WDDG :: Volume #4

#386: Practice plan

Huang Jintian remembers that the distance last time time also not long, Shen Xiang also takes many pills to look for him, moreover this quantity are many. 黄锦天记得距离上次的时间还没有多久,沈翔又拿着许多丹药来找他,而且这次数量还非常多。 Elemental Spirit Dan, this type of thing I also had seen only in the past one time, is fellow a thing of unusual treasure, never expected that your here unexpectedly has a wicker basket, where your does brat make?” Huang Jintian takes up one grain, carefully looks: Moreover the excellent quality, should just refine.” 元神丹,这种东西当年我也只见过一次,还是一个家伙的非常宝贝的东西,没想到你这里竟然有一箩筐,你这小子到底从哪里弄来的?”黄锦天拿起一粒,仔细地看着:“而且还是上乘品质,应该是刚刚炼制出来的吧。” Shen Xiang is scratching the head, stupidly said with a smile: Naturally is disciple I refines, Master I want to enhance the strength a bit faster, I do not want dead in that big storm.” 沈翔挠着头,傻笑道:“当然是徒弟我自己炼制出来的,师傅我想快点提升实力,我可不想在那大风波之中死掉。” This I know certainly, otherwise you will not look for me! I received you for the disciple initially time, you cultivates the matter in resources on somewhat worried, never expected that your own unexpectedly can solve. Since you are such fierce Alchemist, then later I felt relieved, how these pills use, waiting makes me help you project well, you wait/etc.” Huang Jintian watches the fire of high-piled firewood, that pair of profound old eyes glittering none. “这我当然知道,否则你也不会来找我了!我当初收你为徒的时候,就有些担心你修炼资源方面的事情,没想到你自己竟然可以解决。你既然是一个这么厉害的炼丹师,那么以后我就放心了,这些丹药怎么用,等让我好好帮你计划计划,你等等。”黄锦天看着火堆,那双深邃的老眼闪烁着精光。 Shen Xiang tears nearby one to roast the good cow, tears off a thigh, is eating the meat of that delicacy, he felt, how consults to roast this type of delicious meat to this crazy Master. 沈翔撕扯着旁边一头烤好的牛,扯下一条大腿,吃着那美味的肉,他觉得以后得向这个疯癫师傅请教一下怎么烤出这种好吃的肉来。 You must eat so many pills words, I give Practice plan that you arrange to need to be many some time, this can make you not be affected.” Huang Jintian said. “你要吃掉这么多丹药的话,我给你安排的修行计划需要多一些时间,这样才能让你不会受到影响。”黄锦天说道。 no problem, I get down time has been mentally prepared, Master you arrange although, clenched teeth on the past, had nothing to fear!” Shen Xiang said with a smile, although he said with ease, but he was actually clear that this did not feel better. 没关系,我下来的时候就已经做好心理准备,师傅您尽管安排,一咬牙就过去了,没有什么好怕的!”沈翔笑道,虽然他说得轻松,但他却清楚这并不好过。 Haha, your brat has this consciousness is good, in the past your Senior Brother did not have your mentality!” Huang Jintian said while loudly laughing. “哈哈,你小子有这个觉悟就是好,当年你师兄都没有你这种心态!”黄锦天大笑道 In the Shen Xiang heart sighed, Huang Jintian's Practice plan was very brutal, can exceed the limit that he withstood each time slightly, for example fight time, Huang Jintian will make Shen Xiang hit to consume power completely, after consuming, but must make Shen Xiang continue to hit, otherwise he punched Shen Xiang crazily. 沈翔心中一叹,黄锦天的修行计划都是非常残酷的,每次都能会稍微超过他承受的极限,比如战斗的时候,黄锦天会让沈翔打得把力量全部耗掉,耗掉之后,还得让沈翔继续打下去,否则他就狂揍沈翔 In the fleshly body practice aspect is so, will also make Shen Xiang situated in withstanding the edge of limit from the beginning, will then increase little, making Shen Xiang fleshly body receive various types to devastate, but being insufficient makes the Shen Xiang pain faint, will also let the time that Shen Xiang gasps for breath, lets the Shen Xiang fleshly body self- restore certain time, starts to suffer. 肉身修行方面也是如此,一开始会让沈翔处于承受极限的边缘,然后会一点点增加,让沈翔肉身受到各种摧残,但又不至于让沈翔痛晕过去,还会让沈翔喘气的时间,让沈翔肉身自我修复的一定的时候,又开始折磨。 Because Huang Jintian has very strong strength, itself controls to True Qi is also free, therefore he will assist the Shen Xiang practice way also to become very extreme, but this will not cause Shen Xiang dead, because he will control very well. 因为黄锦天有着非常强大的实力,本身对真气控制又非常自如,所以他辅助沈翔修行的方式也会变得非常极端,不过这不会导致沈翔死去,因为他控制得很好。 With the Huang Jintian practice day, almost each day is bloody, making Shen Xiang be hard to forget, but he can be familiar with now slowly, he to pursue power, anything does not fear. 黄锦天修行的日子,几乎每天都是血淋淋的,让沈翔难以忘记,不过他现在可以慢慢习惯,他为了追求力量,什么都不惧。 practice from the beginning, Shen Xiang thought that own body like ten thousand jin (0.5 kg) such, walking one step is difficult, but simultaneously he must with the Huang Jintian fight. 修行一开始,沈翔就觉得自己的身体如同万斤重那样,走一步都非常困难,而同时他要和黄锦天战斗。 Huang Jintian also puts out with Shen Xiang same power contends in martial arts, this is exercising the fight experience of Shen Xiang, therefore Shen Xiang at the martial arts contest, can always depend upon these experience wins, this is very rare. 黄锦天也是拿出和沈翔同等的力量来比武,这是在锻炼沈翔的战斗经验,所以沈翔在比武的时候,总是能依靠这些经验取胜,这是非常难得的。 I you hit the half-dead time, I to you will feed these pills, such you can digest well! I first reminded your, then my attack not only can project on your fleshly body, but can also attack your mind/energetic, you paid attention!” Huang Jintian just said, fights with the fists to Shen Xiang. “等我把你打得半死不活的时候,我会给你喂下那些丹药的,那样你能消化得更好!我先提醒你一下,接下来我的攻击不仅仅能打到你的肉身,还能攻击到你的精神,你注意了!”黄锦天刚刚说完,就一拳打向沈翔 Shen Xiang the feeling of heaviness in the limbs like the mountain, his movement looks like turtle such at this time, from facing the Huang Jintian's quick fist, he is unable to resist, can only take a beating. 沈翔此时身重如山,他的动作就像是一个乌龟那样,自面对黄锦天的快拳,他根本无法抵挡,只能挨揍。 His body by pounding of Huang Jintian's fist heavily, was cut off immediately two ribs, Huang Jintian says with a smile: Bears, then your daily practice, in this state.” 他的身体被黄锦天的拳头重重的砸中,顿时断掉两条肋骨,黄锦天笑道:“忍住,接下来你每天的修行,都会在这种状态下。” Shen Xiang is criticizing, he does not know that oneself body by Lane Huang Jintian anything, unexpectedly will be sunk, he can stand now is not easy, he opens the chin to speak now continually is difficult. 沈翔暗暗骂着,他不知道自己的身体被黄锦天了什么,竟然会这么沉,他现在能站起来已经算是不易了,他现在连打开下巴来说话都非常困难。 Of bang, his chest was hit a fist, he exuded one stuffily, shut tightly the cape also to overflow the blood, but Huang Jintian was relentless, starting to be getting more and more heavy, Shen Xiang seems like flesh sandbag such now, whatever Huang Jintian hit to beat violently crazily. 轰的一声,他的胸膛又被打中一拳,他发出了一声闷哼,紧闭地嘴也溢出了血液,但黄锦天丝毫不留情,下手越来越重,沈翔现在就好像是一个人肉沙包那样,任由黄锦天狂打狠揍。 Shen Xiang has not known how long, he only thought at this time the whole body bone broke to pieces such probably, moreover felt that Sea of Consciousness was also very painful, Huang Jintian used spiritual attack, this was disciplines his Divine Sense. 沈翔不知道过了多久,此时他只觉得浑身的骨头都好像碎掉了那样,而且感到识海也很痛,黄锦天用上了精神攻击,这是磨练他的神识 Eats up, restores a bit faster, only gives you to rest a double-hour!” Huang Jintian toward Shen Xiang mouth China , Cyprus two grains of pill pellet, one grain is Elemental Spirit Dan, one grain is Five Elements True Elemental Dan. “吃下,快点恢复过来,只给你休息一个时辰!”黄锦天沈翔口中塞了两粒丹丸,一粒是元神丹,一粒是五行真元丹 These two grains of pills entrances, the efficacy digested quickly, did not need him to transport the merit to refine the efficacy, pills inside energy melts automatically, integrated in his body at the extremely quick speed, making him as if feel that drank the icy cold water in the burning hot desert. 这两粒丹药一入口,药力很快就消化掉了,根本不需要他运功去炼化药力,丹药里面的能量就自动化开,以极快的速度融入他的身体之中,让他仿佛觉得在炎热的沙漠中喝到了冰凉的水。 However he only thought that drank droplet, insufficiently, he closes one's eyes radically now, relaxes the body, lets the fleshly body self- restore that is damaged. 不过他只觉得喝了一小滴,根本不够,现在他就闭着眼睛,放松身体,让那受损的肉身自我修复。 A double-hour quick on the past, but Shen Xiang also restored most likely (80%), but was actually entrained by Huang Jintian , to continue the bang to hit his body...... 一个时辰很快就过去了,而沈翔也只是恢复了八成,但却被黄锦天拽起来,继续轰打着他的身体…… Then, Shen Xiang was punched by Huang Jintian during the daytime crazily, to the evening relaxed rarely, by Huang Jintian is actually still released strange power, attacks his body, making him feel that own fleshly body seems like by the hammer is pounded such fiercely, to resist this power, he revolves True Qi in within the body to resist. 就这样,沈翔白天被黄锦天狂揍,到了晚上难得放松的时候,却依然被黄锦天释放出一种奇怪的力量,冲击他的身体,让他觉得自己的肉身像是被锤子猛砸那样,为了抵挡这种力量,他运转体内的真气去抵挡。 In this, two months passed, although Shen Xiang feeling of heaviness in the limbs ten thousand jin (0.5 kg), but can actually make the avoidance, but is very slow, still could not avoid being attacked by Huang Jintian. 就在这样,两个月过去了,沈翔虽然身重万斤,但却可以做出躲避,只不过还是非常慢,依然避免不了被黄锦天攻击。 But every day he can eat to six grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan and five grains of Elemental Spirit Dan, he eats, pills inside energy is automatically and integrates in his body fast, the effect is good. 而每天他都能吃到六粒五行真元丹和五粒元神丹,他吃下去的时候,丹药里面的能量都是自动而快速的融入他的身体之中,效果非常好。 Elemental Spirit Dan had finished eating, Shen Xiang can see Divine Soul in soul Sea of Consciousness to grow up much, is ten -year-old appearance, now has 11 years old! 元神丹已经吃完了,沈翔能看见灵魂识海中的神魂长大了不少,原本是十岁的模样,现在已经有十一岁了! As for his cultivation base, has been entering into the True Martial Realm 8th Stage edge, true element grains in his Five Elements beast image altogether shone 390 grains, so long as shone ten grains again, he can enter into 8th Stage. 至于他的修为,已经在迈入真武境八段的边缘,他五行兽像中的真元粒总共亮起了三百九十粒,只要再亮起十粒,他就能迈入八段 This speed is not as I expected, but also is good!” The Huang Jintian nod said with a smile. “这速度出乎我的意料呀,还不错!”黄锦天点头笑道。 Shen Xiang stayed for two months under this forbidden land, Huang Jintian could also see him to be weary, put him to go out to relax, will otherwise be harbored evil thoughts. 沈翔在这禁地下面可是呆了两个月,黄锦天也看得出他厌倦了,放他出去散散心,否则会被憋坏的。 Shen Xiang comes out from forbidden land, after returning to Extreme Dan King Courtyard, first greatly rests for day, then condense few golden dragon saliva gave Su Meiyao them him for serveral days. 沈翔禁地中出来,回到太丹王院之后,首先是大睡一天,然后再把他这些天来凝聚的少量黄金龙涎交给苏媚瑶她们。 Huang Jintian has discovered his golden dragon saliva, but Huang Jintian has not asked is anything, because he could see that Shen Xiang is very mysterious, although he curious he respects the Shen Xiang privacy. 黄锦天已经发现了他这种黄金龙涎,但黄锦天也没有问是什么,因为他看得出沈翔对此很神秘,他虽然好奇不过他尊重沈翔的隐私。 Young Martial Uncle, you came out finally, opens the door quickly!” Shen Xiang just awoke, hears Gu Dongchen to knock at the door, this made his somewhat doubtful, Gu Dongchen they need a half year back and forth, but actually comes back now more than ten days ahead of schedule. 小师叔,你终于出来了,快开门!”沈翔刚刚睡醒,就听到古东辰在叫门,这让他有些疑惑,古东辰他们来回都要半年了,但现在却提前十多天回来。
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