WDDG :: Volume #4

#370: Ambition

Gu Dongchen had said today will have some matter, is not the statement so will be simple, if Holy Light Church does not comply with the help, walks away? But what doesn't Gu Dongchen make? 古东辰说过今天会发生一些事情,不会是表态这么简单,如果圣光教不答应过来帮忙,难道就一走了之?而古东辰也不做一些什么吗? It looks like in Shen Xiang, Holy Light Church definitely on today's this hero congress, forcing Chenwu Mainland to submit to with them, completes to lord over the Eastern Sea great undertaking! 沈翔看来,圣光教肯定会在今天这英雄大会上面,逼迫辰武大陆臣服与他们,完成独霸东海的大业! Naturally, he now could not have seen that will have what disaster to arrive on him, he in Chenwu Mainland, although is very famous, but now in a group of Nirvana Realm, he is also only small fry. 当然,他现在还看不出会有什么灾难降临他头上,他在辰武大陆虽然很有名,但如今在一大群涅槃境之中,他也只是一个小喽啰 „If willing to come Chenwu Mainland to repel Demon and Devil continent to that day together, raises hand!” Gu Dongchen did not have patiently, he has also had long known the result, now but plans according to him walked. “如果到那天愿意来辰武大陆共同击退妖魔大陆,就举个手吧!”古东辰也没有耐心了,他也是早就知道结果的,只不过现在得按照他计划的走下去。 In the past the small moment, the people are you looked that my I thought you, these have not raised hand from overseas continent's person one, but Gu Dongchen was also calm, sect Sect Master on other Chenwu Mainland were also so, they have thought of this probably. 过去了小片刻,众人都是你看我我看你,那些来自海外大陆的人没有一个举手,而古东辰也非常镇定,其他辰武大陆上的门派掌教也是如此,他们好像早就想到了这点。 The Gu Dongchen those words seem like immaterial words such, will seem anyone not to care. 古东辰那句话就好像是一句无关紧要的话那样,就好像谁都不会在意。 In peaceful plaza, suddenly heard laughing that is full of the taunt, smiles very disgustingly, making one hear cannot help but frowns. 安静的广场中,突然传来了一声充满嘲讽的大笑,笑得非常恶心,让人听到都不由得皱起眉头来。 The direction when the people transmit toward the laughter looked in the past, the middle age that wore golden robe stood, moreover went out of the position, is laughing, while arrived at the middle that spacious place. 就在众人朝笑声传来的方向看过去的时候,一个身穿金袍的中年站了起来,而且还走出了位置,一边大笑着,一边走到中间那空旷的地方。 This person is really the Holy Light Church founder, Qin Zejun! 这人真是圣光教的教主,秦泽君 He faces Gu Dongchen, smile suddenly is stopping, he is pointing at Gu Dongchen, said with a sneer: Gu Dongchen, no one will support your! If only the person on your Chenwu Mainland, radically unable to resist these with Demon and Devil that the tide surge same comes!” 他面对着古东辰,笑容突然停止,他指着古东辰,冷笑道:“古东辰,没有人会支持你的!如果只是你们辰武大陆上的人,根本无法抵抗那些和涌潮一样过来的妖魔!” Gu Dongchen looks at Qin Zejun unemotionally. 古东辰面无表情地看着秦泽君 My very clear this point!” Gu Dongchen indifferently said, can be calm to him now, this makes these overseas continent's expert admire secretly. “我很清楚这一点!”古东辰淡淡的说道,到了现在他都能如此淡定,这让那些海外大陆的强者都暗暗佩服。 Chenwu Mainland's expert, before you, only then three roads can walk! Article 1, submits to Holy Light Church. Second, you resist Demon and Devil. Third, flees Chenwu Mainland.” Glance of Qin Zejun coldly these Chenwu Mainland above Sect Master Big Shot, if they make the decision, only then Gu Dongchen does not want, they will have the next action. 辰武大陆的强者们,在你们面前只有三条路可以走!第一条,臣服圣光教。第二,你们自己对抗妖魔。第三,逃离辰武大陆。”秦泽君冷冷的扫视着那些辰武大陆上面的掌教巨头,如果他们都做出决定,只有古东辰不愿意的话,他们就会有下一步行动。 Qin Zejun planned to be very long, now only misses one step to complete him to unify the Eastern Sea great undertaking, will become a legend, recorded on the history book! Because he is in history first person who lords over a sea area, his ambition will be bigger, is not only Eastern Sea, but is entire Mortal Martial World! 秦泽君可是计划了很久,现在只差一步就能完成他统一东海的大业,而且还会成为一个传奇,记载在史书上面!因为他是有史以来第一个独霸一片海域的人,他的野心将会更大,不仅仅是东海,而是整个凡武界 I pledged, so long as you are willing to hang up the Holy Light Church reputation, according to the Holy Light Church rule manages this continent, you are this continent's Overlord, Sect Master that you keep aloof, you can also share the entire Eastern Sea resources!” The Qin Zejun sound was fervent, says lets person many heart movements. “我承诺,只要你们愿意挂上圣光教的名头,按照圣光教的规则去管理这个大陆,你们还是这个大陆的霸主,你们还是高高在上的掌教,你们还能共享整个东海的资源!”秦泽君的声音慷慨激昂,说得让人许多人都心动不已。 Because their crowd of Nirvana Realm, so long as unites together, can monopolize the entire Eastern Sea resources, if presents the sound that opposes, strangling! 因为他们这群涅槃境的只要联合在一起,就可以独占整个东海的资源,如果出现反对的声音,就将之扼杀! If wants, so long as comes side me, wears the Holy Light Church clothing, takes an oath the initiation, even the friend of mine, is Holy Light Church one!” Qin Zejun put out many golden gowns, holds up high, waits for Chenwu Mainland's Sect Master Big Shot to come to receive. “如果愿意的话,只要来我身边,穿上圣光教的服装,宣誓入教,就算是我的朋友,是圣光教的一员!”秦泽君拿出了许多件金色袍子,高高举起,等待辰武大陆的掌教巨头前来领取。 At this time Hua Xiangyue giggle said with a smile: Qin Zejun, this clothes were too ugly, I do not want to put on, thinks, my all day long must put on this ugly/difficult to look at thing, feels the nausea, really does not know that this is the clothes that who wants to come out!” 这时候花香月咯咯地笑道:“秦泽君,这衣服太难看了,我一点都不想穿,想到以后我整天都得穿着这种难看的玩意,就觉得恶心,真不知道这是谁想出来的衣服!” Liu Meng'er chuckle: I do not put on, is truly ugly/difficult to look at!” 柳梦儿轻笑了一声:“我也不穿,确实很难看!” Like excrement!” Leng Youlan said with a low snort, this made one send out one to laugh, naturally, this was the Extreme Martial Sect's disciple is smiling. “像屎一样!”冷幽兰低哼道,这让人都发出了一阵哄笑,当然,这都是太武门的弟子在笑。 The Qin Zejun body trembles slightly, the anger is staring Leng Youlan, sees only Liu Meng'er complexion sank, cool breeze transmits, Qin Zejun received killing off in look. 秦泽君身体微微一颤,怒瞪着冷幽兰,只见柳梦儿脸色一沉,一阵凉风传来,秦泽君就收起了眼神中的杀光。 What's wrong? Your can Chenwu Mainland choose that another two roads? Abandons this continent above civilians, or is this continent above civilians dies together?” Qin Zejun also said loudly. “怎么?你们辰武大陆难道要选择那另外两条路?遗弃这个大陆上面的平民,或者是和这大陆上面的平民一起死?”秦泽君又高声说道。 Now this situation this comes as a surprise to Qin Zejun, he looks to that several Devil Sect Sect Master, he knows Devil Sect Sect Master and Righteous Path not with . Moreover the resources access method, should pledge allegiance to his Holy Light Church, but a response does not have now. 现在这种情况这出乎秦泽君的意料,他看向那几个魔门掌教,他知道魔门掌教正道都不和,而且资源取法,应该会归顺他圣光教的,但现在却一点反应都没有。 Other overseas continent's expert also thought that was very unreadable, they are a little compelled initially somewhat. Naturally, on the one hand cannot undergo the seduction of Qin Zejun, after all many expert want to cross Nirvana Realm, finally transcend to Heaven World, but the matter of other anything morals, they cannot control so many. 其他海外大陆的强者也觉得十分难以理解,当初他们多多少少都是有点被逼的。当然,一方面也经受不住秦泽君的诱惑,毕竟许多强者都想渡过涅槃境,最后飞升天界,而其他什么道德的事情,他们也管不了那么多。 Qin Zejun also said: Everyone does not think safe and sound crossed this catastrophe? Doesn't want to cross Nirvana Tribulation, transcend Heaven World? So long as can transcend, later we not need to be worried about dead in that again damn in Nirvana Tribulation, everyone arrived this step, is in Mortal World the person in peak, wants to vanish into thin air? So long as we unite together, must fear Nirvana Tribulation!” 秦泽君又说道:“各位难道不想安然无恙的渡过这次浩劫?难道不想渡过涅槃劫,飞升天界?只要能飞升,以后我们就不必再担心死在那见鬼的涅槃劫之中,各位都走到了这一步,都已经是凡界中顶端的人了,难道就想就这么烟消云散吗?只要我们联合在一起,更不可以不惧涅槃劫!” A richer person, more fears death, a stronger person is also so, naturally also the part the exception that the life and death completely understands, these people are not many, but are also many, for example these will not violate the Martial Dao mind/energetic person! 越富有的人,就越怕死,越强的人也是如此,当然也有一部分把生死看透的例外,这些人不多,但也不少,比如那些绝不会违背武道精神的人! suddenly, two Devil Sect Sect Master stood up, but they looked at Gu Dongchen, sits down immediately, this makes Qin Zejun very annoyed, he thinks that does not understand why Gu Dongchen can have such big deterrent force. Although the strength is equivalent, but his Qin Zejun but the Holy Light Church founder, can unite dozens powerful continent's Nirvana Realm martial artist, Gu Dongchen is well below him. 突然,有两个魔门掌教站起身来了,不过他们看了看古东辰,又立即坐下,这让秦泽君非常恼火,他想不明白为什么古东辰能有这么大的威慑力。虽说实力相当,但他秦泽君可是圣光教的教主,能联合数十个强悍大陆的涅槃境武者,古东辰可是远远不如他。 Gu Dongchen is also only Extreme Martial Sect's Sect Master, but contrasts Qin Zejun, saw trivial. 古东辰也只是一个太武门的掌教,但对比秦泽君来说,就显得微不足道了。 Qin Zejun, you were too impatient! Make me feel what is funny, Demon and Devil World has not attacked, us first internal strife! What is funnier, unexpectedly a group of idiots will follow you to create a disturbance!” The Lian Yingxiao smile said, this makes many Nirvana Realm immediately angry. 秦泽君,你太心急了吧!让我觉得好笑的是,妖魔界还没有攻过来,我们这边就先内讧了!更加好笑的是,居然会有一大群白痴跟着你起哄!”连颖箫微笑道,这让许多涅槃境顿时愤怒起来。 Surnamed Lian, you explain, who is an idiot!” Must baldheaded old man stand up steadily, was saying to Lian Yingxiao sternly. “姓连的,你说明白一点,谁是白痴!”一个长须秃顶老者站起身来,对着连颖箫厉声说道。 Is these is willing to put on the fellow of excrement gown! This was clear enough!” Lian Yingxiao still said with a smile pale, he did that pledges allegiance to Holy Light Church these Nirvana Realm in the insult without doubt, this made these people stand, is looking angrily at Lian Yingxiao. “就是那些愿意穿屎袍子的家伙!这够明白了吧!”连颖箫依然淡笑道,他这么做无疑就是在辱骂归顺圣光教的那些涅槃境,这让那些人都纷纷站起来,怒视着连颖箫 Shen Xiang admires this Lotus Island Master secretly, seemingly polite scholarly, but the mouth is so poisonous. 沈翔暗暗佩服这个莲花岛主,看起来温文儒雅,但嘴巴却那么毒。 „Did I say not right? Your this crowd of slut, didn't you know military Daoist magic? Forgot Martial Dao mind/energetic? Do not think that you can control the world resources to live were crossing Nirvana Realm, do not think, violates a military Daoist magic fiercer fellow, Nirvana Tribulation is more ruthless, like your group of fellows, must die under Nirvana Tribulation finally!” Lian Yingxiao said with a sneer. “我说得难道不对吗?你们这群贱人,你们不知道武道法则了吗?忘记了武道精神了吗?别以为你们能掌控天下资源就能活着渡过涅槃境,别想了,违背武道法则越厉害的家伙,涅槃劫就越狠,像你们这群家伙,最后统统都要死在涅槃劫之下!”连颖箫冷笑道
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