WDDG :: Volume #4

#389: Sets foot on king earth

In three realms great war comes can make each continent exchange, therefore each continent and between Extreme Martial Sect established Teleportation Formation, such a, each continent in Mortal World no longer is that remote. 为了方便在三界大战来的时能让各个大陆互通,所以各个大陆都和太武门之间建立了传送阵,这么一来,凡界中的各个大陆不再是那么遥远。 The hundred thousand year ago, to avoid Demon and Devil can arrive at each continent to ruin Teleportation Formation through Teleportation Formation fast. But afterward showed that the effect of doing this is not big, but establishes Teleportation Formation, can increase exchange and trade among each continent, can make each continent develop rapidly. 十万年前,是为了避免妖魔能通过传送阵快速到达各个大陆才毁掉传送阵的。但后来证明,这样做的效果不大,而建立传送阵,能增加各个大陆之间的交流和贸易,能让各个大陆都发展迅速。 Teleportation Formation that in the following month, many before constructed has constructed, these continent's martial artist entered for that King Martial Dao meeting, went to King Continent through Teleportation Formation, but was the severe wound returns finally. 接下来的一个多月中,许多之前修建的传送阵都已经建好,那些大陆的武者都纷纷报名参加那王者武道会,通过传送阵前往王者大陆,不过最后都是重伤归来。 Attends that King Martial Dao meeting, the first pass/test must fight the test through one. So long as wins that person, can attend the preliminary contest, mounts the stage to fight with each martial artist ratio, many people in that will fight above the test to make into the severe wound.” Xiao Chou said, now his wound, he heard oneself Master will participate in King Continent's Alchemy Competition, is very excited. “参加那王者武道会,第一关就得通过一个对打测试。只要打赢那个人,才能参加预赛,上台和各个武者比斗,很多人都会在那个对打测试上面被打成重伤。”萧仇说道,现在他的伤好了许多,他听说自己的师傅将会去参加王者大陆的炼丹比赛,也十分激动。 King Continent above martial artist because of the advantage of bloodlines, therefore the strength is very strong, but the words in alchemy this aspect, the light has the bloodlines to be insufficient, otherwise fierce Alchemist will not be few. 王者大陆上面的武者因为血脉的优势,所以实力很强,但炼丹这方面的话,光是有血脉是不够的,否则厉害的炼丹师也不会那么少。 Shen Xiang contends in martial arts now, definitely is the ratio, but competes alchemy he to have very big assurance to win. 沈翔现在去比武,肯定是比不过的,但比拼炼丹他却有很大的把握获胜。 Short one month, many continent's martial artist asked for advice King Continent's to be fierce, moreover some local sect put forward the proposal, let martial artist, when entered for the King Martial Dao meeting to consider to be more discrete, in order to avoid burst oneself to suffer a financial loss. 短短一个月,许多大陆的武者都领教了王者大陆的厉害,而且当地一些门派都提出建议,让武者们在报名参加王者武道会的时候要考虑要谨慎一些,以免伤身伤财。 King Continent's Human King bloodline was too strong!” Shen Xiang emotionally said. 王者大陆的人王血脉真的太强了!”沈翔感慨道 Although Xiao Chou is unwilling, but he has to acknowledge, these have martial artist of bloodlines truly to be much more powerful, but he thinks, if some people can win these bloodlines martial artist, definitely is his Master. 萧仇虽然不甘,但他不得不承认,那些拥有血脉的武者确实强大得离谱,而他认为如果有人能赢得那些血脉武者的话,肯定是他的师傅 Master, if you now are Peak Realm, you will enter for?” Xiao Chou asked. 师傅,假如你现在就是极致境界,你会报名参加吗?”萧仇问道。 Naturally can!” Shen Xiang smiles, he is Alchemist, is martial artist. So long as is martial artist, wants to examine the achievement that oneself cultivation through the way of martial arts contest, especially compares with some strong person. “当然会!”沈翔笑了笑,他是炼丹师,也是武者。只要是武者,都想通过比武的方式来检验自己修炼的成果,特别是和一些很强的人比。 Time a half years that registration finished, Master will also participate in Alchemy Competition in three days, when the time comes should also compared with 1-2 days, Master you have the time!” Xiao Chou can induce to Shen Xiang's strength at this time be more powerful than before, this is because Shen Xiang broke through, therefore he is confident to Shen Xiang. “报名结束的时间还有半年,师傅再过三天就去参加炼丹比赛了,到时候应该也只是比1-2而已,师傅你还有时间!”萧仇此时能感应到沈翔的实力要比之前强大了许多,这是因为沈翔突破了,所以他对沈翔非常有信心。 Shen Xiang smiles, said: Six months later will say that I go to King Continent to have a look now, do you come?” 沈翔笑了笑,说道:“半年后再说吧,现在我就去王者大陆看看,你来吗?” „, I do not want to be ridiculed by these people.” Xiao Chou stuck out the tongue, jumped to leave, present he was maturity many. “不了,我才不想被那些人嘲笑。”萧仇吐了吐舌头,蹦蹦跳跳离开了,现在的他可是成熟了不少。 Before others took Herculean Clan and bloodlines martial artist compare, but now Herculean Clan actually disastrous defeat, therefore Xiao Chou was also very depressed, before he did not have the absolute strength, he does not want to step into King Continent again. 之前别人拿大力族和血脉武者比,但现在大力族却惨败,所以萧仇也很郁闷,在他没有绝对实力之前,他不想再踏入王者大陆 Danxiang Taoyuan, on Danxiang Tower topmost level. 丹香桃源,丹香塔的最高层上面。 Meng'er, congratulated you to cross seven tribulations!” Hua Xiangyue said with a smile. 梦儿,恭喜你渡过七劫!”花香月笑道。 This many helps me refine Life Returning Pill thanks to you, I ate three grains, perhaps without these things, I am not able to cross! Seventh Tribulation was really fierce! Naturally, that little rascal to my herbs.” “这多亏你帮我炼制还命丹,我可是吃掉了三粒,如果没有这些东西,我恐怕无法渡过!第七劫真的是太厉害了!当然,还有那小坏蛋给我的药材。” Liu Meng'er emotionally said, she can successfully cross, on the one hand is Shen Xiang makes her know that the Nirvana Tribulation further information, making her prepare enough, moreover has Life Returning Pill this rescuing Life Pill, indispensable. 柳梦儿感慨道,她之所以能成功渡过,一方面是沈翔让她得知涅槃劫的详细情况,让她做好足够的准备,另外又有还命丹这种救命丹,缺一不可。 Hua Xiangyue happily said with a smile: How then you do want to thank that little rascal? Pledges yourself?” 花香月嘻笑道:“那么你要怎么感谢那小坏蛋?以身相许?” Little Fairy......” Liu Meng'er face one red, spat one tenderly: „The King Continent above fellow this time attacks unbearably each continent's self-respect, Shen Xiang this little rascal participates in Alchemy Competition now, does not know that can rub the sharp qi of these fellows.” 小妖精……”柳梦儿脸儿一红,娇啐了一口:“王者大陆上面的家伙这次可是把各个大陆的自尊心打击得够呛,沈翔小坏蛋现在参加炼丹比赛了,不知道能不能搓搓那些家伙的锐气。” „The little rascal's alchemy skill is very fierce, this does not have Human King bloodline to be able easily to defeat him! Shen Xiang this brat is very also depressed, he wants to go to battle, but the strength is insufficient.” 小坏蛋的炼丹本事还是非常厉害,这可不是拥有人王血脉就能轻易将他击败的!沈翔小子现在也很郁闷吧,他想出战,但实力却不够。” Hua Xiangyue sighed, looks at that plaza of out of the window, on the same day Shen Xiang took off the pills competition there first, but also with the strength shocked entire Chenwu Mainland, thinks that on the same day Shen Xiang tall and strong physique, her eyes cannot help but appeared to wipe the tender feelings the color. 花香月叹息一声,看着窗外的那个广场,当日沈翔就是在那里摘下了丹药比赛的第一,还用实力震撼了整个辰武大陆,想到当日沈翔的魁梧身姿,她眼眸不由得浮现出一抹柔情的色彩。 Walks, goes to King Continent to inflate to that little rascal!” Liu Meng'er smiles to her, by the present, Liu Meng'er thinks that does not understand a matter, why will be Hua Xiangyue will have a not being able to say sentiment to Shen Xiang. “走吧,去王者大陆给那小坏蛋打打气!”柳梦儿对她笑了笑,到现在,柳梦儿都想不明白一件事,就是花香月为什么会对沈翔有一种说不出的感情。 Shen Xiang now is a man of the hour, he is Huang Jintian's disciple, played tricks on each continent's expert on the heroic congress, beat immemorial Herculean Clan person, but also receiving will be disciple, will have Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, simultaneously will be young 5th Stage Alchemist that is grasping strange its technique alchemy technique...... 沈翔现在可是一个风云人物,他是黄锦天的徒弟,在英雄大会上面戏弄了一把各个大陆的强者,击败了太古大力族的人,还将之收为徒弟,拥有太极降龙功,同时又是一个掌握着神乎其技炼丹术的年轻五段炼丹师…… Many reputations make people be somewhat hard to remember, he has handled the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering matter is too numerous to mention, when each continent was attacked unbearably by King Continent, Shen Xiang suddenly goes to battle, this made many people excited without doubt, many people were hope that can the people of some people of ordinary family backgrounds defeat that bloodlines martial artist, although in the alchemy aspect. 多种名头让人都有些难以记住,他所做过的惊天动地的事情举不胜举,在各个大陆都被王者大陆打击得够呛的时候,沈翔突然出战,这无疑让许多人激动了一把,许多人都是希望能有人普通出身的人把那血脉武者击败,虽然只是在炼丹方面。 Impression of each continent's Big Shot to Shen Xiang is also very profound, making them unforgetable, they have heard Shen Xiang that excellent alchemy technique, but has not actually witnessed, now Shen Xiang dares to go to King Continent to conduct Alchemy Competition, this also makes these Big Shot be interested. 各个大陆的巨头沈翔的印象也是非常深刻,让他们难以忘怀,他们都听说过沈翔那种高超的炼丹技法,但却没有亲眼目睹过,现在沈翔敢去王者大陆进行炼丹比赛,这也让那些巨头非常感兴趣。 King Continent shows off their strengths to make these Big Shot feel that receives much, if Shen Xiang can win first in Alchemy Competition, without doubt hinders the plan that King Continent became famous. 王者大陆炫耀他们的实力就让这些巨头感到非常不少受,如果沈翔能在炼丹比赛中赢得第一的话,无疑阻碍了王者大陆扬名的计划。 Whose Shen Xiang they arrived at King Continent with Gu Dongchen, this truly is a very prosperous place, here construction is also distinctive, is stone building, completes with some huge stone brick, moreover is several, walks looks at the two sides that grand constructions on the street, can unable to bear slow down the footsteps. 沈翔跟谁古东辰他们来到了王者大陆,这确实是一个非常繁荣的地方,这里的建筑也是别具一格,都是石制建筑,用一些巨大石砖建成,而且都是好几层,走在街道上看着两边那种宏伟建筑,都能让人忍不住放慢脚步。 Here Spirit Qi is very rich, although is inferior to Mysterious Realm, but Shen Xiang thought that was richer than more than one time Chenwu Mainland, this can also let one of the martial artist powerful reasons. 这里的灵气很浓郁,虽然不如玄境里面,但沈翔却觉得比辰武大陆浓郁了一倍多,这也是能让武者强大的原因之一。 Let Shen Xiang feel what is most surprised, this King Continent above person, practices martial arts somewhat. He walks on the street, sees the bosses in some shops, Xiaoer (waiter) of hotel, discovered that these people at least are the Mortal Martial Realm 3rd level strengths, here Martial Dao atmosphere is very thick, this makes him feel admiring. 沈翔感到最为惊讶的是,这王者大陆上面的人,多多少少都练武。他走在街上,看到一些店铺的老板,酒店的小二,发现这些人至少是凡武境三重的实力,这里的武道风气很浓,这点让他感到钦佩。 This is bigger than 100 times of continent Chenwu Mainland . Moreover the resources are rich, but person actually not like Chenwu Mainland so many. Here person fertility is not strong, overall aptitude is very high, no matter who, so long as were born on this stretch of land, must practice martial art since childhood. If very poor, this King Continent's Divine Martial Palace will provide relief some crystal stones and pills, letting the poor person also to practice martial arts.” Wu Kaiming was telling King Continent's matter, he is here person, knew about here. “这可是比辰武大陆大一百倍的大陆,而且资源非常丰富,而人却不像辰武大陆这么多。这里的人生育能力不强,不过整体的资质都很高,不管是谁,只要出生在这片陆地上,都得从小习武。如果很穷的话,这王者大陆的神武殿会救济一些晶石丹药,让穷人也能练武。”武开明讲述着王者大陆的事情,他是这里的人,对这里非常了解。
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