Hero Shen really can achieve, that absolutely is the first rare talent in Mortal Martial World! Naturally, this was except our King Continent's martial artist.” That middle age said, then sits. “如果沈少侠真能做到的话,那绝对是凡武界之中的第一奇才!当然,这是除去了我们王者大陆的武者。”那中年说完,便坐下来。 Before Shen Xiang, knew that here these have Human King bloodline martial artist to have much are young are Peak Realm, this truly is very extraordinary. 沈翔之前就得知这里那些拥有人王血脉武者有不少是年纪轻轻就是极致境界的,这确实是非常了不起呀。 Shen Xiang smiles, the fist hardly is a rare talent, seeing King Continent to show off own strength in high-profile manner, this makes him long for that can soon enter into Peak Realm, making these King Continent's fellows unable to smile. 沈翔只是笑了笑,拳头硬就是奇才,看见王者大陆这么高调炫耀自己的实力,这让他更加渴望能早日迈入极致境界,让这些王者大陆的家伙笑不出来。 At this time, that auspicious old man lightly smiled: Now starts Alchemy Competition, the Young Hero Shen time is very critical.” 这时候,那个祥和老者微微一笑:“现在开始炼丹比赛吧,沈少侠的时间可是非常紧要的。” „The rule of this finals is very simple, is you for a limited time , all pills total values of refining are highest, that is a winner! herbs needs to prepare, I think that you, has the sufficient preparation.” “这场决赛的规则很简单,就是你们在限定的时间内,炼制出来的所有丹药的总价值最高,那就是胜者!药材需要自己准备,我想你们在来的时候,都已经有了充足的准备了吧。” Hears this rule, Shen Xiang frowns slightly, other these continent's expert also whisper, is complaining to the disaffection of this rule, because this is disadvantageous to Shen Xiang. 听到这规则,沈翔微微皱起眉头来,其他那些大陆的强者也交头接耳,纷纷抱怨着对这规则的不满,因为这对沈翔不利。 Shen Xiang looked around other four young mens, they arrogant and are full of the provocative the look to look at Shen Xiang with one type, looks at loser such probably. 沈翔看了看一旁的其他四个青年男子,他们都用一种傲慢而充满挑衅的眼神看着沈翔,就好像是看一个失败者那样。 „...... Cannot refine Hundred Beasts Dan, this pill does not have the significance! But the pills value, here has a reference price, evaluates the final output time, according to our reference prices comments.” “还有……不可以炼制百兽丹,这种丹毫无意义!而丹药的价值,我们这里有一个参考价,评定最后结果的时候,是按照我们的参考价格来评的。” In the Shen Xiang heart is secretly angry, he thought that this Alchemy Competition seems like for a trap that he prepares, to let him loses the competition, then makes the King Continent's prestige bigger. 沈翔心中暗暗愤怒着,他觉得这场炼丹比赛就好像是为他准备的一个陷阱,就是为了让他输掉比赛,然后让王者大陆的威名更加大。 A person walks, issues Shen Xiang their paper, above writes some pills prices, this is the reference price. 一个人走来,发给沈翔他们一张纸,上面写有一些丹药的价格,这就是参考价格。 Building Foundation Dan eight hundred thousand crystal stones grains, Elemental Spirit Dan hundred crystal stones, what Five Elements True Elemental Dan million crystal stones......” make Shen Xiang accidental/surprised is, three Low-Grade Profound Level Dan unexpectedly of highest price are he most adept three, but under also many Low-Grade Profound Level Dan, the price also in five hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand, this is some side door pill. 筑基丹十万晶石一粒,元神丹一百晶石,五行真元丹一百万晶石……”让沈翔意外的是,最高价格的三种玄级下品丹竟然是他最拿手的三种,而底下还有许多玄级下品丹,价格也都是在五十万到八十万之间,这都是一些偏门丹。 Before Shen Xiang, has investigated here, here some side door pill's herbs have, but is very expensive/noble, some refinement difficulties are not big, if there is very big herbs, the refinement comes out massively, can win. 沈翔之前就在这里做过调查,这里的一些偏门丹的药材还是有的,不过却很贵,有一些炼制难度不大,如果有很大药材的话,炼制大量出来,还是能获胜的。 Snort, these side door dangans were unworthy these prices, they put high Building Foundation Dan, Elemental Spirit Dan and Five Elements True Elemental Dan price intentionally, as the matter stands, these side door pill are higher have nothing! I can affirm, they have many side door pill's herbs, but these pills actually have no merit to speak of! Moreover they think that you do not have many precious pills herbs on hand.” Su Meiyao said with a sneer. “哼,这些偏门丹根本就不值这些价格,他们故意放高筑基丹元神丹五行真元丹的价格,这样一来,那些偏门丹再高一些也没有什么!我敢肯定,他们有很多偏门丹的药材,不过这些丹药却一无是处!而且他们认为你手头没有多少珍贵丹药药材。”苏媚瑶冷笑道 Wu Kaiming hit a meaningful glance to Shen Xiang at this time, probably was inquiring that Shen Xiang if wanted gives up competing, because competes now to him is disadvantageous, trick many people can look, this King Continent is bounteous, herbs that here Alchemist grasps certainly be more than other continent's Alchemist. 武开明这时候给沈翔打了一个眼色,好像是在询问沈翔要不要放弃比赛,因为现在比赛对他不利,这其中的猫腻许多人都看得出来,这王者大陆地大物博,这里的炼丹师掌握的药材肯定要比其他大陆的炼丹师要多。 Now ratio is not alchemy technique, but is whose resources are many, this point is unfair, clarifies to let Shen Xiang loses the competition, moreover does not allow to refine Hundred Beasts Dan, thinks to think that lets person life Qi/angry. 现在比的不是炼丹术,而是谁的资源多,这一点都不公平,摆明就是为了让沈翔输掉比赛的,而且还不允许炼制百兽丹,想想都觉得让人生气 Young Hero Shen, without issue?” That old man smiles to ask lightly. 沈少侠,没有问题吧?”那老人淡淡地笑问道。 Does not have the issue!” The Shen Xiang smile response said that a confident appearance. “没问题!”沈翔微笑回应道,一副信心十足的模样。 That three most expensive pills herbs, Shen Xiang does not lack now, Building Foundation Dan his also 80, Five Elements True Elemental Dan 100, Elemental Spirit Dan 100, but he only plans to refine Five Elements True Elemental Dan, because has pill to be many, a furnace is ten grains! Building Foundation Dan at most is also only four grains, the Elemental Spirit Dan three grains. 那三种最贵丹药药材,沈翔现在可是不缺的,筑基丹他还有八十份,五行真元丹一百份,元神丹一百份,不过他只打算炼制五行真元丹,因为出丹多,一炉就是十粒!筑基丹顶多也只是四粒,元神丹三粒。 Moreover he has wanted to refine massive Five Elements True Elemental Dan, is used to attack Peak Realm! 而且他早就想炼制大量的五行真元丹,用来冲击极致境界的! Playing time is three double-hour, if prepares, now puts out alchemic furnace, fellow referees inspect.” That old man said. “比赛时间是三个时辰,如果都准备好的话,现在就拿出炼丹炉,各位裁判检查吧。”那老人说道。 Shen Xiang put out Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace, gave Hua Xiangyue, sees only Hua Xiangyue to caress to him flatters smiles, probably is encouraging him. 沈翔拿出了炎龙宝炉,递给了花香月,只见花香月对他抚媚一笑,像是在鼓励着他。 Now introduces participating Alchemist, Young Hero Shen everyone was familiar, I did not need spending many argument!” That old man stands to say. “现在介绍一下参赛的炼丹师,沈少侠各位都非常熟悉了,我也不需要多费口舌了!”那老人站起来说道。 First is talent Alchemist of our Divine Martial Skill pavilion, Xian Yaoming, this year 35 years old, but he can actually refine Profound Level Middle-Grade Dan, is......” “首先是我们神武阁的天才炼丹师,咸耀明,今年三十五岁,但他却可以炼制玄级中品丹,然后是……” Shen Xiang has not listened, he thought that this was immaterial, even if knows that the complete details of opponent, is still useless to this competition. 沈翔没有听,他觉得这无关紧要了,即便知道对手的全部底细,对这场比赛也毫无用处。 That old man was introducing incessantly when that four young talent Alchemist, Shen Xiang is actually talking with Divine Sense and Hua Xiangyue. 老人滔滔不绝介绍着那四名年轻的天才炼丹师时,沈翔却用神识花香月交谈着。 Elder Sister Xiangyue, you probably to me very confident!” 香月姐姐,你好像对我很有信心呀!” Naturally, your little rascal can Meng'er so many Life Returning Pill herbs, but also captured reassurance of Liu Meng'er this peerless beautiful woman, how can I not have the confidence to you?” The Hua Xiangyue's tone has the jealousy. “当然,你这小坏蛋能给梦儿这么多还命丹药材,还把柳梦儿这绝世美人的放心掳获了,我怎么能对你没有信心呢?”花香月的语气带着醋意。 Shen Xiang said with a smile: Elder Sister Xiangyue, said that really I do not think you are my maidservant, this will put in great inconvenience to you!” 沈翔笑道:“香月姐,说真的我不想你做我的丫鬟,这会委屈了你的!” I do not fear the grievance, I thought that this will be very fun.” Hua Xiangyue mentioned this matter to be enthusiastic, this made Shen Xiang think that the Hua Xiangyue ancestors were a he loyal and devoted maidservant. “我才不怕委屈,我觉得这会很好玩。”花香月说起这件事就来劲,这让沈翔觉得花香月上辈子就是他一个忠心耿耿的丫鬟。 Good, this matter I will consider a period of time, at least I must process Elder Sister Meng'er and my matter.” Shen Xiang said. “好吧,这件事我会考虑一段时间的,至少我得把梦儿姐和我的事情处理好。”沈翔说道。 Hua Xiangyue can understand Shen Xiang, because this truly is an unusual headache matter. 花香月能理解沈翔,因为这确实是一件非常头疼的事情。 Who made you eating your Fairy wife's Master, now knew troublesome! Hee hee, if you receive me to be the maidservant, perhaps your Little Fairy will not say anything.” Hua Xiangyue happily said with a smile. “谁让你把你那的仙女妻子的师傅给吃了,现在知道麻烦了吧!嘻嘻,如果你收我做丫鬟的话,你那小仙女恐怕也不会说什么。”花香月嘻笑道 Although the people are listening to that old man to introduce that four talent Alchemist, but the vision of people centralized in Shen Xiang body, because Shen Xiang in dull looks that Hua Xiangyue this caresses flatters myriad females, but Hua Xiangyue actually treats as unable to see Shen Xiang probably, holds the fragrant cheek single-handedly, probably is thinking anything. 虽然众人都在听那老人介绍那四个天才炼丹师,但众人的眼光都集中在沈翔身上,因为沈翔在呆呆的看着花香月这抚媚万千的女子,而花香月却好像当作看不见沈翔,一手托着香腮,像是在想什么东西。 Only then Liu Meng'er knows that Shen Xiang is talking with Divine Sense with Hua Xiangyue, she sees on the Shen Xiang corners of the mouth that badly bad smile, knows that they saw were only definitely saying some ambiguous words, this made her be jealous secretly. 只有柳梦儿知道沈翔在和花香月神识交谈,她看见沈翔嘴角上那坏坏的笑容,就知道他们只见肯定在说一些暧昧的话,这让她暗暗吃醋起来。 cough cough, pill furnace inspected!” In that old man heart secret life Qi/angry, Shen Xiang unexpectedly, when he spoke looked at the beautiful woman, moreover looked is lost in thought that this made him suspect how Shen Xiang this state of mind did become Alchemist? 咳咳,丹炉都检查完了吧!”那老人心中暗暗生气,沈翔竟然在他说话的时候看美女,而且还看得出神,这让他怀疑沈翔这种心境是怎么成为一个炼丹师的? Hua Xiangyue is very beautiful, caresses flatters movingly, charming and sultry, so long as is the normal man, wants to look cheek that her fan deceased person does not pay with a life, but here person majority are expert, knows that this is very disrespectful matter, therefore not such unscrupulous looks at a beautiful woman. 花香月是很美丽,抚媚动人,风情万种,只要是正常男人,都想看着她那张迷死人不偿命的脸蛋,但这里的人大多数都是强者,知道这是非常失礼的事情,所以都不会这么肆无忌惮的看一个美女。 Shen Xiang recovers, sees that strange look of people, he coughs two, asked: Right, what was the reward of this Alchemy Competition?” 沈翔回过神来,看见众人的那种怪异的眼神,他干咳两声,问道:“对了,这炼丹比赛的奖励是什么?”
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