WCG :: Volume #5 扬威南荒

#348: The casual station has the beautiful woman to say something to smooth things over

The Chapter 348 casual station has beautiful woman to say something to smooth things over 第348章随便一站都有美女来搭讪 Thank „the ku show book friend as well as ntwm the straightforwardness of book friend hits to enjoy ~~ 感谢“ku展”书友以及“ntwm”书友的豪爽打赏~~ In a food fragrant error building many are appearance rough mercenary soldier, many doing business trade rich merchant and from feather loose son of the influential. 食香阙一楼中多是长相粗犷的佣兵者,还有不少经商贸易的富商、自羽风流的公子哥。 They are drinking the fiercest liquor in gulps, eats the crispest fragrant meat, in the hand is hugging the tenderest most and beautiful female, pulled open the throat to shoot the breeze. 他们大口大口地喝着最烈的酒,吃着最爽的香肉,手里抱着最娇艳的女子,拉开了嗓子在高谈阔论着。 They all in discussing some usually see the amusing thing, or in some Spirit Grass or Spirit Beast that in Ten Thousand Beasts Cave meets, the one side does not have the rich merchants and young masters of any military force is hears with great interest, often to insert several. 他们皆是在谈论一些平常所见趣事,或在万兽窟中所遇的某种灵草灵兽,一旁没有任何武力的富商和公子们则是听得津津有味,不时地插上几句。 Ling Xiao has not stayed in a building, jogging white paper fan directly to food fragrant error two buildings above. 凌笑没有在一楼停留,轻摇着白纸扇直接到了食香阙二楼之上。 He thought on three buildings, but must manage the food fragrant error VIP card to above to enjoy. 他本想到三楼上面去的,可要去办食香阙贵宾卡才能到上面享用。 He has no intention to stay for a long time here, does not have bored to play very urges to go faster manages any VIP card. 他无意在这里久留,也没有无聊为了耍酷去去办什么贵宾卡。 Finally under the enthusiasms of two maidservants, chose the most position by the window to sit. 最后在两位侍女的热情下,选择了最靠窗的位置坐了下来。 Two maidservants thought that Ling Xiao gets rid extravagantly, has given instead of taking the exquisite body. 两名侍女觉得凌笑出手阔绰,更是将玲珑的身子都倒贴了上去。 They are only the ordinary females, here is the maidservant also for the livelihood, if can approach like this to be at present young the multi- [gold/metal] Young Master, perhaps they can also fly the branch to work as one day of phoenix. 她们都只是普通的女子,在这里当侍女也是为了生计,如果能傍上眼前这样年少多金的少爷,说不定她们也可以飞上枝头当凤凰的一天。 This is all maidservants' the dreams in the restaurant. 这是在酒楼内所有侍女的梦想。 Feeling that although Ling Xiao likes being surrounded by beautiful women, but the so medium beauty female actually could not likely have entered his discernment. 凌笑虽然喜欢左拥右抱的感觉,可是像这般中等姿色的女子却还入不了他的法眼。 After having sent two females, Ling Xiao alone drank the young wine, the mood relaxed rarely. 打发了两女之后,凌笑独自饮起了小酒,心境难得放松了下来。 Was stranded for one month, now he most what wants to know is the matter about Violet Sky Sect. 被困一个多月,如今他最想知道的是关于紫天宗的事情。 Does not know whether they all did exit?” Ling Xiao looks at out of the window somewhat disconsolately to say at heart. “不知道他们是否全部出去了?”凌笑望着窗外心里有些愁怅地想道。 The Luo Meiying appearance appears in his mind again. 罗美英的样子再次出现在他脑海之中。 Senior Sister, you are waiting, I will certainly make Ling Xiao that your heavy labor comes fill strong liquor, shook the head to make itself no longer go lightly to think. 师姐,你等着,我一定会让你重活过来的”凌笑灌了一口烈酒,轻晃了一下脑袋让自己不再去想。 After not having a while, the liquor in Ling Xiao pot saw the bottom. 没一会儿后,凌笑壶中的酒就见底了。 Comes the person, gave this to be few two pot nice wines Ling Xiao to call again, then pulled out two Low Grade Profound Crystal to place on the tabletop the heroic spirit to call out whom to come to me to say recently Ten Thousand Beasts City recently had any novel matter, whose these two Profound Crystal were. “来人,再给本少上来两壶好酒”凌笑吆喝了一声,接着又掏出两块下品玄晶放在桌面上豪气叫道“谁来给我说说最近万兽城最近有什么让人新奇的事情,这两块玄晶就是谁的了”。 Ling Xiao this called, immediately attracted in Lou Que the vision of all people. 凌笑这一叫,顿时吸引了楼阙中所有人的目光。 These mercenary soldiers look that bright Jingjing Profound Crystal became dizzy. 那些佣兵看着亮晶晶玄晶都变得目眩了起来。 „, Really...... Really Profound Crystal, this...... This Young Master lets me, the matter that I know were most thin not secretive man both eyes flood light to call out. “哇,真是……真是玄晶,这……这位少爷让我来说吧,我知道的事情最多”一名瘦不溜湫的汉子双眼泛光叫道。 Goes your, your this sour monkey, the speech is not agile, another man by that thin man said by me. “去你的,你这酸猴子,说话都不利索,还是由我来说吧”在那瘦汉子旁边的另一名男子说道。 Get lost your mother, this Profound Crystal is my, who dares to snatch with me, I have abandoned his mother another big sturdy man stood to shout to clear the way. “滚你娘的,这玄晶是我的,谁敢跟我抢,我废了他娘的”另一名高大壮实的汉子站了起来喝道。 This man both arms have covered entirely the scar of knife wound, the appearance is fierce maneating, only looks from outside that thought this person was not any friendly kind. 这汉子双臂都布满了刀疤,长相更是狰狞凶悍,只从外面看去,就觉得此人绝不是什么善类了。 Ling Xiao shot a look at one toward that man, then saw that man is High Rank Profound Warrior cultivates is. 凌笑朝着那汉子瞥了一眼,一眼便看出那汉子乃高阶玄士修为。 Once three years ago Ling Xiao was still looking up to Profound Warrior Rank military, but now in his eyes just with average person not different. 曾经三年前凌笑还在仰望玄士阶的武者,而如今在他眼只不过与普通人无异罢了。 In that maneating man must move toward Ling Xiao there, there is a gentle sound to resound together speaks of tells the story, who compares favorably with I to say quickly. 就在那凶悍的汉子要走向凌笑那里之时,又有一道轻柔的声音响起“说到讲故事,又有谁比得上我讲得快呢”。 Seemed like the delicate man walked, on the face hung the smiling face to be slow strip to say. 一名看似柔弱的汉子走了出来,脸上挂着笑容慢得条斯地说道。 This man 30 about, the look is average, is not tall, the appearance is emaciated, but actually the good strengths reached cultivating of Low Rank Spirit Master are. 这汉子30出头,相貌平平,个子不高,样子瘦弱,可是却有一身不俗的实力已达低阶灵师的修为。 That maneating robust man sees person, shrank the necking in bag to compensate to say with a smile originally is advisor Jiang, since advisor Jiang were interested in saying the piece, I have to listen in one side respectful. 那凶悍的壮汉看到来人,缩了缩头袋赔笑道“原来是蒋师爷,既然蒋师爷有兴趣说段子,那我只好在一旁恭听好了”。 This person is Ten Thousand Beasts City most famous storyteller Jiang Kuai, nickname says quickly, is the ability that refers to him explaining the Chinese classics must say quickly compared with it average person, moreover is very accurate, not the accurate matter he always did not say. 此人为万兽城最有名的说书人蒋快,外号“讲得快”,是指他说书的能力比之一般人要说得快,而且十分精准,不精准的事情他向来不讲。 Jiang Kuai arrives in front of Ling Xiao, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest [say / way] slightly this Young Master, does not know that by me for you how comes to discuss the recent matter?”. 蒋快来到凌笑面前,微微拱了拱手道“这位少爷,不知道由我来替你讲讲最近的事儿如何?”。 The sound that now Jiang Kuai says is quite slow, sounds to be very amiable, like speaking quick person. 现在蒋快说的声音相当慢,听起来很随和,丝毫不像讲得快的人。 Who Ling Xiao does not pay attention to him is, what he most wants to listen is only the Oath Sect Convention later matter. 凌笑也不理会他是何人,他最想听的只是誓宗大会之后的事情罢了。 Sat down saying that” Ling Xiao drank young wine to say lightly. “坐下说”凌笑饮了一口小酒淡淡地说道。 Jiang Kuai sat saying that calmly looked at Young Master is not the Ten Thousand Beasts City person, does not know that what Young Master does want to listen to?”. 蒋快从容坐了下来说道“一看少爷就不是万兽城的人,不知道少爷想听些什么呢?”。 Idle talk little said that practiced the important matter that in the next one or two months Ten Thousand Beasts City will have to say Ling Xiao waved to say. “废话少说,就练最近一两个月万兽城所发生的大事说吧”凌笑挥手说道。 A Jiang Kuai eye revolution, nodded immediately then starts saying that that then mentioned two months ago below”. 蒋快眼目一转,当即点了点头便开始说“那在下便从两个月前说起”。 After Jiang Kuai opened one, then finally had proven how he spoke this nickname to come quickly. 蒋快开了一句之后,接下来终于证明了他“讲得快”这外号是如何得来的了。 Each a few words that he spoke do not need to stop unexpectedly use up, was the one breath says that the average person said two words time, he said with the time of a few words. 他所说的每一句话居然都不需要停竭,都是一口气说完,普通人说两句话的时间,他却用一句话的时间说完了。 Suddenly, hearing some Ling Xiao dizziness brains to rise. 一时间,听得凌笑都有些头晕脑涨了。 He was whispering at heart this is explaining the Chinese classics or is wanting the human life!”. 他在心里嘀咕“这是在说书还是在要人命啊!”。 Suddenly, Jiang Kuai spoke of finally for one month ago all Zongjie announced withdrew from Oath Sect Convention this incident. 蓦然,蒋快终于说到一个月前诸宗皆宣布了退出誓宗大会这一事。 Ling Xiao interruption [say / way] stops, you said that to me some all sect altogether how many people can live coming out?”. 凌笑打断道“停,你给我说说诸宗一共有多少人能活着出来?”。 Ling Xiao listens to storytelling for must know own Sect Apprentice Brothers matter. 凌笑听书就是为了要知道自家宗门师兄弟的事情。 Some Jiang Kuai surprise looked at Ling Xiao, then knocked to point. 蒋快有些诧异地看了一眼凌笑,接着磕了一下手指。 The Ling Xiao associative compound, cannot the demeanor and puts out Profound Crystal to say together in detail all sect the altogether many people are living coming out?”. 凌笑会意,不能声色地又拿出一块玄晶“详细地说说诸宗一共有多人活着出来?”。 Jiang Kuai shows the refreshed happy expression, started to say various situations. 蒋快露出爽快的笑意,就开始如数的说出了各宗的情况。 Finally, he cannot bear say with a sigh it is said the mystical place demon air/Qi to soar to the heavens, all sect loses seriously, they announced that finished for five years Oath Sect Convention. 最后,他忍不住叹息道“据说秘境魔气冲天,诸宗损失惨重,他们才宣布结束五年一届的誓宗大会”。 Ling Xiao gave Jiang Kuai three Profound Crystal, waving has made him leave. 凌笑把三块玄晶给了蒋快,挥手让他离开。 He knows that his companion returned to Sect also to relax. 他已经知道自己的同伴都回归宗门了也都松了一口气。 Ling Xiao does not want to stop over the time again, long body. 凌笑不想再担搁时间,长身而起。 He prepared to purchase a number of Red Willow Grass to say first again, otherwise Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm this glutton definitely was on bad terms. 他准备先去采购一批杞红草再说,不然紫蛟龙蚯这吃货肯定闹意见的。 Ling Xiao arrived at the place of Spirit Grass transaction. 凌笑来到了灵草交易之地。 Ling Xiao walks into shouted to clear the way storekeeper to take lightly to me all Red Willow Grass. 凌笑走入其中轻喝道“掌柜把所有杞红草都给我拿出来”。 At this time, Old Man walked saying that in a hurry Young Master head store Red Willow Grass altogether 500, you determined that all wanted?”. 这时,一名老者匆匆走来说道“少爷本店杞红草一共有500株,你确定全要吗?”。 Right, all wanted, how many gold coins?” Ling Xiao should say. “没错,全要了,多少金币?”凌笑应道。 Old Man has not spoken, the clear sound in Ling Xiao behind resounds together why a grown man buys these many Red Willow Grass is really”. 老者还没说话,一道清脆的声音在凌笑身后响起“一个大男人的买这么多杞红草干嘛真是的”。 Old Man sees clearly the person, immediately goes forward respectful body [say / way] to see two young ladies. 老者看清来人,当即上前恭身道“见过两位小姐”。 Ling Xiao has turned around, sees only the female who two wear the green green silk fabrics to appear in him behind. 凌笑转过身去,只见两名身着翠青色绸缎的女子出现在他身后。 This two female looks are close, the year fragrance 28, understand at a glance is the two beautiful sisters . Moreover the beauty belongs superior, the stature is extremely also learned, has to concave-convex the figure is quite attractive, generally the man saw must adore. 此两女子相貌相近,年芳28,一看就知道是姐妹花,而且姿色都属于上等,身材也极其有料,凹凸有致的身段极为诱人,一般男人见了都要为之倾心。 Ling Xiao has not paid attention to two females, still storekeeper you were selling to that Old Man [say / way]? Did not sell me to go to other. 凌笑没理会二女,仍然对着那老者道“掌柜你卖不卖?不卖我到别家去了”。 You...... Are you a benefactor?” At this time, a female went forward two steps to call out in alarm to Ling Xiao suddenly said. “你……你是恩公?”这时,一名女子突然上前两步对着凌笑惊呼道。 Another female also called out „is really a benefactor!”. 另一名女子也跟着走了上来叫道“真的是恩公!”。 Immediately, Ling Xiao somewhat could not feel the brains. 顿时,凌笑有些摸不着头脑了。 „Were you admitting mistakes person Ling Xiao said lightly that was whispering this few charm to be always invincible at heart contentedly, the casual station had the beautiful woman to say something to smooth things over. “你们是不是认错人了”凌笑淡淡地说道,心里却在自得地嘀咕“本少魅力一向无敌啊,随便一站都有美女来搭讪”。 Will not be wrong, made a joint invitation and others to be done obeisance two females by me to say with one voice that then must salute to Ling Xiao. “不会错的,恩公请受我等一拜”二女齐声应道,接着就要对着凌笑行礼。 Ling Xiao moved sideways to fall back on nearby inexplicable [say / way] I to say your really admitting mistakes person. 凌笑闪身退到一旁莫名道“我说你们真是认错人了”。 At this time, a female said benefactor five days ago whether you have chased down 4th Rank Shadow Panther in Ten Thousand Beasts Cave?”. 这时,一名女子说道“恩公五天前你是否在万兽窟内追杀过一头四阶黑影豹?”。 Ling Xiao suddenly, said with a smile immediately originally is you, was really where does not meet by chance!”. 凌笑恍然,当即笑道“原来是你们啊,真是何处不相逢啊!”。 He recalls to mind now just came from ### of mystical place on the same day, runs into one line to be attacked by Shadow Panther, he to practice acquiring a skill, therefore gets rid to cope with Shadow Panther, has truly rescued their life. 他现在才记起当日刚从秘境之###来,就遇到一行人被黑影豹袭击,他为了练手,所以出手对付黑影豹,算起来确实也是救了她们一命。 But Ling Xiao did not remember at that time one line has these two females. 只不过凌笑当时没记得一行人中有这两名女子罢了。 Two females saw Ling Xiao to think, appeared extremely joyful. 两女见凌笑想起来了,都显得极为欣喜。 Now sees clearly the Ling Xiao portrait clearly, two females are heart dark allow. 如今真切看清凌笑真容,二女更是芳心暗许。 Their two females all are cultivating of Low Rank Spirit Master are, young one generation in Ten Thousand Beasts City is also Expert that knows how things stand, but they actually know Ling Xiao but King Rank powerhouse. 她们二女皆是低阶灵师的修为,在万兽城中年青一辈也算是有数的高手,可是她们却知道凌笑可是王阶的强者。 They usually admired the powerhouse, does not watch to the common young people, but is so formidable like Ling Xiao and handsome young people, but is rare, they all have by the body Xu's impulsion. 她们素来仰慕强者,对一般的年青人跟本不看在眼里,而像凌笑这般强大又英俊的年青人可是罕见,她们皆有着以身相许的冲动。 Through two female warm conversations, Ling Xiao knows finally two female boudoir names, the eldest sister called Lu Fang, the younger sister to call Lu Jing, but this Spirit Grass transaction store belonged to the industry of their Lu Family. 通过二女热情的交谈,凌笑总算知道二女的闺名,大姐叫吕芳,小妹叫吕菁,而这间灵草交易商铺则属于她们吕家的产业。 Right benefactor, you purchase these many Red Willow Grass,...... Buys for your madame?” Lu Jing is bolder , the color of blushing it asks. “对了恩公,你购买这么多杞红草,是不是……买给你夫人的?”吕菁比之大胆一些,略带羞红之色问道。 Ling Xiao waves to say with a smile Young Lady Lu please not again to call my benefactor, called me Ling Xiao directly then, he also said that I purchased Red Willow Grass to raise Spirit Beast use. 凌笑挥手笑道“吕小姐请莫再叫我恩公,直接叫我凌笑即可”,顿了一下他又道“我购买杞红草是为了饲养灵兽用的”。 Raises Spirit Beast?” Two females all somewhat are surprised the different way. “饲养灵兽?”二女皆有些诧异道。 Good, I have Spirit Beast most to like eating this Red Willow Grass, therefore......” Ling Xiao somewhat embarrassed said with a smile. “不错,我有一灵兽最爱吃这杞红草,所以……”凌笑有些不好意思地笑道。 He was scolding Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm damn glutton at heart, almost harmed this little makes a boner, anything did not eat, ate the thing of woman cosmetology, even if you ate many are also that circle not secretive little guy. 他在心里骂紫蛟龙蚯“该死的吃货,差点害本少出丑,什么不吃,偏偏吃女人美容之物,就算你吃多少也是那圆不溜湫的小样罢了”。 Forber, goes to take to give benefactor quickly Lu Fang all Red Willow Grass to say to the storekeeper instruction. “福伯,快去把所有的杞红草取出来给恩公”吕芳对着掌柜地吩咐道。 Old Man still, quickly all Red Willow Grass taking. 老者依然,很快把所有的杞红草给取了出来。 Ling Xiao asked the price, but Lu Fang and Lu Jing actually must give Ling Xiao. 凌笑问价钱,可是吕芳吕菁却是要送给凌笑 Just at this time the shop entered some people, saw that this was startled is a beauty. 刚好这时店铺又走进了一些人,看到这一幕都被惊为天人了。 Do the women deliver the man cosmetology Spirit Grass? 女人送男人美容灵草 This seems first since the ancient times! 这似乎是自古以来头一遭吧! Ling Xiao has almost to plant to hide at the two women's behind impulsions, then melted the lotus flower to refer to tender sound track really shaming dead your slave. 凌笑差点有种想躲在二女身后的冲动,然后化出莲花指娇声道“真是羞死奴家了”。 Went out of the shop, two females invited Ling Xiao to seat guests to their your family place vigorously. 走出了店铺,二女极力邀请凌笑到她们府上坐客。 Ling Xiao cannot endure two female great kindness, can only talk incessantly. 凌笑耐不住二女的盛情,只能去唠叨了。 However, he has decided that when comes out after Lu Residence, then leaves the non-Chinese southern person. 不过,他决定了,等从吕府出来后,便抽身去南蛮。 When Ling Xiao arrives at Lu Residence after two females, he knows that two female original status are also extremely uncommon. 凌笑与二女来到吕府后,他才知道二女原来身份也是极为不凡。 Because this Lu Family guards a Ten Thousand Beasts City in which side influence. 因为这吕家正是镇守万兽城的其中一方势力。
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