WCG :: Volume #5 扬威南荒

#349: Lu Residence

Chapter 349 Lu Residence 第349章吕府 Thank „the ku show emperor radical radical flute ntwm three book friends to hit to enjoy ~~~ 感谢“ku展”“皇丿灬箫”“ntwm”三位书友打赏~~~ Ten Thousand Beasts City has the tripartite influence to guard, a big influence is east Huang Family, a big influence Lu Family that comes for south Zhao Family as well as Ling Xiao now. 万兽城有三方势力镇守,一大势力为城东黄家,一大势力为城南赵家以及凌笑如今进来的吕家 The Ling Xiao book thinks that in Lu Family Expert like clouds, guards deeply strict. 凌笑本以为吕家之内高手如云,守卫深严。 But when, he steps into the palace, has not actually felt big constriction, the guard who sees is also Profound Warrior as well as the spirit step cultivates is. 可是,当他踏入府内之里,却没有感受到多大的压迫感,所见的守卫也不过是玄士以及灵阶修为。 But, when initially he arrived at Ten Thousand Beasts City, Xiao Songlin repeatedly transfers him unable in the city to cause trouble, will otherwise receive the penalty of tripartite influence, their Violet Sky Sect cannot preserve. 可是,当初他来到万兽城之时,萧松林可是一再交待他不能在城内惹事生非的,不然将会受到三方势力的惩罚,就连他们紫天宗都保不住。 Had saying that once Deep River Sect had a long King Rank Elder(s) provocation Ten Thousand Beasts City custom, finally was sheared to hang outside the city warns others against following a bad example. 具说曾经河冥宗有一长王阶长老挑衅万兽城的规矩,最后被割头吊于城外以儆效尤。 However, at this moment, Ling Xiao has to suspect that these three big influences really so are strong? Is only others blows empty comes out? 然而,此时此刻,凌笑不得不怀疑这三大势力是否真的有那么强大么?或者只是别人吹虚出来的呢? Forget About It, this closes my anything matter, now Ten Thousand Beasts City also sits the lively city, is a good deed Ling Xiao at heart lightly sighed without many conflicts. 算了,这关我什么事,如今万兽城也算是一坐繁华的城池,没有多少争端也算是件好事”凌笑在心里轻叹道。 Ling Xiao arrived at the hall along with two females. 凌笑随着二女一路到了大厅。 A middle-aged person welcomed, pair of tiger spills over severe glow saying that you are Ling Xiao?”. 一名中年人迎了出来,一双虎目泛出厉芒道“你就是凌笑?”。 This middle-aged person 40 about, is long extremely straight, a blue robe adds the body, appears somewhat the air/Qi of scholarly, but that such as the hawk general look actually gives people the Ling Li (Sharp) incomparable imposing manner. 这名中年人40出头,长得极为端正,一袭蓝袍加身,显得有几分儒雅之气,可是那如鹰目一般的眼神却又给人凌厉无比的气势。 Saw finally King Rank cultivates for the person Ling Xiao welcomed the vision of that middle-aged person, sighed at heart darkly. “总算看到一名王阶修为的人了”凌笑迎上那中年人的目光,心里暗叹道。 Young Fellow Ling Xiao Ling Xiao cups one hand in the other across the chest to say. 小子正是凌笑凌笑拱手应道。 Before coming to Lu Residence, had servant One Step Ahead Report Ling Xiao to come the palace incident. 在来吕府之前,已经有下人先一步禀报凌笑来府一事。 But this person Lu Fang and Lu Jing father Lu Zheng. 而此人正是吕芳吕菁的父亲吕正 „Does father, you do, the benefactor has the graciousness to us, how can you be so impolite?” Lu Jing wrinkles the fine jade nose to say. “爹爹,你这是干什么,恩公对我们有恩,你怎么能这么无礼呢?”吕菁皱着琼鼻说道。 Lu Zheng look slightly one stiff, immediately said with a smile lightly really is really the hero has the youth, came to enter, Young Hero Ling saved my two females, Lu is deeply grateful seriously, were many to offend a moment ago, please hastily be offended. 吕正神色微微一僵,当即轻笑道“果然真是英雄出少年,来来请进,凌少侠救我二女,吕某当真是感激不尽,刚才多有得罪,请匆见怪”。 The Lu Zheng manner transforms extremely quickly, Ling Xiao suddenly some do not adapt, was whispering at heart is not offended is strange. 吕正态度转变极快,凌笑一时间有些不适应,在心里嘀咕“不见怪才怪呢”。 Ling Xiao and Lu Zheng smalltalk, when sat. 凌笑吕正客套了一番,待坐了下来。 In the evening, Lu Family hosts a banquet to welcome Ling Xiao. 当晚,吕家设宴宴请凌笑 Lu Family many direct line appearances, Ling Xiao carefully looked that these people altogether have seven and eight King Rank. 吕家不少直系到场,凌笑仔细看这些人一共有着七、八名王阶 At this time, Ling Xiao thought the styles of some Lu Family truly big influences. 这时,凌笑才觉得吕家确实有些大势力的风范。 However, only depends on King Rank to assume personal command to let the mercenary soldier and powder in Ten Thousand Beasts City cultivates observes custom this not to be obviously impossible? 不过,只凭王阶坐镇就让万兽城中的佣兵和散修都遵守规矩这显然不可能吧? Perhaps here also has the character of old codger to assume also perhaps the Ling Xiao doubts to think. “或许这里还有老不死的人物坐镇也说不定”凌笑疑惑地想着。 Ling Xiao does not want to go into seriously three big influences the inside story, is only in the heart somewhat is slightly curious. 凌笑并不想深究三大势力的底蕴,只是心中稍稍有些好奇罢了。 Liquor after three ten-day periods, sits looks at the Ling Xiao [say / way] in Lu Zheng of previous head Young Hero Ling, you save my family unmarried girl to want what kind of repayment, you open the mouth freely, so long as my Lu Family can take certainly will offer. 酒过三旬之后,坐于上首的吕正看着凌笑道“凌少侠,你救我家闺女想要怎么样的报答,你尽管开口,只要我吕家拿得出来的一定会献上”。 Lu Zheng is Lu Family modern Family Master, under knee, only then two females, attend to two females cherish specially have. 吕正吕家现代家主,膝下只有二女,顾对二女特别钟爱有嘉。 Ling Xiao returning salute [say / way] Lu Family main was serious, happens to present below, if Lu Family is main, Ling Xiao wants to transmit to use taking advantage of the city in. 凌笑还礼道“吕家主严重了,在下也只是适逢其会罢了,如果吕家主方便的话,凌笑想借城内传输阵一用”。 Lu Zheng reveals to feel embarrassed color slightly this matter, if two years ago, to our Lu Family is not any matter, is......”. 吕正微微露出为难之色道“此事如果在两年前来说,对我们吕家不算什么事,可是……”。 At this time, Lu Family other people also all revealed not the indignant color, as if in had the secret facts. 这时,吕家的其他人也皆露出不愤之色,似乎内有隐情。 „The Lu Family Lord had the place of any feeling embarrassed to say freely Ling Xiao said. 吕家主有什么为难之处尽管说”凌笑说道。 This matter did not say that when waits for Young Hero Ling to need to use to transmit?” Lu Zheng evades the question asks. “此事不说也罢,等凌少侠何时需要用到传输阵?”吕正避而不答地问道。 Ling Xiao has not pestered, should say the quicker the better directly. 凌笑也没有纠缠下去,直接应道“越快越好”。 Lu Zheng has not spoken, Lu Jing is in short supply [say / way] how such worries to walk, keeps several days quite to make us receive cordially the benefactor well you!”. 吕正还没说话,吕菁却是紧张道“怎么这么着急要走,多留下来几天好让我们好好款待恩公你啊!”。 In nearby Lu Fang beautiful pupil with remains on the Ling Xiao face surely, face cloth slightly the color of blushing. 一旁的吕芳美眸中同在凌笑脸上定留,脸布着微微羞红之色。 If Ling Xiao has not seen owes to say with a smile generally goes via this place below, has the important matter in the body, is really unsuitable to stay for a long time. 凌笑如若未睹一般欠笑道“在下只是路经此地,有要事在身,实在不便久留”。 Two females listened to this saying, is all low-spirited. 二女听了这话,皆是为之黯然。 The Lu Zheng story is rich, how could it not be also to know the two female thoughts, but he also sees Ling Xiao to be special, so young King Rank in northwest, but extremely rare existence. 吕正阅历丰富,又岂不知自己二女的心思,不过他也看出凌笑出身不凡,如此年青的王阶在西北可是凤毛麟角的存在啊。 If trades to make beforehand Lu Family perhaps doing everything possible to make Ling Xiao remain, but present Lu Family did not have this capital. 如果换做以前的吕家说不定会想尽办法让凌笑留下来,可是如今的吕家却没有这资本了。 Since Young Hero Ling has the important matter in body, I and others do not force, will wait for me to go for you to complete the transmission incident Lu Zheng to say tomorrow. “既然凌少侠有要事在身,我等就不勉强了,等明天我去为你办妥传输阵一事”吕正说道。 The vertical date, Ling Xiao got up long time ago. 竖日,凌笑早早就起来了. He has an emotional tie with go to Southern Desolate Land, naturally wants early one day to arrive in the ancestor place that High Priest said. 他心系远赴南荒,自然想早一日抵达大祭司所说的祖地. Must he stop over six months unexpectedly, leaves his time not to be many. 必竟他已经担搁了近半年的时间,留给他的时间已经不多了。 After Ling Xiao eats the breakfast that the servant has sent, the desire to Lu Zheng inquired that transmits the incident. 凌笑吃了下人送来的早膳后,欲向吕正打听一下传输阵一事。 But, he just arrived at the hall, has actually broadcast the sound that Lu Fang and Lu Jing two females sobbed. 可是,他刚走到大厅,却传来了吕芳吕菁二女抽泣的声音。 Father, Huang Family and Zhao Family goes too far, if the grandfather is also alive, where they dare to project on our heads to come the idea. “父亲,黄家赵家欺人太甚,要是爷爷还在世,他们哪敢把主意打到我们头上来”。 Father, we withdraw from Ten Thousand Beasts City at the worst, by the strength of our family, which no matter to can dominate a side. “父亲,大不了我们退出万兽城,以我们家的实力,不管到哪都可以称霸一方”。 Simplicity that matter you have not imagined, but they, if dares to come to you, even if sacrifices the short remaining life I not to make them prevail. “事情没有你们想像的那么简单,不过他们要是敢对你们强来,就算是豁出老命我也不会让他们得逞的”。 Father......”. “父亲……”。 Dialogs of accident of Ling Xiao outside the hall to arriving at these three father and daughter's, hesitant one has just wanted to turn around to leave, actually heard the Lu Zheng sound to call out Young Hero Ling to come in. 凌笑在厅外意外对到这三父女的对话,犹豫了一下刚想转身离开,却听到吕正的声音叫道“凌少侠进来吧”。 Ling Xiao can only brace oneself to walk into the hall, holds the meaning of owing saying that only wants to come to question the Lu Family main transmission incident below, if too troublesome, I think that I solved was good. 凌笑只能硬着头皮走入厅内,略带抱欠之意道“在下只想过来寻问吕家主传输阵一事,如果太麻烦的话,我想我自己去解决就好了”。 Two females received the tears, leaned the face to go not to dare to greet with Ling Xiao, as if not want to let the appearance that Ling Xiao saw them to cry very much. 二女收好了泪水,侧过脸去不敢与凌笑打招呼,似乎很不想让凌笑看到她们哭的样子。 Lu Zheng sighed lightly „below incompetent, was really the shame to Young Hero Ling. 吕正轻叹道“都是在下无能,真是愧对凌少侠了”。 Lu Family main was serious, then takes one's leave below in light of this, after two young ladies take care a Ling Xiao slightly ritual, wants to withdraw from the hall. 吕家主严重了,那在下就此拜别,两位小姐保重”凌笑微微一礼后,欲退出大厅。 Two female thoughts are quite as if heavy, has not delivered Ling Xiao to exit. 二女似乎心思颇重,也没有送凌笑出去。 Ling Xiao just trod Lu Residence, actually the discovery two teams of troops respective being wounded in battle rituals walk to Lu Residence, looked that their appearances as if are handling the matter of any jubilation. 凌笑刚踏出吕府,却发现有两队人马各自带着彩礼向吕府走来,看他们的样子似乎在办什么喜庆之事。 Two teams of person mamos have about about 15 people, lowest strength is High Rank Profound Warrior, but highest strength has cultivating of King Rank is. 两队人马莫约都有着15人左右,最低实力的都是高阶玄士,而最高实力的却有着王阶的修为。 In two teams of troops all has young people quite noticeable. 两队人马中皆有一名年青人极为惹人注目。 A person wears the white Chinese-style gown, the front piece exquisite silk, is extraordinary, cultivates for had the boundary of Middle Rank Spirit Master, he cross under rides 3rd Rank Middle Rank Palm Mark Lion, appears prestige Wu Bufan (Extraordinary Military). 一人穿着白色袍子,衣襟锦绣,气质不凡,一身修为已有中阶灵师之境,他跨下所骑三阶中阶棕纹狮,显得威武不凡 Another person wears the golden Chinese-style gown, wears the bunch feather, shoulders a long spear, cultivates for similarly is the boundary of Middle Rank Spirit Master, cross under rides 3rd Rank Middle Rank Golden Red Tiger, similarly is expensive cannot say. 另一人穿着金色袍子,头戴束羽,背负一杆长枪,一身修为同样是中阶灵师之境,跨下所骑三阶中阶金赤虎,同样是贵不可言。 Before two teams of troops arrive at Lu Residence, Ling Xiao still somewhat absent-minded. 两队人马来到吕府前,凌笑仍然有些失神中。 In the next team of troops, goes out of servant Arrogant loudly to point at Ling Xiao to shout to clear the way extremely lackey, a bit faster the shunt, have not blocked my family Young Master [say / way]. 当下一队人马中,走出一名下人极为嚣张地指着凌笑大喝道“狗腿子,快点闪开,别阻了我家少爷的道”。 Another team of troops also go out of servant both hands to insert waist [say / way] to go, unexpectedly dares to block your future uncle's road, really acts recklessly. 另一队人马也走出一名下人双手插腰道“快滚,居然敢挡住你们未来姑爷的路,真是不知死活”。 My family uncle?” Ling Xiao was shocked, then he also said that my family what time were many a uncle, how don't I know?”. “我家姑爷?”凌笑愣住了,接着他又道“我家什么时候多了一个姑爷,我怎么不知道?”。 Snort, under few idle talk, my family Young Master comes the gift from bridegroom's family to bride's family today, several days he has become your family's uncle that servant has referred to tall Qiang saying. “哼,少废话,今日我家少爷就是来下聘礼的,过不了几天他就成了你们家的姑爷了”那名下人指高气昂地说道。 Ling Xiao just wants to say anything, rides the Palm Mark Lion young people to shout to clear the way A San after behind one, said that these many idle talk do do, have not harmed this few double-hour. 凌笑刚想说什么,在身后一名骑着棕纹狮的年青人喝道“阿三,说这么多废话干什么,别误了本少的时辰”。 Was is Young Master that servant even/including Ying several, went forward to push Ling Xiao to get out of the way quickly, we let us not keep off my family Young Master [say / way], otherwise there are you to receive. “是是少爷”那名下人连应了几声,上前把凌笑推去“快走开,我们别挡了我家少爷的道,不然有你受的”。 Ling Xiao is what kind of person. 凌笑是何许人也。 How a small Profound Warrior Rank servant can promote him. 一个小小玄士阶下人怎么能推动他呢。 Opposite powerful instead shakes the strength, shaking to fly that servant. 相反一股强悍的反震力,把那下人给震飞了出去。 All people have gawked, has not thought at present this young people hand bottom such hard. 所有人都愣了,没想到眼前这年青人手底会如此之硬。 Who rides the young people on Palm Mark Lion to wipe severe glow to ask you spookily is? Doesn't know in the city does not permit to resort to violence?”. 骑在棕纹狮上的年青人抹过一丝厉芒幽幽问道“你是何人?难道不知道在城内不准动武吗?”。 Ling Xiao let go saying that is the son of a bitch who your family this does not keep eyes open begins, when did you see me to begin?”. 凌笑摊了摊手说道“是你家这不长眼的狗东西动手的,你什么时候看到我动手了?”。 Snort, today this little happy, for the time being forgives your dog's life, makes way in a big hurry, do not take on to harm this few double-hour, if not so...... Groans that young people to say very arrogantly. “哼,今天本少高兴,暂且饶你狗命,快快让开,别担误了本少的时辰,如若不然……哼哼”那年青人十分倨傲地说道。 At this time, another rode in the Golden Red Tiger young people also opening the mouth [say / way] Brother Zhao for why the young lackey lost one's temper, then he looks that the Ling Xiao [say / way] you have not gone in quickly Report your family Family Master, said that our Huang Zhao two have discussed marriage. 这时,另一名骑在金赤虎的年青人也开口道“赵兄何必为了小小的奴才动怒呢”,接着他又看着凌笑道“你还不快进去禀报你家家主,就说我们黄赵两家来提亲了”。 Listened to this saying, Ling Xiao knows finally these two groups of troops are which family, why also understood the Lu Family sisters to sob in the hall, it seems like that the source left here. 听了这话,凌笑总算知道这两拨人马是谁家的了,同时也明了吕家姐妹为何在厅内哭泣了,看来源头就出在这里了。 Ling Xiao does not think that the ginseng and these three matters, should not walk immediately. 凌笑不太想参和这三家的事,当即一句不应地走了开去。 Three influences all for good, moreover dominates for many years in Ten Thousand Beasts City, can not offend then does not offend, in any case he and Lu Family relations are not deep, can only be initially knows, moreover transmission that he must govern by three leaves. 三家势力皆为不俗,而且在万兽城称霸多年,能不得罪便不得罪,反正他与吕家的关系并不深,只能算是初识罢了,而且他还要靠三家所掌管的传输阵离开呢。 Although, he not annoys people's desires, but others actually do not want to let off him in light of this. 可是,他虽无惹人意,但人家却不想就此放过他。 That rides the Palm Mark Lion young people to see Ling Xiao to be so impolite, immediately waves saying that Young Fellow that this is supercilious taking. 那骑着棕纹狮的年青人见凌笑如此无礼,当即挥手说道“把这目中无人的小子给拿下”。 His words just fell, in two Spirit Master of his side, speeds away to go toward Ling Xiao rapidly. 他的话刚落下,在他身边的两名灵师,迅速朝着凌笑疾驰而去。 Ling Xiao wrinkled the brow, raises single-handed, an invisible spirit strength curls up at the same time the spirit wall, two Spirit Master hit directly above the spirit wall. 凌笑皱了一下眉头,单手一扬,一股无形的灵力卷起一面灵墙,两名灵师直接撞在灵墙之上。 ! 啊啊! Two Spirit Master such as the beforehand that servant was shaken equally departed far away. 两名灵师如之前那下人一样被震飞出了老远。 Ling Xiao said spookily do not have a joke backfire!”. 凌笑幽幽地说道“别自讨没趣!”。 Then, turned around to walk toward the front. 说罢,转身朝着前方走去了。 That was riding the Palm Mark Lion young face discoloration gloomy. 那骑着棕纹狮的年青人脸色变得阴沉了下来。 Another rides in the Golden Red Tiger young people said that this Young Fellow is a little strange, was Lu Family invited the helper?”. 另一名骑在金赤虎的年青人则道“这小子有点古怪,难道是吕家请来了帮手?”。 Not is certainly possible to ride the Palm Mark Lion young people to clench teeth saying that then he returned to normal state of mind to go to a side middle-aged humanity with him quickly, cannot make him run away!”. “绝无可能”骑棕纹狮的年青人咬牙说道,接着他平复了一下心绪对着自己身边的一名中年人道“快去跟着他,不能让他逃了!”。 That middle-aged person slight bow, then moved sideways to pursue toward Ling Xiao. 那名中年人微微点了点头,然后闪身朝着凌笑追了过去。 This seems to be improper, the drop is very hard, the Brother Zhao terror buckle troops will ride Golden Red Tiger young humanity in vain. “这样似乎不妥,点子很硬,赵兄恐怖会白白折损人马啊”骑金赤虎的年青人道。 He, if dares to begin again, made him unable to leave Ten Thousand Beasts City to ride the Palm Mark Lion young people absolutely to flash through severe Mangying to say. “他要是再敢动手,绝对让他出不了万兽城”骑棕纹狮的青年人闪过厉芒应道。 Walks, should make three turn into two. “走吧,是该让三家变成两家了”。
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