WDDG :: Volume #4

#371: Principle

These angry person, after hearing the Lian Yingxiao words, the innermost feelings are shivering slightly. 那些原本愤怒的人,听到连颖箫的话之后,内心都微微颤动着。 Lian Yingxiao, do not talk nonsense, what nonsense military Daoist magic, Martial Dao mind/energetic? I never believe that my power tries hard to obtain through oneself, with these things irrelevant! The heaven envies us, when our power will certainly achieve will lower Nirvana Tribulation! To strangle us.” Qin Zejun loudly said. 连颖箫,你别胡说八道了,什么狗屁武道法则,武道精神?我从来不信,我的力量是通过自己努力得到的,和那些东西无关!只是上天嫉妒我们,才会在我们的力量达到一定的时候降下涅槃劫!想将我们扼杀。”秦泽君大声说道 Lian Yingxiao said with a sneer: Does not believe to consider as finished, you have a look at the devil path sects fellow, because these fellows behave badly too, including one crossed six tribulations does not have.” 连颖箫冷笑道:“不信算了,你们看看魔道门派的家伙,这些家伙就因为作孽太多,连一个渡过六劫的都没有。” These Devil Sect Sect Master bodies shivered, but has not said anything. 那些魔门掌教身躯颤抖了一下,但却没有说什么。 What the fellow said is real? Nirvana Tribulation really and that what military is Daoist magic related?” Shen Xiang is inquiring Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou. “那家伙说的是真的吗?涅槃劫真的和那什么武道法则有关吗?”沈翔询问着苏媚瑶白幽幽 Has relationship, but accurate I do not know that if violates the principle to be serious, transcends tribulation time, Nirvana Tribulation truly will become stronger. As for the accurate principle is anything, we are not clear, from Martial Dao mind/energetic saw at most a point anything comes!” Su Meiyao said. “有关系,但确切的我就不知道了,如果违反法则严重,渡劫的时候,涅槃劫确实会变得更强。至于确切的法则是什么,我们也不清楚,顶多也只是从武道精神中看出一点什么来!”苏媚瑶说道。 Martial Dao mind/energetic is used to restrain powerful martial artist, but does not make these powerful martial artist make the person god altogether indignant matter, but after many people have the powerful strength, majority will forget Martial Dao mind/energetic. 武道精神就是用来约束实力强大的武者,而不让这些强大武者做出人神共愤的事情,不过许多人拥有强大实力之后,大多数都会忘记武道精神 Utter nonsense!” Qin Zejun loudly shouted, then continues saying: Since your Chenwu Mainland's strength is so strong, then did not need us to worry, you put best into it!” “一派胡言!”秦泽君大喝一声,然后继续说道:“既然你们辰武大陆的实力这么强,那么也不需要我们多操心了,你们好自为之吧!” How we must have a look at you to hold this heroic congress actually!” Qin Zejun , to continue to return to the position, sneers is observing the situation the people. “我们倒是要看看你们怎么开这个英雄大会!”秦泽君,继续回到位置,冷笑着环视众人。 At this time Gu Dongchen speech: Qin Zejun, I have long known your ambition, but has not thought that unexpectedly will have so many idiots to follow you to deliberately create trouble, with such that Brother Lian said that that is one crowd of slut, finally can definitely die a tragic death in Nirvana Tribulation!” 这时候古东辰说话了:“秦泽君,我早就知道你的野心,只是没有想到竟然会有这么多白痴跟着你胡闹,和连兄说的那样,那就是一群贱人,最后肯定会惨死涅槃劫之中!” Was scolded to make people enough angry a moment ago one time, now is also scolded, this made these Nirvana Realm look angrily at Gu Dongchen. 刚才被骂了一次就已经让人够愤怒的,现在又被骂,这让那些涅槃境都纷纷怒视着古东辰 What's wrong? To fight? Do I have to scold am wrong you? Thanks to you lived many years of old fellow, unexpectedly is willing to become in others' palm the person, when is willing to depart stepped into the Martial Dao original intention on the same day! You were depend upon Martial Dao to obtain powerful power, now actually uses these power to damage the common people, you by retribution!” “怎么?想打架吗?我有骂错你们吗?亏你们还是了活好多年的老家伙,居然愿意成为别人的掌中之人,愿意背离当日踏入武道时的初衷!你们是依靠武道获得了强大的力量,现在却利用这些力量来祸害苍生,你们会遭报应的!” The Gu Dongchen tone is light, in the sound has the ridicule, he looks at these Nirvana Realm time, in the look unexpectedly brings pitying. 古东辰语气平淡,声音中带着讥笑,他看那些涅槃境的时候,眼神中竟然带着怜悯。 Nothing compared with the thing that abandoning oneself most trusts more pitiful. In Martial Dao the person, believes in Martial Dao mind/energetic, but worries of actually these Nirvana Realm die when Nirvana Tribulation now, but the thing that abandons them to step into Martial Dao trusts initially, that is Martial Dao mind/energetic! 没有什么比背弃自己最信赖的东西更可悲的了。武道中人,信奉武道精神,但现在这些涅槃境的却担心死在涅槃劫之下,而背弃了他们当初踏入武道时所信赖的东西,那就是武道精神 Snort! Gu Dongchen, you can say except for the mouth, what you can also make now? If you submit to Holy Light Church, Chenwu Mainland can definitely be able to preserve! This piece of land above person when the time comes not casualty so many, you also not for own power and influence, but isn't willing to pledge allegiance to Holy Light Church?” Qin Zejun said with a sneer. “哼!古东辰,你除了嘴巴会说,你现在还能做什么?如果你们臣服圣光教,辰武大陆肯定能保得住!这片陆地上面的人到时候也不会死伤那么多,你们还不是为了自己的权势而不愿意归顺圣光教吗?”秦泽君冷笑道 Lian Yingxiao said with a smile: Qin Zejun, do you think everyone like you? At least my Lotus Province above person crosses very well, moreover I have not enslaved them, they work for Lotus Island, the acquired reward is very rich! They are not willing to do, I will not force them.” 连颖箫笑道:“秦泽君,你以为每个人都像你那样吗?至少我莲花州上面的人就过得非常好,而且我也没有奴役他们,他们为莲花岛做事,获得的酬劳都是非常丰富的!他们不愿意做,我也不会强迫他们。” Your Holy Light Continent? Hehe, my previous time went, there radically is a slave world, there person even lives the dog to be inferior! Returns Holy Light? Nonsense!” “你的圣光大陆呢?嘿嘿,我上次去了一趟,那里根本就是一个奴隶世界,那里的人活得连狗都不如!还圣光?狗屁!” Surnamed Lian......” Qin Zejun got angry, a palm whips vigorously on that stone table, making him feel what is shocking, that stone table not only has not broken to pieces, even a vibration does not have. “姓连的……”秦泽君怒了,大力一掌拍打在那石桌上面,让他感到震惊的是,那石桌不但没有碎掉,甚至连一点震动都没有。 Gu Dongchen said with a sneer: Chenwu Mainland above righteous path sects by developing Martial Dao establishes, martial artist also stepped onto from the average person step by step, the person was the Martial Dao basis, is object who we protected. Once erupts this matter, is not we breaks through enemy lines, makes these civilians go? What power do they have to resist these Demon and Devil?” 古东辰冷笑道:“辰武大陆上面的正道门派都是以发扬武道而建立的,武者也是从普通人一步步走上了的,人就是武道的根本,是我们所保护的对象。一旦爆发这种事情,不是我们冲锋陷阵,难道让那些平民去吗?他们有什么力量可以抵抗那些妖魔?” Quite bored, today doesn't hold the heroic congress? The girl I in spite of being very busy finds time! Never expected that your unexpectedly lectured one flock of stupid pigs here! It is not right, my insulted the pig! The pig is better than them, eats to the full rests, will not make the matter of disaster person to come.” Hua Xiangyue holds the fragrant cheek, the whole face not to say patiently. “好无聊,今天不是开英雄大会吗?小女子我可是百忙之中抽空来的!没想到你们竟然在这里训导一群蠢猪!不对呀,我这是侮辱了猪!猪都比他们好,吃饱就睡,不会做出祸害人的事情来。”花香月一手托着香腮,满脸不耐烦地说道。 You......” Qin Zejun now angrily, in that eye full is ominous light/only, wishes one could to kill people, but he actually must think over, if now he on Sect Master by Chenwu Mainland destroying completely, Western Sea, Northern Sea and Southern Sea above person can find the opportunity erasing his Holy Light Church. “你们……”秦泽君现在愤怒不已,那双眼睛里面满是凶光,恨不得杀人,但他却得掂量掂量,如果现在他就被辰武大陆上的掌教给灭掉的话,西海北海南海上面的人就能找到机会把他圣光教给抹掉。 expert of other three sea areas are not silly, they know that Holy Light Church has very big threat, they also want to make Holy Light Church disintegrate, but Holy Light Church has propagandized is in itself peaceful makes other continent pledge allegiance, if crusades against his Holy Light Church, will clash surely, was when the time comes mutually wounded. 其他三个海域的强者也不傻,他们知道圣光教存在很大的威胁,他们也想让圣光教瓦解,但圣光教一直都宣传自己是和平的让其他大陆归顺,如果讨伐他圣光教的话,必定会发生冲突,到时候就两败俱伤了。 Although Chenwu Mainland is only continent, but the Gu Dongchen and the others strength does not allow to look down upon, although their Nirvana Realm are many, but this Martial Dao time-honored continent, the crouching tiger, hidden dragon expert definitely also has, here on the fight words, their Qin Zejun will perhaps be injured. 辰武大陆虽然只是一个大陆,但古东辰等人的实力也不容小视,他们的涅槃境虽然多,但这个武道历史悠久的大陆,卧虎藏龙的高手肯定也有,在这里就动手的话,他们秦泽君说不定都会受伤。 „It is not discussed how to resist the Demon and Devil person, all rolls! Let the person look annoyed, the monster Devil World's matter is imminent, but your group of fellows are actually thinking taking this opportunity threatens us, wants to lord over entire Eastern Sea? Delusion!” Liu Meng'er stands up, if the surface the cold frost, in beautiful eyes full gets angry the light. “不是来讨论如何抵御妖魔的人,就全部滚吧!让人看得心烦,妖魔界的事情已迫在眉睫,但你们这群家伙却想着借此机会威胁我们,想独霸整个东海?妄想!”柳梦儿站起身来,面若寒霜,美眸中满是怒光。 Qin Zejun knows that Chenwu Mainland with, him thinks does not understand what energy Chenwu Mainland above Nirvana Realm has, unexpectedly dares alone to these Demon and Devil, that is at death's door! Matter and he calculates the difference. 秦泽君知道辰武大陆是拿不下来的,他想不明白辰武大陆上面的涅槃境到底有着什么样的底气,竟然敢独对那些妖魔,那可是一条死路!事情和他计算中的不一样。 tch tch, Divine Armament Empress and past years was so valiant! unexpectedly dares such with our Holy Light Church Lord speeches!” The distant place heard mischievous laughter, this unexpectedly is one old man round. 啧啧,神兵女帝还是和当年那样彪悍呀!竟然敢这么和我们的圣光教主说话!”远处传来了一道调皮的笑声,这竟然是一个老者发出来的。 Hears this sound, some Nirvana Realm the whole body trembles immediately, Gu Dongchen also stands up immediately, said while loudly laughing: „The person who attended the heroic congress truly came!” 听到这声音,一些涅槃境顿时浑身一颤,古东辰也立马站起身来,大笑道:“真正参加英雄大会的人来了!” Shen Xiang is somewhat curious, asked in a low voice: Elder Wu, who are these?” 沈翔有些好奇,低声问道:“武长老,这些都是什么人?” Other three sea areas expert! They and Extreme Martial Sect are somewhat contradictory, did not plan, but Sect Master convinced them!” Wu Kaiming whispered. “其他三个海域的强者!他们和太武门有些矛盾,原本都不打算来的,但掌教却说服了他们!”武开明低声说道 Shen Xiang understands that now beforehand Gu Dongchen said why can the position be insufficient, actually is Southern Sea, Northern Sea and Western Sea above expert, continent on three sea area, but be more than Eastern Sea, if all arrives, can the hundred thousand year ago all assembled. 沈翔现在明白之前古东辰说为什么会位置不够了,原来南海北海西海上面的强者,三个海域上的大陆,可是要比东海多呀,如果全部来到的话,就能像十万年前那样聚齐了。 Occupies these fellows in position, hurries to make way!” Lian Yingxiao said with a smile. “占位置的那些家伙,赶紧让开吧!”连颖箫笑道。 Shen Xiang suspected that Lian Yingxiao possibly is also people who crossed the Nirvana eight tribulations, will otherwise not have the energy to contradict that Qin Zejun, must know that True Martial Sect, Proud Sword Sect and Free Immortal Sea these sect's Sect Master did not say a word, Jing Jing (quietly) looked there. 沈翔怀疑连颖箫可能也是一个渡过涅槃八劫的人,否则不会这么有底气来顶撞那秦泽君的,要知道那真武门傲剑宗逍遥仙海这些门派的掌教都是一言不发,静静的在那里看。 Hua Xiangyue did not say that originally is very mysterious, moreover is advanced Alchemist, Liu Meng'er runs Divine Armament Heavenly Empire and Icewind Valley, cultivates Icewind Divine Art, the strength is also good, although she crossed six tribulations. 花香月就不说了,本来就很神秘,而且还是一个高级炼丹师,柳梦儿掌管神兵天国冰风谷,修炼冰风神功,实力也不俗,虽然她只是渡过六劫而已。 Old Hai, does not see for a long time!” Lian Yingxiao said with a smile, sees only white hair old man that wore the blue gown appeared side Qin Zejun. 海老,好久不见!”连颖箫笑道,只见一个身穿蓝色袍子的白发老人出现在秦泽君身边。
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