WDDG :: Volume #4

#377: Fortuitous encounter

The heroic congress convenes officially, numerous expert was discussing how to seal up that space crack jointly, then exterminates these Evil Demon. 英雄大会正式召开,众强者都讨论着如何联手封住那道空间裂缝,然后再去剿灭那些恶妖 Naturally cannot hear in following Shen Xiang, he in that small passage, is black and static, those who let his somewhat worried will meet what danger(ous). 在下面的沈翔自然是听不见的,他在那条小通道里面,又黑又静,让他有些担心的是会遇到什么危险 Here should by fierce restriction covering, will otherwise not be firm!” Su Meiyao said. “这里应该是被一个厉害的禁制给笼罩着,否则不会那么坚固!”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang has also tried, no matter how he makes, knocks a more than stone, even cannot make the trace, this makes him feel that under this is definitely hiding any good thing. 沈翔也试过,不管他怎么弄,就是敲不下一块石头,甚至连痕迹都弄不出来,这让他觉得这下面肯定藏着什么好东西。 This mountain is the hundred thousand year ago establishes, but at that time Martial Dao thriving time, afterward because of that catastrophe, caused many martial arts and alchemy technique is lost, therefore before present martial artist, compared the incoming messenger. 这座山是十万年前建立的,那时候可是武道繁荣昌盛的时候,后来因为那场浩劫,导致许多武学炼丹之术失传,所以现在的武者和以前比较起来差了很多。 After Shen Xiang crawled more than half double-hour, suddenly induces to blow to cool wind, this makes him feel very comfortable, but in him shortly, enormous suction suddenly appears comfortably, pulled him. 沈翔爬了大约半个多时辰之后,突然感应到一股凉飕飕的风吹来,这让他觉得非常舒服,但就在他舒服没多久,一股极大的吸力突然出现,把他扯了下去。 Felt that oneself the soaring in this small passage is common, Shen Xiang startled: This what's the matter?” 感觉到自己在这小通道里面飞翔一般,沈翔惊慌不已:“这到底怎么回事?” „A very strong suction, you are going forward in the sorption.” Long Xueyi said. “一股很强的吸力,正在吸着你前进。”龙雪怡说道。 Should not have anything, if here is the hundred thousand year ago these martial artist establish, will not have what evil intention, I look at that suction to let you quicker going now to that mysterious place.” Su Meiyao said. “应该不会有什么事情,如果这里是十万年前那些武者建立的,不会有什么恶意的,我看现在那股吸力是为了让你更快的去到那神秘的地方。”苏媚瑶说道。 Shen Xiang relaxes, but he is vigilant, at this time he felt the speed that oneself go forward is getting more and more fast, he now seems like in passage that is formed by the wind such, the feeling is very crisp. 沈翔松了一口气,不过他还是警惕起来,此时他觉得自己前进的速度越来越快,他现在就好像是在一条由风形成的通道里面那样,感觉还是非常爽的。 A moment later, falling of his suddenly heavily in the ground, he also changed the human form, because here has very big space! 片刻之后,他突然重重的掉落在地面,他也变回了人形,因为这里有着非常大的空间! „Is this below of that mountain? Where is this?” Shen Xiang looks that all around these are sending out weak white light rock wall, wants to seek for anything. “难道这就是那座山的下面?这到底是什么地方?”沈翔看着四周那些散发着微弱白光的石壁,想从中寻找到一些什么。 Here is only a broad stone chamber, other things, this has not disappointed him. 这里只是一个宽阔的石室,并没有其他东西,这让他非常失望。 You is which continent comes? What sect?” Sound suddenly transmits together, was resounding, frightens Shen Xiang to exude one to cry out strangely. “你是哪个大陆来的?什么门派?”一道声音突然传来,非常响亮,吓得沈翔发出了一声怪叫。 Shen Xiang has not thought that in this spacious giant stone chamber unexpectedly will have the person, but his actually anything cannot see, this makes him feel absolutely terrified. 沈翔没想到这空旷巨大的石室中竟然会有人,但他却什么都看不见,这让他感到毛骨悚然。 Chenwu Mainland, Extreme Martial Sect's disciple!” Shen Xiang took a deep breath, replied slightly. 辰武大陆,太武门的弟子!”沈翔微微吸了一口气,回答道。 Worthily is sect that Extreme Martial Old Man founds, unexpectedly can be the disciple of his hanger-on first goes to this place, then, Extreme Martial Sect also had of hundred thousand year, extraordinary!” That sound fills to admire said. “不愧是太武老儿开创的门派,竟然会是他门下的弟子最先来到这个地方,这么说来,太武门也存在了十万年之久,了不起呀!”那声音充满佩服地说道。 In the Shen Xiang heart is chuckling secretly, now looks like, he will feel in this stone chamber to have the good thing. 沈翔心中暗暗窃喜着,现在看来,他觉得这石室里面还是会有好东西的。 Senior, you by seal here?” Shen Xiang asked that if possible, he will rescue this person. 前辈,你是不是被封印在这里?”沈翔问道,如果可以的话,他还是会把这人救出来的。 No, the present is only wisp of Divine sense that I divide is talking with you, I now already in Heaven World!” That person hehe smiles. “没有,现在只是我分出来的一缕神念在和你交谈,我现在已经在天界了!”那人呵呵一笑。 Shen Xiang shocked, in Heaven World? Moreover can talk with him, he guessed that this person of Divine Sense is very definitely strong, otherwise is unable to branch out wisp of Divine sense, moreover exists is so long, but can also make him control this Divine sense on Heaven World. 沈翔震惊了,在天界了?而且还能和他交谈,他猜测这人的神识肯定很强,否则无法分出一缕神念,而且还存在那么久,还能让他在天界上面操控这神念 This fellow definitely cultivates Divine Dao, this is Divine Dao inside Splitting Soul Technique, can by the restraint of space, not be controlled in other spaces Divine sense, can obtain the latest news directly! Even I, do not have the means to achieve now, it seems like that this fellow should after crossing Nirvana Ninth Tribulation, does not have immediately transcend, but kept a period of time.” Long Xueyi is also surprised, she met Shen Xiang this to cultivation Divine Dao human is accidental/surprised, but meets one now. “这家伙肯定是修炼神道的,这是神道里面的分魂术,可以不受空间的约束,控制远在其他空间的神念,可以直接得到最新的讯息!就算是我,现在都没办法做到,看来这家伙应该是在渡过涅槃九劫之后,没有立即飞升,而是留下来了一段时间。”龙雪怡也是感到惊讶,她遇到沈翔这个能修炼神道的人类就已经算是意外了,但现在又遇到一个。 After Shen Xiang hears the Long Xueyi's words, immediately has profound respect, said: Is it possible that Senior cultivates Divine Dao?” 沈翔听到龙雪怡的话之后,顿时肃然起敬,说道:“前辈莫非是修炼神道的?” Oh? please ask that what strength little brother you now are? How you know I cultivation Divine Dao, even if in the past, many old fellow do not know how my ability called, that time I do not know, I after entering Heaven World knew the Divine Dao matter.” That person asked amazed. 哦?请问小哥你现在是什么实力?你是怎么知道我修炼神道的,就算是当年,许多老家伙都不知道我这种能力怎么称呼,那时候的我也不知道,我是在进入天界之后才知晓神道的事情。”那人惊诧地问道。 My True Martial Realm 7th Stage, I have looked on a book the record that has about Divine Dao, will know.” Shen Xiang said. “我真武境七段,我在一本书上面看过有关于神道的记载,才会知道的。”沈翔说道。 so that's how it is! How do you come here? Must discover that hole is not difficult, but must discover that this below had the thing to be difficult, moreover you came, has not destroyed this mountain, but depends on your present strength, was very difficult to destroy!” That person felt that very has doubts. 原来如此!你是怎么进来这里的?要发现那个洞不难,但要发现这下面有东西就难了,而且你进来的时候,并没有破坏这座山,不过就凭你现在的实力,也很难破坏!”那人对此感到十分疑惑。 Long Xueyi said: Told him you to cultivate Divine Dao, this person has tried to find out to cultivate Divine Dao, moreover now in Heaven World, definitely is not an ordinary fellow, you now and he does well relationship, later will perhaps run into him in Heaven World.” 龙雪怡说道:“告诉他你修炼神道,这人一直自己摸索修炼神道,而且现在又在天界,肯定不是一个普通的家伙,你现在和他搞好关系,以后在天界说不定会遇到他。” Senior...... actually brat also cultivates Divine Dao, only learned small Divine Ability of fur/superficial knowledge, turns into a mouse to infiltrate!” Shen Xiang said with a smile. 前辈……其实小子也是修炼神道的,只学会了一点皮毛的小神通,变成一只老鼠钻了进来!”沈翔笑道。 Hehe, interesting, interesting! In the past I had said that can come here person definitely is not the ordinary class/flow, has not thought that the hundred thousand year later, unexpectedly had a person who cultivated Divine Dao arrived here! In the past here was I brings one crowd of old fellow to establish jointly.” That person said with a smile. “呵呵,有趣,有趣!当年我就说过,能进来这里的人肯定不是普通之流,没想到在十万年之后,竟然有一个修炼神道的人来到这里!当年这里就是我带着一群老家伙联手建立的。”那人笑道。 Where is here? Right, hasn't consulted the Senior given name?” Shen Xiang asked. “这里到底是什么地方?对了,还未请教前辈大名?”沈翔问道。 „Did I call Wu Canghong, the little brother you?” Wu Canghong asked with a smile. “我叫武苍宏,小兄弟你呢?”武苍宏笑着问道。 Shen Xiang! Senior Wu, where is here? But I to take refuge from disaster come to here.” Shen Xiang said. 沈翔武前辈,这里到底是什么地方?我可是为了躲难才来这里的。”沈翔说道。 What difficult does Oh? hide? three realms great war has not started!” The Wu Canghong doubts asked: I want to know that very you come here reason.” 哦?躲什么难?三界大战还未开始吧!”武苍宏疑惑地问道:“我十分想知道你来这里的原因。” Shen Xiang had the Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art matter to be known by so many people, he does not fear that now told this Wu Canghong, therefore his 1510 places said. 沈翔拥有太极降龙功的事情已经被这么多人知道了,他现在也不怕告诉这武苍宏,所以他就一五一十地说出来。 After Wu Canghong hears, is angry and surprised. 武苍宏听到之后,又愤怒又惊讶。 Never expected that our later Mortal Martial World unexpectedly turn into this, does not unite! The good Extreme Martial Sect's leader can make various continent join up in this crucial time, otherwise Chenwu Mainland was ends.” Wu Canghong angrily said. “没想到我们之后的凡武界竟然变成这样,这么不团结!还好太武门的领导者能在这关键的时刻让诸大陆都联合起来,否则辰武大陆算是完了。”武苍宏愤怒地说道 Shen Xiang, actually you do not need to fear that your Master is very strong, will not make him be injured absolutely, he does not dare to release too big power now, but the worry will be inhaled Heaven World, he in Mysterious Realm is very safe!” 沈翔,其实你不用怕的,你那师傅很强,绝对不会让他受伤,他现在不敢释放出太大的力量,只是担心会被吸入天界,他在玄境里面还是非常安全的!” Wu Canghong said: You can come here, moreover you also obtained my approval, then I will give you two kinds thing! One is called Heaven's Crown Gate magic treasure, moreover is a map.” 武苍宏说道:“你能来到这里,而且你也得到了我的认可,接下来我会给你两样东西!一个是名叫罗天门法宝,另外则是一张地图。” In the Shen Xiang heart secretly rejoices, although he does not know that this two kinds thing has what advantage, but he knows that definitely is not the ordinary thing. 沈翔心中暗喜,虽然他不知道这两样东西有什么好处,但他知道肯定不是普通的东西。
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