WDDG :: Volume #4

#388: The great strength of bloodlines

Matter of King Martial Dao meeting puts on noisily, actually rarely in entire Chenwu Mainland, only then a few quite competent people who enters for dare to register. 王者武道会的事情在整个辰武大陆穿得沸沸扬扬,不过报名参加的却很少,只有少数几个比较有实力的人敢报名。 „The reward of intermediate group is not simple, unexpectedly is White Jade Lotus Seed!” A person exclaims. “中级组的奖励也不简单呀,竟然是一个白玉莲子!”一人惊叹道。 The person who starts to register is truly few, at that time actually started to behind, the one who is responsible for these work is Wu Kaiming, this is also King Continent complies to establish a Teleportation Formation condition. 开始报名的人确实很少,当时到后面却开始多了起来,负责这些工作的是武开明,这也是王者大陆答应建立传送阵的一个条件。 Small Junior Brother, do you really want to go? Your Master rejects very simply.” After Gu Dongchen a written invitation gives Xiao Chou, never expected that Xiao Chou unexpectedly must join Group advanced to contend in martial arts. “小师弟,你真的要去吗?你师傅可是拒绝得很干脆的。”古东辰把一张请帖交给萧仇之后,没想到萧仇竟然要去参加高级比武。 Xiao Chou may, no matter so many, no matter opposite party strong, he must try. 萧仇可不管那么多,不管对方有多强,他都要试试。 Eldest Senior Brother, you favored to select my that's alright when the time comes, do not let me be killed by these fellows! I now not like before, if very strong fellow, I will admit defeat, if met with my cultivation base differs not many people, I will go all out.” Xiao Chou said with a smile. 大师兄,到时候你看好点我就行了,别让我被那些家伙弄死!我现在可不像以前,如果是很强的家伙,我会认输,如果遇到和我修为相差不多的人,那我就会拼命。”萧仇笑道。 Gu Dongchen sighed: Before this competition, a preliminary contest, according to points calculates that probably, placed the front four people will mount the stage finally the martial arts contest.” 古东辰叹息一声:“在这比赛之前,还有一个预赛,好像是按积分来算的,排在前面的四个人最后会登台比武。” Shen Xiang still accepts that suffering extreme distress practice in that forbidden land, does not know that Xiao Chou has entered, now he already in breakthrough edge. 沈翔还在那禁地中接受那种死去活来的修行,并不知道萧仇已经报名参加,现在他已经在突破的边缘了。 Suddenly, ten days pass by, after Shen Xiang eats up grain of Five Elements True Elemental Dan, crazy compression True Qi, grain of true element grains is shining slowly! These ten days, his each day lightens one grain, moreover practice also be more laborious than a while ago, eaten up pills are also more, this is Huang Jintian arranges intentionally, to let him attacks the bottleneck. 眨眼间,十天过去,沈翔吃下一粒五行真元丹之后,疯狂的压缩真气,一粒真元粒正在慢慢亮起!这十天来,他每天都是点亮一粒,而且修行也要比前段时间更加辛苦,吃下的丹药也更多,这是黄锦天故意安排的,就是为了让他冲击瓶颈。 In five beast image in his dantian, glistens 80 small light points, altogether 400 grains, when 400 th grain of true element grains shines, he only felt that oneself power suddenly rises suddenly. 他丹田中的五座兽像里面,都闪亮起八十颗小光点,总共有四百粒,在第四百粒真元粒亮起的时候,他只感觉到自己的力量突然暴涨。 After achieving 400 grains, true element grains composed one all day, fused to be the same probably mutually, had the relation, therefore he will feel that power has very big promotion. 达到四百粒之后,真元粒就组成了一个整天,好像是相互融合起来一样,都有了联系,所以他才会感觉到力量有着很大的提升。 Shen Xiang laughed, these two months, he suffers loss, now finally breaks through, that joyful being hard said a word. 沈翔大笑了一声,这两个多月来,他可是吃尽了苦头,现在终于突破,那种喜悦难以言语。 You but now True Martial Realm, moreover after the stage, you can break through such quickly, depends upon these pills. At that time if were not you insisted that accepted me to give Practice plan that you formulated, perhaps so will not be quick! You continue alchemy.” Huang Jintian said, kicked Shen Xiang. “你现在可是真武境,而且还是后阶段,你能突破得这么快,都是依靠那些丹药。当时如果不是你坚持接受我给你制定的修行计划,恐怕不会这么快!你上去继续炼丹吧。”黄锦天说道,把沈翔踢了上去。 After Shen Xiang enters into True Martial Realm 8th Stage, his Five Elements True Elemental Dan also uses up completely, Huang Jintian calculates very accurate. 沈翔迈入真武境八段之后,他的五行真元丹也全部用完,黄锦天计算得非常精准。 Comes out from forbidden land each time, Shen Xiang will first take a bath, then sleeps greatly, but this time he just took a bath, saw Wu Qianqian. 每次从禁地里面出来,沈翔都会先洗一个澡,然后再大睡一觉,不过这次他刚刚洗完澡出来,就看见了吴芊芊 Your disciple was injured, has a look quickly!” After Wu Qianqian sees Shen Xiang, then said immediately. “你的徒弟被打伤了,快去看看吧!”吴芊芊看见沈翔之后,便立即说道。 Which disciple?” Shen Xiang knits the brows to ask. “哪个徒弟?”沈翔皱眉问道。 Your that small disciple, but the injury has stabilized now! The King Continent above fellow is really fierce, even Xiao Chou this little brat can only crawl.” Wu Qianqian said after a sigh. “你那小徒弟,不过现在伤势已经稳定下来了!王者大陆上面的家伙果然厉害,连萧仇小家伙都只能爬着回来。”吴芊芊感叹道。 Shen Xiang hear of words, can guess correctly the reason, his somewhat angry, because Gu Dongchen unexpectedly makes Xiao Chou attend that King Martial Dao meeting. 沈翔听言,就能猜出原因,他有些生气,因为古东辰竟然萧仇去参加那王者武道会。 Person who it is said the Extreme Martial Sect registration goes, is the severe wound comes back, Shen Xiang do not go!” Wu Qianqian was worried that said. “据说太武门报名前去的人,都是重伤回来,沈翔你可不要去呀!”吴芊芊担心地说道。 I am not stupid!” Shen Xiang followed Wu Qianqian to arrive at the Xiao Chou's residence, Xiao Chou now was also in King Martial Courtyard one. “我没那么笨!”沈翔跟着吴芊芊来到了萧仇的住所,萧仇现在也是王牌武院里面的一员了。 little rascal, what kind of?” Shen Xiang looks at a Xiao Chou face weak appearance, pinched his face. 小鬼,怎么样了?”沈翔看着萧仇一脸虚弱的模样,捏了捏他的脸。 Cannot die! Master, do not go to revenge for me, on King Continent top expert was really strong, with that I contended in martial arts is only the True Martial Realm 8th Stage strength, but can actually make into this me! They not only have Herculean Clan Divine Power, but also has fierce martial arts, their True Qi are very overbearing.” The Xiao Chou hastily persuasion said that since he does obeisance Shen Xiang after the master, becomes maturity many, without before was so impulsive. “死不了的!师傅,你千万别去为我报仇,王者大陆上面的顶尖强者实在是太强了,和我比武的那个只是真武境八段的实力,但却能把我打成这样!他们不但有着大力族神力,还有着非常厉害的武功,他们的真气都是非常霸道的。”萧仇急忙劝说道,自从他拜沈翔为师之后,也变得成熟许多,没有之前那么冲动。 Although Xiao Chou severe wound, but is now better, but Shen Xiang ate scrap Hell Spirit Grass to him, making him a bit faster good. 萧仇虽然重伤,但现在已经好了许多,不过沈翔还是给他吃了一小块地狱灵芝,让他快点好起来。 Shen Xiang smiles: I do not have you is so stupid, without the absolute strength do not go, either goes to with first come back.” 沈翔笑了笑:“我才没有你这么蠢,没有绝对的实力就别要去,要么一去就得拿个第一回来。” Shen Xiang or True Martial Realm, but in that Group advanced unexpectedly permits participation of Peak Realm, no matter True Martial Realm strong, is difficult to deal with facing Peak Realm martial artist. 沈翔还是真武境的,而那高级竟然允许极致境界的参加,不管真武境的有多强,面对极致境界武者都非常难应付。 I heard fortunately their expert are not many, only then these have the Human King bloodline talent is so strong, I before several True Martial Realm 7th Stage, 8th Stage and 9th Stage was defeated by me, but they compared with other continent above martial artist are very strong! That True Martial Realm 8th Stage that I defeat, definitely is a fellow who has Human King bloodline.” A Xiao Chou face said unwillingly. “还好我听说他们这种强者不多,只有那些拥有人王血脉的才这么强,我之前遇到的几个真武境七段八段九段的都被我击败,不过他们比起其他大陆上面的武者还是很强的!把我打败的那个真武境八段,肯定是一个拥有人王血脉的家伙。”萧仇一脸不甘地说道。 Shen Xiang said with a smile: „By these people who you defeated, was your mood! The beginnings of your Herculean Clan and these fellows were higher than others, if you now are True Martial Realm 8th Stage, should be able to fight to a draw with that fellow.” 沈翔笑道:“之前被你打败的那些人,也都是你这个心情!你们大力族和那些家伙的起点本来就比别人高很多,如果你现在是真武境八段的话,应该能和那家伙打个平手吧。” Perhaps I can also win!” Xiao Chou said with a smile. “我说不定还能赢呢!”萧仇笑道。 Because there is Teleportation Formation, therefore goes to that King Continent to be very relaxed from Chenwu Mainland, Shen Xiang stands before the Extreme Martial Sect's entrance now, looks at that ground fully is mysterious spirit pattern formation, that is Teleportation Formation. 因为有了传送阵,所以从辰武大陆前往那王者大陆很轻松,沈翔现在就站在太武门的门口前,看着那个地面满是玄奥灵纹阵法,那就是传送阵 What's wrong? To pass to have a look?” Wu Kaiming appears in Shen Xiang behind. “怎么?想过去看看?”武开明出现在沈翔身后。 A little thinks, but I feared that I cannot help hitting with these fellows!” Shen Xiang said with a smile, Xiao Chou was injured, although on his face does not have any, but in the heart was very life Qi/angry. “是有点想,不过我怕自己忍不住要和那些家伙打起来!”沈翔笑道,萧仇被打伤,他脸上虽然没有什么,但心中还是非常生气的。 Wu Kaiming smiles: Perhaps fights you not to be victorious they, but the alchemy words, I think that you have confidence to win, the King Continent above pills aspect is also prosperous, young outstanding Alchemist are also many, they also sent in the invitation to you, inviting you to participate in their Alchemy Competition.” 武开明笑了笑:“打架你恐怕打不过他们,但炼丹的话,我想你还是有把握获胜的,王者大陆上面的丹药方面也非常繁荣,年轻杰出的炼丹师也不少,他们也对你发来了邀请,邀请你参加他们的炼丹比赛。” Shen Xiang at present one bright, asked: I am initial level 5th Stage Alchemist, if the contest rule is very disadvantageous to me, I.” 沈翔眼前一亮,问道:“我可是初阶五段炼丹师,如果比赛规则是对我很不利的话,那我还是不去了。” Contest rule should very be fair, can definitely consider each rank Alchemist, not like martial arts contest!” Wu Kaiming said. “比赛规则应该会很公平,肯定能照顾到每一个级别的炼丹师,不会像比武那样的!”武开明说道。 Shen Xiang considered: Good, I accept their invitations! If the contest rule is unfair to me, I at the scene withdrawal.” 沈翔考虑了一下:“那好,我就接受他们的邀请!如果比赛规则对我不公平的话,我就当场退赛。” The Wu Kaiming nod said: This is natural, so as to avoid wastes energy. This King Continent presses other continent has not gasped for breath, because their strengths are very strong, but on after Chenwu Mainland many people arrive, is the rout turns over, I heard that on Lotus Island several very outstanding Peak Realm disciples made into the severe wound!” 武开明点头道:“这是当然,免得白费力气。这一次王者大陆可是把其他大陆压得喘不过气来,因为他们的实力很强,而辰武大陆上面的许多人去到之后,都是大败而归,我听说莲花岛上面就有几个非常优秀的极致境界弟子被打成重伤!” Shen Xiang accepted the invitation, transmitted three days later participated in that Alchemy Competition in the past, after many people heard the news, wants to go to King Continent, but they need to pay for back and forth the expense of transmission. 沈翔接受了邀请,在三天之后传送过去参加那炼丹比赛,许多人听到消息之后,都十分想前往王者大陆,不过他们需要支付来回传送的费用。
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