WDDG :: Volume #4

#390: Good Fortune Fruit

so that's how it is, such a, will not bury some potential people! This King Continent is really filthy rich, that Divine Martial Palace runs here influence?” Shen Xiang asked. 原来如此,这么一来,就不会埋没一些有潜力的人!这王者大陆果然是财大气粗呀,那神武殿就是掌管这里的势力吗?”沈翔问道。 Un, inside fellow is very strong, but the people who are in power must have Human King bloodline, so long as has Human King bloodline, can hold the post of the important position in the Divine Martial Skill pavilion.” Wu Kaiming said. “嗯,里面的家伙都很强,而掌权的人都是要有人王血脉的,只要拥有人王血脉,就能在神武阁里面担任重要的职位。”武开明说道。 After Shen Xiang strolled one next, discovers on this King Continent the pills industry to be very weak, sell herbs are many, pills is few, why now he understands on King Continent most people stranded in Mortal Martial Realm 3rd level and 6th level, because they do not have enough good pills. 沈翔逛了一下之后,发现这王者大陆上面丹药业很薄弱,出售的药材多,丹药却很少,现在他明白为什么王者大陆上面的大多数人都被困在凡武境三重六重,因为他们没有足够好的丹药 However Refining Master on this actually good, magic treasure shops of Shen Xiang at some big points can see the spirit tool sell. 不过在这上面炼器师却还是不错的,沈翔在一些大一点的法宝店铺都能看到有灵器出售。 It seems like this King Continent sealed up so many years, cannot train massive good Alchemist. Really, alchemy is not that easy! Now their opening to the outside world, should want to gather some Alchemist, or purchases some pills from other continent.” Shen Xiang muttered to say. “看来这王者大陆封闭了这么多年,还是培养不出大量的好炼丹师。果然,炼丹不是那么容易的!现在他们对外开放,应该是想招揽一些炼丹师,或者是向其他大陆购买一些丹药吧。”沈翔喃喃自语说道。 Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming in a bedstone constructs in the building, that was the Wu Kaiming residence here, Shen Xiang is just comes out from there now, a person is strolling here. 古东辰武开明都在一座石建楼房中,那是武开明在这里的住所,沈翔现在是刚刚从那里出来,一个人在这里闲逛着。 Good Fortune Fruit is the Heaven Level fruit, even in Heaven World is still very expensive, if can take is good!” Su Meiyao said, for serveral days she will always mention. 造化果天级果,即便在天界也是非常昂贵的,如果可以拿下就好了!”苏媚瑶说道,这些天来她总是会提起。 „Can Good Fortune Fruit refine pills that you need?” Shen Xiang asked that Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou's power lost, needs to eat a pill to get back, they had said that was an unusual high level pill. 造化果能炼制你们需要的丹药吗?”沈翔问道,苏媚瑶白幽幽的力量丧失,需要吃一种丹才能恢复过来,她们说过那是一种非常高阶的丹。 This actually not, if you obtain this Heaven Level fruit to plant now, later will have. After you go to Heaven World, can depend upon this fruit to obtain huge wealth, collects that pills herbs again. When you arrived at Heaven World, knows that there was very difficult to mix.” Su Meiyao said. “这倒不是,如果现在你得到这天级果就可以种植,以后就会有很多。你去到天界之后,就能依靠这种果获得大量的财富,再收集那种丹药药材。等你到了天界,就知道那里很难混了。”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang licked the lip, said: A half year registered on the closure, I do not have the Peak Realm strength not to dare to go, in the half year the time can I enter into Peak Realm?” 沈翔舔了舔嘴唇,说道:“还有半年就截止报名了,我没有极致境界的实力不敢去,这半年时间我能迈入极致境界吗?” Did not say! Aren't you also some top grade crystal stones? This can establish Heavenly Primordial Great Formation to help you cultivation, moreover you can also fast alchemy, your herbs have!” Su Meiyao said. “不好说!你不是还有一些极品晶石吗?这能建立一个天元大阵来帮助你修炼,而且你还能快速炼丹,你的药材还有很多!”苏媚瑶说道。 Bai Youyou said: First do not refine Elemental Spirit Dan, only refines Five Elements True Elemental Dan, like this could enter into Peak Realm in six months!” 白幽幽说道:“先别炼制元神丹,只炼制五行真元丹,这样说不定可以在半年内迈入极致境界!” Good, after going back, I go all-out to spell one time, Good Fortune Fruit can refine the Heaven Level pill's thing, must seize this opportunity.” “好吧,回去之后我就尽全力拼一次,造化果可是能炼制天级丹的东西,要把握好这次机会。” Shen Xiang decided that does not hesitate all, can attack Peak Realm in a half year! 沈翔决定了,不惜一切,在半年能冲击极致境界 little rascal, if you can achieve, when the time comes Elder Sister gives you a benefit to taste, for example...... kiss on the mouth.” Su Meiyao that caresses the sound that flatters to make the person bone numb, fills to charm, this causes Shen Xiang immediately full of energy. 小坏蛋,如果你能做到,到时候姐姐给你一点甜头尝尝,比如……亲亲嘴。”苏媚瑶那抚媚的声音让人骨头酥麻,充满媚惑,这使得沈翔顿时精神抖擞 You want try harder, perhaps your Elder Sister Youyou can also with your kiss on the mouth.” The Su Meiyao charming smile again and again, making in the Shen Xiang heart ripple, wishes one could to execute a captured offender on the spot this outstanding person. “你要加油哦,说不定你的幽幽姐也会和你亲亲嘴。”苏媚瑶媚笑连连,让沈翔心中荡漾,恨不得把这尤物就地正法。 Shen Xiang suddenly felt oneself are confident. 沈翔突然觉得自己信心十足。 Elder Sister Youyou, is this real?” Shen Xiang took a deep breath, has the courage to ask, he suspected that this is Su Meiyao deceives his. 幽幽姐,这是真的吗?”沈翔深吸了一口气,鼓起勇气问道,他怀疑这是苏媚瑶骗他的。 Un!” “嗯!” Hears Bai Youyou that sound gently, Shen Xiang felt own whole body fills power, wishes one could to register now, he thought that the own present blood has burnt! 听到白幽幽那轻轻的声音,沈翔感觉自己浑身充满力量,恨不得现在就去报名,他觉得自己现在的血液已经燃烧起来了! Really is little rascal, only then can let them with this bad reward enthusiastically.” Su Meiyao giggle is smiling tenderly, she has kissed one time with Shen Xiang, naturally did not fear that the second time, that type felt let alone the present lets her memorable. “果然是个小坏蛋,只有用这种坏的奖励才能让他们充满激情。”苏媚瑶咯咯地娇笑着,她已经和沈翔亲吻过一次了,自然不怕第二次,更何况那种感觉到现在都让她回味无穷 Long Xueyi said with a smile: Two Elder Sister, if you comply with strips nude and he take a bath together, wants him to ruin this King Continent perhaps is not the difficult matter, hee hee......” 龙雪怡笑道:“两位姐姐,如果你们答应脱光和他一起洗澡,要他毁掉这个王者大陆恐怕也不是什么难事,嘻嘻……” This also really perhaps!” Shen Xiang said with an evil smile. “这还真说不定!”沈翔坏笑道 Bah!” Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou simultaneously said with a snort. “呸!”苏媚瑶白幽幽同时哼道 Shen Xiang strolled for three days on this King Continent, he purchased refined Hundred Beasts Dan herbs, here this herbs very convenient . Moreover, this was Long Xueyi and Bai Zhenzhen must eat. 沈翔在这王者大陆上面逛了三天,他购买了许多炼制百兽丹药材,在这里这种药材非常便宜,而且很多,这可是龙雪怡白珍珍要吃的。 Here is like Chenwu Mainland, rare and precious herbs is very few, for example refines Building Foundation Dan herbs, Shen Xiang has inquired, only then a shop has, moreover Divine Martial Palace's, sells very much expensively. 这里和辰武大陆一样,珍稀的药材还是非常少的,比如炼制筑基丹药材,沈翔就询问过,只有一家店铺才有,而且还是神武殿的,卖得很贵。 Elemental Spirit Dan and Five Elements True Elemental Dan did not have, side door Low-Grade Profound Level Dan that but other barely uses has, but is very expensive/noble. 元神丹五行真元丹就没有了,不过其他一些很少用到的偏门玄级下品丹还是有的,不过却很贵。 Here is like other continent, except for Hundred Beasts Dan herbs, other Low-Grade Profound Level Dan herbs is rare, the Shen Xiang guess is the hundred thousand year ago three realms great war time, because the excessive use causes to become extinct. 这里和其他大陆一样,除了百兽丹药材,其他玄级下品丹药材都非常稀有,沈翔猜测是十万年前三界大战的时候,因为过度使用才导致绝种的。 After Profound Level Dan, herbs is very precious, High-Grade Spirit Level True Elemental Dan and White Jade Powder are many, but is very expensive/noble, regarding average person. 到了玄级丹之后,药材都是非常珍贵的,不过灵级上品真元丹白玉散非常多,但还是很贵,对于普通人来说。 Alchemy Competition in the Divine Martial Skill pavilion, that is a very grand giant palace, completely with giant stone construction, light/only fence big more than 20 zhang (3.33 m), but inside is so bigger like a city, has the every large or small giant grand palace. 炼丹比赛是在神武阁里面,那是一座非常宏伟的巨大宫殿,全部是用巨石建造而成,光围墙就高大二十多丈,而里面更是如同一座城市那样大,有着大大小小的巨型宏伟宫殿。 Shen Xiang in giant palaces, all around is filled with the person now, 3,000-4,000 this, including many Shen Xiang familiar faces, are each continent's Big Shot, that Holy Light Church Qin Zejun came. 沈翔现在就在一个巨大殿堂中间,四周都坐满了人,有3,000-4,000这样,其中有许多沈翔熟悉的面孔,都是各个大陆的巨头,就连那圣光教秦泽君都来了。 Is looked by these people, in the Shen Xiang heart is somewhat uncomfortable, but there is no influence on him, 被这些人看着,沈翔心中有些不爽,不过这对他没有什么影响, In this palace, a row of person sits together, altogether ten, Hua Xiangyue is one, other nine people are some old men and old woman, Shen Xiang guessed that they are the referees. 在这殿堂之中,还有一排人是坐在一起的,总共有十个,花香月是其中一个,其他九个人都是一些老头和老妇,沈翔猜测他们是裁判。 The one who most makes Shen Xiang pay attention is old man of wear white simple cheongsam, this old man looks very ordinary, but he has one pair to fill the strange color pupil, looks very gentle, but makes one not dare to watch intently. 最让沈翔注意的是一个穿着白色朴素长衫的老者,这老者看起来很普通,但他却有着一双充满奇异色彩的眸子,看起来十分柔和,但却又让人不敢逼视。 This old man face is auspicious, but makes people think that his whole body is releasing a not being able to say imposing manner, making one have a kneeling down impulsion, Shen Xiang guessed that this old man is expert in Divine Martial Palace. 老人一脸祥和,但却又让人觉得他浑身释放着一股说不出的气势,让人有一种屈膝跪拜的冲动,沈翔猜测这老人神武殿之中的一个强者 To be honest, we have not thought that Young Hero Shen will accept our invitations to participate in this Alchemy Competition, but doesn't my question, why attend the martial arts contest?” Sits in Wu Kaiming middle age asks. “说实话,我们没想到沈少侠会接受我们的邀请参加这炼丹比赛,不过我有一个疑问,就是为什么不参加比武呢?”一个坐在武开明身旁的中年问道。 Shen Xiang said with a smile: Because I cannot be victorious.” 沈翔笑道:“因为我打不过。” Cannot be victorious does not participate, this truly is a best reason, if cannot be victorious also allows others to participate, this could not be justified, that middle age has not thought that Shen Xiang will reply such directly, moreover probably does not care this, believes in him, Shen Xiang should find other excuses, because this reason is really disgraceful. 打不过就不参加,这确实是一个最好的理由,如果打不过还让人家参加的话,这就太说不过去了,那中年没想到沈翔会回答得这么直接,而且好像不把这放在心上,在他认为,沈翔应该会找其他理由的,因为这个理由实在是有失面子。 Now Shen Xiang knows, this Alchemy Competition has arrived played in the finals, altogether four people participate, because he accepted the invitation, is in Chenwu Mainland famous young Alchemist, therefore Divine Martial Skill pavilion making an exception allows him directly to enter the finals. 现在沈翔才知道,这炼丹比赛是已经到决赛了,总共有四个人参加,因为他接受了邀请,又是辰武大陆中一个有名的年轻炼丹师,所以神武阁破例让他直接进入决赛。
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