WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#345: High-order spirit

Chapter 345 High Rank Spirit Tool 第345章高阶灵器 Thank „the ku show book this two book friends to hit to enjoy ~~ 感谢“ku展”“书此”两位书友打赏~~ Although Ling Xiao breaks through to King Rank, has been able the congealing air/Qi to become a useful person at any time, carries on any enemy and thing within attack kilometer using the spiritual energy. 凌笑虽然突破至王阶,已经可以随时凝气成器,利用灵气进行攻击千米之内的任何敌人和事物。 By his Low Rank King Rank strength, in addition the Five Attribute energy, the Wind Attribute speed, this has been able to make him contend with any King Rank. 以他低阶王阶的实力,再加上五种属性的能量,风属性的速度,这已经可以让他与任何王阶相抗衡了。 He also has mysterious Spiritual Force, even if were Earth Emperor Rank may cut to kill it. 况且他还有神奇的精神力,哪怕是地皇阶都有可能将其斩杀了。 Suddenly, Ling Xiao thought finally one strength that starts a little to maintain life. 一时间,凌笑终于觉得自己开始有一点能保命的实力了。 Ling Xiao falls before the grave, black black Medicine Cauldron appears in him at present. 凌笑落于墓冢之前,一尊黑黝药鼎出现在他眼前。 Makes me try by my present strength whether can break here ban Ling Xiao to mutter said that a King Rank imposing manner surges upward, the peripheral spiritual energy closes up rapidly. “让我试试以我如今的实力是否能破开这里的禁制了”凌笑喃喃地说了一声,一身王阶气势高涨,周边灵气迅速靠拢。 Gives me to go!” Ling Xiao holds up Medicine Cauldron high, all spiritual energies uneven above Medicine Cauldron, then wields Medicine Cauldron to go toward the banned entrance bang. “给我去!”凌笑药鼎高高举起,所有灵气齐中在药鼎之上,然后才挥起药鼎朝着禁制入口轰去。 Bang! 轰隆! Banned that the previous side world all shivers, banned that Shenhua was rumbled by Medicine Cauldron draws back disperses much. 禁制前一方天地皆为之颤抖,禁制神华被药鼎轰得退散不少。 What a pity, only in the moments banned merely Shenhua interlocks once more able to move unhindered, as if has not been damaged general. 可惜,仅仅只在片刻之间禁制神华再次交错纵横,似乎未曾受损一般。 Five Heavenly Venerable Rank powerhouses the ban of cloth is really fearful Ling Xiao to take back Medicine Cauldron to say lightly. “五名天尊阶强者所布的禁制果然可怕”凌笑收回药鼎淡淡地说道。 At this time, the Devil Emperor sound resounded once more has not thought that the master obtained Hei Yao Divine Cauldron unexpectedly, what a pity Divine Cauldron did not attack the shape weapon, otherwise this banned that could not bear this to strike absolutely. 这时,魔帝的声音再次响起“没想到主人居然获得黑曜神鼎,可惜神鼎不是攻击形武器,要不然这禁制绝对受不了这一击”。 Has not thought that your also a little vision, can recognize Dark Brilliant Cauldron the Ling Xiao surprise to say slightly. “没想到你也有点眼界,能认出黑曜鼎凌笑略为诧异地说道。 Master, you looks down on book...... The old servants, each Divine Tool all was earthshaking, existence that the prestige broadcast, the lackey slightly had certainly hearing, but has not actually attained Divine Tool, even if had Saint Tool while convenient in the hand, the old servant initially will not meet misfortune to present Devil Emperor said with a sigh. “主人,你太小瞧本……老奴了,每件神器皆是惊天动地,威名远播的存在,奴才当然略有耳闻,只是却未曾获过一件神器,哪怕是有一件趁手的圣器在手,老奴当初也不会落难至斯了”魔帝叹息道。 „, Your solemn one generation of won't Devil Emperor have Saint Tool while convenient unexpectedly?” The Ling Xiao surprise asked. “不会吧,你堂堂一代魔帝居然没有一件趁手的圣器?”凌笑诧异地问道。 Profound Emperor Rank is what can formidable existence, to isn't have Saint Tool with cultivating of Devil Emperor? 玄帝阶是何能强大的存在,难道凭着魔帝的修为都无法拥有一件圣器吗? Devil Emperor should say that master you have misunderstood, Saint Tool my naturally collection has several, what a pity these were I past cut to kill, bears what these that the enemy attained not to tally my Attribute Saint Tool, thinks, when I entered the Saint my sword promotion to Saint Tool, what a pity......”. 魔帝应道“主人你误会了,圣器我自然收藏有几件,可惜那些都是我昔日斩杀敌人所获的,耐何这几件都没有合符我的属性圣器,本想当我入圣之时将我战刀提升至圣器,可惜……”。 So that's how it is!” Ling Xiao suddenly. “原来如此!”凌笑恍然。 Any military has the appropriate Attribute weapon, naturally can be twice the result with half the effort when the fight, but the use inappropriate own weapon, is actually impossible to display the true might of that weapon. 任何武者拥有合适自己属性的武器,在战斗之时自然可以事半功倍,而使用不合适自己的武器,却是不可能将那武器的真正威力发挥出来。 Is ordinary on being just like beforehand Luo Baxing, he with this cannot put forth the hidden snake-shaped one-third might, otherwise Ling Xiao possibly early hung. 就好比之前罗霸兴一般,他跟本没能使出隐蛇形的1的威力,要不然凌笑可能早挂了。 Master later you are best to be short before the person reveal Divine Cauldron, many people may be able to judge the quality of goods, once meets the powerhouse, even if ten assign you insufficiently to ruin, even if some super Sect and these powerful aristocratic families will drool extremely the Devil Emperor reminder to say. “主人以后你最好少在人前露出神鼎,不少人可都是识货的,一旦遇上强者,哪怕十条命你都不够葬送,哪怕一些超级宗门和那些强盛的世家都会垂涎万分”魔帝提醒说道。 Ling Xiao strokes the Medicine Cauldron cauldron wall to sigh lightly this I know. 凌笑抚摸着药鼎鼎壁轻叹道“这个我晓得”。 The ordinary man is innocent, cherishes the wall from the crime! 正所谓匹夫无罪,怀壁自罪! This truth Ling Xiao knows. 这个道理凌笑还是知道的。 No matter what Divine Tool, that is achieves said god thing, in this world is extremely rare, the quantity is extremely limited. 不管是何种神器,那已经是达到称“神”的东西,在这世上可是极为罕见,数量极其有限。 No matter any military obtains can greatly promote the battle efficiency, but like this Medicine Cauldron is Master Alchemist long-awaited Divine Object. Does not know why initially will wander about destitute in the Ling Family ancestor's hand. 不管是任何一名武者获得都可以大大提升战斗力,而像这尊药鼎更是炼药师梦寐以求的神物。只是不知道当初为何会流落在凌家先祖之手。 Ling Xiao naturally cannot think, not to know that now can leave this mystical place, some whose people will also look at his Divine Cauldron? 凌笑自然不会想得那么远,如今还不知道能不能离开这秘境呢,谁还会有人来觑视他的神鼎呢? Here restricted area cannot break, can only think again other means Ling Xiao looked at a grave reluctantly, then turned the head to leave. “此处禁地破不了,只能再想其他办法了”凌笑无奈地看了一眼墓冢,然后转头离开了。 Although inside has the inheritance, but that finally will not be his choice, moreover he will not have the strength to break the ban, can only be has a mind to be incapable. 里面虽有传承,但那最终不会是他的选择,而且他也没有实力破开禁制,只能是有心而无力了。 However, since knows that here has the inheritance, will then be formidable certainly to break here ban in the future. Was accepted the inheritance by own person here. 不过,既然已经知道此处多有传承,那么日后强大起来一定破了这里的禁制。让自己身边的人在这里接受传承。 Ling Xiao this decision, had determined his person stepped road of the powerhouse. 凌笑这一决定,也确定了他身边的人踏上了一条强者之路。 Ling Xiao broke through Low Rank King Rank, in the greatest northwest had the safeguard in strength, but does not have the means in the mystical place of this nobody. 凌笑已经突破低阶王阶,在莫大的西北有了实力上的保障,可是在这无人的秘境之中却是毫无办法。 So passing several days. 如此又过去数日。 Ling Xiao has not continued to practice, but keeps speeding along in this mystical place, is looking for the outlet blindly. 凌笑并没有继续修炼,而是在这秘境之中不停地飞驰,在盲目地寻找出路。 Occasionally also practices Profound Technique above the midair, causes the thoroughly consolidated strength, the spiritual energy utilization of familiar King Rank, more convenient will battle with the person in the future. 偶尔也在半空之上练习玄技,使自己彻底巩固实力,熟悉王阶的灵气运用,更方便自己日后与人交战。 Phantom Cloud Step!” Ling Xiao shouted one above the midair lightly, the both feet void ice crossed general, left behind empty shades in the midair, the empty shade was not loose just like real the congealment for a very long time. 云踪魅影!”凌笑在半空之上轻呼了一声,双脚虚空凌渡一般,在半空之中留下一道道虚影,虚影宛若真实久久凝结不散。 This speed endures compared with general Middle Rank King Rank, in addition my Wind Attribute, even if High Rank King Rank is also hard to overtake me beyond kilometer, Ling Xiao stands firm the natural personal appearance to mutter said. “这速度堪比一般中阶王阶,再加上我的风属性,哪怕是高阶王阶也难以追上我吧”千米之外,凌笑站定潇洒的身形喃喃地说道。 Afterward, he is a Kungfu brandishes. 随后,他又是一阵拳脚挥舞。 Intermittent flame and cold air keep peripheral blooming in him, You Ru a Ice and Fire sunny day from the sky blooms. 一阵阵火焰、寒气不停地在他周边绽放,尤如一尊冰火艳阳在空中绽放。 Among horizons an intermittent certainly ear not loud sound at explosion sound. 天际之间一阵阵绝耳不响的声音在轰响。 Also after a while, Ling Xiao made the startled rainbow to plunder above the Heaven Suppressing Sect prominent peak together. 又过了一会儿,凌笑化做一道惊虹掠到了镇天宗的主峰之上。 Ling Xiao crosses the hands behind the back to look the pavilion that at present has not damaged, hesitant he has walked into the pavilion once more. 凌笑负手看着眼前没有丝毫损坏的楼阁,犹豫了一下他再次走入了楼阁之中。 One month ago, in he and Three Sects person entered blow have divided here all Profound Tool and Profound Technique. 一个月前,他与三宗的人进内刮分了这里一切玄器玄技 But to the final heavy treasure is actually the counterfeit goods, this has made him be puzzling. 可是到最后的重宝却是假货,这一直让他百思不得其解。 He once thinks that the genuine article early had possibly been attacked and occupied here person winning, but he does not understand why these people can also suspend the counterfeit goods? Only for flickering posterity? 他一度认为真货可能已经早被攻占这里的人给夺走了,可是他不明白那些人为何还要把假货摆上去呢?难道只为了忽悠后人? Ling Xiao steps into the pavilion once more, to most top layer, looked at that to be rumbled directly the broken statue, only thinks a graceful breath. Must unexpectedly this be Heaven Suppressing Sect one generation of outstanding big energies, after dying , the statue was destroyed. 凌笑再次踏入楼阁之中,直接到了最顶层,望着那已经被轰碎的雕像,只觉得一阵婉息。必竟这是镇天宗的一代杰出大能,死后就连雕像都被毁了。 Oh, really did not have an environmental protection consciousness Ling Xiao to sigh one, wielded conveniently, wiped Demon Blue Flame to burn down the past toward that statue. “唉,真是没有一点环境保护意识”凌笑叹了一声,随手一挥,一抹魑魅蓝焰朝着那雕像焚烧了过去。 Since the statue has destroyed, Ling Xiao simply makes it vanish thoroughly. 既然雕像已毁,凌笑干脆就让它彻底地消失吧。 Zizi! 兹兹! The millennium magnetite of statue also gradually separated to melt under burning down of Demon Blue Flame. 雕像的千年玄石也在魑魅蓝焰的焚烧下渐渐隔化了。 In Ling Xiao turns around to depart, wiped the god light to bloom in the statue of that breakage. 就在凌笑转身离去之时,一抹神光在那破损的雕像之中绽放了出来。 ! 咻咻! The gods light wash out Heavenly Flame, illuminates the entire pavilion well-illuminated exceptionally, generally appears extremely mysterious like a pagoda. 神光冲散天火,把整座楼阁都照得通亮异常,就像一尊宝塔一般显得极为神奇。 Ling Xiao opens the mouth to look at this sudden one. 凌笑张大着嘴巴看着这突如其来的一幕。 Heavy treasure in this!” In the Ling Xiao mind has flashed through four characters. “重宝在此!”凌笑脑海之中闪过了四个字。 Sees only one group to ban that the god has only isolated Heavenly Flame, inside is wrapping several things, each thing all and before this case stage ornaments is the same. 只见一团禁制神光隔绝了天火,里面包裹着几件东西,每一件东西皆与此前案台摆设的一样。 A green long sword, a circular shield, one volume of animal skin axes, two jars. 一把青色长剑,一只圆形盾牌,一卷兽皮轴,两只瓶子。 The long Sword Lord air/Qi appears externally, the scabbard lush green, sword hilt Dragon Shou face upwards the long and loud cry, You Ge of as if obvious Little Dragon nimble and resourceful around sword. 剑霸气外露,剑鞘青翠欲滴,剑柄龙首仰天长啸,仿佛可见一条小龙在剑周围灵动地游戈。 The circular shield is not big, appears plain plain, when dragon the shield surface, the longan is nimble and resourceful, must pull up steadily circles, the shield handle such as Dragon's Tail surrounds, appears exceptionally honored. 圆形盾牌并不大,显得古朴无华,一颗龙首当盾面,龙眼灵动,长须撩绕,盾柄如龙尾环绕,显得异常地尊贵。 Animal skin axis not any losing face place, what only noteworthy is only Little Gold silk of that bundle on axle body appears honored exceptionally. 兽皮轴没有任何出彩的地方,唯一值得注意的只是那捆绑在轴身上的小金丝显得尊贵异常罢了。 In jars of another two fine sparkling stones, then can see to think of several thumb sizes Medicine Pill, each Medicine Pill is as before intact, the intermittent efficacy was still imprisoned in the jar. 另两只精莹的瓶子,一眼便可以看见里面装着几颗拇指般大小的丹药,每一颗丹药依旧完好无缺,阵阵药力仍然被禁锢在瓶子之中。 Ling Xiao swallows the saliva to walk, is looking at that float four things, both eyes all emit the none remaining. 凌笑咽了咽口水走了过去,望着那悬浮起来的四件东西,双眼皆冒出精光。 Really is you wear out iron shoes in hunting round, must come all not to need the effort!” Ling Xiao muttered said that then took out Dark Brilliant Cauldron to rumble toward that banned ray from Spatial Ring in the past. “真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费功夫啊!”凌笑喃喃地说了一声,接着从空间戒取出了黑曜鼎朝着那禁制光芒轰了过去。 Gods light staggered, bang makes a sound for the first time, the pavilion vibrates! 神光交错,轰隆乍响,楼阁为之震动! Here banned that to hide spirit magnificent of heavy treasure, defends the might of ban to be far from compared with it, was pounded by Medicine Cauldron has broken the ban directly. 此处禁制只是为了隐藏重宝的灵华,比之防御禁制的威力相差甚远,被药鼎一砸直接破开了禁制。 ! 咻咻! When banned just broke, Azure Dragon Moon Beheading Sword as well as Heavenly Dragon Shield made two rainbows to flee to fly toward the pavilion outside to go. 当禁制刚刚破开,青龙斩月剑以及天龙盾化做两道长虹朝着楼阁之外窜飞而去。 Unexpectedly is High Rank Spirit Tool!” The Ling Xiao great happiness, With Bare Hands grasps, the peripheral spiritual energy for its uses, imprisons that two Spirit Tool instantaneously, at the same time, he gives a loud shout comes to me!”. “居然是高阶灵器!”凌笑大喜,徒手一抓,周边灵气为其所用,瞬间禁锢住那两件灵器,与此同时,他大喝一声“给我来!”。 Two Spirit Tool are unable to rely on the spirit strength to break the imprisonment of Ling Xiao, can only arrive in front of Ling Xiao obediently. 两件灵器无法凭借着灵力破开凌笑的禁锢,只能乖乖地来到了凌笑面前。 But Ling Xiao lays aside Dark Brilliant Cauldron before two Spirit Tool, Yaoguang dodges, that two Spirit Tool miraculous glows dissipate, such as loses the spiritual energy to pound to fall on the ground generally instantaneously, reviews Dark Brilliant Cauldron is brilliant, mysterious uncommon! 凌笑黑曜鼎放置在两件灵器之前,耀光一闪,那两件灵器灵光消散,如失去灵气一般瞬间砸落在地上,反观黑曜鼎更是光彩夺目,玄奥不凡! Congratulates the master, these two are 7th Rank Spirit Tool, was the High Rank Spirit Tool category the Devil Emperor sound to make a sound to say in Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness. “恭喜主人,这两件乃七阶灵器,属于高阶灵器范畴了”魔帝的声音在凌笑识海之中响了起来说道。 Ling Xiao receives Dark Brilliant Cauldron, then ascended that two Spirit Tool. 凌笑收起黑曜鼎,然后把那两件灵器拾了起来。 Two mild air/Qi in middle reaches of extension his double palm, making him feel the comfortable feel, the spiritual energy is threatening. 两股温润之气在他双掌之中游转,让他觉得手感舒适,灵气逼人。 Here contains, but the rare 7th Rank flood dragon Dragon Qi breath, no wonder can divide into two to forge so one sword one shield, wants to come this is Heaven Suppressing Sect certainly for powerhouse the assigns Spirit Tool Ling Xiao to look that this sword one shield muttered said that in both eyes was passing the infinite joy. “这里蕴含的可是罕见的七阶龙气息,难怪可以一分为二锻造出如此一剑一盾,想来这就是镇天宗的绝代强者的本命灵器吧”凌笑看着这一剑一盾喃喃说道,双眼中透着无限的欣喜。 Is a pity is Wood Attribute, although is also very appropriate my Attribute, but I do not have formidable Wood Attribute Profound Technique, was not quite appropriate I to use Ling Xiao also to sigh one to receive one sword one shield, then also said that could take to give Great Master is regarded as our Wood Flag Peak town peak Spirit Tool uses!”. “可惜是木属性,虽说也很合适我的属性,不过我没有强大的木属性玄技,却不太合适我用”凌笑又叹了一声把一剑一盾收了起来,接着又道“或许可以拿回去送给太师傅当做是我们木旗峰的镇峰灵器用吧!”。 Ling Xiao has thought Wood Flag Peak that oneself are, if this sword one shield gives his Great Master Xiao Songlin to use that might to endure compared with a Heavenly Venerable war absolutely, had this sword one shield to complete to suppress several other peaks, can make Wood Flag Peak have true taking advantage. 凌笑想到了自己所在的木旗峰,如果这一剑一盾给他的太师傅萧松林所用那威力绝对堪比天尊一战,有了这一剑一盾完成可以镇压其他几峰了,同时也能让木旗峰有了真正的依仗。 Then, Ling Xiao has taken that animal skin axis, tying up in axis middle gold thread solving. 接着,凌笑又取过那兽皮轴,把绑在轴中间的金丝给解了下来。 This gold thread thin such as sends, the advantage like the blade edge, the golden light sparkle wants to come is also uncommon thing Ling Xiao gently standing on tiptoes measures to say. “这金丝细如发,利如刃,金光闪耀想来也是不凡之物”凌笑轻轻踮量了一下说道。 This is the 7th Rank Metal Silkworm silk is absolutely sharp, if treats as to assassinate the weapon, was really good treasure of killing without showing blood the Devil Emperor sound has made a sound once more. “这是七阶金蚕丝绝对锋利啊,要是当做暗杀武器,真是杀人不见血的好宝物”魔帝的声音再次响了起来。 Ling Xiao smiled also to receive the gold thread, then opened the animal skin axis slowly. 凌笑笑了笑把金丝也收了起来,然后缓缓打开了兽皮轴。 The animal skin axis just opened, azure glow splits presently, four plain vigorous large characters float above midair. 兽皮轴刚刚打开,青芒绽现,四个古朴苍劲的大字悬浮于半空之上。 Moon Beheading Sword Art four overbearing phrases have appeared. 斩月剑诀”四个霸道的字眼显现了出来。 Looks at these four azure quiet large characters, Ling Xiao is having an impulsive mood, why not wants to experience this Moon Beheading Sword Art might to have every place very much. 望着这四个青幽的大字,凌笑有一股冲动的情绪,很想见识一下这斩月剑诀的威力到底有何不凡之处。 Unexpectedly dares in the name of to cut moon/month! 居然敢以“斩月”为名!
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