WDDG :: Volume #4

#379: Inheritance

Shen Xiang ran away, but appears now, isn't this courts death? Must know that he angered numerous expert, but those who make one have doubts, person who Shen Xiang does not make the foolish matter, but he actually comes back now, definitely has the reason. 沈翔逃走了,但现在又出现,这不是找死吗?要知道他可是惹怒了众强者,而让人疑惑的是,沈翔不是做蠢事的人,但他现在却回来了,肯定有原因。 Lan Hai and the others hastily comes up, Shen Xiang surround, is looking angrily at Shen Xiang stubbornly, they were ridiculed by Huang Jintian wickedly, especially Lan Hai, but also was treated as a greatly stupid pig. 蓝海等人急忙上来,把沈翔死死围住,怒视着沈翔,他们可是被黄锦天恶狠狠地嘲笑了一把,特别是蓝海,还被人当作一头大蠢猪。 Shen Xiang looks calm, says with a smile lightly: Senior, I am only go to the bathroom, does not need to make much ado about nothing.” 沈翔神情自若,淡淡地笑道:“各位前辈,我只是去方便一下而已,不必大惊小怪。” Convenient? Because his convenient, lets probably seem like like ants on a heated pan from each continent's expert anxiously, but also makes their almost air/Qi result in the internal injury. 方便?就因为他的一个方便,就让来自各个大陆的强者急得像是热锅上的蚂蚁,还让他们差点气得内伤。 However the people did not believe his nonsense, Shen Xiang run away, the present is because some reasons came back. 不过众人可不信他的鬼话,沈翔是逃走了的,现在是因为一些原因才回来的。 Naturally, Shen Xiang suddenly vanishes, suddenly presents this to play exactly very certainly, making in the person heart exclaim in surprise again and again. 当然,沈翔突然消失,突然出现这一手活玩得很绝,让人心中惊叹连连。 You by this, if I must escape again, certainly, my Master has not acted!” Shen Xiang said with a smile. “你们被这样,如果我要再逃掉的话,一定可以的,我师傅还没有出手呢!”沈翔笑道。 His face indifferent appearance, facing several hundred angry Nirvana Realm, but can also be calm, obviously his guts have reach much. 他一脸无所谓的样子,面对数百愤怒的涅槃境,还能如此淡定,可见他的胆量有多达。 Naturally, if there is Huang Jintian such Master, everybody will be fearless. 当然,如果有黄锦天这么一个师傅,谁都会无所畏惧的。 Good, I ran away to be honest, but thinks, must cross by the day that you chase down, I feel very uncomfortable! First, Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art is my Master gives me, how I want how, I not to have the duty to teach to you! But you actually depend on your strength to force Extreme Martial Sect to hand over me, force me to say Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, your morality and justice do not have.” Shen Xiang despises looks at the people. “好吧,说实话我原本是逃走了的,不过想想以后要过着被你们追杀的日子,我就觉得非常不爽!首先,太极降龙功是我师傅给我的,我想怎么样就怎么样,我没有义务传授给你们!而你们却倚仗自己的实力来逼迫太武门把我交出来,来逼迫我把太极降龙功说出来,你们一点道义都没有。”沈翔鄙视地看着众人。 Then you think that you came back to speak these words, will we let off you?” Lan Hai coldly said. “那么你认为你回来说这些话,我们就会放过你吗?”蓝海冷冷地说道 Hey, Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art is my, how don't I want to hand over? You to rob my martial arts, several hundred Nirvana Realm do force me to be inadequate jointly? I know that I do not have the strength now, is easy target, you can pinch me casually! If I have my Master such strength , I will not injure you, but must butcher entirely you, you one group of false fellows, violated military Daoist magic, must certainly die a tragic death entirely under Nirvana Tribulation!” “嘿,太极降龙功是我的,我不想交出来又怎么样?难道你们为了抢夺我的武功,数百个涅槃境联手逼迫我不成?我知道我现在没有实力,是个软柿子,你们可以随便捏我!如果我有我那师傅那样的实力,、我不会把你们打伤,而是要把你们统统宰掉,你们一群虚伪的家伙,违背武道法则,肯定要统统惨死在涅槃劫之下!” Shen Xiang somewhat is also angry at this time. 沈翔此时也有些愤怒。 You......” Lan Hai is very angry, others are also so, but they under the gaze of Gu Dongchen, actually endure not to act. “你……”蓝海很愤怒,其他人也是如此,但他们在古东辰的注视下,却忍下来没有出手。 To put it bluntly, you are snatch martial arts to come today, no wonder you and a person of my Master time to the present is unable transcend Heaven World, you to miss a big truncation on Realm this with my Master. Initially my Master definitely had the strength to massacre you, but did he have, but made you continue to live! My Master past strength can also lord over entire Mortal World, but he does not have, but chooses by the seal in that damned place. This is because he looked through all, although his crazy, but they are nobler than 100 times you, 1000 times!” “说白了,你们今天就是来抢武功来的,也难怪你们和我师傅一个时代的人到现在都无法飞升天界,你们在境界这上面就和我师傅差了一大截。当初我师傅绝对有实力杀掉你们,但他却有没有,而是让你们继续活着!我师傅当年的实力也可以独霸整个凡界,但他却没有,而是选择被封印在那个鬼地方。这是因为他看破了一切,虽然他疯癫,但他们却比你们高尚一百倍,一千倍!” Now you not only does not feel grateful my Master, then also hates his senior, must know but initially you must rob his martial arts in first, wrong is you, is only your large crowd together, was brave, thinks that is right, will do, my Master massacres you at that time is also the perfectly justified matter.” “现在你们不但不感激我师傅,还那么恨他老人家,要知道当初可是你们要抢夺他的武功在先,错的就是你们,只是你们一大群人在一起,胆子大了,认为是对的,才会那么做,我师傅在那时候杀掉你们也是天经地义的事情。” Shen Xiang is taking a fast look around that crowd of Nirvana Realm, looks at their unemotional appearances, in his heart secret haughty. 沈翔扫视着那群涅槃境,看着他们面无表情的样子,他心中暗暗得意 Lan Hai is speechless, they truly made a mistake, if now to Shen Xiang so, they will be again wrong, they are reconsidering now, in the past were really makes a mistake! 蓝海无话可说,他们确实是错了,如果现在再对沈翔这般的话,他们就会再错下去,他们现在就在反思,当年自己是不是真的错了! Ok, said no matter how, all these are my Master cause, makes you not help the Chenwu Mainland help, therefore my Master has to discuss with Gu Dongchen, sells out me jointly, then my Master saves again me, finally helps me cross to flee the far-away place day!” Shen Xiang sighed. “算了,不管怎么说,这一切都是我师傅引起的,才让你们不来帮助辰武大陆帮忙,所以我师傅才不得不和古东辰商量,联手把我卖掉,然后我师傅再把我救走,最后让我一个人过上亡命天涯的日子!”沈翔叹道。 Good, later I no longer make you hand over Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, will not chase down you! I and your master and apprentice from now on, does not have any grievances.” Lan Hai took a deep breath, loudly said. “好,以后我不再让你交出太极降龙功,也不会追杀你!我和你们师徒从今往后,没有任何的恩怨。”蓝海深吸了一口气,大声说道 Other Nirvana Realm also took a stand, they know that reprisal breeds reprisal when this truth, they anger Shen Xiang now, from now on Shen Xiang is powerful, not like Huang Jintian lenient, since they understood that Shen Xiang style, definitely will not have the good fruit to eat. 其他涅槃境也纷纷表态,他们知道冤冤相报何时了这个道理,现在他们惹怒了沈翔,今后沈翔强大起来,可不会像黄锦天那样手软,从他们了解沈翔的行事风格来看,肯定不会有好果子吃的。 Shen Xiang said with a smile: I will not let everyone came in vain, this is a map, is Senior gives me, he said that above has the inheritance that hundred thousand year previous crowd of old fellow keep, they were afraid Mortal World to fall to the enemy at that time, therefore hides in Mysterious Realm.” 沈翔笑道:“我也不会让大家白来一趟,这是一副地图,是一个前辈给我的,他说上面有着十万年前一群老家伙留下来的传承,他们当时害怕凡界沦陷,所以才藏在一个玄境里面。” Shen Xiang is saying, took that map, gives Lan Hai to continue saying: „The back is one dense, needs the person to release power to compose, this can open that Mysterious Realm entrance, as for inside? That Senior said that a little danger(ous), therefore he urged my strength do not go.” 沈翔说着,把那地图拿了出来,递给蓝海继续说道:“背面是一个密阵,需要人释放出力量来组成,这样就能打开那玄境的入口,至于里面嘛?那前辈说了,有一点危险,所以他劝我这种实力的还是别去。” Lan Hai received that map, carefully looks, he can determine from the material of map, this is hundred thousand is truly young, but that chart is also very rare ancient thing, if in that Mysterious Realm really has the hundred thousand year ago inheritance, then present they, can have on the same day the thriving Martial Dao civilization. 蓝海接过那副地图,仔细看着,他从地图的材料上面就能确定,这确实是十万年轻的,而那图阵也是非常少见的古老东西,如果那玄境里面真的有十万年前的传承,那么现在的他们,就能拥有当日繁荣昌盛的武道文明。 Where do you meet that Senior?” Lan Hai asked that the hundred thousand year ago person is also living, was not definitely simple. “你是在哪里遇到那位前辈的?”蓝海问道,十万年前的人还活着,肯定不简单。 That Senior not , after him this thing gave me, on transcend Heaven World.” Shen Xiang said that while is studying the same day Bai Ziqian transcend Heaven World's appearance, is delimiting hole void, this unexpectedly makes these expert accept as true. “那前辈不在了,他把这玩意交给我之后,就飞升天界了。”沈翔一边说,一边学着当日白紫倩飞升天界的模样,在虚空划出一个口子,这竟然让那些强者信以为真。 I planned gives everyone today, who knows that actually had that matter! Although you cannot obtain my Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, but obtains this thing also to calculate that perhaps, in this had your founders to leave your things well, that was your things, cultivated satisfiedly. Now, do not keep thinking about my Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art.” Shen Xiang said with a smile. “我本来打算在今天交给各位的,但谁知道却发生了那件事!你们虽然得不到我的太极降龙功,但得到这玩意也算不错了吧,说不定这里面就有你们祖师爷留给你们的东西,那才是你们自己的东西,修炼起来也心安理得。现在,你们别惦记我那太极降龙功了。”沈翔笑道。 Own thing is best, a people sigh! Shen Xiang obtains this map, unexpectedly has not thought to have sole possession, but hands over, but they made Shen Xiang hand over that Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art before resourcefully, this makes them think to feel ashamed! 自己的东西才是最好的,众人一阵感叹!沈翔得到这地图,竟然没想着独吞,而是交出来,而他们之前却想方设法地让沈翔交出那太极降龙功,这让他们想想都觉得羞愧! Their strengths are stronger than Shen Xiang are more, but they feel inferior to Shen Xiang in this aspect, now they looked at Shen Xiang already not that hatred look, but was a respect! 他们的实力比沈翔强很多很多,但在这方面他们却觉得不如沈翔,现在他们看沈翔已经没有那种憎恨的眼神了,而是一种尊敬! In the Shen Xiang heart steals to be happy secretly, this was their things, he returns, these expert wished one could to rip the fragment him, but is actually deeply grateful to him now, nothing was more excited than martial arts that studying the founder kept, that was an inheritance! 沈翔心中暗暗偷乐着,这原本就是属于他们的东西,他只是交还而已,原本这些强者都恨不得把他撕成碎片,但现在却对他感激不尽,没有什么比学习自己祖师爷留下来的武功更加激动了,那是一种传承! This place unexpectedly in King Continent, I looked for a long time could not find this place very much.” Lan Hai said, he gave Gu Dongchen the map. “这地方竟然王者大陆,我可是找了很久都找不到这个地方。”蓝海说道,他把地图递给了古东辰 Gu Dongchen smiles: Don't worry, my Extreme Martial Sect's Elder Wu is the person who King Continent comes out, how he knows goes, moreover I have also gone to King Continent, to be honest, there is Martial Dao Sacred Land!” 古东辰笑了笑:“不用担心,我太武门的武长老就是王者大陆出来的人,他知道怎么去,而且我也去过一趟王者大陆,说实话,那里可是一个武道圣地!” Shen Xiang looked old that bald, that Wu Canghong is also surnamed Wu, do they have relationship? 沈翔看了看那老光头,那武苍宏也是姓武的,难道他们有关系 Such being the case, then we prepare, goes to King Continent to take carry back these things, three realms great war must start, ancient of our strengths compared with hundred thousand year ago missed were very far.” Lan Hai looks at the sky, sighed one lightly. “既然如此,那么我们就准备一下,去王者大陆把这些东西拿回来,三界大战就要开始了,我们的实力比起十万年前的古人可是差了很远。”蓝海看着天空,轻叹一声。
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