WCG :: Volume #5 扬威南荒

#347: Returns to ten thousand beast cities

Chapter 347 re-enters Ten Thousand Beasts City 第347章重回万兽城 When the Ling Xiao form obviously melts once more, arrived in another jet black cave mansion. 凌笑身影再次显化之时,已经到了另一个漆黑的洞府之中。 Does not know that which transmitted to?” The Ling Xiao doubts are thinking. “不知道传送到哪了?”凌笑疑惑地想着。 However, can come from ### of mystical place, his innermost feelings were actually very happy. 不过,能从秘境之###来,他内心却是十分高兴了。 So to be how smelly?” Ling Xiao just about to takes a step to leave this cave mansion, actually smells tastes of the stench to transmit. “怎么这么臭?”凌笑刚要举步离开这洞府,却闻到一股股腥臭之味传来。 The Ling Xiao whole body flood a piece protects the body god light, in the cave mansion gradually became clear. 凌笑周身泛起一片护体神光,洞府之内渐渐变得清晰了起来。 Sees only in this cave mansion to scatter the animal bones unexpectedly everywhere disorderly, Ardent Fire Tiger corpse in a corrosion here, the taste of that intermittent stench passes on to pass from the body. 只见这洞府之中居然到处凌乱地散落着兽骨,还有一具腐蚀中的烈炎虎尸体在这里,那阵阵的腥臭之味传是从身上传出来的。 „Did here become Beast Cave?” Ling Xiao hold one's noses the guess to say. “难道这里成为兽洞了?”凌笑捏着鼻子猜测想道。 Really, in Ling Xiao must go out of cave entrance, outside cave entrance has heard the sound of rustling sound. 果然,就在凌笑要走出洞口之时,洞口外传来了悉悉索索的响声。 Ling Xiao has not doubted the late moment, the entire hominization made the lightning to plunder toward the hole outside. 凌笑没有疑迟片刻,整个人化做闪电朝着洞外掠了出去。 He does not know where occupies this cave mansion is Spirit Beast, if meets High Rank Spirit Beast, became in the cave mansion incomparably has troubled, but words of his One Step Ahead outside to hole, all was easy to do. 他不知道占据这洞府是何方灵兽,要是遇上高阶灵兽,在洞府之内就变得无比麻烦了,而他先一步到洞外的话,一切都好办。 In Ling Xiao to cave entrance, one meter big snake appeared before cave entrance, a trough big blood-stained mouth has nipped toward Ling Xiao. 就在凌笑到了洞口之时,一颗一米多大的蛇首出现在洞口之前,一张盆大的血口朝着凌笑咬了过来。 Ling Xiao does not dare to be negligent, single Zhi a point, wisp of Demon Blue Flame has shot toward Shekou. 凌笑不敢大意,单指一点,一缕魑魅蓝焰朝着蛇口之中射了进去。 Hissing! 嘶! That snake sends out together the pitiful yell, entire snake shrinks extremely quickly, Ling Xiao seizes the chance to plunder outside the hole, has flown above the midair. 那蛇发出一道惨叫,整颗蛇首缩得极快,凌笑趁机掠出洞外,飞到了半空之上。 He downward overlooks to see only that place cave entrance to construct above an important cliff, but what occupies in the hole is a 3rd Rank High Rank colored phosphorus snake. 他往下俯视只见那处洞口建在一处险要的峭壁之上,而盘踞在洞中的是一条三阶高阶花磷蛇。 This flowered phosphorus snake was injured by Demon Blue Flame, the snake body fell to the cliff, definitely was ten dies not fresh. 这花磷蛇被魑魅蓝焰所伤,蛇身已经落到悬崖之下,肯定是十死无生了。 Does not know where here is?” Ling Xiao has stabilized the mind, started to look around all around mountain range doubts to say. “不知此处是何地?”凌笑稳定了一下心神,开始张望了一下四周的山脉疑惑道。 Then, he stood above the midair induced, afterward then toward a direction has plundered. 接着,他站在半空之上感应了一下,随后便朝着其中一个方向掠了过去。 Did not have a while, Ling Xiao appears above a towering big tree. 没一会儿,凌笑出现在了一棵参天的大树之上。 In its under has one team of troops to rip to kill with 4th Rank Low Rank Shadow Panther. 在其下有着一队人马正与一头四阶低阶黑影豹撕杀。 No, should say that they were being attacked by Shadow Panther. 不,应该说他们正在遭到黑影豹的袭击。 Shadow Panther shines swarthily, jumps to shuttle back and forth in the jungle, that speed is much faster. 黑影豹一身黝黑发亮,在丛林之中跳跃穿梭,那速度快得惊人。 But that team escapes the troops altogether seven people, five male two females, strength all for uncommon, unexpectedly has Spirit Master Rank to cultivate is, two middle-aged people are High Rank Spirit Master. 而那一队逃跑中的人马一共有七人,五男两女,实力皆为不凡,居然都有着灵师阶修为,其中两名中年人更是高阶灵师 Now what they face is 4th Rank Spirit Beast, with this does not have the means with it contending. 只是他们如今面对的是四阶灵兽,跟本没办法与之抗衡。 That Shadow Panther to the people behind, a black blade edge such as the electricity has rumbled toward that several people instantaneously generally. 黑影豹瞬间到了众人身后,一道黑刃如电一般朝着那几人轰了过去。 Some two were rumbled instantaneously then the blood fog. 瞬间便有两人被轰成了血雾。 A middle-aged person clenched teeth, has turned around, raises hand the broadsword loudly to shout to clear the way you to lead two young ladies to walk quickly, I am entangling it here. 一名中年人咬了咬牙,转过身来,举着手中大刀大喝道“你们快带两位小姐走,我在这里缠着它”。 Uncle Zhong does not want, you could not block its a female to call out in alarm called out. 忠叔不要,你挡不住它的”一名女子惊呼叫道。 That middle-aged person puts forth reckless formidable how kills to attempt to stop Shadow Panther. 那名中年人不顾一切地使出最强大的杀着岂图阻拦黑影豹 What a pity between the two the strength differs too far, Shadow Panther does not pay attention to his attack, whatever that spirit strength bang above its beast body, its Blood-Thirst basin has nipped toward the head of middle-aged person. 可惜二者之间实力相差太远,黑影豹跟本不理会他的攻击,任由那灵力轰在它兽身之上,它那嗜血的盆口朝着中年人的头颅咬了下去。 No! 不! Another four people were frightened to yell, looked that their looks all do not hope saw the middle-aged person such died. 另外四人被吓得大叫了起来,看他们的眼神皆不希望看到中年人就这么死了。 However, at this moment, a black blade edge drops from the clouds, strikes off toward the head of that Shadow Panther directly. 然而,就在这时,一道黑刃从天而降,直接朝着那黑影豹的头颅砍去。 Shadow Panther responded extremely keenly, unexpectedly induction to the airborne sneak attack, instantaneous crooked body, has shunted the attack. 黑影豹反应极其灵敏,居然感应到空中的偷袭,瞬间歪过了身子,躲开了攻击。 Response is good, the smiling face that takes you to practice acquiring a skill that to grasp swarthy broadsword is showing to ponder young saying that then armed with knife to attack toward Shadow Panther. “反应不错,就拿你来练练手”那手持着黝黑大刀的年青露出玩味的笑容说了一声,然后持刀朝着黑影豹攻去。 Who grasps young of Devil Blade is not Ling Xiao also has. 手持魔刀的年青不是凌笑还有何人。 Now he just Advance Rank King Rank, a strength did not have confirms, meets strength suitable Spirit Beast rarely, truly cannot let up such opportunity. 如今他刚刚进阶王阶,一身实力还没得验证,难得遇上实力相当的灵兽,确实不能放过这样的机会。 Shadow Panther thought from the beginning this Human Race is somewhat uncommon, but it does not have to escape timidly. 黑影豹一开始觉得这人类是有些不凡,可是它没有胆怯地逃跑。 But the next quarter, it knows that this Human Race strength compares it also to want the powerful several points unexpectedly, Devil Blade in opposite party hand is sharp incomparable. 可下一刻,它才知道这人类实力居然比它还要强悍几分,对方手中的魔刀更是锋利无比。 Shadow Panther sends out the black blade edge attack again and again, the body keeps after retreats. 黑影豹连连发出黑刃攻击,身子不停地朝后退去。 Ling Xiao wiped one to sneer looks like you have feared, I did not use the weapon and you hit. 凌笑抹过一丝冷笑“看来你怕了,那我不用武器和你打”。 Then, Ling Xiao receives good Devil Blade, then welcomed Shadow Panther unarmed. 说罢,凌笑收好魔刀,赤手空拳便迎上了黑影豹 The Shadow Panther spirit wisdom opened, sees the broadsword in Ling Xiao hand to vanish, immediately became incomparably fierce. 黑影豹灵智已开,见凌笑手中的大刀消失,顿时又变得无比凶猛了起来。 It also no longer sends out the Attribute attack, but was the fang of use sharp claw and Blood-Thirst toward Ling Xiao direct killing in the past. 它也不再发出属性攻击,而是利用锋利的爪子和嗜血的獠牙朝着凌笑直接扑杀过去。 The Spirit Beast mortal body is powerful, but the Ling Xiao mortal body is actually not inferior to four, 5th Rank Spirit Beast. 灵兽的肉身是强悍的,而凌笑的肉身却一点都不亚于四、五阶灵兽 Sees only him just like a golden war-god, the Kungfu and with goes to the bang toward Shadow Panther. 只见他宛若一尊金色战神,拳脚并用朝着黑影豹对轰而去。 The Shadow Panther huge body was rumbled successively retrocedes, that sharp claw by golden fist rumbling. 黑影豹庞大的身体被轰得节节后退,那锋利的爪子都被金色的拳头给轰断了。 4th Rank Spirit Beast was also mediocre Ling Xiao to move sideways Shadow Panther to be sideways, such as the colored glaze golden yellow fist rumbled maliciously above Shadow Panther. 四阶灵兽也不过如此”凌笑闪身到了黑影豹侧身,如琉璃金黄的拳头狠狠地轰在了黑影豹之上。 That huge body was flown by the direct bang unexpectedly. 那庞大的身躯居然被直接轰飞了出去。 Shadow Panther crawled to call out pitifully rapidly, unexpectedly turned around runs. 黑影豹迅速爬了起来惨叫一声,居然掉头就跑。 „Can you be inescapable?” Ling Xiao sneered, personal appearance flashed once more, went toward the Shadow Panther pursuit. “你跑得了吗?”凌笑冷笑了一声,身形再次闪动,朝着黑影豹追击而去。 Five people that escapes by luck were scared. 那侥幸逃生的五人都傻了眼了。 Oh, what did I see?” That beauty good female said with a sigh. “天哪,我看到了什么?”那名姿色不错的女子叹息道。 A moment ago that fellow absolutely was the King Rank powerhouse, but...... But he so will be how young, probably is only about 20 years old, even if existences of several big Sect unusual such monstruous talent another female similarly says with a sigh. “刚才那家伙绝对是王阶强者,可……可他怎么会如此年青,好像只有20岁左右吧,哪怕是几大宗门都少有这样的妖孽的存在吧”另一名女子同样叹息道。 Two young ladies, we return quickly, here presented 4th Rank Spirit Beast, will go definitely to have toward in formidable existence that middle-aged person to recover again, was saying to two females. “两位小姐,我们快返回吧,这里已经出现四阶灵兽,再往里去肯定会有更多强大的存在”那名中年人回过神来,对着两女子说道。 Two females also know what the middle-aged person said is the fact, two people all have the profound meaning toward not to look at one, then the group then left same place. 两名女子也知道中年人所说的是事实,二人皆含着深意地朝着不远看了一眼,然后一行人便离开了原地。 After half double-hour, Ling Xiao carried the Shadow Panther corpse to return same place, discovered that was reminded of dear ones who have left. 半个时辰后,凌笑扛着黑影豹的尸体回到了原地,发现在人去楼空了。 Really is, does not know that thanked this little to slide Ling Xiao to lose Shadow Panther in underground is not feeling well said one. “真是的,也不知道感谢一下本少就溜了”凌笑黑影豹丢于地下不爽地说了一句。 He summoned Golden Wolf King and Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm. 紧接着,他又把金色狼王紫蛟龙蚯都召唤了出来。 Let them relax in all directions, but he starts the barbecue to eat. 让它们俩四处放松一下,而他则开始烤肉吃。 Thinks also to have very long time not to eat the Spirit Beast meat. 想想也有挺久时间没吃过灵兽肉了。 When an intermittent meat fragrance passes on, the Golden Wolf King saliva has kept to keep. 当一阵阵肉香味传出来之时,金色狼王的口涎一直留个不停。 But Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm unhappy Carnivorous, still shuttled back and forth to seek to be possible in all around forest lands food Spirit Grass. 紫蛟龙蚯不喜食肉,仍然在四周的林地之间穿梭寻找可食的灵草 When a big big leopard meat falls into the abdomen, the little spirit strength was absorbed, splits up to human body all around. 当一大口一大口的豹肉落入腹中之时,一点点灵力被吸取了起来,分化至肉体的四周。 Immediately, Ling Xiao only thought that the appetite opens greatly, cannot give a thought to any image, makes an effort to worry that fragrant meat. 顿时,凌笑只觉得胃口大开,也顾不上什么形象,用力地撕咬着那香肉。 Golden Wolf King long does not break a meatless fast, pulled half Panther Rou alone at the same time to enjoy. 金色狼王也是久不开荤了,扯了一半豹肉独自在一边享用。 After person of two beasts eat to the full, Ling Xiao does not worry to hurry along. 一人两兽吃饱后,凌笑也不着急赶路。 He has been able to determine here should in the Ten Thousand Beasts Cave range. 他已经可以确定这里应该还是在万兽窟的范围内。 Ten Thousand Beasts Cave and Desolate Chaparral Mountains same Spirit Beast able to move unhindered, Ling Xiao just wants to seize the chance to seek for formidable Spirit Beast to practice acquiring a skill said again. 万兽窟荒丛山脉一样灵兽纵横,凌笑正想趁机寻找强大的灵兽练练手再说。 For 5 th, Ling Xiao in a Ten Thousand Beasts Cave piece of region long-drawn-out extension. 一连五日,凌笑万兽窟其中一片地域悠转。 For these days, he altogether has killed six and seven 4th Rank Spirit Beast, two are 4th Rank Middle Rank Spirit Beast, one is 4th Rank High Rank Spirit Beast, but also obtained many three 4th Rank Spirit Grass from their domains. 这几天内,他一共杀了六、七头四阶灵兽,其中还有两头是四阶中阶灵兽,一头是四阶高阶灵兽,还从它们的地盘上获得了不少的三四阶灵草 The Golden Wolf King success is magnificent, altogether bit to kill 13 4th Rank Spirit Beast, three Middle Rank Spirit Beast, but it also received not the small wound. 金色狼王战绩更是辉煌,一共咬杀了13头四阶灵兽,有三头中阶灵兽,不过它本身也受了不小的伤。 As for Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm radically is a pacifist, nobody provokes it, it on own initiative will never cause trouble, most was once for a while stole food from other landlord some High Rank Spirit Grass. 至于,紫蛟龙蚯根本就是一个和平主义者,没人招惹它,它从来不会主动生事,最多就是时不时从别的地主偷吃了一些高阶灵草罢了。 This makes Ling Xiao also loudly shout Prodigal Zi, it with Fire Qilin same Prodigal, eats High Rank Spirit Grass simply specially, another eats High Rank Beast Core specially, moreover like the bottomless pit, ate later Advance Rank to be as before slow. 这让凌笑又大呼“败家仔”,它简直与火麒麟一样败家,一个专吃高阶灵草,另一个专吃高阶兽丹,而且都像无底洞一样,吃了之后进阶依旧缓慢。 Went back, first arrived at Ten Thousand Beasts City to purchase a number of Red Willow Grass to say again, otherwise Ling Xiao arrived by spring to clean to say for this glutton. “回去了,先到万兽城收购一批杞红草再说了,不然供不起这吃货”凌笑来到一条清泉旁清洗了一下说道。 Several day gets down, his boundary is also thorough has consolidated, thought that still do not stay here, he may have a more important matter to do. 几日下来,他的境界也算是彻底的巩固了,觉得没未要仍然留在这里了,他可还有更要紧的事情去做。 Ling Xiao receives Golden Wolf King and Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm, sped along toward Ten Thousand Beasts City directly. 凌笑收起金色狼王紫蛟龙蚯,直接朝着万兽城飞驰了回去。 Before achieves Ten Thousand Beasts City quickly, Ling Xiao dropped the body. 在快达到万兽城之前,凌笑落下了身子。 He may remember in Ten Thousand Beasts City has three big influences to dominate, and stipulates can not fight in Ten Thousand Beasts City in private, can not fly at will, even if the King Rank powerhouse cannot violate regulations, otherwise has a fate. 他可记得在万兽城之内有三大势力把持着,并且规定在万兽城之内不得私下打斗,不得随意飞行,就算是王阶强者也不能违规,不然只有一个下场。 Ling Xiao changes a sloppy clothing, in combed simply, long radiation that Uzbekistan , Mexico made widely known in back, the slender body appeared extremely tall and straight, the face of handsome manner hung pale of demon to smile, grasps a white paper fan, the whole person turned into a loose talented person instantaneously, unconventional. 凌笑换去自己一身邋遢的衣物,简单梳里了一下,一头乌墨张扬的长发散于背后,修长的身体显得极为挺拔,英俊气宇的脸庞挂着邪魅的淡笑,手持一把白纸扇,整个人瞬间变成了一个风流才子,放荡不羁。 On the white paper fan in his hand the picture has the lifelike beautiful woman chart, each Yoshimiko look is monster beautiful is all unusual. 他手中的白纸扇上画有栩栩如生的美女图,每一个美子相貌皆是妖美异常。 He looks puts on the female of strange clothing, in tiger reveals the color of tender feelings. 他看着其中一名穿着奇异服饰的女子,虎目中流露出柔情之色。 Yun'er , etc. I, I will certainly make you forever with me in together Ling Xiao muttered, the jogging the white paper fan was walking toward Ten Thousand Beasts City. 韵儿等我,我一定会让你永远和我在一起的”凌笑喃喃说了一声,轻摇着白纸扇朝着万兽城走了过去。 Ten Thousand Beasts City not, because departures of major Sect become peaceful, still as always lively uncommon. 万兽城没有因为各大宗门的离去而变得安静,仍然一如既往地热闹不凡。 Here transient population most counts Mercenary Regiment, they organize a group in threes and fours, or enters the Ten Thousand Beasts Cave treasure hunt, just came out to seek for the pleasure from Ten Thousand Beasts Cave. 在这里流动人口最多的就数佣兵团,他们三五成群组团,或是进万兽窟寻宝,或是刚从万兽窟出来寻找乐子。 The restaurant and prostitute forever are in Ten Thousand Beasts City the liveliest place. 酒楼、妓女永远是万兽城中最热闹的地方。 Ling Xiao swung Bai Zhishan to enter Ten Thousand Beasts City liveliest restaurant food fragrant error. 凌笑摇着白纸扇走进了万兽城最热闹的酒楼食香阙。 Just walked into the building error entrance, two pretty maidservants moved forward to meet somebody immediately attentively, that manner compared with welcoming other guests wants warm many. 刚走入楼阙门口,两名俏丽的侍女立即殷勤地迎了上去,那态度要比迎接其他客人要热情的多。 Must Ling Xiao look unexpectedly at this time is the son of the influential of that type of young multi- [gold/metal] . Moreover the appearance is good-looking, has an imposing appearance, makes them be enchanted by. 必竟凌笑此时一看便是那种年少多金的公子哥,而且长相俊俏,气宇轩昂,着实让她们迷醉不已。 This Young Master requests personally a maidservant to draw the Ling Xiao sleeves to smile bashfully toward in quickly lightly cries out to say. “这位少爷快往里面请”一名侍女轻拉着凌笑的衣袖含羞带笑地叫唤道。 Another maidservant is light by Ling Xiao another side says with a smile Young Master you to eat anything, our delicacies of every kind, the birds beast has everything expected to find. 另一名侍女则轻挨着凌笑的另一边笑道“少爷你想吃点什么,我们这里山珍海味,飞禽走兽应有尽有”。 The Ling Xiao ten shares by this warm entertainment, shouted to clear the way to bring this to be few immediately lightly the best position, gives on me the best liquor, comes ten jin (0.5 kg) High Rank Spirit Beast meat again. 凌笑十分享受这种热情的招待,当即轻喝道“带本少去最好的位置,给我上最好的酒,再来十斤高阶灵兽肉”。 Then, he gave back to two maidservants to throw a fleeing gold coin respectively in the past, the whole person looked like looks like a second ancestor of playboy is the same. 说罢,他还给两名侍女各丢了一窜金币过去,整个人看起来就像是一名纨绔的二世祖一样。
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