WDDG :: Volume #4

#381: Seashore

Sees Heaven's Crown Gate to form, in the Shen Xiang exciting cross-over gate, he appears in another forest, enters in a room probably. 看见罗天门形成,沈翔兴奋的跨入门内,他出现在另外一片森林里面,就好像是进入一个房间里面。 This forest is bright, because the leaf is not the cover, moreover on the summit, nighttime sky that all over the sky stars is also very luminous. 这片森林非常明亮,因为树叶并不是很茂密,而且又在山顶上面,夜空那满天的繁星很是光亮。 Heaven's Crown Gate vanished! Said that I do want to go back to open again one time?” After Shen Xiang comes out, has not seen that gate, Wu Canghong not to say this matter. 罗天门消失了!这么说我要回去岂不是得再打开一次?”沈翔出来之后,就没有看见那道门,武苍宏并没有说过这件事。 Consumption are very many, it seems like you want to span continent also by far insufficiently, recent should not have the issue, these very far is not good.” Su Meiyao said. “消耗还挺多的,看来你想跨越一个大陆还远远不够,最近的应该没问题,那些很远的就不行了。”苏媚瑶说道。 After testing this Heaven's Crown Gate magical thing, Shen Xiang flies to rush to the sky immediately, watches distant place that piece under the stars shine the sea, he is excited immediately, the flutter wing flew. 测试了这罗天门的神奇之处后,沈翔立即飞冲到天空,看着远处那片在繁星照耀下的大海,他顿时激动不已,扑动翅膀飞了过去。 in the air time, he takes off the clothes, since the upper air jumps down, falls into the sea. 在空中的时候,他就脱掉衣服,从高空跳下,掉入海中。 Looks at that limitless sea, Shen Xiang felt oneself are tiny, he knows that in this vast sea, has innumerable expert, he also is just mole crickets and ants. 看着那无边无际的大海,沈翔觉得自己非常渺小,他知道在这辽阔的大海中,有着无数的强者,他也只不过是一个蝼蚁而已。 face upwards lying down in the water, he looks at the in the air innumerable stars, murmured: Does not know that can fly in that remote starry sky, on these stars has the person to live?” 仰躺在水中,他看着空中的无数星辰,喃喃地说道:“不知道能不能飞到那遥远的星空之中,那些星星上面有没有人居住?” Don't think too much, is quite fun!” Su Meiyao said with a smile. “别想太多,好好玩吧!”苏媚瑶笑道。 Shen Xiang curls the lip: I alone do not have the meaning, you also come out, takes a bath together!” 沈翔撇了撇嘴:“我一个人多没意思,你们也出来吧,一起洗澡!” in your dreams!” Su Meiyao tenderly snorted and said, but she and Bai Youyou came out, but they on the sand beach, Long Xueyi they are also coming out with whom, is treading that soft exquisite sand in the sand beach. 想得美!”苏媚瑶娇哼道,不过她和白幽幽还是出来了,只不过她们都在沙滩上面,龙雪怡也跟谁着她们出来,在沙滩中踏着那柔软细腻的沙。 Sees two females to come out, Shen Xiang moves toward the shore badly with a smile, he also wears pants now, but Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou wear simultaneous/uniform knee the white dress, reveals that snow white beautiful calf, they hand in hand, two pairs of jade step on fully in the shoal, feels ocean waves that is raiding slowly, strolls in the beach. 看见两女出来,沈翔坏笑着走向岸边,他现在可是还穿着一条裤子,而苏媚瑶白幽幽都穿着齐膝的白色裙装,露出那雪白美丽的小腿,她们手牵着手,两双玉足踩踏在浅滩之中,感受着那缓缓袭来的海浪,漫步在海滩。 Those who let Shen Xiang look is lost, this time Bai Youyou before him has seen is more beautiful, although she is ice-cold facial features, but her pair of beautiful eyes actually added many colors, probably by the flowers that frozen many years of suddenly melts, coldly elegant is noble, meanwhile sends out a strange ice to be cold, along with her gorgeous threatening color, rebirth in warm sunlight. 沈翔看得出神的是,此时的白幽幽比他之前见过的都要美丽许多,虽然她还是一副冰冷面容,但她那双美眸却多增添了许多色彩,像是一朵被冰封多年突然融化的花朵,冷艳高贵,同时还散发出一股奇异的冰寒,伴随着她那光艳逼人的色彩,重生在温暖的阳光之中。 Hey, looks here quickly!” Shen Xiang suddenly yelled. “嘿,快看这边!”沈翔突然大喊一声 Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou looked immediately, sees only Shen Xiang suddenly to wave, a big group water splash covered toward them, moistens their tender bodies. 苏媚瑶白幽幽立即看了过去,只见沈翔突然一挥手,一大团水花朝她们盖了过去,把她们的娇躯打湿。 After mischievous Long Xueyi sees, hastily runs up to the water, with her power, splashes water toward Su Meiyao and Su Meiyao liangs female, plays, while exudes the mischievous laughter. 调皮的龙雪怡看见之后,也急忙跑到水中,用她的力量,朝苏媚瑶女泼水,一边玩耍,一边发出调皮的笑声。 little rascal, stops quickly!” Su Meiyao scolded one tenderly, did not show weakness, no matter also that soaked the clothes, arrived in the water, launched the attack to Shen Xiang and Long Xueyi. 小坏蛋,快住手!”苏媚瑶娇骂一声,也毫不示弱,也不管那湿透了的衣服,走到水中,向沈翔和龙雪怡发起进攻。 Senior Sister , helping quickly!” Su Meiyao tenderly shouted. 师姐,快来帮忙呀!”苏媚瑶娇喊道 Bai Youyou gawked , the half step arrives by Su Meiyao, such holds the sea water to Su Meiyao with both hands, sprinkles toward Shen Xiang and Long Xueyi. 白幽幽愣了一下,也快步走到苏媚瑶旁边,向苏媚瑶那样用双手捧起海水,朝沈翔和龙雪怡泼去。 In this peaceful seashore, Shen Xiang and three females play delighted, this is also Shen Xiang personally sees on the Bai Youyou face to show that joyous smile, hears Bai Youyou that gently beautiful laughter, in the Shen Xiang heart is really happy. 在这安静的海边,沈翔和三女玩得不亦乐乎,这也是沈翔亲眼看见白幽幽脸上露出那欢悦的笑容,听见白幽幽那柔美的笑声,沈翔心中甚是开心。 They played were very long, the whole body soaked, Long Xueyi did not seem to like this feeling, saw only her body to send out a white light, she changed one white clothes. 他们玩了很久,浑身都湿透了,龙雪怡好像不喜欢这种感觉,只见她的身体散发出一阵白光,她就换上了一套白色的衣服。 Bai Youyou and Su Meiyao also with Shen Xiang in the water, they were the whole body soaked, that graceful beautiful tender body revealed without doubt, making Shen Xiang look at the blood to inflate, especially saw that to be away from the snow white skin that the fine gauze revealed that made Shen Xiang unable to bear looks at two. 白幽幽苏媚瑶还和沈翔在水中,她们可是浑身湿透了,那曼妙美丽的娇躯显露无疑,让沈翔看得血液膨胀,特别是看见那隔着轻纱露出来的雪白皮肤,就让沈翔忍不住多看两眼。 little rascal, you are intentionally!” Su Meiyao lightly snorted. 小坏蛋,你是故意的!”苏媚瑶轻哼了一声 Although Bai Youyou the whole body is dripping wet, but she is saying with a smile to Shen Xiang: Thank you Shen Xiang, making me so happy!” 白幽幽虽然浑身湿淋淋的,但她却对沈翔微笑着道:“谢谢你沈翔,让我这么开心!” How do Elder Sister Youyou that you want to thank me?” Shen Xiang happily said with a smile, Su Meiyao also knows that Bai Youyou had very big change because of Shen Xiang, before this is, she cannot imagine. Naturally, this is the good matter, she feels grateful Shen Xiang similarly. 幽幽姐那你要怎么感谢我?”沈翔嘿笑道,苏媚瑶也知道白幽幽因为沈翔而发生了很大的变化,这是以前她想象不到的。当然,这是好事情,她同样感激沈翔 After Bai Youyou face slightly, but the corners of the mouth bring to wipe the light beautiful smile, she standing on tiptoes to start, kissed Shen Xiang's cheeks, although was only, but let a Shen Xiang mind blank, the time as if forbade to be the same. 白幽幽地脸儿微微以后,不过嘴角还是带着一抹淡淡的美丽笑容,她把踮起脚,亲了一下沈翔的脸颊,虽然只是一下,但却让沈翔脑海一片空白,时间仿佛禁止了一样。 He cannot think that Bai Youyou unexpectedly thanked him with this way, he was just played a small joke, Bai Youyou sees Shen Xiang that stupid appearance, the chuckle one, then returned to the ring. 他想不到白幽幽竟然用这种方式感谢他,他原本只不过是开个小玩笑,白幽幽看见沈翔那痴呆的模样,轻笑了一声,便回到了戒指里面。 Su Meiyao patted Shen Xiang's cheeks gently, said with a smile tenderly: little rascal, awakes!” 苏媚瑶轻轻拍了沈翔的脸颊,娇笑道:“小坏蛋,醒醒啦!” Shen Xiang recovers, seeing an advance party to caress flatters the charming outstanding person . Moreover the whole body soaks, thin clothing close that is attractive! 沈翔回过神来,看见眼前站着一个抚媚迷人的尤物,而且还是浑身湿透,薄衣贴身的那种,非常诱人! In his heart secret **, when he wants to hold in the arms Su Meiyao, Su Meiyao ridicules one, returned to the ring, this makes him lose incomparably. 他心中暗暗**着,就在他想把苏媚瑶搂住的时候,苏媚瑶笑骂一声,返回了戒指里面,这让他失落无比。 After playing enough, wears shorts, sits on the sand beach, looks at the white light of distant place, asked: „Is that Lotus Island?” 玩够之后,穿着一条短裤,坐在沙滩上面,看着远处的一点白光,问道:“那难道就是莲花岛?” Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou have changed the dry and clear women's clothing, then comes out to sit in Shen Xiang's side, accompanies him to look at the vast sea, looks at that with the sea starry sky that only then separates. 苏媚瑶白幽幽换过干爽的衣裙,便出来坐在沈翔身边,陪他看着辽阔的大海,看着那与大海只有一线之隔的星空。 Long Xueyi on the sand beach, is piling a dragon with the sand. 龙雪怡则是在沙滩上面,用沙子堆着一条龙 Should be, don't you have that Emperor Crystal? Gives a try to induce to what mineral lode!” Su Meiyao said. “应该是了,你不是有那帝王晶吗?去试试看能不能感应到什么矿脉!”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang said with a smile: Has you to accompany me rarely, waits during the daytime first!” Now he really thinks two beautiful women who very much side hug, but he does not dare. 沈翔笑道:“难得有你们陪我,等白天先!”现在他真的很想身边的两个美人儿搂过来,不过他不敢。 Then, they are blowing the sea breeze, is chatting, while is waiting for the sunrise time. 就这样,他们吹着海风,一边聊着天,一边等待着日出时刻。 After having watched that beautiful sunrise, Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou also entered in the ring, Long Xueyi also succeeded a sand to pile a lifelike big dragon, but resulted in the pulp by a Shen Xiang palm on the bang. 看过那美丽的日出之后,苏媚瑶白幽幽也进入了戒指里面,龙雪怡也成功个沙子堆出了一条栩栩如生的巨龙,不过被沈翔一掌就轰得稀巴烂。 little rascal, I hate you!” Long Xueyi takes the sand to pound to Shen Xiang, but on her face has the smile. 小坏蛋,我恨你!”龙雪怡拿着沙子砸向沈翔,不过她脸上还是带着笑容的。 After Long Xueyi returns to his body, he puts out that Emperor Crystal, but Emperor Crystal had not responded, at this time he turned into a fish, from sea middle reaches to that Lotus Island. 龙雪怡回到他身上之后,他才拿出那帝王晶,不过帝王晶却没有反应,这时候他变成了一条鱼,从海中游向那莲花岛 Because there is Long Xueyi to investigate all around situation, therefore he did not worry that can have some big fish to come, but a Long Xueyi also ability, can drive away or attract the animal, this makes him very safe. 因为有龙雪怡探查四周的情况,所以他不担心会有一些很大的鱼过来,而龙雪怡也有一种能力,能驱赶或者招引动物,这让他非常安全。 After he turns into the fish, the speed is also quick, but in front was Lotus Island, he has wanted to take Emperor Crystal, coming the sea area near this island to search for mineral lode, now he also plans that went all out while this. 他变成鱼之后,速度也是很快的,而在前面就是莲花岛了,他早就想拿着帝王晶,来这座岛附近的海域搜寻矿脉了,现在他也打算趁此大干一场。 Soon close to that giant islands time, Shen Xiang changes the human form, put out that Emperor Crystal, Emperor Crystal just appeared in his hands, had very big response. 快要靠近那个巨型岛屿的时候,沈翔变回人形,拿出了那帝王晶,帝王晶刚刚出现在他手中,就有了很大的反应。
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