WDDG :: Volume #4

#372: Key man

Sees this blue robe old man to appear, the Qin Zejun complexion is ugly, this is his unexpected matter, he affirmed that before these other sea areas expert will not attend the heroic congress. 看见这个蓝袍老人出现,秦泽君的脸色难看无比,这是他意想不到的事情,他之前就非常肯定这些其他海域的强者不会来参加英雄大会。 Some people descend in this mountain above plaza one after another, there is old man, has the middle age, has the young people, has the woman, altogether has more than 100. 紧接着,陆续有人降落在这高山上面的广场中,有老人,有中年,有年轻人,有女人,总共有一百多。 Shen Xiang looked was shocked, because he knows that group of people were Nirvana Realm, moreover was very strong, from other sea areas, this truly made one broaden the outlook, he first time chat that accumulation together that saw so many Nirvana Realm, they were cheerful and lively, Gu Dongchen is also greeting them. 沈翔看得愣住了,因为他知道那群人都是涅槃境的,而且很强,来自其他海域,这确实让人大开眼界,他还是第一次看见这么多涅槃境的聚集在一起,他们都有说有笑的聊着天,古东辰也去招呼着他们。 Shen Xiang discovered, these sect's Sect Master Big Shot have the practice, knew each other, Liu Meng'er and Lian Yingxiao they are also greeting with some people, Proud Sword Sect's Yue Jianglin also knows several. 沈翔发现,这些门派的掌教巨头都是有练习的,相互都认识,柳梦儿连颖箫他们也和一些人打着招呼,就连傲剑宗的岳江林也认识几个。 „Is this Mortal Martial World expert circle? Really is not simple!” Shen Xiang calls out in alarm said. “这就是凡武界强者圈子吗?果然不简单呀!”沈翔惊呼道。 Generally Nirvana Realm will go out to travel, after other continent, definitely first visits that continent above expert, then with it becoming friends with, will sometimes also exchange something, this is also Nirvana Realm goes to search for a rare and precious spirit herb way.” Su Meiyao said. “一般涅槃境的都会出去游历,到了其他大陆之后,肯定是先去拜访那个大陆上面的强者,然后与之结交,有时候还会交换一些东西,这也是涅槃境出去寻找珍稀灵药的一个途径。”苏媚瑶说道。 The facial skin of Qin Zejun is very thick, now unexpectedly has not walked! In Eastern Sea these pledge allegiance to Holy Light Church Nirvana Realm martial artist also to feel somewhat cannot withstand, because they know that Holy Light Church is not very good because of the reputations of other three sea areas, now is directed by others, has the person who they know, even is the friend. 秦泽君的脸皮很厚,现在居然还不走!东海中那些归顺圣光教涅槃境武者也感到有些不堪,因为他们都知道圣光教在其他三个海域的名声很不好,现在就被别人指指点点的,其中也有他们认识的人,甚至是朋友。 Yo, big founder, you also here!” That blue robe old man smile said, Shen Xiang discovered this named Old Hai blue robe old man is respected, many Nirvana Realm martial artist greeted with him politely. “哟,大教主,你还在这里呀!”那蓝袍老人微笑道,沈翔发现这个名叫“海老”的蓝袍老人非常受人尊敬,许多涅槃境武者都非常礼貌地和他打招呼。 Lan Hai, don't your group of people hate Extreme Martial Sect's? I remember initially you wiped out two teeth by Huang Jintian ruthlessly, is not only you, here most people had been punched by Huang Jintian!” Qin Zejun said with a sneer. 蓝海,你们这群人不是非常痛恨太武门的吗?我可是记得当初你被黄锦天狠狠打掉了两颗牙,不仅仅是你,这里大部分人都被黄锦天揍过吧!”秦泽君冷笑道 Shen Xiang heart fierce jumps, he remembers that Huang Jintian has said that in the past one group of people forced him to hand over that Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, afterward he is not willing, but also attacked brutally, injured many expert, finally he also killed Beast Martial Sect's Sect Master, was crusaded against by many people, was closed/pass into Extreme Martial Sect's forbidden land, continuously to the present. 沈翔心脏猛的一跳,他记得黄锦天说过,当年有一群人逼迫他交出那太极降龙功,后来他不肯,还大打出手,打伤了好多强者,最后他还杀兽武门的掌教,被多人讨伐,然后被关入了太武门的禁地,一直到现在。 Right, we could not plan, but we are only and Old Lunatic have a grudge, with Sect Master Gu is actually a friend, now everyone achieves the position to come up, like past such, held the heroic congress!” Lan Hai shouted, the people arrive on these stone tables. “没错,我们原本打算不来的,不过我们只是和老疯子有仇,和古掌教却是朋友,现在大家都做到位置上去,就像当年那样,开英雄大会!”蓝海喊道,众人都纷纷走到那些石桌上面。 Just 400 continent, 400 tables, Holy Light Church occupied much, but actually must give away the position now, this makes Qin Zejun very uncomfortable, now he has no might, after all here gathered other three sea areas expert, trivial Eastern Sea, but also insufficiently looks. 刚好四百个大陆,四百张桌子,原本圣光教占了不少,但现在却得让出位置来,这让秦泽君非常不爽,现在他已经没有任何威势了,毕竟这里可是聚集了其他三个海域的强者,区区东海,还不够看的。 expert that other three sea areas come, has some disciples to come, is some young disciples of game, this is to let them opens mind, how experiences expert such as the heroic congress of forest is. 其他三个海域来的强者,也带有一些弟子来,都是一些游戏的年轻弟子,这是为了让他们开开眼界,见识一下强者如林的英雄大会是怎么样的。 Before the congress starts, I hope that these did not plan helps Chenwu Mainland resist the Demon and Devil person to depart voluntarily!” Gu Dongchen looks at Qin Zejun that group of people. “在大会开始之前,我希望那些不打算帮助辰武大陆抵御妖魔的人自觉离去!”古东辰看着秦泽君那批人。 Qin Zejun coldly snorted: Who said that we don't plan to help Chenwu Mainland?” 秦泽君冷哼一声:“谁说我们不打算帮助辰武大陆?” At this moment, Qin Zejun does not have the means that if he worked as the front of other three sea areas to walk, then later isolated was his Holy Light Church this group of people, perhaps Gu Dongchen they will also discuss how to destroy completely his Holy Light Church, he must certainly remain. 事到如今,秦泽君也没有办法,如果他就当着其他三个海域的面前走了,那么以后被孤立的就是他圣光教这批人,说不定古东辰他们还会讨论如何灭掉他圣光教,他当然得留下来。 Elder Wu, why can Sect Master invite the people of other three sea areas?” Shen Xiang drew the Wu Kaiming sleeve, asked in a low voice. 武长老,为什么掌教能把其他三个海域的人请来?”沈翔拉了拉武开明的袖子,低声问道。 Until now, the heroic congress is toward a good direction develops, according to the present comes, will not happen any to Chenwu Mainland disadvantageous matter, Huang Jintian said that anything disaster that has not arrived to him on. 到现在为止,英雄大会是朝着好的方向发展,照现在开来,是不会发生任何对辰武大陆不利的事情,黄锦天说说的那什么大难也没有降临到他头上。 Waits for you knew!” The Wu Kaiming complexion is somewhat unusual, but Shen Xiang actually cannot see anything. “等一下你就知道了!”武开明脸色有些异样,但沈翔却看不出什么来。 Shen Xiang always thought that has any incorrect place, although the present is toward a good direction walks, but he still has not the good premonition. 沈翔总觉得有什么不对的地方,虽然现在是朝好的方向走,但他依然有不好的预感。 Gu Dongchen, regarding resisting the Demon and Devil matter does not have any to discuss that we had the person to come when the time comes, cling to tenaciously One Hundred Thousand Devil Mountain that's alright, with past such! This each continent will have own arrangement! Now we should chat the proper business, you have complied with our matter!” A middle-aged beautiful woman said. 古东辰,对于抵御妖魔的事情没有什么好谈的,到时候我们带人过来,死守十万魔山就行了,和当年那样!这点每个大陆都会有自己的安排!现在我们应该谈谈正事,你答应过我们的事情!”一个中年美妇说道。 Right, said the proper business! So long as you to our commitments real, we will help be pressed with overwork Demon and Devil!” Lan Hai also seconds the motion saying that other person of some people also shouted. “没错,说正事!只要你对我们的承诺是真的,我们就会帮忙杀妖魔!”蓝海也附议道,其他人一些人也喊道 Now Qin Zejun understood, Gu Dongchen actually pledged some conditions, the person who lets other three sea areas puts down grievances to come, what condition but accepted? What can tempt these people? 现在秦泽君明白了,古东辰原来是开出了一些条件,才让其他三个海域的人放下恩怨过来的,但答应了什么样的条件呢?能有什么会把这些人引诱过来? Shen Xiang is also thinking that this issue, he remembered in the past Huang Jintian, when Sect Master, but became enemies with many expert, his suddenly thought that expert of other three sea areas were not the good things, they will come, because all Gu Dongchen pledged the condition! 沈翔也在想这个问题,他记得当年黄锦天掌教的时候,可是和许多强者结仇了,他突然觉得其他三个海域的强者也不是好东西,他们会来,全因为古东辰开出了条件! Everyone looks at Gu Dongchen, waits for the Gu Dongchen reply. 所有人都看着古东辰,等待古东辰回答。 Gu Dongchen coughed, sighed: I will certainly not let everyone came in vain, the person on my table.” 古东辰干咳了一声,叹道:“我当然不会让大家白来一趟,人就在我这张桌子上面。” At this time Gu Dongchen looked to Shen Xiang, a Shen Xiang face was astonished, his suddenly thought of anything, but actually cannot believe. 这时候古东辰看向沈翔,沈翔一脸惊愕,他突然想到了什么,不过却不敢相信。 This is brat Shen Xiang? Is he really Huang Jintian's disciple?” Lan Hai flashes, like the blue light like that crosses entire plaza together, suddenly appears in front of Gu Dongchen. “这小子就是沈翔?他真的是黄锦天的徒弟?”蓝海一闪,如同一道蓝光那般,横穿整个广场,突然出现在古东辰面前。 Shen Xiang determines now, he himself was sold! By Gu Dongchen selling out, him understands that now why Huang Jintian has said that regardless of Gu Dongchen makes anything, do not complain about Gu Dongchen, for all that but he looks at Gu Dongchen angrily. 沈翔现在确定了,他自己被卖了!被古东辰给卖掉了,现在他明白为什么黄锦天说过,不论古东辰做出什么事情,都不要怨古东辰,虽然如此,但他还是非常愤怒地看着古东辰 Sees only the Gu Dongchen whole face ashamed look, smiles to him. 只见古东辰满脸愧色,对他笑了笑。 expert of other three sea areas are because wants the Huang Jintian's Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art talent and Huang Jintian has the conflict, if Gu Dongchen complies to hand over Huang Jintian's disciple, they comply with Gu Dongchen, comes Chenwu Mainland to resist Demon and Devil together. 其他三个海域的强者是因为想要得到黄锦天的太极降龙功才和黄锦天发生冲突的,如果古东辰答应把黄锦天的徒弟交出去,他们就答应古东辰,前来辰武大陆共同抵御妖魔 Shen Xiang is Huang Jintian's disciple, definitely understands Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, if did not understand, but can also coerce Huang Jintian with Shen Xiang, therefore Shen Xiang in the eyes of these Nirvana Realm, is together supreme treasure! 沈翔黄锦天的徒弟,肯定懂得太极降龙功,如果不懂得,还可以拿沈翔来要挟黄锦天,所以沈翔在那些涅槃境的眼中,就是一块至宝 Gu Dongchen, your motherfucker dares to sell the father unexpectedly!” Shen Xiang angrily roars, now he knows that Huang Jintian said was faced with imminent disaster is what meaning. 古东辰,你他娘的居然敢把老子卖了!”沈翔怒吼一声,现在他知道黄锦天说的那大难临头是什么意思了。 Hears Shen Xiang to bellow, the people were shocked, but they are more definite, Shen Xiang is Huang Jintian's disciple, is Gu Dongchen Martial Uncle! 听见沈翔这么大吼,众人都愣住了,但他们更加确定,沈翔就是黄锦天的徒弟,也就是古东辰师叔 The people whisper, was discussing in a low voice Shen Xiang matter, especially on Chenwu Mainland some expert, are more surprised regarding Shen Xiang's status, they understand that now why Gu Dongchen will always be protecting Shen Xiang, because Shen Xiang is Gu Dongchen and Wu Kaiming and other Three Great Big Shots Martial Uncle! 众人交头接耳,低声议论着沈翔的事情,特别是辰武大陆上面的一些强者,对于沈翔的身份更加惊讶,他们现在明白为什么古东辰总是会那么护着沈翔了,因为沈翔就是古东辰武开明三大巨头师叔 This rank can many people frighten the urine, with these Extreme Martial Sect disciples and elders who who comes, felt that the shock is incomparable. 这辈分可是能把许多人吓尿的呀,就连跟谁而来的那些太武门弟子和长老,都感到震惊无比。 Shen Xiang has long known to meet today, but without thinking so will be early, although he is angry, but the mind is actually rotating fast, he knows that the Gu Dongchen affirmation and Huang Jintian have discussed that otherwise taking advantage of 1000 courage to Gu Dongchen, Gu Dongchen does not dare to sell him. 沈翔早就知道会今天,但没想到会那么早,他虽然愤怒,但脑海却飞快转动着,他知道古东辰肯定和黄锦天商量过的,否则借一千个胆子给古东辰,古东辰也不敢就这么卖了他。
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