WDDG :: Volume #4

#380: Heaven's Crown Gate

Now they have not been able to go to King Continent, because had a space crack in this One Hundred Thousand Devil Mountain, they must stop up that crack to start 现在他们还不能去王者大陆,因为在这十万魔山里面出现了一条空间裂缝,他们要堵住那条裂缝才能启程 hundred thousand year ago, under our Holy Light Church definitely also leaves behind some inheritance, we must go to that King Continent.” The distant place shoots golden light, one crowd of wear golden robe person flew. 十万年前,我们圣光教肯定也遗留下一些传承,我们也要去那王者大陆。”远处射来一阵金光,一群穿着金袍的人飞了过来。 The Holy Light Church person has not walked, they have paid attention to here sound in the distant place, Shen Xiang suddenly run away, suddenly appears, was looked by them clearly, but makes them not think is, Shen Xiang so will be unexpectedly silly, hands over that map. 圣光教的人没有走,他们一直都在远处注意这里的动静,沈翔突然逃走,突然出现,都被他们看得清清楚楚,只不过让他们没想到到是,沈翔居然会这么傻,把那地图交出来。 Shen Xiang is not silly, he knows that oneself must enter into Nirvana Realm also to require a lot of time, if splits with these overseas continent's Big Shot now, does not have to his advantage, Huang Jintian is impossible to keep in Extreme Martial Sect to protect him forever, Liu Meng'er Gu Dongchen these Big Shot one day will also leave Mortal World, his is to give a escape route. 沈翔不傻,他知道自己要迈入涅槃境还需要很多时间,如果现在就和这些海外大陆的巨头交恶,对他一点好处都没有,黄锦天也不可能永远都留在太武门里面保护他,柳梦儿古东辰这些巨头也会有一天离开凡界,他这是为了给自己一条后路。 He does not lack what martial arts, now he hands over, but can also hit relationship with these Big Shot, if he later becomes high level Alchemist, these powerful Big Shot will contact with him frequently, so long as the personal connection is good, he in this Mortal World, although is not strongest, but is also popular very much. 他本身不不缺什么武功,现在他交出去,还能和这些巨头打好关系,如果他以后再成为一个高阶炼丹师,这些实力强大的巨头更会经常和他接触,只要人脉好,他在这凡界虽然不是最强的,但也很吃香。 Lan Hai looked at Shen Xiang, sees only Shen Xiang to say with a smile: This map now was not my, I could not take responsibility, if in that Mysterious Realm did not have the inheritance that Holy Light Church left behind, I thought that does not need to give such a perfidious potential.” 蓝海看了着沈翔,只见沈翔笑道:“这地图现在不是我的了,我做不了主,不过如果那玄境里面没有圣光教遗留下来的传承,我觉得没必要给这样一个背信弃义势。” Holy Light Church to obtain the huge resources, enslaves many mortals, caused most people dead under the artificial injury, the Holy Light Church approach, was unpopular in other three sea areas 圣光教为了得到大量资源,奴役众多凡人,造成大多数人在人为伤害下死去,圣光教的做法,在其他三个海域都不得人心 Qin Zejun, but also please restrain some, if you make some excessive things again, I thought it is necessary before three realms great war starts, how teaches you to observe military Daoist magic.” Gu Dongchen coldly said. 秦泽君,还请你们收敛一些,如果你们再做出一些过份的事情,我觉得有必要在三界大战开始之前,教教你们怎么遵守武道法则。”古东辰冷冷地说道 Snort!” Qin Zejun knows, because Shen Xiang hands over that map, has made the contradiction that other three sea areas and Extreme Martial Sect see only reduce and solve, if Extreme Martial Sect unites that three sea areas expert to cope with their Eastern Sea many continent, share that they also only then submit. “哼!”秦泽君知道,因为沈翔把那地图交出来,已经让其他三个海域和太武门只见的矛盾化解了,如果太武门联合那三个海域的强者来对付他们东海的多个大陆,他们也只有屈服的份。 Holy Light Church has not conquered Eastern Sea now, must be strangled, if now is not the critical moment, his Qin Zejun will definitely not give up. 圣光教现在连东海都没有征服,就要被扼杀了,如果现在不是紧要关头,他秦泽君肯定不会善罢甘休的。 Does not need you to teach me, on the map that place we have the qualifications to go!” Qin Zejun said “不用你们教我,地图上面那个地方我们也有资格去!”秦泽君说道 This is natural, after going, only permits with own thing, if fights for in inside, then do not blame us not being impolite.” Lan Hai said. “这是当然,进去之后,只允许拿自己的东西,如果在里面争抢的话,那么就别怪我们不客气了。”蓝海说道。 After the Holy Light Church person came, continues to discuss how to make that space crack gather, Shen Xiang is also listening to the person absent-mindedly, finally conclusion time, he only knows these expert to go to King Continent a bit faster takes these martial arts rare books, therefore decides to cause a seal jointly, that space crack stopping up, then destroys completely small Evil Demon that these come jointly completely. 圣光教的人来了之后,又继续讨论着如何让那空间裂缝合起来,沈翔也心不在焉听着人,最后结束的时候,他只知道这些强者为了快点前往王者大陆去取走那些武功秘籍,所以决定联手弄出一个封印,把那空间裂缝给堵起来,然后再联手把那些过来的小恶妖全部灭掉。 After breaking up, Gu Dongchen brings numerous expert to go to Extreme Martial Sect, hosts the evening banquet, but Shen Xiang does not have free time to participate, he and Xue Xianxian Leng Youlan two females chatted the period of time, returned to Extreme Dan King Courtyard. 散会之后,古东辰带着众强者前往太武门,举行晚宴,而沈翔却没有闲工夫参加,他和薛仙仙冷幽兰两女聊了一阵子,就返回了太丹王院 Although the heroic congress had many big matter, but finally finished peacefully, moreover everyone achieves consistently, when the time comes will come Extreme Martial Sect and Demon and Devil conducts great war. 英雄大会虽然发生了许多大事情,但最后还是非常和平的结束了,而且大家都达成一致,到时候会来太武门妖魔进行大战 In Extreme Dan King Courtyard, Shen Xiang hides in the secret room, put out that Heaven's Crown Gate, although is the disc, but this can actually open Space Gate, therefore names is Heaven's Crown Gate. 太丹王院中,沈翔躲在密室里面,拿出了那个罗天门,虽然是圆盘,但这却能打开一个空间之门,所以才取名为罗天门 After dropping blood owner recognition, so long as Shen Xiang pours into Divine Sense toward that disc, can read in the detailed content immediately, moreover can see a very clear map, this map is very big, marks Mortal World each continent, on each continent also several safe footholds, may choose for Shen Xiang. 滴血认主之后,沈翔只要往那圆盘里面注入神识,就能立即读取到里面许多详细的内容,而且还能看见一副非常清楚的地图,这地图很大,标记着凡界的各个大陆,每个大陆上面还有几个安全的落脚点,可供沈翔选择。 Shen Xiang saw the Chenwu Mainland above marking point, several, from his recent one in a forest near Hero Mountain, so long as arrives there, he can act according to the Heaven's Crown Gate record the data, opens leads to each continent's front door together. 沈翔看见了辰武大陆上面的标记点,有好几个,距离他最近的一个就是在英雄山附近的一片森林里面,只要走到那里,他就可以根据罗天门记录的数据,打开一道通往各个大陆的大门。 This Heaven's Crown Gate is so fierce, even Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou they have not heard, for does not make one keep thinking on, Shen Xiang very discrete use, he will not say that he has such a thing. 罗天门如此厉害,连苏媚瑶白幽幽她们都没有听说过,为了不让人惦记上,沈翔得非常谨慎的使用,他也不会说出去他有这么一个东西。 At night, Extreme Martial Sect is lively, the people drink to one's heart's content in the evening banquet, loudly laughing, regarding these expert, their moods is truly good, although has not obtained Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, but obtained that to store the map of ancient inheritance! 夜晚,太武门非常热闹,众人都在晚宴中开怀畅饮,放声大笑着,对于那些强者来说,他们的心情确实不错,虽然没有得到太极降龙功,但却得到了那存放了古老传承的地图! The people have not seen the Shen Xiang form, but Shen Xiang told him the friends, said that he was somewhat tired, went back to rest 众人没看见沈翔的身影,而沈翔只是告诉他那些朋友们,说他有些累,回去休息了 Shen Xiang returns to Extreme Dan King Courtyard, after letting that Heaven's Crown Gate drop blood owner recognition, his disguise change appearance, left Extreme Martial Sect quietly, even if he does not display 72 Transformations, his concealment method is still very excellent. 沈翔回到太丹王院,让那罗天门滴血认主之后,他就乔装易容,悄悄地离开了太武门,就算他不施展七十二变,他的隐匿手段也是非常高超的。 Shen Xiang secure continuously his curiosity, therefore he must try fierce of that Heaven's Crown Gate, so long as thinks that Heaven's Crown Gate can make him shuttle back and forth at will in Mortal World each continent, he is excited. 沈翔安奈不住他那好奇心,所以他得去尝试一下那罗天门的厉害,只要一想到那罗天门能让他随意穿梭在凡界的各个大陆之中,他就激动不已。 Outside the city in the forest of distant place, here is dim, Shen Xiang sits under a tree, put out that Heaven's Crown Gate magic treasure. 城外远处的一片森林中,这里非常昏暗,沈翔坐在一棵树下面,拿出了那罗天门法宝 How many from here to the distance of seashore is? I want to take a look at the sea!” Shen Xiang asked that he discovered that oneself long was so big, has not seen the appearance of sea. “从这里到海边的距离是多少?我想去看看海!”沈翔问道,他发现自己长这么大,还没有见过大海的样子。 Said that you may go to Lotus Island, wait/etc, making me help you find a good place to stop over.” Long Xueyi said, she also wants to have a look at fierce of this Heaven's Crown Gate. “这么说你有可能会去到莲花岛附近,等等,让我帮你找一个好的地方落脚。”龙雪怡说道,她也想看看这罗天门的厉害。 Shen Xiang asked with amazement: dragon brat, how do you look? Do you want to go to one that place?” 沈翔惊讶地问道:“小屁龙,你怎么找?难道你要去一趟那个地方?” Of course not, this is one outstanding ability in Divine Dao, named Nine Heavens Mental Exploration, can make Divine Sense leave own body is very very far, moreover leaves at the speed of light, even I, using extremely to be difficult, because this consumes Divine Sense.” Long Xueyi said. “当然不是,这是神道中的一种高强本领,名叫神游九天,能让神识离开自己的身体很远很远,而且还是以光的速度离开,就算是我,使用起来都极其困难,因为这非常消耗神识。”龙雪怡说道。 When can I use?” Shen Xiang yearns. “那我什么时候才可以用?”沈翔对此向往不已。 Your Divine Soul if at least adolescence/growth step tenth layer, your present talent first layer is right, but also!” Long Xueyi said. “你的神魂至少要是成长第十层,你现在才第一层对吧,还远着呢!”龙雪怡说道。 Divine Soul becomes looks to be slow, this makes Shen Xiang somewhat worried , when so long as when he now refines massive Elemental Spirit Dan, starts to cultivate Divine Soul. 神魂长得非常缓慢,这让沈翔有些苦恼,他现在只要等到炼制出大量的元神丹时,才开始修炼神魂了。 Found, there is on a high summit, there is a forest, should very be safe, you establish on that disc, I distance, highly anything told you.” Long Xueyi said. “找到了,那里是一座高山顶上,那里是一片森林,应该会很安全的,你在那圆盘上面设定一下吧,我把距离,高度什么的告诉你。”龙雪怡说道。 Although Shen Xiang now use Nine Heavens Mental Exploration, but Long Xueyi that's alright, can let he very convenient use Heaven's Crown Gate now! 沈翔现在虽然使用不了“神游九天”,但龙雪怡就行了,现在就能让他非常方便的使用罗天门 Haha, the father was invincible!” Shen Xiang is revolving the disc above link, establishes direction that Heaven's Crown Gate is leading, at this time his both hands unexpectedly has some shivering, he is excited. “哈哈,老子无敌了!”沈翔旋转着圆盘上面的环,设定着罗天门通往的方向,此时他的双手竟然有一些颤抖,他非常激动。 Ok!” Shen Xiang shouted, then pours into power excitedly, that disc extracts his True Qi crazily, but also presents a gate that in him at present slowly is winding around the white light. “好了!”沈翔兴奋地喊道,然后灌入力量,那圆盘疯狂的抽取他的真气,而在他眼前也慢慢出现了一道缭绕着白光的门。 „Is this Heaven's Crown Gate?” Shen Xiang saw glittering the gate of white frame to appear before oneself, at this time that disc also stopped extracting his True Qi. “这就是罗天门吗?”沈翔看见了一个闪烁着白色边框的门出现在自己面前,此时那圆盘也停止抽取他的真气
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