WDDG :: Volume #4

#384: Human King descendant

Shen Xiang is curious to that King Continent, he thinks, some are the opportunity goes, moreover Wu Kaiming is there person, did not fear that could not find the place. 沈翔对那王者大陆非常好奇,他认为以后有的是机会去,而且武开明又是那里的人,不怕找不到地方。 „The King Continent above person felt oneself are very noble, they think that oneself are the Human King descendant! Is Mortal World first batch of human the descendant of king, therefore there is also called King Continent! The above person is truly strong, rich resources, bounteous. continent be bigger than over a hundred times Chenwu Mainland, not only, among Mortal World, was being covered by a natural screen year to year, if not know that the person of road, could not find that place.” Liu Meng'er said. 王者大陆上面的人都觉得自己很高贵,他们认为自己是人王的后裔!就是凡界第一批人类的王的后裔,所以那里也叫做王者大陆!上面的人确实很强,资源丰富,地大物博。一个大陆要比辰武大陆大上百倍不只,位于凡界中间,常年被一个天然屏障笼罩着,如果不知道路的人,是根本找不到那个地方的。”柳梦儿说道。 Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan also hit sweat profusely, after they come up, Shen Xiang lets loose the Liu Meng'er's white hands. 薛仙仙冷幽兰也打得香汗淋漓,她们上来之后,沈翔才放开柳梦儿的玉手。 Fierce? Has the opportunity I to teach them, making them know that anything is called outside the person some people of one should always strive for better!” Leng Youlan loudly said, the temper of this white hair beautiful woman is so, but she really had this qualifications to speak these words, must know that her age be smaller than Shen Xiang, moreover she also had two Dao God lineage/vein! “有多厉害?有机会我去教训一下他们,让他们知道什么叫做人外有人天外有天!”冷幽兰大声说道,这白发美人的性子就是如此,不过她确实有这资格说这番话,要知道她的年纪要比沈翔小,而且她也是拥有两道神脉的! Elder Brother Xiao Xiang, don't you go to King Continent?” Xue Xianxian asked. 小翔哥,你不去王者大陆吗?”薛仙仙问道。 Shen Xiang pinched her face, is cleaning fragrant perspiration on her forehead, said with a smile: Does not go, without so many time waste, your two girls closely is pursuing me, if which day I were exceeded by you, that face lost in a big way.” 沈翔捏了捏她脸,擦拭着她额头上的香汗,笑道:“不去,没那么多时间浪费,你们这两个丫头可是紧紧追着我,万一哪天我被你们超越了,那面子就丢大了。” Elder Brother, your saying to be not right! If your younger sister and your wife strength is very strong, you should proud be right! Relax, I will make you feel proud one day.” Leng Youlan is saying, Shen Xiang while helps her wipe away sweat, but also is reorganizing her somewhat disorderly white hair. “哥,你这话就不对了!如果你妹妹和你的妻子实力很强,你应该自豪才对!放心吧,总有一天我会让你感到自豪的。”冷幽兰一边说着,沈翔一边帮她擦汗,还整理着她那有些凌乱的白发。 Then is Shen Xiang and Xue Xianxian's personal time, they are kissing in the room, because they must distinguish a period of time quickly. 接下来便是沈翔薛仙仙的私人时间,他们在房间里面亲吻着,因为他们很快就要分别一段时间 Elder Brother always touches Senior Sister there, is this very good to touch? Why hadn't I detected?” Leng Youlan peeps, while asked is sitting Liu Meng'er in hall. 哥哥总是摸师姐那里,这很好摸吗?为什么我没有发觉?”冷幽兰一边偷看,一边问着坐在厅里的柳梦儿 She must shout Xue Xianxian for the elder brother's wife, but she thought that she is small a little compared with Xue Xianxian, therefore called Elder Sister, but knows afterward Liu Meng'er was Icewind Valley's Valley Master , after was her Master, she shouted that Xue Xianxian was Senior Sister. 原本她是要喊薛仙仙为嫂嫂的,但她觉得自己只是比薛仙仙小那么一点,所以才称呼姐姐,但后来知道柳梦儿冰风谷的谷主,也是她的师傅之后,她就喊薛仙仙师姐了。 You are touch your, naturally had not felt!” Liu Meng'er pū chī smiles, her face is also red, she knows certainly that Shen Xiang and Xue Xianxian to do what in. “你是摸自己的,当然没感觉!”柳梦儿噗嗤一笑,她的脸也是红红的,她当然知道沈翔薛仙仙在里面干什么。 Next time will take a bath, I make Senior Sister pat to me!” Leng Youlan arrives at side Liu Meng'er, looks at the Liu Meng'er's chest, then gesticulated oneself: Master, your probably compared with my big!” “下次洗澡,我让师姐给我摸摸!”冷幽兰来到柳梦儿身边,看着柳梦儿的胸膛,然后又比划了一下自己:“师傅,你的好像比我的大一些!” Leng Youlan usually has a big mouth, brave, Liu Meng'er also has a headache, her face one red, ridicules saying: little girl, are you so bored? We are equally big, said again, can this compared with?” 冷幽兰平时就是口无遮拦,胆子很大的,柳梦儿也十分头疼,她脸儿一红,笑骂道:“小丫头,你怎么这么无聊呀?我们都是一样大的,再说,这样就能比得出来吗?” Leng Youlan stuck out the tongue, on that beautiful face full is the doubts asks: Master, Elder Brother before the big white rabbit that taught me saying that was only? Now thinks, is white and big, truly looks like very much! Master, why Elder Brother will he make me shout? But you hear the later response so is also big.” 冷幽兰吐了吐舌头,那美丽的脸庞上满是疑惑地问道:“师傅,哥哥之前教我说的大白兔,是不是只的这个?现在想想,又白又大,确实很像呀!师傅,哥哥他为什么会让我这么喊?而你听到之后反应又这么大。” Liu Meng'er was thoroughly speechless to this white hair beautiful woman, she knows that Leng Youlan is not stupid, but the matter in this aspect does not understand very much, moreover nerve big strip. 柳梦儿对这白发美人彻底无语了,她知道冷幽兰并不笨,只是在这方面的事情不是很懂,而且神经大条。 Later cannot mention this matter again!” Liu Meng'er whispered, remembered chest front that to make Shen Xiang look to the snow white big rabbit, in her heart was charming, face also red. “以后不许再提这件事!”柳梦儿低声说道,想起自己胸前那对雪白的大兔子让沈翔看了,她心中就是一阵娇羞,脸儿也红红的。 Liu Meng'er suspected, Leng Youlan possible strips nude in front of Shen Xiang, will not be shy, this makes her unreadable. 柳梦儿怀疑,冷幽兰可能脱光了正在沈翔面前,也不会害羞,这让她难以理解。 After Shen Xiang and Xue Xianxian hug distinction, then returns to Extreme Dan King Courtyard, Liu Meng'er must leave a period of time, she must returns to Icewind Valley Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan. 沈翔薛仙仙拥抱分别之后,便返回太丹王院,柳梦儿也要离开一段时间,她要把薛仙仙冷幽兰送回冰风谷 Now he must do is the planter are many some Five Elements True Elemental Dan, Building Foundation Dan and Elemental Spirit Dan herbs, Building Foundation Dan is used to sell, other two types are used to give he himself to enhance the strength, when his not clear three realms great war erupts, but he actually , before erupting great war, enhances own strength as soon as possible. 他现在要做的就是种植多一些五行真元丹筑基丹元神丹药材,筑基丹是用来卖的,其他两种是用来给他自己提升实力,他不清楚三界大战在什么时候爆发,但他却得在没有爆发大战之前,尽快提升自己的实力。 Shen Xiang does not practice now, all day long is condense massive golden dragon saliva, this will not let his power outflow, because he in the condense process, can absorb the Spirit Qi restoration at the same time. 沈翔现在也不修炼了,整天都凝聚大量的黄金龙涎,这并不会让他的力量流失,因为他在凝聚的过程中,可以一边摄取灵气恢复。 After that medicine garden since migrates to that ring inside, Shen Xiang does not need to water these spirit herb, gives Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou completely does. Su Meiyao is Alchemist, regarding planting the spirit herb anything's nature is a cinch. Bai Youyou with her together, is frequently familiar with this aspect, their two look, can make Shen Xiang save a lot of time. 那个药园自从迁移到那戒指里面之后,沈翔就不必自己浇灌那些灵药了,全部交给苏媚瑶白幽幽去做。苏媚瑶本身是一个炼丹师,对于种植灵药什么的自然不在话下。白幽幽经常和她在一起,对这方面还算熟悉,她们两个照料起来,能让沈翔省去不少时间。 Shen Xiang Extreme Dan King Courtyard stayed ten days later, then goes out to ask about the situation, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming is not in Extreme Martial Sect, he knew from an elder mouth, these expert all went to One Hundred Thousand Devil Mountain, seals up that space crack. 沈翔太丹王院呆了十来天之后,便出去询问一下情况,古东辰武开明并不在太武门之中,他从一个长老口中得知,那些强者全部都去了十万魔山,去封住那空间裂缝。 After sealing up, is they go to the King Continent's time, at least also a half year comes back. 封住之后,便是他们前往王者大陆的时候,至少也得半年才回来。 That medicine garden earth is spirit earth, what irrigation is mystical golden dragon saliva, making these spirit herb growth rate grassies equally quick, Shen Xiang also looks straight hehe happy. 药园的土是灵土,浇灌的是神异黄金龙涎,让那些灵药生长速度像草一样快,沈翔也看得呵呵直乐。 After heroic congress, entire Chenwu Mainland restored the past to be like that tranquil, Shen Xiang was also the body hides in Extreme Dan King Courtyard plants spirit herb with single-hearted devotion. Then, a blink on the past in March/three months, he was busy at being so long continuously, finally welcomed the harvest. 英雄大会过后,整个辰武大陆又恢复了往日那般平静,沈翔也是身体躲在太丹王院里面专心种植灵药。就这样,一眨眼就过去了三月,他连续忙了这么久,终于迎来丰收。 Now Elemental Spirit Dan herbs altogether has 200, Five Elements True Elemental Dan 150, Building Foundation Dan 80!” Su Meiyao said, he is main these, other these White Jade Lotus Seed, Resurrection Grass anything's he does not want now anxiously, therefore has not paid attention. “现在元神丹药材总共有两百份,五行真元丹一五十份,筑基丹八十份!”苏媚瑶说道,他是主要种这些,其他那些白玉莲子,还魂草什么的他现在不急要,所以没有理会。 Shen Xiang for serveral days also in alchemy, what he refines is Building Foundation Dan and Hundred Beasts Dan, his previous time many Building Foundation Dan herbs have not finished, but Hundred Beasts Dan is he consumes now many, because Small White Tiger and Little Dragon must eat. 沈翔这些天来也都在炼丹,他炼制的是筑基丹百兽丹,他上次就还有许多筑基丹药材没有练完,而百兽丹是他现在消耗最多的,因为有一头小白虎小龙要吃。 Building Foundation Dan has more than 200 grains, now cannot use! Then refines Elemental Spirit Dan and Five Elements True Elemental Dan, Hundred Beasts Dan of your Heaven Refining systems have many, sufficed that two gluttonous fellow to eat a period of time.” Su Meiyao said. 筑基丹已经有两百多粒了,现在也用不去!接下来炼制元神丹五行真元丹吧,你这些天炼制的百兽丹也有不少,够那两个贪吃的家伙吃一段时间了。”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang will also give some Building Foundation Dan Yun Xiaodao frequently them, but he must gather crystal stones, but Lian Mingdong, Lei Xionglin and Lei Zhong have no crystal stones, so long as owing, like Yun Xiaodao, Zhu Rong and Xu Weilong is the wealthy family juniors, now they also obtain Extreme Martial Sect key training, family will provide many resources to them, therefore they can afford. 沈翔也会经常给一些筑基丹云小刀他们,不过他可是要收取晶石的,只是连明东雷雄林雷忠没有什么晶石,只要欠着,像云小刀朱荣徐伟龙都是富家子弟,现在他们又得到太武门重点培养,家族方面会给他们提供不少的资源,所以他们还是买得起的。 As for his small disciple Xiao Chou, Shen Xiang does not need to manage him, because Xiao Chou is Herculean Clan, has he himself to promote the cultivation base means that but Yao Haisheng does not need pills, will only need the alchemy material to come alchemy, Shen Xiang also to direct him occasionally 12. 至于他那小徒弟萧仇,沈翔根本不用管他,因为萧仇大力族,有着他自己提升修为的办法,而药海生不需要丹药,只需要炼丹的材料来炼丹,沈翔偶尔也会指点他一二。 Three months, they should go to King Continent! Human King descendant, has the opportunity I certainly to have a look!” Shen Xiang looked at the sky, then returns to the secret room, starts to refine Elemental Spirit Dan and Five Elements True Elemental Dan. “三个月了,他们应该去到王者大陆了吧!人王后裔,有机会我一定会去看看的!”沈翔看了看天空,便返回密室之中,开始炼制元神丹五行真元丹
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