WDDG :: Volume #4

#375: Startled changes

The angry tiger's roar continuously, lets many cultivation base slightly low Nirvana martial artist complexion big changes, although they are also Nirvana Realm, but is facing White Tiger of this rank, share that they also only then escape. 愤怒的虎啸接连不断,让许多修为稍低的涅槃武者脸色大变,他们虽然也是涅槃境,但面对着这种级别的白虎,他们也只有逃的份。 White Tiger Clan!” Gu Dongchen said low and deep, at this time entire sound-insulated barrier had been destroyed, the birds in mountain forest were frightened flee in all directions, full Heavenly Capital is every large or small bird, scene by one piece from frightened haze covering. 白虎一族!”古东辰低沉地说道,这时候整个隔音结界都已被摧毁,山林之中的鸟兽被吓得四处逃窜,满天都是的大大小小的鸟,现场被一片从恐惧的阴霾给笼罩着。 Shen Xiang is secretly panic-stricken, he has not thought that Zhenzhen this Small White Tiger parents unexpectedly is so fierce! His hastily gives to tighten the Profound Beast Bag mouth, if known was he seized others daughters, he was finished. 沈翔暗暗惊恐着,他没想到珍珍小白虎的爹娘竟然这么厉害!他急忙玄兽袋的口给收紧,如果被知道是他抓走了人家的女儿,他就完蛋了。 Naturally, he does that now to let that to White Tiger husband and wife the hatred to these Nirvana Realm expert, so long as when the time comes the chaos get up, is most good opportunity that he runs away. 当然,他现在这么做是为了让那对白虎夫妇把仇恨对向这些涅槃境强者,到时候只要大乱起来,就是他逃走的最好机会。 „Can dragon brat, direct some birds, this can confuse these old fellow, otherwise suddenly presents a bird, will make one begin to have suspicions.” Shen Xiang is inquiring Long Xueyi. 小屁龙,能不能把一些鸟引过来,这样就能迷惑这些老家伙,否则突然出现一只鸟,会让人起疑的。”沈翔询问着龙雪怡 Does not have the issue, that two fierce White Tiger must come, looks appearance that threatens, should attack brutally.” Long Xueyi excitedly said, saw only one crowd of every large or small bird suddenly to clash toward the crowd at this time, the innumerable birds blot out the sky like the locust such come, but these expert could not pay attention to so many, jump, looks at the distant place to transmit the place of tiger's roar. “没问题,那两头厉害的白虎要过来了,看那气势汹汹的模样,应该会大打出手。”龙雪怡兴奋地说道,这时候只见一群大大小小的鸟突然朝人群冲了过来,无数的鸟儿如同蝗虫铺天盖地那样过来,而那些强者也理会不了那么多,都跳跃而起,看着远处传来虎啸的地方。 That two powerful White Tiger is they most is worried! 那两头强大的白虎才是他们最担心的! Came!” Gu Dongchen drinks one lowly, leapt, he is in Chenwu Mainland is quite powerful . Moreover the initiator of this heroic congress, he naturally must assure the security of this congress. “来了!”古东辰低喝一声,飞跃了出去,他算是辰武大陆中比较强大的,而且还是这次英雄大会的发起人,他当然要保证这大会的安全。 Gu Dongchen bears the brunt, a pair of fist braves the steaming white fog, might that power releases, making many people feel that a heart trembles, this crossed the strengths of Nirvana eight tribulations! 古东辰首当其冲,一双拳头冒着腾腾白雾,那种力量释放出来的威势,让许多人感到一种心颤,这就是渡过涅槃八劫的实力! After the people see only Gu Dongchen flies to clash, the same time, the distant place also flies to shoot two spoken parts light, bumps into with Gu Dongchen violently. 众人只见古东辰飞冲出去之后,同时间,远处也飞射过来两道白光,与古东辰猛烈相撞。 As Gu Dongchen hears one to drink fiercely, the fist that his pair contains topple the mountains and overturn the seas makes suddenly, that as if earth-shattering such, shakes split open big lands instantaneously fiercely, Hero Mountain sways! But eruption the glare, is to make the person have a fired feeling. 随着古东辰传来一声猛喝,他那双蕴含着排山倒海的拳头猛然打出,那瞬间仿佛天崩地裂那样,把一大片土地都震得开裂,英雄山剧烈摇晃起来!而爆发出来的强光,更是让人有一种被灼烧的感觉。 Naturally, most makes people feel that what fear is that dreadful Slaughter Qi, letting the portrait/people looks like is to place a trillion people of slaughtering battlefield! After the dazzling ray vanishes, the people only see the Gu Dongchen body advance party two middle-aged men and women who wear the white clothing, this seems like that White Tiger skin to be the same to the male and female body clothes, has many stripes, on their faces full is the color of anger. 当然,最让人感到恐惧的是那种滔天的杀伐之气,让人像是身处一个亿万人厮杀的战场!刺目的光芒消失之后,众人只看见古东辰身前站着两名身穿白衣的中年男女,这对男女身上的衣服就好像是那白虎的皮一样,有着许多条纹,他们脸上都满是愤怒之色。 At this time one flock of birds flew, mixed in the crowd, at this time everyone's line of sight centralized in that to White Tiger husband and wife body, simply did not have to detect oneself is filling thick fog. 这时候又有一群小鸟飞了过来,混入了人群之中,此时所有人的视线都集中在那对白虎夫妇身上,根本没有发觉自己脚下正在弥漫着一层浓浓的雾。 Lian Yingxiao and that blue robe old man also flushed, stands side Gu Dongchen, with that to White Tiger husband and wife, they cannot fly face-to-face, is dependence powerful power by own body float in the air, only then Nirvana Realm can achieve. 连颖箫和那蓝袍老人也冲了出去,站在古东辰身边,与那对白虎夫妇面对面着,他们不能飞行,都是依靠强大的力量让自己的身体悬浮在空中,只有涅槃境才能做到。 Shen Xiang also anxious incomparable, when erupted the dazzling ray a moment ago, he displayed that move quietly Misty Sky, this is Black Tortoise Divine Art inside move, generally is used to abscond, he barely uses, but just applies now. 沈翔也紧张无比,在刚才爆发刺目光芒的时候,他就悄悄施展了那招“雾满天”,这是玄武神功里面的招数,一般都是用来逃匿的,他很少使用,不过现在刚好派上了用场。 After he releases can turn into the white fog massively water attribute True Qi, the thick fog are getting more and more, is only several instances, covers the crowd. 他释放出大量能化成白雾的水属性真气之后,浓雾越来越多,只是几个瞬间,就把人群覆盖。 Shen Xiang suddenly displays 72 Transformations, turned into a bird quietly, at this time many birds are scurrying about in the crowd, will not be discovered. 沈翔突然施展七十二变,悄无声息的变成了一只小鸟,这时候有许多鸟儿在人群之中乱窜着,根本不会被发现。 Shen Xiang disappears!” old man suddenly exclaimed. 沈翔不见了!”一个老者突然吼道。 Many people are looking at that to White Tiger husband and wife, but some people are monitoring Shen Xiang, Shen Xiang vanishes, was known. 许多人都在看着那对白虎夫妇,但还是有人监视着沈翔,沈翔一消失,就被人知晓了。 Shen Xiang after turning into bird, immediately according to a Long Xueyi finger/refers of road flies to a stone table, entered under that stone table small hole, when he just entered that small hole, heard some people saying that he disappeared. 沈翔在变成小鸟之后,立即按照龙雪怡指的路飞向一张石桌,进入了那石桌下面的一个小洞里面,就在他刚刚进入那个小洞的时候,就听见有人说他不见了。 Shen Xiang ran! How to have so many damn fog!” A old man anger exclaimed, the release gust, blew down the thick fog, immediately is seeking for Shen Xiang. 沈翔跑了!怎么会有那么多该死的雾!”一个老者怒吼道,释放出一阵风,把浓雾吹掉,立即寻找着沈翔 Quickly, looks around!” Lan Hai exclaimed, a scene suddenly confusion , then saw their daughter not here after White Tiger husband and wife, saw here so many expert, angry roar several, then flew away. “快,四处搜寻!”蓝海吼道,现场突然一片混乱,而那对白虎夫妇看见他们的女儿不在这里之后,又看见这里有那么多的强者,怒啸几声,便飞走了。 Although beasts Shapeshift, but very repugnant human, the White Tiger husband and wife worry had not found the women, oneself were held, has first to leave. 兽类虽然化形,但还是非常反感人类的,白虎夫妇担心连女人都没有找到,自己就被抓住,只好先离开。 Looks quickly, he runs not far!” Blue robe old man is anxious and anger, float in upper air, is staring at mountain forest in all directions, the release that powerful Divine Sense, is sweeping all around. “快找,他跑不远的!”蓝袍老人又急又怒,悬浮在高空,凝视着四面八方的山林,释放出那强悍的神识,扫掠着四周。 Shen Xiang hides in that small hole, in the short several instances, he felt that has several hundred powerful Divine Sense to sweep, but has not discovered him, he continues to drill safely downward. 沈翔躲在那小洞里面,在短短几个瞬间,他就感觉到有数百股强大的神识扫过,但都没有发现他,他更加安心的继续往下钻。 Under several hundred Nirvana Realm martial artist Divine Sense seeks, let alone was the person, even if the ant were counted clearly by them, but actually cannot seek for Shen Xiang now. 在几百个涅槃境武者神识寻找下,别说是人了,就算是蚂蚁都被他们数得清清楚楚,但现在却还是寻找不到沈翔 This what's the matter! Let alone little rascal, Huang Jintian came even, he cannot in such a short time run away, even if runs away, should still leave behind the fluctuation of aura, but this brat actually seemed like suddenly into thin air!” “这到底怎么回事!别说一个小鬼,就算是黄锦天来了,他也绝不能在那么短的时间内就逃走,就算逃走,也会留下气息的波动,但这小子却好像突然人间蒸发了!” The Lan Hai anger sound said, he is unable to accept this fact, although the situation was very at that time chaotic, but he felt, even if he himself is unable to run away under so many Nirvana Realm martial artist surrounding. 蓝海怒声道,他无法接受这个事实,虽说当时情况很混乱,但他觉得就算是他自己都无法在那么多的涅槃境武者包围下逃走。 But the fact is suspending here, Shen Xiang vanishes without a trace! But this group of people in Mortal World are strongest, their Divine Sense almost can seek for a deep underground dozens zhang (3.33 m) place, entire Hero Mountain in the short time, by their Divine Sense locking, they can induce many birds to fly to escape everywhere, but has not actually induced to human is running. 但事实就在摆在这里,沈翔消失得无影无踪!这群人可是凡界中最强的,他们的神识几乎能寻找到深地下面的数十丈地方,整个英雄山在短短的时间内,就被他们的神识锁定,他们能感应许多鸟兽在四处飞逃,但却没有感应到人类在跑。 These Nirvana Realm martial artist that came from far away from three sea areas remembers to scurry about, at the same time complained, cursed angrily, while sought with Divine Sense is seeking for Shen Xiang, Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming are also seeking. 那些从三个海域远道而来的涅槃境武者都记得上窜下跳,一边抱怨,一边怒骂,一边寻用神识寻找着沈翔,就连古东辰武开明也在寻找。 Liu Meng'er and Hua Xiangyue also stand in the place of edge, the release Divine Sense, sweeps all around mountain forest, Shen Xiang can run away, they are also very happy, but actually thinks that does not understand Shen Xiang runs away with what method, if several Nirvana Realm also has no problem, but the present is several hundred Nirvana Realm people here, ran away by him safely. 柳梦儿花香月也站在边缘的地方,释放出神识,扫掠着四周的山林,沈翔能逃走,她们也感到很高兴,只不过却想不明白沈翔是用什么手段逃走的,如果几个涅槃境也就算了,但现在是几百个涅槃境的人在这里,都被他安然逃走。 Xue Xianxian said with a smile lowly: Elder Brother Xiao Xiang was too unexpected, unexpectedly ran away by him!” 薛仙仙低笑道:“小翔哥太让人出乎意料了,竟然被他跑掉了!” Before he rubbish? Has been waiting for the opportunity, this little rascal was really hateful! These fog definitely are he make!” Hua Xiangyue looks at these also in the mobile white fog, whispered. “难道之前他都在废话?一直在等待机会,这小鬼实在是太可恶了!那些雾肯定是他制造出来的!”花香月看着那些还在流动的白雾,低声说道 suddenly, these white fog floated the sky, gathering slowly set: One group of idiots, haha!” 突然,那些白雾浮上了天空,慢慢的汇聚成一排字:“一群蠢货,哈哈!” Looks at the sky quickly!” Person of shouted, the people raise the head, after seeing that sets, angrily, they know that this is Shen Xiang is shaming their these Nirvana Realm, but they also thought that this is an enormous insult! “快看天空!”一人喊道,众人抬头,看见那排字之后,都愤怒不已,他们知道这是沈翔在羞辱他们这些涅槃境,而他们也觉得这是一种极大的侮辱! Sees these characters, Lan Hai to angrily roar, to the sky is being a palm, scatters these white fog, then looks to Gu Dongchen. 看见这几个字,蓝海怒吼一声,对着天空就是一掌,把那些白雾打散,然后看向古东辰 Do not visit me, I don't know either!” Gu Dongchen shrugged, the forced smile said. “别看我,我也不知道!”古东辰摊了摊手,苦笑道。
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