WDDG :: Volume #4

#385: Performs to be sweet painstakingly

Elemental Spirit Dan and Five Elements True Elemental Dan this herbs rare pills, usually can eat one grain then to be more economical the cultivation time, lets overeat like Shen Xiang let alone, like eating the bean is so simple. 元神丹五行真元丹这种药材稀有的丹药,平时能吃上一粒便能节省许多修炼时间,更何况像沈翔这样让大吃特吃,就像吃豆子那样简单。 Naturally, Shen Xiang he has divine art, can condense have these dragon saliva, fast accelerate ripening planter massive rare and precious spirit herb, can help him obtain massive pills. 当然,沈翔他身怀神功,才能凝聚出那些龙涎,快速催熟种植大量的珍稀灵药,才能让他获得大量的丹药 Now Shen Xiang suspected that Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou original strength is very strong, possibly places on Heaven World is also strong side, because Su Meiyao also understands Dragon Saliva Art. 现在沈翔怀疑苏媚瑶白幽幽原本的实力都很强,可能放在天界上面也是一方强者,因为苏媚瑶也懂得龙涎功 alchemy to many are very arid, because that must defend pill furnace very long time, even is several months, but regarding Alchemist, alchemy process, although is arid, but has pill time can actually make them feel that has the sense of achievement. 炼丹对于许多人来说都是非常枯燥的,因为那要守住一个丹炉很长的时间,甚至是好几个月,但是对于炼丹师来说,炼丹的过程虽然过于枯燥,但出丹的时候却能让他们感到非常有成就感。 Even Shen Xiang this alchemy speed person ultra-fast, now still when concentrates the pill success merit, in the heart is darkly crisp. 即便是沈翔这种炼丹速度超快的人,现在依然都会在凝丹成功的时候,心中暗爽起来。 Since he learned Refining Simulation Technique this advanced alchemy technique, his alchemy success ratio is higher, pill who refining Elemental Spirit Dan and Five Elements True Elemental Dan this type is difficult to practice can guarantee that has the ten layers assurance to be successful! 自从他学会了演炼法这种高级炼丹术之后,他炼丹的成功率更高,炼制元神丹五行真元丹这种难练的丹都能保证有十层的把握成功! Elemental Spirit Dan herbs grow is quickest, therefore most, he currently has 200, he planned that keeps half to come out, Five Elements True Elemental Dan herbs is quite easy to plant, three months he planted 150, he planned first to refine 50, if the complete success, had 500 grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan! 元神丹药材生长得最快,所以最多,他现在就有两百份,他打算留一半出来,五行真元丹药材算是比较容易种植的,三个月他就种出了一百五十份,他打算先炼制五十份,如果全部成功的话,就有五百粒五行真元丹了! As for that 80 Building Foundation Dan herbs, he planned after leaving, refines, Building Foundation Dan he currently also has many, moreover promotes cultivation base to have no tangible effect on him. 至于那八十份筑基丹药材,他打算留给以后再去炼制,筑基丹他现在还有不少,而且对他提升修为没有什么明显的效果。 Above the pills competition of previous Fragrance City, the Shen Xiang alchemy ability a level higher, now he refines Elemental Spirit Dan to be able a furnace to have three grains, his first refinement time only has one grain. 在上次飘香城丹药比赛上面,沈翔炼丹本领又更上一层楼了,现在他炼制元神丹能一炉出三粒,他第一次炼制的时候只有一粒。 At that time he refined with Illusionary Brilliant Furnace, now with the words that Flame Dragon Brilliant Furnace refines, will be simpler with ease. 那时候他是用幻法宝炉炼制,现在用炎龙宝炉炼制的话,会更加简单轻松。 Now has Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou sorts good herbs in the ring, Shen Xiang also to omit to process herbs this step, this can save many time for him. 现在有苏媚瑶白幽幽在戒指里面分拣好药材,沈翔也省去处理药材这个步骤,这能为他节省许多时间。 For half a month passed, Shen Xiang lies down in the secret room, the big mouth is gasping for breath. He is very weary, but on the face actually full is joyful. 半个月过去了,沈翔躺在密室,大口喘着气。他十分疲倦,但脸上却满是喜悦。 Challenge limit really has enough to do, but 15 days I refine 100 furnaces to let Elemental Spirit Dan, 50 furnace Five Elements True Elemental Dan, but also is very tired!” Shen Xiang is stretching oneself, fell asleep in the secret room directly. “挑战极限果然很吃力呀,只是十五天我就炼出一百炉让元神丹,五十炉五行真元丹,还真的很累!”沈翔伸着懒腰,直接在密室中睡着了。 Five Elements True Elemental Dan and Elemental Spirit Dan have very big difference from that Building Foundation Dan, the refinement difficulty is very big, moreover Shen Xiang currently alchemy uses Refining Simulation Technique, consumes Divine Sense, he does that is also practice, he in alchemy, the opportunity does not take a rest continuously, this is fights ten five Heavenly Capital more tired than continuously. 五行真元丹元神丹跟那筑基丹有很大的不同,炼制难度很大,而且沈翔现在炼丹都是使用演炼法,非常消耗神识,他这么做也算是一种修行,他是在连续炼丹,机会不做休息,这可是比连续战斗十五天都要累。 After waking up, Shen Xiang put out two very big jade boxes, thinks of 300 grains of Elemental Spirit Dan, another is 500 grains of Five Elements True Elemental Dan. 醒来之后,沈翔拿出了两个很大的玉盒,其中一个装着三百粒元神丹,另外一个则是五百粒五行真元丹 Elemental Spirit Dan is also exquisitely carved, just has the flame that one bunch beats in the middle, Five Elements True Elemental Dan is completely transparent. 元神丹也是玲珑剔透的,只不过在中间有着一束跳动的火焰,五行真元丹就是全部透明的。 Shen Xiang thought that this does not have Building Foundation Dan to be magnificent, because the Building Foundation Dan beam energy spread sends out dazzling azure light, several hundred grains of together words, that scene will definitely make people think that has impact on a vision. 沈翔觉得这没有筑基丹壮观,因为筑基丹能散发出一阵刺目的青光,几百粒在一起的话,那种场面肯定会让人觉得有一种视觉上的冲击。 Oh, cannot eat, it seems like only then looked for the Master help!” Shen Xiang smiles bitterly: I really do not want to go.” “唉,不能就这么吃掉,看来只有去找师傅帮忙了!”沈翔苦笑一声:“我真不想去。” Big matter, went to many several times on be used to it, this was good to you in any case.” Bai Youyou said. “多大点事,去多几次就习惯了,反正这对你有好处。”白幽幽说道。 Although Shen Xiang does not want to go, but he in order to fast promotion strength, but does not leave behind the future trouble, only then braced oneself that forbidden land to look for Huang Jintian. Although Huang Jintian the crazy, has very rich experience in cultivation, he can arrange some Practice plan, lets Shen Xiang eats up massive pills while advanced by leaps and bounds, does not leave behind any drawback, making the Shen Xiang foundation reliable, but can also make fleshly body powerful. 沈翔虽然不想去,但他为了能快速提升实力,而不留下后患,只有硬着头皮去那禁地黄锦天了。黄锦天虽然疯癫,在修炼方面却有着非常丰富的经验,他能安排一些修行计划,让沈翔吃下大量的丹药突飞猛进的同时,不留下任何的弊端,让沈翔的根基牢固,还能让肉身变得强大。 This is painstakingly is completely also sweet! 这也算是苦尽甘甜来吧! In that deep hole, Shen Xiang is worrying a chicken leg, at the same time asked: Master, that Herculean Clan little rascal requested me to be the master, you did not oppose that I received him for the disciple.” 那个深坑之中,沈翔撕咬着一只鸡腿,一边问道:“师傅,那大力族小鬼拜我为师了,你不反对我收他为徒吧。” Yo, fierce! Unexpectedly received a Herculean Clan fellow is the disciple, naturally did not oppose! Your this brat can always make the unexpected matter. Was same as me in the past.” Huang Jintian said with a smile. “哟,厉害嘛!居然收了一个大力族的家伙为徒,当然不反对!你这小子总是能做出许多出人意料的事情来。和我当年一样。”黄锦天笑吟吟地说道。 Hehe , I did not match to make your senior disciple if not!” Shen Xiang said with a smile. 嘿嘿,如果不这样,我也不配做你老人家徒弟了!”沈翔笑道。 Huang Jintian thinks that now Lan Hai that group of people were regarded the appearance that the pig plays by Shen Xiang, should still act like a madman to laugh, but also non-stop whipping Shen Xiang, praised Shen Xiang to complete. 黄锦天现在想到蓝海那群人被沈翔当成猪耍的模样,依然会疯疯癫癫大笑着,还不停拍打沈翔,夸赞沈翔做得好。 After Shen Xiang arrives at forbidden land, makes Huang Jintian be surprised, because Huang Jintian thinks that Shen Xiang meets flee to faraway places, but after hearing Shen Xiang , the matter that told, understood, he supported the Shen Xiang approach, this can reduce and solve this greatly contradictory, words that because the Shen Xiang present strength stared by that crowd of Nirvana Realm, was very dangerous. 沈翔来到禁地之后,也让黄锦天感到惊讶,因为黄锦天以为沈翔远走高飞的,不过听到沈翔之后讲述的事情,就明白了,他支持沈翔的做法,这样能化解这个大矛盾,因为沈翔现在的实力就被那群涅槃境盯上的话,是非常危险的。 Master have you gone to King Continent?” Shen Xiang asked curiously, his suddenly was interested in this continent. 师傅你去过王者大陆吗?”沈翔好奇地问道,他突然对这个大陆非常感兴趣。 Has gone one time, that above fellow truly is abnormal, is much more powerful! That Human King bloodline that they boasted was not false ! After my research, has the Human King bloodline fellow , like that Herculean Clan, moreover is fiercer than Herculean Clan, because Herculean Clan cultivates True Qi to be difficult, therefore causes the Herculean Clan person rarely to have, but the Human King bloodline fellow are many.” Huang Jintian face earnestly said, can by him be recognized is the fierce person, is not definitely weak. “去过一次,那上面的家伙确实都是变态,强大得离谱!他们所吹嘘的那人王血脉不是假的,是真的!经过我的研究,拥有人王血脉的家伙,就和那大力族一样,而且比大力族还要厉害,因为大力族修炼真气困难,所以导致大力族人很少有,但人王血脉的家伙却很多。”黄锦天一脸认真地说道,能被他认定是厉害的人,肯定不弱。 unexpectedly is fiercer than Herculean Clan! The Shen Xiang heart jumps, now after Xiao Chou's power awakens, was strong, he does not have the full assurance to defeat Xiao Chou, if the King Continent above person, what is to happen? 竟然大力族还厉害!沈翔心脏一跳,现在萧仇的力量觉醒之后,都非常强了,他都没有十足把握把萧仇击败,如果是王者大陆上面的人,那又会怎么样? „Isn't Little Bald King Continent's? How I thought that he is very weak, moreover is so old.” The Shen Xiang doubts asked. 小光头不是王者大陆的吗?怎么我觉得他很弱,而且还这么老。”沈翔疑惑地问道。 Haha, you said unexpectedly Little Bald is weak! Little Bald is fierce, he old is because his Human King bloodline has problems, when he breaks through hopelessly awakens! After his Human King bloodline awakens, strength advanced by leaps and bounds, fled all of a sudden Nirvana Realm, then met your Senior Brother, does not know that he was filled what rice water by your Senior Brother, then did obeisance your Senior Brother for the master, joined Extreme Martial Sect.” “哈哈,你居然说小光头弱!小光头厉害着呢,他年老是因为他那人王血脉出了点问题,在他突破无望的时候才觉醒的!他人王血脉觉醒之后,实力突飞猛进,一下子就窜到了涅槃境,然后遇到你师兄,也不知道他被你师兄灌了什么米汤,然后就拜你师兄为师,加入了太武门。” Little Bald is a moderate person, he rarely acts, moreover not needs him to act, he is also disinclined, if he were to also cross the Nirvana eight tribulations now, Hehe.” Huang Jintian has not said, Shen Xiang can also understand, in the same rank Human King bloodline compared with the average person, seem like Herculean Clan such. 小光头是一个性格温和的人,他很少出手,而且不需要他出手的时候,他也懒得动,如果他现在也是渡过涅槃八劫的话,嘿嘿。”黄锦天没说下去,沈翔也能明白,同级别之中人王血脉要比普通人强很多,就好像大力族那样。 brat, do you get down will not only say these with me? If we had known you can run away, I did not need to waste the strength to go out one. Said quickly, you to do what?” 小子,你下来不会只和我说这些吧?早知道你能逃走,我也不用浪费力气出去一趟了。快说,你下来干什么?” Shen Xiang looks at Huang Jintian surprisedly, he has not thought that Huang Jintian can also go out unexpectedly! 沈翔惊讶地看着黄锦天,他没想到黄锦天居然还可以出去! He has not spoken, but put out two very big jade boxes, then opens, after Huang Jintian sees that two boxes of Elemental Spirit Dan and Five Elements True Elemental Dan, exuded one to call out in alarm, stares looks at these pill pellet. 他没有说话,只是拿出了两个很大的玉盒,然后打开,黄锦天看见那两盒元神丹五行真元丹之后,发出了一声惊呼,直勾勾地看着那些丹丸
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