WDDG :: Volume #4

#378: King Continent

Middle suddenly of stone chamber presented white light beam, Shen Xiang arrived at side, only saw in this white light beam float two things. 石室的中间突然出现了一道白色光束,沈翔走到旁边,只看见在这白色光束里面悬浮着两个东西。 One is the palm of the hand big black disc, another is a map. 一个是巴掌大的黑色圆盘,另外一个则是一副地图。 Shen Xiang in the hand, he will only see on that disc to have many writing, this disc is seemed like by many rings wraps the group mutually, can revolve to sway from side to side! 沈翔将之拿在手中,他只看见那个圆盘上面有着许多文字,这个圆盘看起来是由许多个圆环互相套组而成的,可以旋转扭动! On this black disc on each point has many writing, although is some small characters, but his eyes can see the familiar character. 这黑色圆盘上面每一环上面都有着许多文字,虽然都是一些很小的字,但他一眼就能看见许多熟悉的字。 This Heaven's Crown Gate is very fierce magic treasure, not only can shuttle back and forth fast each continent, so long as your power is enough, you can also shuttle world, even enters Heaven World! However this in your power enough situation, with your present strength, I wants only enough you a revolution of revolutions in Mortal World, if wants cross-boundary, how to say must Nirvana Realm.” “这罗天门是一个很厉害的法宝,不但能快速穿梭各个大陆,只要你力量足够,你还能穿梭一个个世界,甚至是进入天界!不过这得在你的力量足够的情况下,就拿你现在的实力来说,我想只够你在凡界里面转转,要想跨界,怎么说都得涅槃境。” The Wu Canghong words make Shen Xiang be almost startled to stare the eyeball, he does not want to succeed in obtaining this common thing unexpectedly is so fierce, can relaxed cross-boundary, with ease across each continent. 武苍宏的话让沈翔惊得差点把眼珠子更瞪出来,他没想到手中这个不起眼的东西竟然这么厉害,能让人轻松跨界,轻松穿过各个大陆 You must first drop the blood, lets this magic treasure owner recognition, then gyrates on Heaven's Crown Gate each Ring! The above indication has the direction and space length , to wait for some data highly, you determined after the goal that you must shuttle back and forth, pours into inside toward Heaven's Crown Gate, this disc will open a door, so long as you enter this gate, can arrive at the destination!” “你首先要滴血,让这个法宝认主,然后旋动罗天门上面的各个环圈!上面标示有方向、空间距离、高度、等等一些数据,你确定你要穿梭的目标之后,就往罗天门里面灌入里面,这个圆盘就会打开一道门,只要你进入这道门,就能去到目的地!” Shen Xiang is swallowing the saliva fiercely, this magic treasure was really heaven defying, was fierce space magic treasure, this has very big use to him, this let wild with joy, at least later him easily to leave this continent, even was this world. 沈翔猛咽着口水,这法宝实在是太逆天了,就是一个厉害的空间法宝,这对他来说有着很大的用处,这让狂喜不已,至少以后他能轻易就离开这个大陆,甚至是这个世界。 In Heaven's Crown Gate has the place data that many I store up, is this Mortal World big each continent, after you drop the blood to fuse, can induce obtains! The gate of shuttle relax, I set, can open in a very safe place, you will go is very absolutely safe to later.” Wu Canghong smiled saying with a smile. 罗天门里面有许多我储存的地点数据,都是这凡界大各个大陆,你滴血融合之后,就能感应得到!放心吧,我定下的穿梭之门,都会是在一个非常安全的地方打开,你去到之后绝对会很安全。”武苍宏笑了笑道。 Shen Xiang said hastily grateful: Many thanks Senior Wu gives me this fierce magic treasure, after this can let me, reduces troublesome.” 沈翔连忙感激地说道:“多谢武前辈送给我这个厉害的法宝,这能让我以后减少许多麻烦。” Wu Canghong said with a smile: No need many thanks, this thing is not big in the Heaven World's use, is very fierce in Mortal World, therefore I thought that finds a right person to inherit! The second type of thing is a map, this goes to a Mysterious Realm map.” 武苍宏笑道:“不必多谢,这玩意天界的用处不大,在凡界却很厉害,所以我觉得找一个合适的人传承下去!第二样东西是一张地图,这是前往一个玄境的地图。” Mysterious Realm map! Shen Xiang heart one happy, in Mysterious Realm generally many good things, if can go, he can fish one greatly. 玄境地图!沈翔心头一喜,玄境里面一般都有许多好东西,如果能进去的话,他又能大捞一笔。 At the back of the map is dense formation diagram that opens Mysterious Realm, needs some people to suspend formation, the release power, opens a small mouth in that Mysterious Realm entrance, can pass in and out, directly was the road map! The thing of this Mysterious Realm inside conceals is extraordinary, is the hundred thousand years ago martial arts rare book that our these old fellow keep, with some cultivation attainments! However to you did not have the use, after all you have fierce Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, but this divine art was comprehensive.” “在地图背面是一个打开玄境的密阵图,需要一些人摆成一个阵法,释放出力量,在那玄境的入口打开一个小口,能够让人进出,正面就是路线图了!这玄境里面藏的东西都了不得,都是十万年前我们这些老家伙留下来的武功秘籍,和一些修炼心得!不过对于你来说是毫无用处了,毕竟你有着厉害的太极降龙功,这神功可是包罗万象的。” The Shen Xiang nod said: Right, but I want to study fierce martial arts.” 沈翔点头道:“没错,不过我还是想学一点厉害的武功。” Divine Art of Four Symbols martial arts can use are not many, as although his strength is increased to use some slowly, but he finds it not enough. 四象神功武功能用的不多,虽说随着他的实力慢慢提升能使用一些,但他还是觉得不够。 I have a suggestion, above gives this map also in that group of fellows of meeting, making them seek for this Mysterious Realm, some inside martial arts are also their sect's Old Ancestor inherits, when the time comes they take oneself sect's martial arts, this best! Such a, their came in vain, you cannot put forward a condition to them, cannot catch you again.” Wu Canghong said. “我有一个建议,就是把这张地图交给上面还在开会的那群家伙,让他们去寻找这个玄境,里面有一些武功也是他们那些门派的老祖宗传承下来的,到时候他们取走自己门派的武功,这样最好不过!这么一来,他们也不会白来一趟,你也可以向他们提出一个条件,就是不可以再抓你。”武苍宏说道。 Shen Xiang at present one bright, this is truly good, when the time comes Extreme Martial Sect can also obtain many martial arts, at that time he asked Gu Dongchen must affirm. 沈翔眼前一亮,这确实不错,到时候太武门也能得到不少武功的,在那时候他问古东辰要肯定可以。 Goes in some Mysterious Realm danger(ous), if makes these fellows go, you are waiting for your Extreme Martial Sect's martial arts that's alright.” “进去玄境还是有一些危险的,如果让那些家伙进去的话,你就等着你太武门的武功就行了。” Shen Xiang reads that map, asked: „Can Senior Wu, not have so many sect in the past?” 沈翔看着那地图,问道:“武前辈,当年可没有那么多门派吧?” Other continent I do not know, but Chenwu Mainland has eight big righteous sect, I want possible to make these sect disappear because of other reasons in the midway, or appears in another way! For example this sect dismissed a period of time, changes external appearances only with a name again appears , to continue to inherit Martial Dao. Naturally, if happened with other sect is destroyed completely contradictory, that was finished even.” “其他大陆我不知道,但辰武大陆是有八大正派,我想在中途可能因为其他一些原因而让这些门派消失,又或者以另外一种方式出现!比如这个门派解散了一段时间,再改头换面以一个名字出现,继续传承武道。当然,如果和其他门派发生矛盾而被灭掉的话,那就算是完蛋了。” In the Shen Xiang cognition, after Chenwu Mainland has several sect are, time sect, for example Danxiang Taoyuan, Icewind Valley and True Martial Sect these, the history does not have Extreme Martial Sect to be glorious. 沈翔的认知中,辰武大陆中有几个门派是后时代门派,比如丹香桃源冰风谷真武门这些,历史都没有太武门悠久。 Senior Wu, this is King Continent in Mortal World, which sea area?” Shen Xiang reads the map to ask, because that Mysterious Realm on this King Continent, he thought that this King Continent is not definitely simple, from the name looked that knows is very fierce. 武前辈,这王者大陆凡界中间,算是哪一片海域的?”沈翔看着地图问道,因为那玄境就是在这王者大陆上面,他觉得这王者大陆肯定不简单,从名字上看就知道很厉害。 Which sea area does not calculate, is independent existence! This continent above person rarely contacts with the outside world, the previous heroic congress has not appeared, this time has not come, therefore has not constructed the table to them.” Wu Canghong said with a sigh. “哪片海域都不算,是独立的存在!这个大陆上面的人很少与外界接触,上次英雄大会也没有出现,想必这次也没有来吧,所以才没有给他们建桌子。”武苍宏叹息道。 Then said that three realms great war time haven't they participated?” “那么说,三界大战的时候他们没有参与?” Has, they sent out many powerful people, for example...... for example I, I am on that King Continent one.” Wu Canghong said with a smile. “有,他们派出了不少实力强大的人,比如……比如我,我就是那王者大陆上面的一员。”武苍宏笑道。 Shen Xiang asked with amazement: „Is the King Continent above person very strong?” 沈翔惊讶地问道:“王者大陆上面的人很强吗?” This is natural, because above is only has not received any destruction in three realms great war continent, therefore is inheriting the martial arts aspect, no continent compares favorably with King Continent.” “这是当然,因为上面是唯一个在三界大战之中没有受到任何破坏的大陆,所以在传承武功方面,没有哪一个大陆比得上王者大陆。” If you decided that now I deliver you to come up, let you and they trade! If they do not want, when the time comes you find the way to run away again! Right, you cannot mention this following matter, if they asked that you said that was King Continent's Senior.” Wu Canghong said. “如果你决定了,现在我就送你上去,让你和他们交易!如果他们不愿意,到时候你再想办法逃走吧!对了,你不可以说起这下面的事情,如果他们问道,你就说是王者大陆的一位前辈。”武苍宏说道。 Shen Xiang nods: I decided that after Senior Wu your Divine sense, can here?” 沈翔点了点头:“我决定了,武前辈你的神念以后还会在这里吗?” „, I now am the person in Heaven World, should not take care the matter in Mortal World again, after delivering you go out, my keeps here wisp of Divine sense also to diverge.” Wu Canghong said. “不了,我现在已经是天界中的人了,不应该再管凡界中的事情,送你出去之后,我的留在这里的一缕神念也会散去。”武苍宏说道。 Shen Xiang is somewhat disappointed, he also plans to come to here frequently, discusses Divine Dao with Wu Canghong, but he knows, will have the opportunity, they can also meet on Heaven World. 沈翔有些失望,他还打算经常来这里,和武苍宏探讨神道,不过他知道以后还是会有机会的,他们还能在天界上见面。 I, although not here, but you can come to here to cultivate anything frequently, I think that here should be the Chenwu Mainland safest place.” Wu Canghong said with a smile: Now I deliver you to come up, it is estimated that group of fellows will in a big way be frightened one to jump.” “我虽然不在这里,但你可以经常来这里修炼什么的,我想这里应该是辰武大陆最安全的地方了。”武苍宏笑道:“现在我就送你上去了,估计那群家伙会被吓得一大跳。” Above of stone chamber, Gu Dongchen is speaking the sputtering, actually suddenly sees Shen Xiang to appear in the middle, this made him send out amazed crying out strangely, that appearance like damn. 石室的上面,古东辰正讲得口沫横飞,却突然看见沈翔出现在中间,这让他发出了一声惊诧的怪叫,那模样就像见鬼了一样。 The stone table is encircles one around plaza, at this time everyone sees Shen Xiang to stand in the middle, their appearances and Gu Dongchen is similar! 石桌是围成一圈绕着广场的,此时所有人都看见沈翔站在中间,他们的模样都和古东辰差不多!
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