WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#346: Cuts moon/month of prestige!

Chapter 346 cuts moon/month of prestige! 第346章斩月之威! Thank 517994493 book friend to hit to enjoy ~~ 感谢“517994493”书友打赏~~ Ling Xiao decides the eye to look to that animal skin axis, a brilliance flashes before, verdant typefaces such as hovered the tadpole to drill toward Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness. 凌笑定眼望向那兽皮轴,一幕光华闪现,一个个青翠的字体如游动中的蝌蚪朝着凌笑识海之中钻了过去。 Ling Xiao did not have any protection, in mind then to flash before a paragraph of mysterious writing as well as saw a person brandishes a sword in the sky. 凌笑还没有任何防备,脑海之中便闪现了一段玄奥的文字以及看到了一人在苍空之中舞剑。 Sees only the empty shade by he destroys the statue Heaven Suppressing Sect to be able greatly the form. 只见虚影正是被他毁去雕像的镇天宗大能的身影。 Sees only his facial expression with deep veneration, the physique of imposing appearance, treadons void above, the green sends the silk to sway, in the hand the long sword keeps brandishing, each sword is all sending to the midair above pretty moon/month. 只见他神情肃然,身姿英伟,脚踏虚空之上,绿色发丝飘摇,手中长剑不停地挥舞,每一剑皆是对着半空之上的姣月而发。 Sees only that pretty moon/month empty shade, was all cut by his invisible sword air/Qi scattered about, as if saw the genuine silver moon/month was destroyed is ordinary at present. 只见那姣月的虚影,皆被他那一道道无形的剑气斩得七零八落,仿佛看到了真正的银月被毁在了眼前一般。 Each sword in tearing space, each sword sufficiently is all overwhelming, each sword may destroy the day to extinguish, each sword all straight broken vault of heaven, cuts the silver slivers moon/month! 每一剑皆在撕裂空间,每一剑足以翻江倒海,每一剑可毁天灭地,每一剑皆直破苍穹,斩碎银月! The heroic bearing of that peerless grace and talent lets the impulsion that the person cannot bear have prostrates oneself. 那风华绝代的英姿让人忍不住产生膜拜的冲动。 The animal skin axis in Ling Xiao hand dissipated in his hands, but he still shut tightly to perceive through meditation the essence of that each sword. 凌笑手中的兽皮轴已经消散在他手中,而他仍然紧闭参悟着那每一剑的精华。 Long time, Ling Xiao has opened the eye finally slightly, in the hand are simultaneously many a green long sword, a azure colorful ray shoots up to the sky. 良久,凌笑终于微微睁开了眼睛,手中同时多出一把青色长剑,一股青艳的光芒冲天而起。 Ling Xiao black hair dance head, the long sword rainbow goes, such as the moon/month like the dragon, roared continuous. 凌笑黑发舞头,长剑化虹而去,如月如龙,咆哮不休。 The pavilion early got down the formidable ban, initially Tian Xing Silver Falcon Mirror and Luo Baxing Hidden Snake Sword all cannot create the half minute damage to here. 楼阁早被下了强大的禁制,当初天星银隼镜罗霸兴隐蛇剑皆不能对这里造成半分损坏。 However, under a Ling Xiao optional sword, the pavilion was broken a giant crack. 然而,在凌笑随意的一剑之下,楼阁被破开一条巨大的裂缝。 The long sword brandishes, the sword air/Qi able to move unhindered four shoot. 长剑挥舞,剑气纵横四射。 Moon Beheading First Sword: Grasping Flower Alley Moon! 斩月第一剑:拈花弄月 This move seems like ordinary, long sword that flower petal in hand in keeping swinging entrains, resembles, in selecting to make the vast moon/month above that starry sky to be ordinary, has been pestering continuous, sword ripples continuously. 此招看似平淡无奇,手中的长剑似那花瓣在不停地摇拽,似在挑弄那星空之上的浩月一般,一直在纠缠不休,剑式荡漾绵绵。 Moon Beheading Second Sword: Moon Falling Flower Break! 斩月第二剑:月坠花折 This move has continued the previous move of essence, but the might actually compares the it first move to be much more violent, the sword incurs to spend the innumerable flower petals such as the sharp knife blade to puncture the smashing to crash the pretty moon/month directly. 此招延续了上一招的精髓,可是威力却比之第一招猛烈得多,剑招花成无数花瓣如利刃直接把姣月刺成粉碎坠落。 Moon Beheading Third Sowrd: Moon Overtaking Meteor! 斩月第三剑:流星赶月 This move has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with tyrant -type Third Form Shooting Star Sword, to pursue star to catch up with the moon/month of potential straight broken vault of heaven, destroys the day to extinguish the moon/month, extremely overbearing uncommon. 此招与霸式的第三式剑流星有着异曲同工之妙,以追星赶月之势直破苍穹,毁天灭月,极为霸道不凡。 Moon Beheading Fourth Sword: Desolate Time Violent Moon! 斩月第四剑:荒时暴月 This move is extremely tedious mysterious, such as the years rotate especially, the time folds, until broken star suddenly Yue, the myriad things turns over to the empty might, does not reach to the boundary of one with the nature cannot put forth this move. 此招是极为繁琐玄奥,尤如岁月轮转,时代更叠,直至碎星暴月,万物归虚的威力,非达至天人合一之境不能使出此招。 Moon Beheading Fifth Sword: Moon Breaking Thunderclap! 斩月第五剑:撑霆裂月 This move is Moon Beheading Sword most, directly cuts the crack space, shatter void, cuts the broken silver moon/month, splits the prestige of place! 此招为斩月剑之最,直接斩裂空间,破碎虚空,斩破银月,分裂开地之威! With the Ling Xiao King Rank strength, can only put forth the front three moves, these three moves this had the pavilion of ban rumbling the powder powder , the surrounding area remnant building within hundred li (0.5km) all was swept away to destroy, sword air/Qi able to move unhindered have left behind fierce giant sword marks above the ground. 凭着凌笑王阶的实力,只能使出前面三招,这三招已经把这一座下有禁制的楼阁给轰成了齑粉,就连方圆百里之内的残楼皆被横扫摧毁,一道道纵横的剑气在地面之上留下了一道道狰狞的巨大剑痕。 Ling Xiao holds the sword to lose behind, the single foot falls on the summit of mountain peak, with the sunny day the shining photo, the light breeze has blown, clothes sleeve is floating, the whole person appears the natural god is handsome. 凌笑持剑负于身后,单脚落在山峰之巅,与艳阳相辉映照,轻风吹过,衣袂飘飘,整个人显得潇洒神俊。 To cut moon/month of name really worthily, the first three moves were not weaker than it tyrant, the following two types are as deep as a well, only to fear that also needs to achieve Earth Emperor Rank to put forth Ling Xiao to look into the endless vault of heaven to mutter said. “真不愧为斩月之名,前三招已经比之霸式不弱了,后面两式更是难以捉摸,只怕还需要达到地皇阶才能使出”凌笑眺望着无尽的苍穹喃喃地说道。 Moon Beheading Sword Art, to reach Purple Rank High Rank Profound Technique, belongs to the Wood Attribute sword Secret Art. 斩月剑诀,以达紫阶高阶玄技,属于木属性剑诀。 Purple Rank Profound Technique only feared that cannot discover one volume in the greatest northwest. Thinks because such profound sword Secret Art made Heaven Suppressing Sect draw on extinguished annoying of sect! 紫阶玄技只怕在莫大的西北都没能找出一卷。想必正是因为此等高深的剑诀才让镇天宗招来了灭宗之惹吧! However, if Heaven Suppressing Sect Heavenly Venerable has learned this Moon Beheading Sword Art, is joined to Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword and Heavenly Dragon Shield again is the Profound Emperor strength of spelling is right, why also met full sect to be extinguished? 不过,如果镇天宗天尊学会了这斩月剑诀,再配上青龙斩月剑天龙盾就算是玄帝都有一拼之力才对,为何还会满宗被灭了呢? Ling Xiao does not go to think that these ten thousand years ago matters, he only knows one also had High Rank Profound Technique, and has not practiced true taking advantage that outside Three Parts Divine Finger completes besides Controlling God Secret Art. 凌笑不去想那些万年前的事,他只知道自己又拥有了一项高阶玄技,是除了控神诀和还未修炼完成的三分神指之外的真正依仗。 However Ling Xiao knows, if he has not used the might that Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword puts forth so not to be absolutely fearful, perhaps only he causes is more powerful than the tyrant three swords and arrogant snow six knacks that but that Devil Blade Eighth Forms might the terror, is he is unusable, otherwise the degeneration realm of the devil was inconceivable. 不过凌笑知道如果他没有动用青龙斩月剑使出的威力绝对没有这么可怕,或许只比他所使的霸式三剑、傲雪六诀要强悍一些吧,而那魔刀八式威力虽说恐怖,可是他却不能用,要不然堕落魔道就不堪设想了。 Now he puts forth Moon Beheading Sword Art by Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword again, only feared that Low Rank Earth Emperor must yield and withdraw. 如今他以青龙斩月剑再使出斩月剑诀,只怕低阶地皇都要退避三舍。 Must Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword is the High Rank Spirit Tool category unexpectedly, every strikes endures strikes compared with Earth Emperor Rank, if the Ling Xiao strength can support to control this Spirit Tool thoroughly, only feared that was Heavenly Venerable is worthy of fights. 必竟青龙斩月剑是属于高阶灵器范畴,每一击都堪比地皇阶一击,如果凌笑实力能彻底撑控这灵器,只怕是天尊都堪可一战了。 Takes advantage of the nonego finally is not correct path, it will only affect my Advance Rank Ling Xiao to mutter said one, then Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword receiving. “依仗外物终不是正道,它只会影响我的进阶凌笑喃喃地说了一声,然后把青龙斩月剑给收了起来。 Then Ling Xiao took out two bottles of Medicine Pill, uses all around the spiritual energy imprisonment, in order to avoid the Medicine Pill efficacy drains. 接着凌笑又取出了两瓶丹药,利用灵气禁锢四周,以免丹药药力流失。 Unexpectedly is 6th Grade Emperor Promotion Pill, Spirit Venerable Pill, each bottle of three, this...... This not real!” Ling Xiao almost by present Medicine Pill stunning. “居然是六品升皇丹,还有灵尊丹,每瓶三枚,这……这不是真的吧!”凌笑差点被眼前的丹药给震晕了。 These two types are 6th Grade Medicine Pill, Emperor Promotion Pill can make a Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse enter to rise 1st Rank, is High Quality in 6th Grade Medicine Pill, but Spirit Venerable Pill is 6th Grade First-Rate Medicine Pill, can make a High Rank Earth Emperor powerhouse make 50% probability breakthroughs to Heavenly Venerable Rank, even if breaks through the failure also to preserve one to cultivate for is not damaged. 这两种都是六品丹药,升皇丹可以让一名地皇阶强者进升一阶,是六品丹药中的精品,而灵尊丹更是六品顶级丹药,能让一名高阶地皇强者有一半机率突破至天尊阶,就算是突破失败也能保住一身修为不受损。 These two Medicine Pill may be needs innumerable 5th Rank Spirit Grass as well as ten several 6th Rank Spirit Grass, is joined to High Rank Medicine Pill that 6th Rank Beast Core can refine again. 这两种丹药可都是需要无数的五阶灵草以及十数株六阶灵草,再配上六阶兽丹才能炼制的高阶丹药 Only then reaches to precious Medicine Pill that the 6th Grade peak or 7th Grade Master Alchemist can refine. 只有达至六品巅峰或是七品炼药师才能炼制出来的珍贵丹药 Each this Medicine Pill will cause sanguinary rules, has not thought that here has six. 每一枚这种丹药都会引起一片腥风血雨,没想到在这里却足足有六颗。 The Ling Xiao innermost feelings are really joyful extremely, that excitement obtained the collection of Earth Emperor Rank more excited than in Desolate Chaparral Mountains before. 凌笑内心实在是欣喜万分,那种激动的心情比之前在荒丛山脉获得地皇阶的收藏还要激动。 Although these two Medicine Pill are unusable temporarily, but will not represent him not to use in the future, let alone he already planned to train his influence, now had these two Medicine Pill, will wait certainly to help own person to cultivate to the future to bring it up a level, let alone here will have the inheritance grave. 这两种丹药虽然暂时不能用,可是不代表他未来用不到,何况他早已打算培养自己的势力,现在有了这两种丹药,等日后一定可以助自己的人修为更上一层楼,何况这里还有传承的墓冢。 This Heaven Suppressing Sect had 5th Grade Sect implication powerful Sect really worthily. 镇天宗真不愧是已经有五品宗门蕴含的强悍宗门 Now must find the way to be separated from here to be good Ling Xiao to see the future hope, thinks at heart morning a point leaves here. “现在得想办法脱离这里才行了”凌笑看到了未来的希望,心里更想早一点离开这里。 He must seek for Heavenly Poison Divine Art to help Priestess soon painstakingly to leave the destiny the shackles. 他还要去寻找天蛊神功祭司女早日苦离命运的枷锁呢。 The Ling Xiao following two day searches Heaven Suppressing Sect any corner crazily, has a look whether to find the outlet. 凌笑接下来两日疯狂地搜索镇天宗任何一个角落,看看能否找到出路。 What a pity, this side world early had gone to the fearful ban by the cloth, only if he can achieve the Heavenly Venerable Rank strength, relies on Divine Cauldron to break the ban to go, otherwise all these are only the futile efforts. 可惜,这方天地早被布下了可怕的禁制,除非他能达到天尊阶的实力,更凭借神鼎破开禁制而去,不然这一切只是徒劳。 Ling Xiao face upwards long and loud cry to want me to be here dull really on for dozens years!”. 凌笑仰天长啸“难道真要我在这里呆上数十年么!”。 The sound reverberation is melodious, the bird shakes wing to fly randomly. 声音回荡悠扬,飞鸟震翅乱飞。 The Ling Xiao breakthrough to King Rank, was considered as the previous character in the northwest, but was actually stranded here for enough one month, has not known that can break the ban to depart, in the heart is really bitter and astringent! 凌笑突破至王阶了,在西北已经算得上一位人物了,可是却被困在这里足足一个多月,还不知道能不能破了禁制离去,心中甚是苦涩啊! If not his heart worries, then he does practice Earth Emperor Rank or Heavenly Venerable Rank with concentration here exits again why not? 如果不是他心有牵挂,那么他潜心在这里修炼到地皇阶天尊阶再出去又何妨呢? Bore what bustling place not, he was one is impossible to cut off the bustling place, pursued the perfect person. 耐何红尘未了,他也是一个不可能斩断红尘,追求极致的人。 If goes to the bustling place to reach Wu Jing the peak decisively, which significance where? 如果断去红尘而达到武境的巅峰,哪意义何在? In Ling Xiao despairs, the Devil Emperor sound has made a sound in his Sea of Consciousness once more getting up master, perhaps you can seek for here whether has transmission. 就在凌笑绝望之时,魔帝的声音再次在他识海中响了起来“主人,或许你可以寻找一下这里是否有传输阵”。 Transmission?” Ling Xiao has gawked evil ways. “传输阵?”凌笑愣了一下道。 Right, this Sect is not small, Venerable Rank military are also many, thinks that will have transmission convenience difference the Devil Emperor minute to say in Sect clearly. “没错,这宗门不小,尊阶武者也不少,想必会在宗门备有传输阵方便出入”魔帝分晰说道。 Fuck, why you early did not say that” Ling Xiao jumped to yell one. 我靠,你为什么不早说”凌笑跳了起来大叫了一声。 Ling Xiao has been seeking for the exit / to speak, has not actually thought that also has a transmission way to exit. Now appears so surprised after the Devil Emperor reminder. 凌笑一直在寻找出口,却不曾想到还有传输阵一途可以出去的。现在经魔帝提醒才显得如此惊讶。 Devil Emperor was whispering you also not to ask me at heart, pass/test my bird matter!”. 魔帝在心里嘀咕“你又没问我,关我鸟事啊!”。 Ling Xiao just flood how many rays of hope, but the next quarter was also low-spirited getting down but I do not know where transmission is at? How then should look?”. 凌笑刚泛起几丝希望之光,可是下一刻又黯然了下来“可是我不知道传输阵在哪呢?这下该怎么找?”。 Transmission usually constructs in hidden place or in public, in Sect, will choose to construct in the hidden place generally, but will choose in the city in public, perhaps this point I can busy of master person Devil Emperor say. “传输阵一般建在暗处或明处,在宗门之内,一般会选择建在暗处,而在城池之内则会选择在明处,这一点或许我可以帮主人的忙”魔帝说道。 Ling Xiao listened to the Devil Emperor words, takes out Blood Devouring Devil Blade to make Devil Emperor obviously melt instantaneously, then to it is said that you help me seek for transmission quickly, in the future this little absolutely will seek one to be appropriate your body for you. 凌笑听了魔帝的话,瞬间取出噬血魔刀魔帝显化出来,接着对它说“你快去帮我寻找传输阵,日后本少绝对会为你寻一个合适你的身体”。 So the first apologizing master Devil Emperor said that changes to makes one group of black fog to speed along to go in a direction. “如此先谢过主人了”魔帝说了一声,化做一团黑雾朝着一个方向飞驰而去。 Ling Xiao is looking at going far away Devil Emperor, thinks the so formidable character although at heart faintly other day was threatened by him, but once makes it restore, oneself will be in danger anytime. 凌笑望着远去的魔帝,心里隐隐觉得如此强大的人物日前虽被他威胁,可一旦让它恢复过来,自己随时将会有生命危险。 Some day, I absolutely will make you thoroughly great the clothing/taking Ling Xiao in secretly under to decide in my at heart want to say definitely. “有朝一日,我绝对会让你彻底巨服在我脚下”凌笑在心里暗暗下定决地想道。 Ling Xiao knows that Devil Emperor once was one generation of fierce and ambitiouses, must make it submit is not an easy matter. 凌笑知道魔帝曾是一代枭雄,要让它屈服不是一件容易的事。 Only if he can surmount Devil Emperor in the strength, defeats it thoroughly. 除非在实力上他可以超越魔帝,彻底将它打败。 On this day also needs not short time realizes. 这一日还需要不短的时候去实现呢。 After the half day, in Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness has heard the Devil Emperor crying out sound master, I found transmission!”. 半日后,凌笑识海之中传来了魔帝的叫唤声“主人,我找到传输阵了!”。 The Ling Xiao great happiness, flew above midair to speed along to go in a direction instantaneously. 凌笑大喜,瞬间飞到了半空之上朝着一个方向飞驰而去。 When Ling Xiao goes to the place that Devil Emperor, in that Gethering Hawk Hall main hall that actually at the beginning of the discovery returns to start to enter. 凌笑来到魔帝所在的地方后,却发现回到了开始之初进入的那个聚鹰堂的大殿之中。 But that transmission actually constructs in the cave mansion that after main shrine, in Gethering Hawk Hall is. 而那传输阵却建在聚鹰堂所在的主殿之后的洞府中。 This cave mansion is extremely covert, the average man is hard to catch to obtain. 这洞府极其隐蔽,常人难以捕捉得到。 Devil Emperor is a wisp of soul, is familiar with a transmission understanding, therefore it can find transmission in the short time is. 要不是魔帝乃一缕灵魂,皆之对于传输阵的了解熟悉,所以它能在短短时间内找到传输阵的所在。 However here transmission seems like leaves uncultivated for a long time, does not know that can also use. 不过此处传输阵看似荒废已久,不知道还能不能使用。 Ling Xiao enters the cave mansion, wields disperses these weeds to be chaotic, a portray has the terrain of mysterious chart mark to appear at present, but has the chase to correspond around the cave mansion, wants to come to need the Beast Core energy to transport does. 凌笑进入洞府,挥散那些杂草乱垢,一处刻画有玄奥图纹的地形出现在眼前,而在洞府四周有暗槽相对应,想来正是需要兽丹能量才能运做的了。 Master, this transmission Formation Diagram had not been destroyed, should not have to be destroyed, you can feel relieved that use Devil Emperor said. “主人,这传输阵的阵图还没被毁去,应该没有被破坏,你可以放心使用”魔帝说道。 Ling Xiao also noted this point, on the face could not conceal the excited look, then impatiently took out several High Rank Beast Core from Spatial Ring, went toward that all around chase lasing respectively. 凌笑也注意到了这一点,脸上掩饰不住激动的神色,接着迫不急待地从空间戒之中取出了数颗高阶兽丹,分别朝着那四周的暗槽激射而去。 When Beast Core falls into the chase, a brilliance bloomed from the chart mark of ground, the entire cave mansion becomes dazzling exceptionally. 兽丹落入暗槽之中,一幕光华从地面的图纹绽放了开来,整间洞府变得耀眼异常。 ! 咻! The Ling Xiao form disappeared in this cave mansion instantaneously. 凌笑的身影瞬间在这洞府之中消失了。
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