WDDG :: Volume #4

#369: Statement

Shen Xiang sees many tables only to be 2-3 people, that wear black robe, brings Devil Sect Sect Master of hood is being makes one. 沈翔看见许多张桌子都是只做着2-3,那穿着黑袍,带着头罩的魔门掌教是自己做一张。 When the people felt very senseless, golden light shoots together from the distant place, this seemed more dazzling than the sunlight, the people looked immediately. 就在众人觉得非常无趣的时候,一道金光从远处射来,这看上去要比阳光刺眼多了,众人立即看了过去。 Shen Xiang does not need to look, knows this definitely is the Holy Light Church person, moreover many table above people stood, except for various Chenwu Mainland's factions, the people who other overseas continent came goes out of the position, stood in the middle that spacious place. 沈翔不用看,就知道这肯定是圣光教的人,而且许多张桌子上面的人都站起来了,除了辰武大陆的各门各派,其他海外大陆来的人都走出位置,站在中间那空旷的地方。 Gu Dongchen fist suddenly grasps very tightly, martial artist that because these overseas come pledged allegiance to Holy Light Church, even Nirvana Realm, awes incomparably to Holy Light Church, this is still doing to their these Chenwu Mainland's people looks. 古东辰的拳头突然握得很紧,因为那些海外来的武者都归顺了圣光教,即便是涅槃境,都对圣光教敬畏无比,这也是在做给他们这些辰武大陆的人看的。 Qin Zejun in the forefront, leading a large crowd to wear the golden robe person to fly, the release a threatening pressure, descends in plaza on this mountain, sees only him to wave, making others return to the seat. 秦泽君在最前面,带着一大群人身穿金袍的人飞来,释放出一股逼人的威压,降落在这座高山上的广场中,只见他挥了挥手,让其他人都回到座位。 He that threw over the golden robe person also to look for the position to sit down behind, probably more than 200 people, but more than 40 individual clothes were slightly different, these 40 people were divided into ten tables to sit down. 他身后那披着金袍的人也都找了位置坐下,大概有两百多人,不过其中有四十多个人的衣服都略有不同,这四十人是分成十张桌子坐下的。 These ten tables should from ten quite powerful continent, their overall strength very be strong, has very big difference from other these golden robe people.” Long Xueyi said. “这十桌应该是来自十个比较强大的大陆,他们整体实力都很强,和其他那些金袍人有很大的不同。”龙雪怡说道。 Eastern Sea powerful continent has more than ten, is earliest is taken by Holy Light Church, these people naturally cannot cope with Extreme Martial Sect jointly, isolates Extreme Martial Sect at most, they do not dare to destroy completely this protection entrance largest faction, otherwise Western Sea, Northern Sea and Southern Sea these three sea areas will definitely say anything. 东海强盛大陆有十多个,也是最早被圣光教拿下的,这些人自然不会联手对付太武门,顶多也只是孤立太武门,他们可不敢灭掉这守护入口的第一大派,否则西海北海南海这三个海域肯定会说一些什么的。 The person who your Holy Light Church comes were too rather many! Occupied others' position.” Gu Dongchen coldly said, regarding Qin Zejun this Holy Light Church lord, his favorable impression does not have. “你们圣光教来的人未免太多了吧!占了别人的位置。”古东辰冷冷地说道,对于秦泽君这个圣光教主,他一点好感都没有。 Shen Xiang has not left Chenwu Mainland, he is not clear to other continent's things, now listened to Gu Dongchen saying that here position should be filled, then said that had 400 continent's people to come! 沈翔没有离开过辰武大陆,他对其他大陆的事情也不清楚,现在听古东辰这么说,这里的位置应该会坐满,那么说就是有四百个大陆的人要来! Extreme Martial Sect Master, let alone is southwest the Northern Sea person, Eastern Sea is not willing to come, therefore this I lead many points of people to fill up the sufficient scene, no issue!” Qin Zejun gloomy and cold smiles, he looked at the people on other Chenwu Mainland. 太武掌教,别说是西南北海的人,就连东海的都不怎么肯来,所以这我带多点人来充充场面,没什么问题的!”秦泽君阴冷一笑,他看了看其他辰武大陆上的人。 Hehe, Hua Xiangyue on your Chenwu Mainland has not come, your Extreme Martial Sect's rallying point also was too rather weak!” Qin Zejun ridicules one. “呵呵,你们辰武大陆上的花香月都没有来,你太武门的号召力未免也太弱了吧!”秦泽君讥笑一声。 suddenly, the distant place transmits lightly snorted: Who said that I don't come? Qin Zejun you as before, know all day talks nonsense!” 突然,远处传来一声轻哼:“谁说我不来的?秦泽君你还是和以前一样,整天就知道放屁!” Hua Xiangyue came, she is comes, she on Chenwu Mainland, did not lead the person to come also does not have any issue. 花香月来了,她是自己一个人来的,她本来就在辰武大陆上面,不带人来也没有什么问题。 After Hua Xiangyue this caresses flatters myriad females wear one set of snow white women's clothing, body that charming character and style appears has a unique flavor, she lowers from the sky just like the fairy maiden generally, looked that does not look at Qin Zejun one, looked for a table to sit down casually. 花香月这个抚媚万千的女子穿上一套雪白的衣裙之后,身上那股娇媚风情显得别有一番风味,她宛若仙子一般从天空降下,看都不看秦泽君一眼,随便找了一张桌子坐下。 Although on the field also more than ten beautiful woman Sect Master, the attractive female is many, but compared inferior actually with Hua Xiangyue many, only then Liu Meng'er can be on par with her, Leng Youlan and Xue Xianxian, although was very beautiful, but was actually short of expert makings with maturity that contained the wind and frost, but they still capture the attention of many people now. 场上虽然也有十多个美女掌教,漂亮的女子更是不少,但和花香月比起来却逊色了不少,也只有柳梦儿能和她比肩,冷幽兰薛仙仙虽然都很美丽,但却少了一股强者的气质与一种包含风霜的成熟,但现在她们都依然吸引许多人的目光。 That Icewind Valley's Valley Master has not come! Your Chenwu Mainland does not unite, but also wants to make us come neat?” Qin Zejun was satirized by Hua Xiangyue, in the heart secret uncomfortable. “那冰风谷的谷主也没有来吧!你们辰武大陆都不团结,还想让我们都来齐?”秦泽君花香月讽刺了一把,心中暗暗不爽。 Liu Meng'er indifferently said: Icewind Valley's Valley Master is I!” 柳梦儿淡淡地说道:“冰风谷的谷主就是我!” Saying, one cold wind suddenly, is letting the complexion big changes of many Nirvana Realm, but other disciple matters do not have, but thought that gust is very cold. 说着,一阵寒风突然袭来,让许多涅槃境的脸色大变,而其他弟子却一点事都没有,只是觉得那阵风很冷。 The entire conference site seemed like suddenly restriction such, passed in a minute, these Nirvana Realm shouted the one breath slightly, in the mouth unexpectedly spouted cold air, obviously Liu Meng'er used the most effective way to prove a moment ago oneself was the Icewind Valley Valley Master status! 整个会场就好像突然禁制了那样,片刻过去,那些涅槃境都微微呼了一口气,口中竟然喷出了一阵寒气,可见刚才柳梦儿用了最有效的办法来证明了自己是冰风谷谷主的身份! Shen Xiang was known, he was surprised Liu Meng'er unexpectedly to expose oneself status! 沈翔是早就知道的了,他只是惊讶柳梦儿竟然会这么早就把自己的身份说穿! It seems like Divine Armament Sect Sect Master is most tired, has concurred two.” Gu Dongchen smiled saying with a smile. “看来神兵门掌教是最累的,一直身兼两位。”古东辰笑了笑道。 He looked at Shen Xiang one, sees the Shen Xiang facial expression, he knows that Shen Xiang had detected the Liu Meng'er status, Shen Xiang and Liu Meng'er's relationship makes him feel the envy, little rascal gives to take Liu Meng'er this beautiful woman unexpectedly, making him feel that this is careless and wasteful use of nature's products. 他看了沈翔一眼,看见沈翔的神情,他就知道沈翔是早就发觉柳梦儿身份的,沈翔柳梦儿的关系让他感到嫉妒,一个小鬼居然把柳梦儿这种美人给弄到手,让他觉得这是暴殄天物。 Leng Youlan and Xue Xianxian very shocking Liu Meng'er's status, they know that now why Liu Meng'er will go to Icewind Valley frequently. 冷幽兰薛仙仙都非常震惊柳梦儿的身份,现在她们知道为什么柳梦儿会经常去冰风谷了。 Master......” Leng Youlan shouted in a low voice, sees only Liu Meng'er to her lightly smiled, nods. 师傅……”冷幽兰低声的喊道,只见柳梦儿对她微微一笑,点了点头。 Leng Youlan does not know Valley Master is Liu Meng'er, although is very accidental/surprised, but she was very happy, originally she has the favorable impression to Liu Meng'er, moreover she now and Xue Xianxian is also apprentice sisters. 冷幽兰一直都不知道谷主就是柳梦儿,虽然很意外,但她却很高兴,本来她就对柳梦儿非常有好感,而且她现在和薛仙仙也是师姐妹 Xue Xianxian is also so, what their two do not know, their Master heart had been abducted by Shen Xiang, if this matter passes on, entire Eastern Sea will shock! 薛仙仙也是如此,不过她们两个不知道的是,她们师傅的芳心已经被沈翔掳走了,这件事要是传出去,想必整个东海都会震惊吧! Icewind Valley's Icewind Divine Art really lives up to reputation, worthily is divine art!” Qin Zejun this Holy Light Church lord put out several pack ice, then moves toward a table. 冰风谷的冰风神功果然名不虚传,不愧是神功!”秦泽君这个圣光教主吐出了几块冰,然后走向一张桌子。 Hears divine art these two characters! Those present cannot help but look to Liu Meng'er, only then Shen Xiang this people who have many divine art to divine art not too big surprised, but other martial artist were different, because of divine art, but supreme martial arts secret realm, after the cultivation, can have unusual power. 听到神功这两个字!在场的人都不由得看向柳梦儿,也只有沈翔这种身怀多种神功的人才会对神功没有太大的惊讶,而其他武者就不同了,因为神功可是至高无上的武功秘境,修炼之后,能让人拥有超凡的力量 Person who in Mortal World, can have divine art is very few, let alone divine art, Sacred Level Immortal Level was few! 凡界之中,能拥有神功的人可是非常少的,别说神功,圣级仙级的都很少了! One of antique ten big rare technique, Icewind Divine Art! Feeling strange of this divine art locates me not to know.” Su Meiyao surprisedly said. “太古十大奇功之一,冰风神功!这种神功的奇怪之处我也不知道。”苏媚瑶惊讶地说道 I have wanted to study, but sought for many years actually not to find continuously! Has not thought that this divine art unexpectedly will appear in Mortal World!” Bai Youyou is somewhat excited, she also cultivates ice power, this martial arts is most appropriate she. “我一直想学,但寻找多年却一直都没有找到!没想到这门神功竟然会在凡界出现!”白幽幽有些激动,她也是修炼冰寒力量的,这种武功最合适她不过。 Elder Sister Youyou, I later find an opportunity to ask that she wants!” Shen Xiang said with a smile, Bai Youyou taught to his so many devil art, these were also fierce martial arts that and divine art had puts together, he must certainly return. 幽幽姐,我以后找个机会问她要!”沈翔笑道,白幽幽传授给他那么多魔功,那些也是和神功有得一拼的厉害武功,他当然得回报。 Does not use, sometimes divine art did not say that must want, especially this rare technique.” Bai Youyou shakes the head saying that she looked in the past was very long, although could not find, but others do not give, therefore she fully realizes difficulty. “还是不用了,有时候神功不是说要就要的,特别是这种奇功。”白幽幽摇头道,她当年就找了很久,虽然有找得到,但别人都不给,所以她深知这其中的艰难。 Shen Xiang complied with one casually, he plans to try. 沈翔只是随便应了一声,他打算试试。 Eastern Sea each continent's friends, gather here, everyone everyone today know reason, I loudly said! I want everyone table one condition, if Demon and Devil entrance once opens, you do come not to help?” Gu Dongchen comes straight to the point, loud voice asked. 东海各个大陆的朋友们,今天把大家聚集在这里,想必大家都知道其中的原因,我也不大说!我只要大家表一个态,如果妖魔入口一旦打开,你们来不来帮忙?”古东辰开门见山,大声问道。 An audience peace, the Chenwu Mainland's people can guess correctly the result, because in Eastern Sea had/left beside Chenwu Mainland, other continent were subdued by Holy Light Church. 全场一阵安静,辰武大陆的人都能猜到结果,因为在东海出了辰武大陆之外,其他的大陆都被圣光教收服了。
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