WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#344: to become Wang

Chapter 344 to become Wang 第344章成王 Did Ling Xiao ask what thing to have the advantage to me?”. 凌笑问道“什么东西对我有好处?”。 Devil Emperor should say „, although is the grave, but here is here Sect foundation is, only then reaches to Earth Emperor Rank military can bury here, they will leave behind the lifetime sensibility before dying the thought that is also the place of corresponding inheritance, expected that the disciple grandson prepares to the later generation, so long as in the Innate Talent astonishing disciple all may enter depending on the inheritance of own chance gain senior , to continue the Sect exuberant incense and candle by this, the inheritance of here grave many Venerable Rank, looked like this town gate had the 5th Grade inside story, cannot think that the trivial northwest bleak also had such Sect to exist, was really astonishing.”. 魔帝应道“虽然里面是墓冢,可是这里却是此处宗门的根基所在,只有达至地皇阶的武者才能葬于此处,他们都会在死前留下毕生感悟的意念,也就是相应的传承之地,料想是给后辈徒孙准备的,只要天斌惊人的弟子皆可入内凭自己的机缘获取前辈的传承,以此延续宗门旺盛的香火,此处墓冢不乏尊阶的传承,看来这镇门已经有了五品的底蕴了,想不到区区西北荒凉之地也有此等宗门存在,着实让人吃惊。”。 „Is grave the place of inheritance?” Ling Xiao reveals startles the facial expression to call out in alarm greatly said. “墓冢是传承之地?”凌笑露出大骇地神情惊呼道。 Good, if the master you can inside, obtain the inheritance of Venerable Rank ten several years absolutely to achieve Venerable Rank, at the appointed time then can leave here Devil Emperor to say. “不错,如果主人你能到里面去,获得尊阶的传承不出十数年绝对可以达到尊阶,到时便可以离开这里了”魔帝应道。 Venerable Rank?” Ling Xiao defeated/carrying both hands were looking that muttered to that gloomy mountain ridge, then both eyes sent out cui rotten ray [say / way] you are my servant once reached the Emperor Rank peak, I in the future from working as broken emperor to become Sheng, if the side made you submit to sufficiently thoroughly, trivial Venerable Rank can it be that my goal!”. 尊阶吗?”凌笑负着双手看向那阴沉的山岭之上喃喃道,接着双眼散发出璀烂光芒道“你乃吾仆人都曾达到帝阶巅峰,吾日后自当破帝成圣,如果方足以让你彻底臣服,区区尊阶又岂是吾的目标!”。 The Ling Xiao double fist gripped closely is saying, an honored golden imposing manner has sent out from the body. 凌笑双拳攥得紧紧地说着,一股尊贵黄金气势从身上散发了开来。 In this world most formidable is not Venerable Rank, above Emperor Rank, Saint Rank and Divine Rank. 在这个世上最强大的不是尊阶,还有其上的帝阶圣阶神阶 He no matter the previous generation or this life is the stubbornness, do not reach an item of scalar potential not to give up. He already set the goal to high, how also to give up own pursue for the present benefit. 他不管是前世或今生皆是牛脾气,不达目标势不罢休。他早已把目标订到最高,又怎么为了眼前的利益而放弃自己的追求呢。 Must once unexpectedly obtains the inheritance, military according to inheritance obtained all cultivates, once after achieving the inheritance step position, wants to continue to break through difficultly surely. 必竟一旦获得传承,武者将根据传承所得的一切去修炼,一旦达到传承阶位之后想要继续突破下去必定难上加难。 Although the inheritance is precious, but advantageous also has the shortcoming, this is also one of reasons the Ling Xiao choice gives up. 传承虽然珍贵,可是有利也有弊,这也正是凌笑选择放弃的原因之一。 He thought that he should be able to take Lu of to come own peak. 况且他觉得自己应该能走出一条属于自己的巅峰之路来。 Devil Emperor sneaks in Blood Devouring Devil Blade instantaneously, at heart red bypass this emperor in the past was the what kind heroic bearing, can it be that your this Young Fellow can surmount. 魔帝瞬间钻进噬血魔刀之中,心里绯付道“本帝当年是何等英姿,又岂是你这小子可以超越的”。 Was right, inside stays behind besides inheritance, but also there is what discovery?” Ling Xiao restrained the imposing manner to ask lightly. “对了,里面除了传承留下之外,还有何发现?”凌笑收敛了气势淡淡地问道。 Should also somewhat good little thing, but here ban is densely covered, the master your mortal body of this cannot go in Devil Emperor to say. “应该还有些不错的小东西吧,只不过此处禁制密布,主人你的肉身跟本进不去”魔帝应道。 Yes, even if I know that here has the heavy treasure is I am not able to take out, some day I reach to Venerable Rank, does inside thing have what using to me? It is not good, if certainly wants means to break this ban line Ling Xiao to narrow the eye to say with a sigh. “是啊,就算我知道这里有重宝可是我也无法取出,异日我达至尊阶,里面的东西对我又有何用?不行,一定要想办法破了这禁制才行”凌笑眯了眯眼睛叹息道。 Ling Xiao sat cross-legged to think this so broke here ban. 凌笑盘坐了一下思索该如此破了这里的禁制。 Some little time , did Ling Xiao jump to call out in alarm [say / way] to make Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm lead me not to go on the line?”. 好一会儿后,凌笑跳了起来惊呼道“让紫蛟龙蚯带我进去不就行了?”。 Ling Xiao thought that this idea should will do, cannot go from the land surface, should be able to go from the place bottom? 凌笑觉得这想法应该行得通,从陆面进不去,从地底应该能进去吧? In Ling Xiao must call Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm, Devil Emperor leaves sound track „the ban under Venerable Rank institute so not to be simple, perhaps that Little Dragon earthworm arrives unable to drill into the ground but actually, only if its strength can achieve the 6th Rank side to have possibility. 就在凌笑要呼叫紫蛟龙蚯之时,魔帝又出声道“尊阶所下的禁制没这么简单,恐怕那倒小龙蚯来到都无法钻入地面去,除非它实力能达到六阶方有可能”。 Listened to this saying Ling Xiao is depressed! 听了这话凌笑又是一阵郁闷啊! If did not have the means including Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm, what means he also did have to enter the grave, the difference mystical place? 如果连紫蛟龙蚯都没办法了,那他还有什么办法进入墓冢,出入秘境呢? Can really for a lifetime sleepily here? 难道真要一辈子困在这里? Ling Xiao has thought broke this ban using Dark Brilliant Cauldron, is the strength is limited, with this is hard to display the prestige of Divine Cauldron, several times hit, instead made a false counter-accusation by oneself, cannot break the ban truly. 凌笑又想到了利用黑曜鼎来破了这禁制,可是自己实力有限,跟本难以发挥出神鼎之威,几次撞击下来,反而让自己受到反噬,并没能真正地破了禁制。 „, Calmed down to say practice breakthrough to King Rank first again Ling Xiao did not have the reason somewhat disappointedly to say. “罢了,先静下来修炼突破至王阶再说吧”凌笑没来由有些失望地说道。 Afterward passed half a month, Ling Xiao calmed the mind to practice before the grave. 随后又过了半个月,凌笑静心在墓冢之前修炼。 In Sea of Consciousness has three big magical things accumulation spiritual energies, he with does not need to worry that spiritual energy is insufficient. 识海之中有着三大灵物聚集灵气,他跟本不必担心灵气不足。 For half a month later, Ling Xiao reaches to the boundary of peak Spirit Master thoroughly, so long as he is willing momentarily to enter the Half Step King Rank strength. But, he did not have the time 1st Rank step to go to rise, he must from Spirit Master meet the breakthrough really to King Rank is the correct path. 半个月下来,凌笑彻底地达至巅峰灵师之境,只要他愿意随时可以进入半步王阶的实力。可是,他没有时间一阶阶去进升了,他要从灵师真接突破至王阶才是正道。 These days, Ling Xiao besides the practice, is two characters is then perceiving through meditation grave, regarding the use of spiritual energy also even more handy. 这段时间,凌笑除了修炼之外,便是对着“墓冢”二字进行参悟,对于灵气的使用也是越发地得心应手。 On this day, he mentioned best the condition, prepared to break the price record at one fell swoop breaks through King Rank. 这一日,他将状态提到最佳,准备一举破关突破王阶 A Ling Xiao spirit strength early has been full, Dantian became really concentrates plain, peripheral is also sending out a light halo, protects Dantian not to be damaged just like the safety mask generally. 凌笑一身灵力早已经充盈不已,丹田已经变得凝实无华,周边还散发着一层淡淡的光晕,宛如防护罩一般保护着丹田不受损。 But the meridians, hole hole and internal organs his whole body...... All physiological functions all become especially such as the golden casting, appears the vitality excitedly, powerful fine flash. 而他周身的经脉、穴窍、脏腑……一切生理机能皆变得尤如黄金浇铸,显得生机勃然,强悍精耀。 Several different color spirit strength keep roaring in the meridians, such as the sea great waves, attack to scrub the myo- energy of whole body especially time and time again, the meridians even more are expanding, the hole hole even more to sparkle...... 几道不同颜色的灵力在经脉之中不停地咆哮,尤如大海浪涛,一次又一次地冲击洗刷着全身的肌能,经脉越发壮大、穴窍越发闪耀…… Above having mystical powers strength gathering and Dantian, Dantian expanded one time fully, almost half fist sizes, the spiritual energy of fine sparkling stone such as You Dragon has kept flashing in periphery. 所有灵力汇聚与丹田之上,丹田整整壮大了一倍,几乎已有半只拳头大小,精莹的灵气如游龙在周围不停地闪动。 The region centered on Ling Xiao, the peripheral spirit strength such as the young swallow turns over to the nest to swarm to enter toward Ling Xiao Heavenly Spirit Cave generally. 凌笑为中心的地域,周边灵力如乳燕归巢一般全朝着凌笑天灵穴蜂拥而入。 The spiritual energy such as the strong wind general whistling makes a sound for the first time, forms the shape of giant whirlpool in the Ling Xiao top of the head, appears extremely with amazement! 灵气如巨风一般呼呼乍响,在凌笑头顶形成巨大的旋涡之状,显得极为骇然! If makes these King Rank above powerhouses see this situation, only feared that they are thinking Ling Xiao in breakthrough is not King Rank, but was Earth Emperor Rank. Otherwise, how probably to need such many spiritual energies. 要是让那些王阶以上强者看到这一情况,只怕他们都在以为凌笑在突破的不是王阶,而是地皇阶了。要不然,怎么可能需要如此之多的灵气呢。 Obedient my mother, this Young Fellow Innate Talent different cold, unexpectedly simultaneously absorbs five spiritual energies, this...... This is how possible Devil Emperor in Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness to say with amazement that then he also said has been a pity, five lines with cultivating, are doomed to need the date and time longer, every time enters 1st Rank to five lines of boundaries all want completely to be good, it seems like in the future the achievement will be limited!”. “乖乖我的娘,这小子天斌异凛,居然同时吸收五种灵气,这……这怎么可能”在凌笑识海中的魔帝惊讶地说道,接着他又道“可惜了,五行同修,注定所需时日越长,每进一阶必须五行境界皆要圆满才行,看来日后成就有限啊!”。 Three big foreign matters in the middle of Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness all know that Ling Xiao in crucial phase, they have not divided the spiritual energy that food gathering comes, whatever completely the spiritual energy drills into the Ling Xiao day spirit to converge hundred to collect again, enters Dantian. 凌笑识海当中的三大异物皆知道凌笑正在关键时期,它们都没有分食这汇聚而来的灵气,全部任由灵气钻入凌笑天灵再汇入百汇,进入丹田 As more and more spiritual energies enter Dantian, the Ling Xiao imposing manner increases successively. 随着越来越多灵气进入丹田,凌笑的气势节节攀升。 In him the place of sitting, the surrounding these dust flies upwards, the crushed stone shakes the powder. 在他所坐之地,周围的那些尘土飞扬,碎石震散。 This condition altogether continued for day a night not to end unexpectedly. 这种状态一共持续了一天一夜居然还没有结束。 Ling Xiao worries at heart secretly energy also by far insufficient!”. 凌笑心里暗暗着急“能量还远远不够!”。 Ling Xiao can not defend strictly the mind firmly, takes out three diamond crystal blocks from Spatial Ring. 凌笑固不得紧守心神,从空间戒中取出三块菱形晶块。 These three crystal blocks are all over the body red, clear monster different, is sending out strong rich fire line of spirit strength. 这三块晶块通体赤红,晶莹妖异,散发着强浓郁的火行灵力。 This is Best Quality Fire Profound Crystal of Ling Xiao from Fireworks Valley medium baking temperature mid-hill. 这正是凌笑得自焰火谷中火山腹内的极品火玄晶 Each Fire Profound Crystal is all containing the formidable spirit strength, on spirit refraction that three flame Profound Crystal lay aside in together compared with absorbing many. 每一块火玄晶皆蕴含着强大的灵力,三块炎玄晶放置在一起一点都不比吸收过来的灵气差上多少。 The Ling Xiao double palm agrees three Fire Profound Crystal to shake the powder, the formidable Fire Attribute spiritual energy was inhaled within the body by him instantaneously. 凌笑双掌一合把三块火玄晶震散,强大的火属性灵气瞬间被他吸入体内。 After Ling Xiao inhales three Best Quality Fire Profound Crystal spiritual energies, spiritual energy that in addition the outside comes in swarms, his entire body became has expanded. 凌笑吸入三块极品火玄晶的灵气之后,再加上外界蜂拥而来的灵气,他整个身体变得澎涨了起来。 Suddenly, is turned into an extremely fat man by solid slender young. 一时间,由一个结实修长的年青变成一名臃肿的男子。 However, Ling Xiao therefore has not become startled, instead chuckles to oneself „the good pure Fire Attribute energy secretly!”. 不过,凌笑没有因此而变得惊慌,反而暗暗窃喜“好精纯的火属性能量!”。 Also has not known how long, the body of Ling Xiao by fat is changed thin, an imposing manner becomes terror even more. 也不知道过了多久,凌笑的身体由肥变瘦,一身气势变得越发的恐怖。 Suddenly, the Ling Xiao whole person shot from the ground, both hands in void grasped, two spiritual energies had been towed by him, both hands went toward a direction bang. 蓦然,凌笑整个人从地面弹了起来,双手在虚空一抓,两股灵气被他牵引了过来,双手朝着一个方向轰去。 The flame surges upward, the power and influence is threatening! 火焰高涨,威势逼人! Bang! 轰隆! The several thousand jin (0.5 kg) giant stone of that direction was rumbled the powder powder under that pair of hot palm. 那方向的一块数千斤重的巨石在那双火掌之下被轰成了齑粉。 Ha Ha! Finally can fly!” Ling Xiao is drifting having a good laugh above the midair. “哈哈!终于可以飞行了!”凌笑在半空之上飘浮着仰天大笑。 The experience is so long, finally strided in King Rank, the achievement throne. 经历这么久,终于跨入王阶,成就王位了。 Now this joyous feelings however reveal boldly, in that smiles on the face insolent. 如今这一股喜悦之情豪然流露在那张狂笑地脸上。 King Rank, is any military the threshold of day pad. 王阶,是任何一名武者的天垫之槛。 Cannot achievement King Rank, lifelong only be able to be ordinary military, hundred years later can only belong to the dust. 没能成就王阶,终身只能是一名普通武者,百年后只能归于尘土。 But after breakthrough to King Rank, is fish dive Dragon Gate, the road of achievement practicing, the life increases to from 200 to 300 years, if can practice High Rank King Rank most little to have 500 years of life. 而突破至王阶之后,才算是鱼跃龙门,成就修行之路,寿元增加到200至300年,如果能修炼到高阶王阶最少有500年寿元。 However, anybody is pursuing the endless life, is also pursuing the side of martial arts. 不过,任何人都在追求无尽寿元,同时也是在追求武道的极至。 Ling Xiao breaks through High Rank Spirit Master in Sect Spirit Gathering Tower until now just in March, the speed of this breakthrough simply might be called the monstruous talent. 凌笑宗门聚灵塔之中突破高阶灵师至今只不过三月有余,这种突破的速度简直堪称妖孽了。 Naturally, if he once did not drink Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid so quick not to reach to the boundary of peak Spirit Master, moreover he then starts to sense when Middle Rank Spirit Master to the circulation of spiritual energy, for half a month calms the mind the ban that perceives through meditation Heavenly Venerable Rank to leave behind, regarding the utilization of spiritual energy already not compared with general King Rank difference many. 当然,如果他不是曾喝过万年石乳液也不会如此之快达至巅峰灵师之境,况且他在中阶灵师之时便开始感悟到灵气的流转,这半个月又静心参悟天尊阶所留下的禁制,对于灵气的运用已经不比一般王阶差多少。 Therefore this breakthrough is it can be said that successful. 所以此次突破可说是水到渠成的。 Before this, Devil Emperor thought that Ling Xiao cultivates Five Attribute, all needs an achievement to the Five Attribute entire comprehension to the complete boundary side, the road of practice absolutely will be in the future more difficult. 此前,魔帝觉得凌笑一身修炼五种属性,皆需要对五种属性全领悟至圆满之境方有所成就,日后修炼之路绝对会更加艰辛。 But he does not know that a Ling Xiao five Attribute [gold/metal], wood, fire, ice and wind, Metal Attribute is own innate Attribute, but Wood Attribute is Lu Weng affects has, as for fires, ice and wind these three Attribute, all because cultivates Three Parts Return Yuan Qi to form. 可他不知道凌笑一身五属性金、木、火、冰、风,金属性乃是自身先天属性,而木属性则是绿翁所影响才具备的,至于火、冰、风这三种属性皆因是修炼三分归元气所形成的。 When Ling Xiao breaks through King Rank using Three Parts Return Yuan Qi, first when profits definitely is the fires, ice and wind these three Attribute, but Metal Attribute is Ling Xiao inherent innate Attribute, when other three lines of Attribute Advance Rank, naturally can affect own Attribute, is quite at the appointed time easy then to induce to flowing of spiritual energy, uses the similar principle to break through, but Wood Attribute does not need to pay attention, although does not know that Lu Weng is what Baoshu, so long as the Ling Xiao strength can be increased, meets regarding the comprehension of Wood Attribute absolutely does not compare other four Attribute difference. 凌笑利用三分归元气突破王阶,当先受益的肯定是火、冰、风这三种属性,而金属性凌笑与生俱来的先天属性,当其它三行属性进阶,自然会影响自身属性,届时就相当容易便能感应到灵气的流动,利用同样的原理进行突破,而木属性根本不用理会,虽不知道绿翁是何宝树,可是只要凌笑实力能提升上去,对于木属性的领悟绝对会不比其他四属性差。 It can be said that once Ling Xiao breaks through, he can be Five Element Attribute breaks through, will not appear absolutely has the situation that one line or two lines of Attribute cannot follow the rhythm. 可以说,凌笑一旦突破,他都会是五行属性跟着突破,绝对不会出现有一行或两行属性跟不上节奏的情况。 Only if presents own innate Metal Attribute to break through, then seperately the fires, ice and wind these three Attribute will unable to follow. 除非出现自身先天金属性率先突破,那么另外火、冰、风这三种属性就会跟不上了。 However, this is obviously impossible, unexpectedly must Ling Xiao major in is the fires, ice and wind these three Attribute Profound Art. 不过,这显然不可能,必竟凌笑主修的便是火、冰、风这三种属性玄功 Ling Xiao speeds along to loaf in the midair joyfully, feels the spirit strength that within the body is rushing, is feeling the clear spirit strength of peripheral flowing, only thought that the whole person as if sublimated much, sees, induces, all becomes the incomparably fresh nature, only thought one as if have separated into this side world, becomes scenery of the nature. 凌笑在半空之中欣喜地飞驰游荡,感受着体内澎湃的灵力,感受着周边流动的清晰灵力,只觉得整个人似乎升华了不少,所看到的,所感应到的,皆变得无比清鲜自然,只觉得自己仿佛已经隔入了这一方天地之间,成为其中的一处自然之景。 Ling Xiao enters King Rank, such as dragon entering the sea, overwhelming, flies in Xiangyu. 凌笑一入王阶,如龙入海,翻江倒海,翱翔宇内。
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