WDDG :: Volume #4

#373: Being unable to escape even with wings

After thinking to be clearer the matter, Shen Xiang is not angry, he must calm down to face this sudden matter now, he cannot be given to carry off by that crowd of Nirvana Realm, then combined threats with inducements he, making him say Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art. 想明白一些事情之后,沈翔没有那么愤怒了,他现在要冷静下来面对这种突发事情,他绝不能就这么被那群涅槃境给带走,然后威逼利诱他,让他说出太极降龙功 Gu Dongchen promises them, hands over you, now Gu Dongchen has achieved, following matter with Gu Dongchen irrelevant, so long as you can escape! These people must fulfill the commitment, you must run away!” Su Meiyao said, has this matter, she and Bai Youyou also worries, but they must do, similarly must calm down, discussed the countermeasure. 古东辰只是答应他们,把你交出去,现在古东辰已经做到了,接下来的事情就和古东辰无关,只要你能逃掉!那些人还是要履行承诺的,你要逃走!”苏媚瑶说道,发生这种事情,她和白幽幽也是非常着急,不过她们要做的,同样是要冷静下来,商量对策。 The Shen Xiang fist grips tightly, he also stands in same place, he knows that he can obtain the Huang Jintian's inheritance is a luck, but now he must pay for this reason, he obtained complete Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art in vain, with the Huang Jintian's help, making him straighten out, this is very rare. 沈翔拳头紧握起来,他还站在原地,他知道他能得到黄锦天的传承是一种运气,而现在他要为此而付出,他白白得到了完整的太极降龙功,在黄锦天的帮助下,让他步入正轨,这都是非常难得的。 Many years ago, the people of Huang Jintian and other three sea areas have the hatred, expert of that three sea area does not come, this is Huang Jintian one creates, Huang Jintian must be responsible for this reason, therefore Huang Jintian Shen Xiang pushing out. 多年前,黄锦天和其他三个海域的人结下仇恨,那三个海域的强者不过来,这都是黄锦天一手造成的,黄锦天要为此负责,所以黄锦天才把沈翔给推出去。 Shen Xiang can think now, this was Huang Jintian and Gu Dongchen has planned, Huang Jintian had said to him, this was a test! 沈翔现在能想到,这是黄锦天古东辰早就策划好的,黄锦天曾经对他说过,这是一种考验! Naturally, these Nirvana Realm will not make too matter out of the ordinary to Shen Xiang, after all Huang Jintian has not died! 当然,那些涅槃境的不会对沈翔做出太出格的事情,毕竟黄锦天还没有死! little rascal, we will not feel embarrassed your, you are Huang Jintian's disciple, he should teach Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art to you!” That blue robe old man is smiling asking, a human and animals harmless appearance, looks like in Shen Xiang, how false. 小鬼,我们不会为难你的,你是黄锦天的徒弟,他应该把太极降龙功传授给你了吧!”那蓝袍老人微笑着问道,一副人畜无害的模样,在沈翔看来,是多么的虚伪。 Hears Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art these characters, everyone turned very quiet, in the past Huang Jintian because cultivates this unrivalled rare technique, has the outstanding strength, shows disdain for Mortal World, overawes eight sides, killed many famous Nirvana Realm! 听到太极降龙功这几个字,所有人都屏住了呼吸,当年黄锦天就因为修炼这门旷世奇功,拥有超群的实力,傲视凡界,威震八方,杀死了不少有名的涅槃境 Huang Jintian is willing to subject to a penalty, after being closed into forbidden land, his disciple took over control of Extreme Martial Sect, same is practicing that Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, in short time on transcend Heaven World, if not Gu Dongchen goes out to contend in martial arts with others frequently, the people also suspected that Gu Dongchen obtained Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art. 黄锦天甘愿受罚,被关入禁地之后,他的徒弟接管了太武门,一样修炼着那太极降龙功,修为突飞猛进,短短的时间内就飞升天界,如果不是古东辰经常出去和别人比武,众人也怀疑古东辰得到了太极降龙功 So long as hands over Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, we will not press your, now do not have a catastrophe to arrive? You and everyone share this Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art words, absolutely is a biggest contributor, you will be a big hero!” Lan Hai said, the tone is very temperate, seems like seems like trapping child such. “只要把太极降龙功交出来,我们不会难为你的,现在不是要有一场浩劫要降临吗?你和大家分享这太极降龙功的话,绝对是一个最大的贡献者,你将是一个大英雄!”蓝海说道,语气十分温和,看起来就好像是在诱骗小孩子那样。 Shen Xiang lightly smiled: „Do you have Yin and Yang Veins? If no, is unable to study this Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, only if......” 沈翔微微一笑:“你有阴阳脉吗?没有的话,是无法学习这太极降龙功的,除非……” Sees Shen Xiang unexpectedly to be able such calm speech, the people are one startled, cursed Gu Dongchen that but a moment ago Shen Xiang the anger soared to the heavens, now actually calm, this state of mind made people feel surprised. 看见沈翔竟然能这么淡定的说话,众人又是一惊,刚才沈翔可是怒火冲天的大骂古东辰,现在却冷静了下来,这种心境让人感到惊讶。 Practices Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art to need the Yin and Yang Veins matter, most people know, now the people understand Shen Xiang so will be why abnormal, can win that Herculean Clan Xiao Chou, actually cultivated Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, this makes one want to obtain Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, this is not only divine art, but also heaven defying Dragon Martial Technique, thinks maddeningly. 修炼太极降龙功需要阴阳脉的事情,大多数人都知道,现在众人明白为什么沈翔会那么变态,能打赢那大力族萧仇,原来是修炼了太极降龙功,这让人更加想得到太极降龙功,这不但是神功,而且还是逆天龙武,想想都让人发狂。 I know certainly, cannot cultivation this Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, doesn't represent unable to grind to create some fierce martial arts?” Lan Hai said with a smile. “我当然知道,不能修炼这太极降龙功,不代表不能从中研创出一些厉害的武功吧?”蓝海笑道。 Shen Xiang looked at all around, on the faces of these Nirvana Realm martial artist full is greedy, waits for him to hand over that Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art. 沈翔看了看四周,那些涅槃境武者的脸上都满是贪婪,都等待着他交出那太极降龙功 Liu Meng'er and Hua Xiangyue walked in one, they have long known that Shen Xiang was Huang Jintian's disciple, will have today's matter is they most was also worried that they were only have not thought that will happen quickly. 柳梦儿花香月走在了一起,她们早就知道沈翔黄锦天的徒弟,会发生今天的事情也是她们最担心的,她们只是没想到会这么快发生。 Xue Xianxian and Leng Youlan are gripping tightly Liu Meng'er's, Shen Xiang is the Huang Jintian disciple matter also makes them be surprised, but they are worried about Shen Xiang now, they had heard in the past to rob Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art made entire Mortal World start a reign of terror matter. 薛仙仙冷幽兰都紧紧握着柳梦儿的手,沈翔黄锦天徒弟的事情也让她们感到意外,而她们现在更担心沈翔,她们都听说过当年为了抢夺太极降龙功而让整个凡界掀起一阵腥风血雨的事情。 Shen Xiang smiles difficultly: Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art is supreme divine art, I was spend entire one year to remember, I must hand over now, how saying that also needed 1-2 years.” 沈翔挠头笑了笑:“太极降龙功是至高无上的神功,我可是花了整整一年才记住的,我现在要交出来,怎么说也要1-2吧。” People hearing this, gawked, but this makes them more excited, used for a year to remember, obviously in which abstruse place, naturally, this was Shen Xiang exaggerates the matter intentionally, he now in protracted time. 众人闻言,愣了一下,不过这让他们更加激动,用了一年时间才记住,可见其中的深奥之处,当然,这是沈翔故意夸大事情,他现在就在拖延时间。 Gu Dongchen sees Shen Xiang is so calm, in the heart is admiring secretly, he prepared for before by cursed. 古东辰看见沈翔这么淡定,心中暗暗佩服着,他之前可是做好了被大骂的准备。 I only comply to hand over, without guaranteeing him will have told you Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, can you ask, looked your!” Gu Dongchen sighed slightly, unexpectedly jumps up suddenly, flew from here. “我只答应把人交出去,没有保证过他会把太极降龙功告诉你们,你们能不能问出来,就看你们的了!”古东辰微微一叹,竟然一跃而起,飞离了这里。 Gu Dongchen walks, anything that then has does not have relationship with him, he has also completed with the agreements of these Nirvana Realm. 古东辰一走,接下来发生的任何事情都和他没有关系,他和那些涅槃境的约定也已经完成了。 Runs away? The words that now but several hundred Nirvana Realm his surround, he can run away here perhaps, these Nirvana Realm martial artist must shamefacedly die. 逃走?现在可是有好几百涅槃境在这里把他围住,他能逃走的话,这些涅槃境武者恐怕要会羞愧死。 Shen Xiang looked at that Holy Light Church Qin Zejun and other wears golden robe Nirvana Realm, said: The agreement that Senior, Gu Dongchen and you make, why can the Holy Light Church person also share the advantage? With Gu Dongchen what has the agreement is Senior, you did not think that Holy Light Church did occupy very big convenient?” 沈翔看了看那圣光教秦泽君和其他身穿金袍涅槃境,说道:“各位前辈,古东辰和你们做出的约定,凭什么圣光教的人也能共享好处?和古东辰有约定的是各位前辈,你们不觉得圣光教是占了很大的便宜吗?” Shen Xiang said very right, these expert that came from other sea areas secret uncomfortable, they come from far away, for Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art, but that Holy Light Church and Gu Dongchen have not agreed. 沈翔说得很对,那些从其他海域来的强者都暗暗不爽,他们远道而来,就是为了太极降龙功,而那圣光教古东辰是没有约定的。 „The Holy Light Church fellow, hurries to get out of the way!” Lan Hai shouted, the people are excited at this time, because they know Shen Xiang to have no way out, will definitely teach Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art for their. 圣光教的家伙,赶紧走开!”蓝海喊道,此时众人都非常激动,因为他们知道沈翔无路可走,肯定会把太极降龙功传授给他们的。 The Holy Light Church person hates the tooth to be itchy, Tai Chi Subduing Dragon Divine Art in their eyes is also supreme treasure, now but how can they? The opposite party is three sea areas expert, words that hits, they will definitely defeat. 圣光教的人恨得牙痒痒,太极降龙功在他们眼里也是至宝,但现在他们能怎么样?对方可是三个海域的强者,打起来的话,他们肯定会败。 Shen Xiang in the protracted time, is finding the way to escape! 沈翔在拖延时间,在想办法逃脱! After seeing person face depressed departure of Holy Light Church, Gu Dongchen came back, now Shen Xiang is encircled in the center, by more than 300 Nirvana Realm surround! 看见圣光教的人一脸苦闷的离开之后,古东辰又回来了,现在沈翔可是被围在中心,被三百多涅槃境围住 Chenwu Mainland above sect can! The Holy Light Church fellow definitely still in the , Senior can make sound-insulated barrier to come, chant that like this I said that they will not hear, moreover everyone must have the patience, because chant were more.” 辰武大陆上面的门派可以不走!圣光教的家伙肯定还在附近,各位前辈可以弄一个隔音结界来,这样我说出来的口诀他们就不会听见了,而且各位要有耐心,因为口诀很多很多。” Shen Xiang resigned-looking appearance, but the people were more excited, hastily arranges sound-insulated barrier jointly. 沈翔一脸无奈的样子,而众人更加激动了,急忙联手布置隔音结界 Sound-insulated barrier completed quickly, outside cannot hear inside sound, inside cannot hear outside, the people did not fear that what sneak attacks, they are Mortal World strongest one group of people, what having is good to fear? 隔音结界很快就完成了,外面听不到里面的声音,里面也听不到外面的,众人也不怕有什么偷袭,他们可是凡界最强的一群人,有什么好怕的? Shen Xiang is very also excited, if he can run away before this group of people, he can ruthlessly fan crowd of person a slap on the face! 沈翔现在也很激动,如果他能在这群人面前逃走的话,他就能狠狠扇这群人一个耳光
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