WCG :: Volume #5 扬威南荒

#350: Goes to the way to be blocked

Chapter 350 goes to the way to be blocked 第350章去途受阻 Thank xxyingying book friend to hit to enjoy the support ~~ 感谢“xxyingying”书友打赏支持~~ Ten Thousand Beasts City is a ten thousand years of old city, once the cauldron won in the northwest, the prestige dissemination. 万兽城是一座万年的古城,一度鼎胜于西北,威名传播。 Once had deteriorated, but once again rose suddenly now. 曾经一度衰败过,可是如今又再度崛了起来。 Although cannot win time to compare with the cauldron, but was also considered as in the northwest on is the first-class city. 虽不能与鼎胜时期相比,可是在西北也算得上是一流的城池了。 Also in the greatest northwest, can have transmission existence can only be this type of ancient and prosperous city may exist. 在莫大的西北,能有传输阵存在的也只能是这种古老又昌盛的城池才有可能存在。 Transmission in Ten Thousand Beasts City is public, above a city gate open territory. 万兽城中的传输阵是公开的,就在城门口外的一处空旷地之上。 Since this transmission has been in three big influences by city has been dominating. 一直以来这传输阵都是由城中的三大势力把持着。 They gather the high quota the reward to expand their wealth and inside story from intercourse military. 他们从往来的武者中收取高额的报酬壮大自家的财富和底蕴。 However must use a transmission price to be extremely high, the average person with this cannot use. 不过要动用传输阵的代价极高,一般人跟本用不起。 Can use uses transmission alone can it be that in the King Rank above powerhouse, or juniors of big valve. 能动用单独动用传输阵的岂是在王阶以上的强者,或一宗大阀的子弟。 The average people want with transmission, can only wait for that other people pool capital to go together or some people want them to cross are good. 一般人想要用传输阵,只能等待其他人一起合资同往或有人愿意他们同渡才行。 Ling Xiao after the place of uneven powder has purchased a number of Spirit Grass and Beast Core, then arrived at outside the city. 凌笑在齐散之地购买了一批灵草兽丹之后,便来到了城外。 At this time, gathered many people by transmission. 这时,在传输阵旁边已经聚集了不少人。 These people at least have the Spirit Master Rank above strength, several people are Low Rank King Rank, looks at their appearances as if in waiting use transmission. 这些人起码都有灵师阶以上实力,其中还有几人已经是低阶王阶,看他们的样子似乎都是在等待动用传输阵。 Has several people to nurse before transmission, including four Old Man reached King Rank, two Low Rank King Rank, two Middle Rank King Rank, other person of steps are Spirit Master Strength Rank. 在传输阵前有着十几人在看护着,其中有四名老者已达王阶,两名低阶王阶,两名中阶王阶,其余人阶是灵师阶实力 Ling Xiao shouted this tripartite strength truly can be underestimated darkly. 凌笑暗呼“这三方的实力确实不容小觑”。 Ling Xiao goes forward to patrol to ask that sits in Old Man that grand preceptor relies on venerable, does not know when this transmission does open?”. 凌笑上前巡问坐在太师倚上的老者“老先生,不知道这传输阵啥时候开启?”。 Old Man lifted slightly caught the eye has not spoken, when he just about to closes old, the opacitas old item bloomed the fine glow, the whole person shoots got up to say that this Little Brother does not know can go?”. 老者微微抬了抬眼并没有说话,然而他刚要闭上老目时,浑浊的老目绽放出精芒,整个人弹了起来应道“这位小哥不知道要去哪?”。 This Old Man is the Middle Rank King Rank strength, here the strength is strongest, is this transmission steward. The average people he have not wanted to deal with, has not thought that at present this young people inquire him. 老者中阶王阶的实力,在这里实力是最强的,也是这传输阵的管事。一般人他还真不想应付,没想到眼前这年青人却来询问他。 He does not want to pay attention, under dealt with by other was good, but he actually discovered that at present this young people unexpectedly are the King Rank strength, this has to make him attach great importance. 他本不想理会,由其他手下去应付就好了,可是他却发现眼前这年青人居然已经是王阶实力,这不得不让他重视起来。 „To go to Southern Desolate Border Ling Xiao to say below”. “在下想去南荒边界凌笑应道。 Old Man has pondered evil ways recent to Southern Desolate Land should be Sea Dragon Pavilion and Great River Sect place of Southern Sky City border, Southern Sky City is far away with here, the intercourse person are not many, if Little Brother needs to go, besides needs Beast Core to supply for oneself, in addition must give 5000 Low Grade Profound Crystal. 老者沉思了一下道“离南荒最近的应该是龙海阁巨江宗的交界之地南天城,南天城与我们这里相距遥远,往来的人并不多,如果小哥真需要去的话,除了所需兽丹自备之外,另外还得缴5000块下品玄晶”。 5000 Low Grade Profound Crystal? This also is really not general expensive Ling Xiao whispers in the heart. “5000块下品玄晶?这还真不是一般的贵”凌笑在心中嘀咕道。 Trades to do is the average person could not have put out so many Profound Crystal, Ling Xiao cherishes luckily abundantly, otherwise has not known that really should be what to do good. 换做是一般人还真拿不出如此多的玄晶,幸好凌笑所怀充裕,要不然还真不知道该怎么办才好了。 In Ling Xiao wants pays Profound Crystal to depart, together the person's shadow never speeds away. 就在凌笑欲支付玄晶离去之时,一道人影从不远疾驰而来。 Eighth Elder held on a minute that person's shadow to arrive in front of Old Man respectful body to say. 八长老且慢”那人影来到了老者面前恭身说道。 A Ling Xiao brow wrinkle, he came out to know that to here from Lu Residence slightly a moment ago some people followed on the heels. 凌笑眉头微微一皱,他刚才从吕府出来到这里就知道有人跟在后面了。 He also knows that should be that two family members sends. 他也知道应该是那两家人派来的。 He realized that the trailsman is Spirit Master Rank, therefore had not paid attention. 他察觉到跟踪者不过是灵师阶,所以一直没有理会。 He thought in any case, so long as after he leaves here, will not produce anything to occur together with that two family members. 反正他觉得,只要他离开这里之后也不会与那两家人产生什么交集。 But, looks at the present situation, others as if do not want to make him leave! 可是,看现在的情况,人家似乎不想让他离开啊! The middle-aged person said after Old Man in a low voice a meeting, that Old Man looks that the Ling Xiao look slightly became somewhat complex. 那中年人在老者面前低声说了一会后,那老者看着凌笑的眼神微微变得有些复杂了。 After that middle-aged person said that that Old Man waving of makes that middle-aged person stand one side. 当那中年人说完后,那老者挥了挥手让那中年人站到一边去。 Ling Xiao start to talk [say / way] is it possible that does the venerable want to feel embarrassed below?”. 凌笑开口道“莫非老先生要为难在下?”。 The Old Man face dew feels embarrassed color Little Brother to apologize to apologize to my family Young Master in front of Old Man, perhaps otherwise Old Man cannot make you depart. 老者脸露为难之色道“小哥还是与老夫到我家少爷面前赔礼道个歉吧,不然老夫恐怕不能让你离去”。 Ling Xiao said with a smile this little has no intention with your family Young Master for the enemy pale, let alone I have not gotten rid to offend somebody, was they gets rid before, this was also few wasn't right?”. 凌笑淡笑道“本少无意与你家少爷为敌,更何况我也没有出手伤人,都是他们出手在前,难道这样也算是本少的不对?”。 Ling Xiao does not want to act rashly the arms, must unexpectedly this be the opposite party domain, if makes, he also not necessarily has any advantage, he may also need to depart with the aid of transmission of opposite party. 凌笑不想妄动干戈,必竟这是对方的地盘,如果真的闹起来,他自己也不见得有什么好处,他可还需要借助对方的传输阵离去呢。 I also believe definitely misunderstands, therefore with great courage asked Little Brother to stop over for several days, after seeing right in front of one my family Young Master, I think that my family Young Master will not feel embarrassed Little Brother you Old Man to say lightly. “我也相信其中肯定是误会,所以才斗胆请小哥逗留几天,等面见我家少爷后,我想我家少爷也不会为难小哥你的”老者淡淡地说道。 Although his expression tactfully, but actually passes is not accommodating other resistances the meanings. 他的语气虽说得委婉,可是却透着不容其他抗拒的意思。 Ling Xiao should say that venerable did not think so somewhat forces someone to do something against his will? Is all decided by you in this Ten Thousand Beasts City?”. 凌笑应道“老先生不觉得如此有些强人所难吗?难道在这万兽城全是由你们说了算?”。 Does not dare to say in other place that our Zhao Family in this Ten Thousand Beasts City truly can decide Old Man faint some not to be impatient, a tyrannical imposing manner has soared gradually. “在别的地方不敢说,在这万兽城内我们赵家确实可以说了算”老者隐隐有些不耐烦了,一股强横的气势渐渐腾升了起来。 At this time, in nearby three King Rank and ten Spirit Master Rank realized here to have different. 这时,在一旁的三名王阶和十来名灵师阶都察觉到了这边有异。 All people immediately have surrounded. 所有人都立即包围了过来。 That traces the middle-aged person who Ling Xiao comes today to transmit to humanity that these are waiting to embark to seal up for the time being, invites to return to the city to wait first. 那一路追踪凌笑而来的中年人对着那些等候出发的人道“诸位今天传输阵暂且封闭,请诸位先回到城内等候”。 This saying just fell, other people do not dare to have any objection, in turned the head then to return to the city. 这话刚落下,其他人不敢有任何异议,转头便回城内去了。 In Ten Thousand Beasts City, the person who nobody wants to annoy three big influences. 万兽城,没有人想惹三大势力的人。 The Ling Xiao complexion somewhat was gradually ugly, he exercises forbearance repeatedly, opposite party actually repeatedly threatening, in the heart one group of anger have soared. 凌笑脸色渐渐有些难看了下来,他一再忍让,对方却一再逼人,心中一团怒火腾升了起来。 Old Man said again one time, you go back to apologize to my family Young Master with me, otherwise do not want to leave here Old Man to say spookily. 老夫再说一次,你还是跟我回去向我家少爷道歉吧,不然你别想离开这里了”老者幽幽地说道。 Ling Xiao has not said a word again, an imposing manner surges upward in vain, the whole body flood the honored golden yellow color, the whole person is common just like the Emperor Race character, lets the impulsion that the peripheral person one type wants to prostrate oneself. 凌笑没再言语,一身气势徒然高涨,周身泛着尊贵的金黄之色,整个人宛若皇族人物一般,让周边的人都有一种想要膜拜的冲动。 Do not compel me to open buddhist commandment against taking life Ling Xiao to say lightly, the whole person takeoffed to rise gradually. “别逼我开杀戒”凌笑淡淡地说了一声,整个人渐渐离地升了起来。 All people look at Ling Xiao that flies, the complexion are all shocked. 所有人看着飞起的凌笑,脸色皆为之震惊。 So young King Rank is really rare. 如此年青的王阶实属罕见。 Young people not must take offense casually, otherwise was easy dead” that Old Man old item of none remaining to glitter, peripheral flood Blue Water ray, similarly has flown above the midair. “年青人还是莫要随便动气,否则容易夭折”那老者老目精光闪烁,周边泛起蓝水的光芒,同样飞到了半空之上。 Meanwhile, another three King Rank surround Ling Xiao in three directions. 与此同时,另三名王阶朝着三个方向围堵凌笑 Under that middle-aged person called to shout four Elder(s) to catch this thief. 底下那名中年人叫嚷道“四位长老请抓下此贼”。 Blind chirp!” Ling Xiao spits like the thunder, item such as the god electricity, a King Rank pressure expels to press to go toward that middle-aged person. “瞎噪!”凌笑吐声如雷,目如神电,一股王阶威压朝着那中年人撵压而去。 In the Ling Xiao comfortable secret perceives through meditation grave two characters, regarding potential the understanding and utilization had certain attainment. 凌笑自在秘境内参悟“墓冢”二字,对于“势”的了解和运用都有了一定的心得。 The invisible pressure that he has attacks just like Heavy Fist, layer on layer pounded above the chest of that middle-aged person. 他产生的无形威压宛如重拳出击,重重地砸在了那中年人的胸口之上。 „!” The middle-aged person handles to guard, chest was rumbled hollowly, the whole person ball departed far away, acted recklessly. “哇!”那中年人措不及防,胸口被轰得凹陷,整个人弹飞出了老远,不知死活了。 Good balls!” That Old Man called out in alarm one, in the hand has raised, blue wave toward a Ling Xiao volume. “好胆!”那老者惊呼了一声,手中一扬,一道蓝色波浪朝着凌笑袭卷而来。 Ling Xiao is standing motionlessly, to that blue wave impact on body. 凌笑站着一动不动,任由那蓝色波浪冲击在身上。 Bang the sound, blooms enchanting brilliance. 轰隆的声音,绽放出炫丽的光华。 Does not know that......” that Old Man just wants disdain to say anything, but that living character actually said finally. “不知死……”那老者刚想不屑地说什么,可是最后那“活”字却说不出口了。 Because he noticed that Ling Xiao still very such as the spear|gun stood above the midair, as if an injury does not have. 因为他看到凌笑仍然直挺如枪地站在半空之上,似乎一点伤害都没有。 Old thing, was you compels my Ling Xiao to scold one, left behind together the remnant shade same place, before the true body already bullied that Old Man body, such as the golden common fist toward the Old Man front bang goes. “老东西,是你逼我的”凌笑骂了一声,原地留下一道残影,真身已欺到了那老者身前,如黄金一般的拳头朝着老者胸前轰去。 Really quick!” The Old Man mind shakes, the dry expert goes toward that [gold/metal] Quanzhua. “真快!”老者心神一震,干涸的老手朝着那金拳抓去。 He is Middle Rank King Rank, does not think that at present this young people can meet the tough head-on with toughness with him. 他是中阶王阶,不认为眼前这年青人可以和他硬碰硬。 Kacha! 咔嚓 ! 啊! First is the bone fracture sound resounds together, then spreads together the sound of pitiful yell. 先是一道骨折的声音响起,接着又传出一道惨叫之声。 Sees only that Old Man to cover to begin to keep flying upside down, the look becomes incomparably pale. 只见那老者捂着手不停地倒飞出去,神色变得无比苍白。 On quick, killed this Young Fellow that Old Man to call out toward the three companions together panic-strickenly. “快上,一起干掉这小子”那老者惊骇地朝着自己三名同伴叫道。 Other three people startled recover, shows the powerful strength, the respective gathering peripheral spirit strength, melts the attack weapons to kill to go toward the Ling Xiao bang. 其他三人惊回过神来,纷纷展现强悍的实力,各自汇聚周边灵力,化出攻击武器朝着凌笑轰杀而去。 The Ling Xiao speed is incomparable, is stepping the crafty intent nimble and resourceful step, evades the attack again and again. 凌笑速度无比,迈着诡意灵动的步伐,连连躲过攻击。 „Under it seems like wanted the cruel methods Ling Xiao to see the opposite party to move has killed intent, oneself also no longer kept the hand, the personal appearance such as the wind pursued generally toward that injured Old Man. “看来要下狠手了”凌笑见对方已经动了杀意,自己也不再留手,身形如风一般朝着那受伤的老者追去。 Although that Old Man has injured an arm, but he will actually not sit waiting for death, in the hand presents a knot whip in vain. 老者虽伤了一臂,可是他却不会坐以待毙,手中徒然出现一条节鞭。 The knot whip altogether is divided into nine, each tooth is sharp, the ray essence dodges. 节鞭一共分为九段,每一段牙齿锋利,光芒精闪。 Sees only that whip such as the Blood-Thirst spirit snake, goes toward the waist bundle of Ling Xiao. 只见那鞭如嗜血的灵蛇,朝着凌笑的腰间捆绑而去。 Was only a pity that actually ties up together the remnant shade. 只可惜,却是捆住一道残影。 Ling Xiao has circled to that Old Man behind, under golden fist overhead bang. 凌笑已经绕至那老者身后,黄金拳当头轰下。 Old Man protects deeply meets firm and straight is broken, the head such as pounds the watermelon to be the same, was rumbled to result in the fragments. 老者护冥劲直接被震碎,头颅如砸西瓜一样,被轰得碎粉。 Ling Xiao five lines with cultivating, a strength is five times of same step, even if Middle Rank King Rank also insufficient to fear. 凌笑五行同修,一身实力自是同阶的五倍,哪怕是中阶王阶也不足为惧。 Another three King Rank saw that Old Man to be rumbled to explode the head livingly, seriously was startled and anger, took out own Profound Tool to prepare to use in abundance preys on Ling Xiao fully. 另三名王阶见那老者活生生被轰爆了脑袋,当真是又惊又怒,纷纷取出自己的玄器准备倾尽全力搏杀凌笑 Middle Rank King Rank that another has not died bellows you to lock in him, making me revenge for the big brother. 另一名没死的中阶王阶大吼一声“你们二人锁住他,让我替大哥报仇”。 Two Low Rank King Rank result in the command, puts forth instantaneously formidable is killing. 两名低阶王阶得令,瞬间使出最强大的杀着。 A person wields the ghost axe broadsword, blade blade scarlet-red hot glow wraps instantaneously a direction \; Another person is to brandish innumerably such as the rain common spear|gun shade, blocks another direction. 一人挥动鬼斧大刀,一刀刀赤红的火芒瞬间包裹住其中一个方向\;另一人则是抡出无数如雨一般的枪影,封锁另一个方向。 Immediately in the midair, becomes colorful glow greatly Sheng, scalding hot exceptionally. 顿时半空之中,变得艳芒大盛,灼热异常。 Two Low Rank King Rank blockade positions, that Middle Rank King Rank seizes the chance to gather the vigor due-out. 两名低阶王阶封锁方位,那中阶王阶趁机蓄劲待发。 Sees only him to grasp the long sword, the whole body blue glow for the first time presently, the spiritual energy gathers all round, as if forms the vast expanse of water sea centered on him. 只见他手持长剑,周身蓝芒乍现,灵气团团汇聚,仿佛以他为中心形成一片汪洋大海。 Angry sea raging waves, when he gathers the vigor to most peak, the long sword chart however goes toward been stranded Ling Xiao bang. “怒海狂涛”当他蓄劲到最巅峰之时,长剑图然朝着被困的凌笑轰去。 That spiritual energy such as overwhelming potential, shakes some peripheral trees to flutter the collapse, the might is really fearful! 那股灵气如翻江倒海之势,震得周边一些树木都翻飞倒塌,威力甚是可怕! The Ling Xiao look becomes some doubts heavily, the whole body flood the five colors god light, Ice and Fire Sword instantaneously appears in the hand. 凌笑神色变得些许疑重,全身泛起五色神光,冰火剑瞬间出现在手中。 The domination type third move Shooting Star Sword!”. 霸式第三招“剑流星!”。 An intermittent beautiful blue fire such as the meteor tenesmuss general, goes toward the square sea of fire as well as the tide bang. 一阵阵妖艳的蓝火如流星下坠一般,朝着四方火海以及浪潮轰去。 Bang bang! 轰隆轰隆! The huge spirit strength bombs above the midair, one group such as soars to the heavens to go like the mushroom shape. 巨大的灵力在半空之上轰炸,一团如如磨菇般的形状冲天而去。 Vanishes into thin air, the person's shadow flashes as before. 烟消云散,人影依旧闪动。 The Ling Xiao upper body clothing damages, scarlet. Bare solid body sending out bright brilliance, infiltrate the scar of blood to heal at the speed of naked eye. 凌笑上身衣物破损,赤.裸的结实身体散发熠熠光辉,一道道渗着血的伤痕以肉眼的速度在愈合着。 Suffers to death!” That Middle Rank King Rank a moment ago fully a move, although consumes really greatly, but had still retained, immediately arrives at sky over Ling Xiao, the long sword wields like the electricity. “受死吧!”那中阶王阶刚才全力一招,虽然消耗甚巨,可是仍然有所保留,当下来到凌笑上空,长剑如电般挥下。 Another two Low Rank King Rank also seize the chance to control to attack once more, wants to take the Ling Xiao life. 另两名低阶王阶也趁机左右再次攻来,欲取凌笑性命。
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