WDDG :: Volume #4

#387: King Martial Dao meeting

Shen Xiang brought in Gu Dongchen the small hall, he only saw Gu Dongchen to have the words actually not to dare all the way to say. 沈翔古东辰带到了小厅里,一路上他只看见古东辰有话却不敢说。 What matter? Said quickly, I am very busy!” Shen Xiang urged. “到底什么事情?快说,我很忙的!”沈翔催促道。 This...... we came back from King Continent, found martial arts that many old Senior left behind in inside, therefore that map real.” Gu Dongchen said. “这个……我们从王者大陆回来了,在里面找到了许多老前辈遗留下来的武功,所以那副地图是真的。”古东辰说道。 Said the key point!” Shen Xiang knows that Gu Dongchen definitely had anything to say. “说重点!”沈翔知道古东辰肯定有什么要说的。 Good, I was open about the facts you! On King Continent, the preparation must hold a King Martial Dao meeting! I urged you not to go, because the King Continent above fellow was too strong, their unexpectedly invited you to go, this clarified wants the pit intentionally you.” Gu Dongchen sighed. “好吧,我不瞒你了!在王者大陆上面,准备要举办一个王者武道会!我劝你别去,因为王者大陆上面的家伙太强了,他们竟然邀请你去,这摆明就是故意要坑你。”古东辰叹道。 Shen Xiang low coldly snorted: I also think anything, actually is this, does not have any, I do not go to that's it at the worst.” 沈翔哼了一声:“我还以为什么事情,原来是这个,没有什么大不了的,我不去就是了。” What? Your doesn't unexpectedly go?” Gu Dongchen is somewhat surprised, he knows that Shen Xiang most likes attending this martial arts contest, moreover and King Continent above martial artist competition. “什么?你竟然不去?”古东辰有些意外,他知道沈翔是最喜欢参加这种比武的,而且还是和王者大陆上面的武者比试。 Heard King Continent requested many continent's people, Holy Light Church naturally also goes back, when the time comes contends in martial arts is some top years Qin Junjie.” Gu Dongchen said. “听说王者大陆要求了许多个大陆的人,圣光教的自然也回去,到时候比武的都是一些实力顶尖的年秦俊杰。”古东辰说道。 Shen Xiang curls the lip saying: I was disinclined, I now this strength, in your Nirvana Realm eyes is also only one, you looked for several to replace Extreme Martial Sect to deal with that's alright casually.” 沈翔撇撇嘴说道:“我懒得去了,我现在这点实力,在你们这些涅槃境眼中也只是一个屁而已,你随便找几个代替太武门去应付一下就行了。” If before, Shen Xiang may have an impulse. After he was threatened by that numerous Nirvana Realm, he feels own this strength even in same rank invincible, but has very big distance with these Peak Realm and Nirvana Realm martial artist, he felt, relieved alchemy, practice is Wang Dao (The Way of King). 如果是以前,沈翔或许会有一股冲劲。在他被那众多涅槃境威胁过后,他觉得自己这点实力即便在同级别之中无敌,但和那些极致境界涅槃境武者还是有着很大距离,他觉得以后还是安心炼丹,修行才是王道 This is also good, these fellows were really strong, moreover they dealt with three realms great war prepared also to make very well, perhaps after three realms great war, they will not have any loss.” A Gu Dongchen face yearned that said. “这样也好,那些家伙实在是太强了,而且他们应对三界大战的准备也做得很好,说不定三界大战过后,他们还是不会受到任何损失。”古东辰一脸向往地说道。 Snort, without our these continent resists, can they cross such calmly and steadily?” Shen Xiang despises said. “哼,没有我们这些大陆抵挡,他们能过得这么安稳吗?”沈翔鄙夷地说道。 This but actually is also.” “这倒也是。” Gu Dongchen is just about to leave, Shen Xiang hastily asked: How do you come back such quickly?” 古东辰正要离开,沈翔急忙问道:“你们怎么回来得这么快?” Because military Junior Brother established Teleportation Formation in King Continent, after he determines the distance position, the transmission to the Extreme Martial Sect's entrance, never expected that Junior Brother he also very has the research in this aspect.” Gu Dongchen said with a smile. “因为武师弟王者大陆建立了一个传送阵,他确定距离方位之后,就传送到太武门的门口,没想到师弟他在这方面还挺有研究的。”古东辰笑道。 Shen Xiang one startled: Said that you did obtain that Ancient Teleportation Formation?” 沈翔一惊:“这么说你们得到那古老的传送阵了?” This is natural, moreover our Extreme Martial Sect's, later we must go to King Continent to be many on the convenience, because Junior Brother and there person relationship are good, therefore also allows this Teleportation Formation to exist.” Gu Dongchen said with a smile. “这是当然,而且还是我们太武门的,以后我们要去王者大陆就方便多了,因为师弟和那里的人关系好,所以也允许这个传送阵存在。”古东辰笑道。 After Gu Dongchen leaves, Shen Xiang was considering if wanted goes to that King Continent to take a look. 古东辰离开之后,沈翔在考虑着要不要去那王者大陆瞧瞧。 Endures, when you enter into Peak Realm to go is not late again, since that group of that fellows who have Human King bloodline compared with Herculean Clan, definitely is very fierce.” Su Meiyao said. “还是忍忍吧,等你迈入极致境界再去也不迟,既然那群有人王血脉的家伙比大力族的强,肯定是非常厉害的。”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang has yearned goes to the overseas to travel each continent's to live, now he also can only endure patiently again, in order to promotes strength a bit faster, he also rested for day, goes to forbidden land to undergo the Huang Jintian training. 沈翔一直都非常向往去海外游历各个大陆的生活,现在他也只能再忍耐一下,为了能快点提升实力,他也只是休息了一天,就去禁地接受黄锦天训练。 King Continent's King Martial Dao after the Extreme Martial Sect's entrance announces, making many people be interested, many people did not know the King Continent's matter, after inquiring, they know that King Continent is very vast and powerful continent. 王者大陆的王者武道会在太武门的门口公布之后,让许多人都非常感兴趣,原本许多人都不知道王者大陆的事情,经过打听之后,他们都知道王者大陆是一个非常辽阔而且强大的大陆 This King Martial Dao can be appearance True Martial Realm to Peak Realm, altogether has primary, intermediate, the advanced three groups, many people want to go, but after seeing this unfair grouping, cancelled the thought. 王者武道会是面相真武境极致境界的,总共有初级,中级,高级三个组,原本许多人想去的,但是看见这个不公平的分组之后,都打消了念头。 This what thing? The registration must want hundred thousand crystal stones, the primary group is 1st Stage to 3rd Stage, the intermediate group is 4th Stage to 6th Stage, Group advanced is 7th Stage to the Peak Realm 1st level day, differs such far, but also hits.” Yun Xiaodao scolded lowly. “这什么玩意?报名还得要十万晶石,初级组是一段三段的,中级组是四段六段的,高级七段极致境界一重天的,相差这么远,还打个屁呀。”云小刀低骂道。 True Martial Realm 1st Stage and 3rd Stage putting together, definitely is in the upper hand of 3rd Stage, I looked True Martial Realm 3rd Stage hit. 真武境一段三段的放在一起,肯定是三段的占上风,我看真武境三段的去打得了。 Oddest is True Martial Realm 7th Stage and Peak Realm one, this also hits a wool! Peak Realm definitely is the second kills True Martial Realm. ” Zhu Rong jokes. 最离谱是真武境七段极致境界的一起,这还打个毛呀!极致境界的肯定是秒杀真武境的。”朱荣讥笑道。 „If Shen Xiang goes, definitely is Group advanced , perhaps he facing Peak Realm cannot win.” Xu Weilong said. “如果是沈翔去的话,肯定是高级,恐怕他面对极致境界的也打不赢吧。”徐伟龙说道。 In Peak Realm is divided into three small Realm, respectively is Spirit Martial Realm, Soul Martial Realm, Tempering Realm! Also called the peak 3rd level day, after entering into Peak Realm, must first cultivation peak Divine Sense, was Spirit Martial Realm Completion, later will be born an unusual soul, was Martial Spirit. Then cultivates peak Martial Spirit, enters into Tempering Realm again, finally cultivates peak fleshly body, can Nirvana, bring in Nirvana Tribulation, crossed Nirvana Tribulation, enters into Nirvana Realm! 极致境界之中又划分为三个小境界,分别是灵武境,魂武境,百炼境!也叫极致三重天,迈入极致境界之后,首先要把神识修炼到极致,也就是灵武境大圆满,之后会诞生一道奇特的魂,也就是武魂。然后把武魂修炼到极致,再迈入百炼境,最后把肉身修炼到极致,就可以涅槃了,会引来涅槃劫,渡过涅槃劫,才算迈入涅槃境 Peak Realm 1st level by far is more intrepid, puts together compared with the words True Martial Realm, with the knee wants to know that is achievement of Peak Realm, therefore King Continent's this method, making many people snort contemptuously. 极致境界一重可是远远比真武境强悍,放在一起比的话,用膝盖想都知道是极致境界的获胜,所以王者大陆的这个分法,让许多人嗤之以鼻。 Big Brother Shen will definitely not go, doesn't this cheat obvious?” Yun Xiaodao disdainfully said: If Big Brother Shen now is Peak Realm, can definitely hit the pulp this anything Human King descendant.” 沈大哥肯定不会去的,这不是明摆着坑人吗?”云小刀不屑地说道:“如果沈大哥现在就是极致境界的,肯定能把这什么人王后裔打得稀巴烂。” The person who King Martial Dao will obtain 1 st in the group match, can obtain very rich reward, especially Group advanced , so long as obtains first, can obtain Good Fortune Fruit one of the King Continent reward. 王者武道会获得小组第一的人,能得到非常丰厚的奖励,特别是高级的,只要得到第一,就能获得王者大陆奖励的造化果一个。 What! The reward unexpectedly is Good Fortune Fruit!” Shen Xiang walks on the road, hears Wu Kaiming to mention, cannot help but calls out in alarm. “什么!奖励居然是造化果!”沈翔走在路上,听到武开明说起,不由得惊叫起来。 But Good Fortune Fruit Heaven Level spirit herb, in Mortal World was most top rank spirit herb, was mainly refines in Good Fortune Dan, if must weigh with the price, absolutely was a very big number. 造化果可是天级灵药,在凡界中算是最顶级灵药了,主要是炼制造化丹中的,如果非要用价格去衡量的话,绝对是一个很大的数字。 It is said this fruit, only then, because that Good Fortune Tree had died!” Wu Kaiming said. “据说这果子只有一个,因为那棵造化果树已经死去了!”武开明说道。 This is unreasonable, is only a small competition, unexpectedly puts out such precious thing, was the organizer insane?” Shen Xiang is hard to understand this expensive reward. “这没有道理呀,只是一个小比赛,居然拿出这么珍贵的东西,举办方疯了吧?”沈翔难以理解这个昂贵的奖励。 To be honest, this reward for a person, it is said this person is in King Continent the strongest young people, probably is only 20 years old, the fellows who hold this King Martial Dao meeting favor this young people, for he prepared this reward, gives to him.” Wu Kaiming said. “说实话,这个奖励是为了一个人,据说这个人是王者大陆中最强的年轻人,好像只有二十岁,举办这王者武道会的家伙都非常看好这年轻人,所以为了他准备了这个奖励,算是送给他。”武开明说道。 Shen Xiang shakes the head sighs: Pitifully, I now only then True Martial Realm 7th Stage strength, otherwise I also want to try.” 沈翔摇头一叹:“可惜了,我现在只有真武境七段的实力,否则我也想去试试。” That person is fiercer than you, 20 years old are Peak Realm! Therefore I am tell you, clipped on working as of these fellows ten million/countless, they hold this King City Martial Dao meeting, conducts for the person on one's own side, the goal is for other shame continent's martial artist, simultaneously makes King Continent praise.” Wu Kaiming complexion anger. “那人比你要厉害,二十岁就是极致境界的!所以我是来告诉你,千万别上了那些家伙的当,他们举办这个王城武道会,都是为自己人举办的,目的就是为了羞辱其他大陆的武者,同时让王者大陆扬名。”武开明脸色略带着愤怒。 This King Continent thinks that series Mortal World is inadequate?” Shen Xiang stares, knits the brows to ask. “这王者大陆想一统凡界不成?”沈翔一愣,皱眉问道。 Was difficult saying that although I was the person who there came out, but rarely above.” Wu Kaiming shakes the head saying: King Martial Dao continuously one influence, therefore is hard to ponder over.” “难说,我虽然是那里出来的人,但很少在上面。”武开明摇头道:“王者武道会一直都只有一个势力,所以难以琢磨。” After Wu Kaiming these matters told Shen Xiang, in a hurry departs, Shen Xiang also had a mood beyond description to plunge into that deep hole, continued to conduct brutal practice. 武开明把这些事告诉沈翔之后,就匆匆离去,沈翔也带着一种难以形容的心情跳入了那个深坑里面,继续进行残酷的修行
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