WDDG :: Volume #4

#376: Mysterious passage

Truly does not have relationship with Gu Dongchen, at that time who saw Gu Dongchen to stop that in front to sudden White Tiger husband and wife, then comes suddenly to White Tiger husband and wife, walks suddenly, this also makes one ascertain airtight. 确实和古东辰没有关系,当时谁都看见古东辰在前面阻拦那对突如其来的白虎夫妇,那对白虎夫妇来得突然,走得也突然,这也让人捉摸不透。 The people believe, was Shen Xiang utilizes what secret technique to run away, what first can affirm, these fog were Shen Xiang put. 众人一致认为,是沈翔运用了什么秘术逃走了,首先能肯定的是,那些雾是沈翔放出来。 Ability that this brat truly one type can run away, but will leave behind many water, this martial arts I have not ravelled, but now obviously not with this martial arts, if with, will definitely send out very rich water attribute True Qi.” Lian Yingxiao is transferring around these stone tables, although saw that hole, but has not felt anything, because in his cognition, the person cannot go in that hole. “这小子确实有一种能逃遁的本领,不过会留下很多的水,这种武功我至今都没有弄明白,但现在显然不是用这种武功,如果用的话,肯定会散发出很浓郁的水属性真气。”连颖箫在那些石桌周围转着,虽然看见了那个洞,但却没有觉得什么,因为在他的认知中,人是进不去那个洞的。 Haha...... one group of idiots, unexpectedly by this little rascal escaping, haha...... smiled me, this is I have seen the funniest matter since birth!” Crazy sound suddenly transmitted together, making Lan Hai and the others angrier. “哈哈……一群蠢货,居然被这小鬼给逃掉了,哈哈……笑死我了,这是我有生以来见过最好笑的事情!”一道疯癫的声音突然传来,让蓝海等人更加愤怒了。 This is the Huang Jintian's laughter! 这是黄锦天的笑声! I planned and other brat Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art told only half saves him again, but never expected that he put big pile of smelly fart, after making your idiots accept as true, oneself escape, haha...... worthily is my disciple! That anything nonsense story is actually false, is this brat baseless and irrational concoctions, but arranges also well! Can deceive your group of idiots to listen for three days and three nights!” “我原本打算等这小子太极降龙功说到一半再救走他的,但没想到他放了一大堆臭屁,让你们这些蠢货信以为真之后就自己逃掉了,哈哈……不愧是我的徒弟!那什么狗屁故事其实都是假的,都是这小子胡编乱造的,不过编得还不错!能骗你们这群蠢货听了三天三夜!” Huang Jintian said that also acts like a madman to laugh, this makes the Lan Hai and the others complexion pale, their unexpectedly by Shen Xiang, when the pig same played for three days and three nights! 黄锦天说完,又疯疯癫癫地大笑起来,这让蓝海等人脸色铁青无比,他们竟然沈翔当猪一样耍了三天三夜! Haha...... was too funny! One flock of swine, but that brat lecture of story is good! You do not calculate that owed! Haha......” “哈哈……太好笑了!一群猪猡,不过那小子讲的故事还是不错的!你们不算亏了!哈哈……” Before, Huang Jintian heard a Shen Xiang lecture of that story the time, almost smiled spits blood, now Shen Xiang walked, he be relentless ridiculed Nirvana Realm martial artist that these thought oneself infallible. 在之前,黄锦天听到沈翔讲那故事的时候,就差点笑得吐血,现在沈翔走了,他毫不留情的嘲笑这些自以为是的涅槃境武者 Blue robe Old Man, I remember that at that time you also commended rationally that little rascal lecture of story, now looks like, you at that time were a stupidest pig! Haha......” “蓝袍老儿,我记得那时候你还头头是道的称赞那小鬼讲的故事,现在看来,你当时就是一头最蠢的猪!哈哈……” The Lan Hai air/Qi results in the whole body to tremble, spitting blood impulsions, others think appearance that at that time Lan Hai and Shen Xiang sang a duet, truly thought that Lan Hai was a from head to tail idiot, one big age, unexpectedly plays with by little rascal. 蓝海气得浑身发颤,有一种吐血的冲动,其他人想到那时候蓝海沈翔一唱一和的模样,确实觉得蓝海就是一个彻头彻尾的蠢货,一大把年纪了,居然被一个小鬼耍着玩。 Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan want to smile, but actually does not dare! Liu Meng'er also Hua Xiangyue is also so, but they think that oneself were deceived at that time, could not smile. 薛仙仙冷幽兰都很想笑,但却不敢!柳梦儿花香月也是如此,不过她们想到自己当时被骗,就笑不出来了。 Haha...... is not good, thinks that your flock of stupid pigs by the appearance that my disciple tricks, I smile the internal injury! This brat was too fierce, pupil surpasses the teacher, haha......” the Huang Jintian's sound vanished, but that crazy is full of the ridicule the laughter also to reverberate in the four directions. “哈哈……不行了,想到你们这群蠢猪被我那徒弟忽悠的样子,我就笑得内伤!这小子太厉害了,青出于蓝呀,哈哈……”黄锦天的声音消失了,不过那疯癫而充满嘲笑的笑声还回荡在四方。 Lan Hai and the others was brushed the face to be the same probably ruthlessly, angry incomparable, this is they receives the biggest shame since birth, especially Lan Hai, he wishes one could to look for a crack to drill now. 蓝海等人就好像被人狠狠抽打着脸庞一样,愤怒无比,这是他们有生以来受过最大的耻辱,特别是蓝海,现在他就恨不得找个地缝钻下去。 Long Xueyi, Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou also chuckle non-stop, especially Bai Youyou, Shen Xiang saw her to smile such crazy for the first time, Su Meiyao and Long Xueyi did not say that these two women frequently on mindless is laughing. 龙雪怡苏媚瑶白幽幽咯咯笑得个不停,特别是白幽幽,沈翔第一次见到她笑得这么疯癫,苏媚瑶龙雪怡就不说了,这两个女人经常就没心没肺的大笑着。 So long as Shen Xiang that story person seriously, does not find it initially now ridiculous, because they thought that oneself like a pig, silly sitting made out of whole cloth for three days and three nights there hear of Shen Xiang, and accepts as true! 只要当初把沈翔那故事当真的人,现在都不觉得好笑,因为他们觉得自己就像一头猪,傻傻的坐在那里听沈翔瞎编了三天三夜,而且还信以为真! „Very regrettable, that brat escaped! I acknowledged, I at that time in that brat's eye was a stupid pig, I was truly given to play by him. However Old Hai, you cannot go back on word! The people I give you, was you have not favored, no wonder I!” Gu Dongchen sighed reluctantly, Shen Xiang's methods makes in his heart exclaim, now angers numerous. “很遗憾,那小子逃掉了!我承认,我当时在那小子的眼里就是一头蠢猪,我确实被他给耍了。不过海老,你们可不能食言!人我是交给你们了,是你们自己没看好的,怪不得我!”古东辰无奈地叹道,沈翔的手段让他心中惊叹不已,现在又惹怒了众强。 Lan Hai they will certainly not go back on word, this truly is they do not safeguard proper, making Shen Xiang run away. After they calm down now, somewhat admires Shen Xiang somewhat, is not only Shen Xiang that method, that guts, dare to work as several hundred Nirvana Realm martial artist front to talk irresponsibly unexpectedly, some baseless and irrational concoctions things deceive them. 蓝海他们当然不会食言,这确实是他们看管不到位,让沈翔跑掉。他们现在冷静下来之后,多多少少有些佩服沈翔,不仅仅是沈翔那种手段,还有那种胆量,居然敢当着几百个涅槃境武者的面前信口雌黄,胡编乱造一些东西来欺骗他们。 This is no one can have the courage that! 这可不是谁都能有的胆魄! This brat...... I must catch him!” Lan Hai angrily coldly snorted. “这小子……我一定要抓到他!”蓝海愤怒地哼了一声 Lian Yingxiao said with a smile: Old Hai, this brat will perhaps have will not return to Extreme Martial Sect for a long time, I think he will present next time time, should be able to be Nirvana Realm!” 连颖箫笑道:“海老,这小子恐怕会有很长时间不会回太武门了,我想他下次出现的时候,应该会是涅槃境了吧!” Nirvana Realm Shen Xiang? Now or True Martial Realm Shen Xiang is lawless, let alone Nirvana Realm, thinks that makes people feel the headache! 涅槃境沈翔?现在还是真武境沈翔就已经无法无天了,更别说涅槃境的,想到就让人感到头痛! I promise everyone, if he returns to the Extreme Martial Sect's words, I can first hold him, give everyone! Naturally, if Old Lunatic acts, then my anything means did not have.” The Gu Dongchen forced smile said. “我答应各位,如果他返回太武门的话,我会第一时间把他抓住,交给各位!当然,如果老疯子出手,那么我就什么办法都没有了。”古东辰苦笑道。 Huang Jintian makes people feel that very frightened, here majority and Huang Jintian has fought, moreover is a large crowd besieges Huang Jintian, but was injured by Huang Jintian, obviously the Huang Jintian's strength is how terrifying, they know that Huang Jintian depends upon that heaven defying strength, can definitely lord over entire Mortal World, but he has not actually done that finally reduces to by the fate of seal. 黄锦天还是让人感到非常恐惧的,这里大多数都和黄锦天交手过,而且还是一大群人围攻黄锦天,但还是被黄锦天打伤,可见黄锦天的实力是多么恐怖,他们都知道黄锦天依靠那种逆天的实力,肯定能独霸整个凡界,但他却没有这么做,最后沦落到被封印的下场。 This Old Lunatic, although got up by the seal, but he...... but he must make a move does not have any issue, he has had a fierce method probably, can concentrate the body Divine Sense.” Gu Dongchen seriously said. “这老疯子虽然被封印起来,但他……但他要出手还是没有什么问题的,他好像已经掌握了一种厉害的手段,能把神识凝成躯体。”古东辰严肃地说道 The people look at each other in blank dismay, is astonished, they heard Huang Jintian saying that a moment ago originally must make a move. 众人都面面相觑,一脸愕然,他们刚才就听到黄锦天说本来要出手的。 Shen Xiang could not have heard the above sound, now he goes forward toward that small hole passage incessantly, he detected that this very small passage was made intentionally, probably under place to this heroic conference site. 沈翔已经听不见上面的声音了,现在他朝着那个小洞通道不断前进,他发觉这条很小的通道是被人故意弄出来的,好像是通往这英雄会场下面的地方。 Is who makes? This mountain is very firm!” The Shen Xiang doubts, that Holy Light Church Lord hit a palm that stone table before ruthlessly, cannot make the stone table have the slight damage, moreover this mountain has not shivered, obviously this mountain had been built from beginning to end carefully. “到底是谁弄的?这座山可是非常坚固的!”沈翔疑惑不已,之前那圣光教主狠狠打了一掌那石桌,都不能让石桌有丝毫损伤,而且这座山也没有颤抖,可见这座山从头到尾都是被人精心打造过的。 „Very deep, seems like has reached the situation around this mountain, is who is so bored? If the straight line, can put through.” Long Xueyi is also having doubts. “很深,看起来像是绕着这座山一直走到地步的,到底是谁这么无聊?如果是直线的话,就能直接通完了。”龙雪怡也疑惑着。 This mountain is very big, is very high, if has surrounded this mountain to hit very small passage to the deep place, this truly only then very bored person will do. 这座山很大,很高,如果是一直环绕着这座山打一条很小的通道通往深处,这确实只有很无聊的人才会做出来。 „Does the seal have a bored fellow?” Shen Xiang guessed, before he took Suppressing Devil Divine Art time, that by seal hundred thousand year Bai Ziqian putting, if below seal anything, he is certainly not finding it strange. “难道封印着有一个无聊的家伙?”沈翔猜测道,之前他去取镇魔神功的时候,就把那被封印了十万年的白紫倩给放出来了,如果下面封印着什么东西,他一定不觉得奇怪。 Was difficult saying that but here was forbidden land, definitely had anything below! The passage that at least you walk now was made intentionally, is not the nature formation.” Long Xueyi said. “难说,不过这里一直都是禁地,肯定有什么东西在下面的!至少你现在走的这条通道就是被故意弄出来的,绝不是自然形成。”龙雪怡说道。 Shen Xiang turned into a mousie, is crawling fast, he planned hides a period of time to go out in this inside again, but now driven by curiosity, his unceasing proceeds to walk. 沈翔变成了一只小老鼠,快速爬着,他原本是打算在这里面躲一段时间再出去的,但如今在好奇心的驱使下,他不断的往前走去。
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