WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#343: Grave

Chapter 343 grave 第343章墓冢 Following during three day, Ling Xiao starts fully to restore own physical condition, throws actually the death of Luo Meiying remorse mood completely, he must turn grief into strenght, to buoy up. 接下来的三天之中,凌笑开始全面恢复自己的身体状况,完全抛却罗美英之死的自责情绪,他要化悲愤为力量,重新振作起来。 Three days later, Ling Xiao starts to loaf in the mystical place. 三天后,凌笑开始在秘境之中游荡。 The region that Heaven Suppressing Sect occupies is very great, here many some day of material treasures had not been sent to dig, precious Profound Technique, Profound Tool and Medicine Pill that in these destroyed great palace leaves behind...... 镇天宗所占的地域十分广阔无垠,这里不乏一些天材地宝还没被发挖出来,还有那些被毁的巨殿之中所留下的宝贵玄技玄器丹药…… These thing nobody suspicions will prick the hand. 这些东西没有人会嫌扎手。 Ling Xiao cannot leave here in any case now, would rather here first plundered one to say again. 反正凌笑现在也离不开这里,倒不如在这里先搜刮一番再说。 Meanwhile, he thought that here breaks through King Rank, makes dozen of Forget About It again! 同时,他觉得在这里突破王阶,再做打算了 Also after the turnover of several days, Ling Xiao altogether sought three remnant palaces, here presented various types of corpses, many High Rank were green. 又经过数日的周转,凌笑一共寻到了三处残殿,这里都出现了各种僵尸,其中不乏高阶绿僵。 Is good has Heavenly Flame to protect body because of Ling Xiao, does not fear these corpses, 11 its overburning. 好在凌笑有着天火护体,根本不惧这些僵尸,11将其烧毁。 During he enters these to destroy, discovered that by the practice room of spirit arrangement, making its spirit strength compared with it outside rich, moreover has the gravity to add the body, can practice the human body of military. 他进入这些残毁之中,都发现有一间由灵阵布置的修炼室,使其灵力比之外界要浓郁,而且又有重力加身,可以修炼武者的肉体。 Ling Xiao is curious to these spirit, in the future he must establish own influence time, absolute demand spirit gathers the spirit strength to enable own person a quicker practice. 凌笑对这些灵阵非常好奇,日后他要建立属于自己的势力的时候,绝对需要这种灵阵来汇聚灵力使自己的人能更快的修炼。 Finally, after Ling Xiao receives continuously has blown three remnant palaces, in finally that remnant palace had found portray spirit spirit books. 终于,凌笑连续收刮了三座残殿之后,在最后那残殿之中找到了一本刻画灵阵的灵阵书卷。 Ling Xiao received as if one had found a treasure. 凌笑如获至宝地收了起来。 He is not Formation Diagram Grandmaster, how does not understand to portray the spirit mark, only will then find the helper who portrays the spirit mark to say in the future again. 他并不是阵图大师,根本不懂怎么刻画灵纹,只有等日后找到懂刻画灵纹的帮手再说了。 Ling Xiao besides harvesting this spirit books, but also has harvested many Profound Technique, but most High Rank is Blue Rank Cultivation Method, Red Rank Cultivation Method basically has not met, moreover some four 5th Rank Profound Tool, are one has not met as for Spirit Tool, other have also harvested some precious refiner material. 凌笑除了收获这本灵阵书卷之外,还收获了不少玄技,不过最高阶的都是蓝阶功法,红阶功法基本上没遇上,另外还有一些四五阶玄器,至于灵器也是一件都没遇上,其他还收获了一些十分珍贵的炼器材料。 Ling Xiao also satisfied. 凌笑对此也是大为满足了。 These things may with not be possible to ask outside, even if in Sect, did not have him to collect is so abundant. 这些东西都是在外面可遇不可求的,哪怕是宗门内,都没有他收藏这么充裕了。 Was the time closes up!” Ling Xiao sought on the several th, remnant palace several here walked, the remnant palace did not have anything to leave behind, did not have the plan to seek again. “是时候闭关了!”凌笑寻了几日,在这里的残殿几本上都走了一遍,很多残殿都没有任何东西遗留下来了,也没打算再寻找下去。 Therefore, has chosen a spiritual energy richest practice room closes up. 于是,选择了其中一处灵气最为浓郁的修炼室进行闭关。 However, when Ling Xiao must walk into the practice room has resounded the Devil Emperor sound master, first do not close up anxiously, has the discovery!”. 然而,当凌笑要走入修炼室之时响起了魔帝的声音“主人,先别急闭关,有发现!”。 Did Ling Xiao stare to ask has what discovery?”. 凌笑愣了一下问道“有何发现?”。 For serveral days Devil Emperor had not said half a word words, speak now on own initiative, definitely has discovered. 这些天魔帝一直不曾说过半句话,如今主动说话,肯定有所发现了。 Is leaving this place not to be far, has rich Death Qi, there should have to make my strong remnant spirit strength Devil Emperor say urgently. “在离此地不远,有浓郁的死气,那里应该有能让我壮大的残魂灵力”魔帝迫切地说道。 „, That matter your matter, does not close my matter Ling Xiao to say for it illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy. “哦,那事你的事,又不关我的事”凌笑为之气结地说道。 He also thinks that has any astonishing discovery, originally has discovered the place of Death Qi. 他还以为有啥惊人的发现呢,原来是发现了死气之地。 Master leaves...... I restore the soul to you, only then the advantage does not have the fault, you think that in the future after waiting for me to seek the appropriate mortal body, amn't I your powerful helper?” Devil Emperor said anxiously. “主人别……我恢复灵魂对你来说只有好处没有坏处啊,你想想,日后等我寻到合适的肉身之后,我不就是你强有力的帮手吗?”魔帝急切地说道。 Ling Xiao hesitant evil ways your this saying was actually good, had a look on the past. 凌笑犹豫了一下道“你这话倒是不错,就过去看看”。 Ling Xiao along with the induction of Devil Emperor, has arrived in common mountain ridges. 凌笑随着魔帝的感应,走到了一处毫不起眼的山岭之间。 On this mountain ridge and was inferior that other place such spiritual energies are rich, instead all around floods air/Qi of the dead ghost, Cold Wind has been blowing, produces whistling the sound, annoys the person fine body hair to start. 这山岭上并不如其他地方那样灵气浓郁,反而四周充斥着一股股死煞之气,阴风吹过,产生的呼呼之声,惹人寒毛乍起。 Ling Xiao looks at a three meters high stele before mountain ridge to mutter reads grave!”. 凌笑望着山岭前的一块三米高的石碑喃喃读道“墓冢!”。 Grave these two character You Ruyin cancel Tiele, dark green male powerful, is full of meaning of the withering. 墓冢这两个字尤如银勾铁勒,苍雄有力,充满着一股肃杀之意。 „Is here Heaven Suppressing Sect all previous dynasties great person the place of grave?” The Ling Xiao doubts are thinking. “难道此处是镇天宗历代大人物的墓冢之地?”凌笑疑惑地想着。 He hesitant, walked toward the grave. 他犹豫了一下,还是朝着墓冢走去了。 At this moment, in Sea of Consciousness resounds Devil Emperor the sound of anxious crying out master to be slow! 就在这时,识海之中响起魔帝的急切叫唤之声“主人慢着”! Did Ling Xiao stop the step to ask what also has?”. 凌笑停下了步伐问道“还有何事?”。 The Devil Emperor [say / way] master you throw a stone to go to have a look first!”. 魔帝道“主人你先丢一块石头进去看看!”。 Ling Xiao wrinkled the brow, the Devil Emperor words do as before, towed a 500 jin (0.5 kg) giant stone to pound toward the grave entrance with Spiritual Force. 凌笑皱了一下眉头,还是依旧魔帝的话去做,用精神力牵引了一块500斤的巨石朝着墓冢入口砸了过去。 Bang! 轰隆! In the giant stone achieves the grave, the grave sends out a formidable banned ray, twisted the powder powder that 500 jin (0.5 kg) giant stone instantaneously. 就在巨石达到墓冢之时,墓冢散发出一股强大的禁制光芒,瞬间把那500斤的巨石绞成了齑粉。 Ling Xiao looks at this panic-strickenly, the whole person was so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat. 凌笑惊骇地看着这一幕,整个人都被惊出了一身冷汗。 If he walked a moment ago rashly, only feared that immediately wanted the body falling [say / way] to disappear. 如果刚才他冒然走了过去,只怕立即要身陨道消了。 Damn fellow, you early did not say, if this little a moment ago acted a bit faster is killed Ling Xiao not to have the reason to scold to Devil Emperor by you. “该死的家伙,你不早说,要是本少刚才动作快点就被你害死了”凌笑没来由对着魔帝骂道。 Did Devil Emperor put in great inconvenience [say / way] I not to remind promptly?”. 魔帝委屈道“我不是及时提醒了么?”。 It in is actually not at heart feeling well to think small Spirit Master also dares to call with me, after this emperor restores, must make you attractive. 它在心里却是不爽想着“小小的灵师也敢和我吆喝,等本帝恢复后一定要让你好看”。 What to do? Such formidable ban I do not have means to break, with this cannot enter in!” Ling Xiao has not pestered, but is returns to the subject to ask. “怎么办?这么强大的禁制我没办法破开,跟本进不到里面去啊!”凌笑没有纠缠下去,而是回归正题问道。 Master you cannot go in do not represent me unable to go, wait for this emperor...... No...... When the old servant observes Devil Emperor to volunteer for military service to say advanced. “主人你进不去不代表我进不去,等本帝……不……等老奴先进去察看一番”魔帝请缨说道。 „Can you go in?” The Ling Xiao doubts asked. “你可以进去?”凌笑疑惑问道。 Such banned god only can cope with the substantive thing, does not have what limit Devil Emperor to say to the soul. “此等禁制神光只能对付实质的东西,对灵魂没有什么限制”魔帝应道。 Ling Xiao hesitant one should say that that you go, had a look to find to be appropriate you thing. 凌笑犹豫了一下应道“那你进去吧,看看有没有找到合适你的东西”。 Was saying at the same time, Ling Xiao takes out Blood Devouring Devil Blade, whatever Devil Emperor is separated to go from the broadsword. 说着的同时,凌笑取出噬血魔刀,任由魔帝从大刀之中脱离而去。 Devil Emperor reveals the joyful color, changed to makes one group of black fog to throw into the grave. 魔帝露出欣喜之色,化做一团黑雾一头扎进了墓冢之中。 After Devil Emperor goes, Ling Xiao sat cross-legged has gotten down calmly looks at that grave stele. 魔帝进去之后,凌笑盘坐了下来静静地看着那墓冢石碑。 He always thought that this grave two characters have been full of the meaning of murdering, seems the person of high skill of some peerless grace and talent with the banned sword character that Sword Tool portrays. 他总觉得这“墓冢”二字充满了杀伐之意,似乎是某位风华绝代的高人用剑器刻画出来的禁制剑字。 He once read the books that under related cloth has banned. 他曾读过相关的布下禁制的书卷。 Generally after must achieve the King Rank strength, can arrange the banned god light. 一般都要达到王阶实力之后才能布置禁制神光的。 But must destroy here ban to need to consume all energies of under the cloth banning to be good. 而要破坏这里的禁制就需要消耗掉布下禁制的所有能量才行。 Ling Xiao has not planned to destroy the idea of this ban temporarily, he must perceive through meditation the ban that the senior person of high skill leaves behind well, has a look to oneself whether has comprehended. 凌笑暂时没打算破坏这禁制的想法,他要好好参悟前辈高人留下的禁制,看看对自己是否有所领悟。 Ling Xiao put to read toward that stele to understand lost. 凌笑放出神念朝着那石碑参透了过去。 When the god read achieved grave two characters, the Ling Xiao mind greatly startles. 当神念达到“墓冢”二字之时,凌笑心神大骇。 These two characters contained several Heavenly Venerable powerhouses' murdering bans unexpectedly! 这两个字居然蕴含了几名天尊强者的杀伐禁制! Every one casts aside, every moves all has the strength that a Heavenly Venerable powerhouse most is striking. 每一撇,每一挪皆带着一名天尊强者最强一击的力量。 Ling Xiao feels that to destroy the day to extinguish the place the prestige energy, the whole person falls in cannot dial. 凌笑感受到那毁天灭地的威能,整个人陷在里面不能自拨。 In a while, above the Ling Xiao face has dropped many cold sweat, his dorsal front piece was soaked. 没过多久,凌笑脸庞之上滴落了许多冷汗,就连他的后背衣襟都被浸湿了。 Ling Xiao is shutting tightly the forehead wrinkled deepened, his five senses also gradually have revealed simultaneously the bloodstain unexpectedly, if were not he also has the aura to exist, only feared that others think he blood flowing from every orifice perished. 凌笑紧闭着的眉宇皱得更加深了,同时他的五官居然也渐渐地露出了血迹,如果不是他还有气息存在,只怕别人都会认为他已经七孔流血而亡了。 Gives me to break!” Also after a while, Ling Xiao has bellowed, the whole person from shot same place, an powerful imposing manner was keeping keeping the extension. “给我破!”又过了一会,凌笑大吼了一声,整个人从原地弹了起来,一股强悍的气势在不停地留转。 Concentrates to me!” Ling Xiao opens the fine bright look, wields single-handed, delimits one above the midair killing character! “给我凝!”凌笑睁开精熠的眼神,单手挥出,在半空之上划出一个“杀”字! This kills the character to send out the strong Metal Attribute spirit strength, the entire character is ordinary just like the metal founding, appears kills intent to be imposing. 这杀字散发出浓烈的金属性灵力,整个字宛若金属浇铸一般,显得杀意凛然。 Goes!” The Ling Xiao look became pale several points, in met to begin to wield, that just like essence killing character rumbled toward the one side in the past. “去!”凌笑神色变得苍白了几分,接着手里一挥,把那宛如实质的“杀”字朝着一旁轰了过去。 Bang! 轰隆! The mist and dust flies upwards, crushed stone splash. 烟尘飞扬,碎石飞溅。 Killing character was rumbled the fragments by that in nearby pile of quarry stone! 在一旁的一堆乱石被那“杀”字轰成了碎粉! Originally the ban is by military potential and spirit strength constitutes, this might is really uncommon Ling Xiao to fall on the ground, muttered said. “原来禁制就是由武者的‘势’和‘灵力’所构成的,这威力果然不凡”凌笑落在地上,喃喃地说道。 He has not thought that he is perceiving through meditation the two characters above stele, enabled his place to grasp flowing of spiritual energy, deepened utilization on oneself imposing manner. 他怎么也没想到,自己参悟着石碑之上的两个字,却让他更加一步地掌握了灵气的流动,同时也加深了自己气势上的运用。 This time perceiving through meditation to his Advance Rank Wang Lu is a very important breach. 此次的参悟对他进阶王路是一个非常重要的突破口。 Who can think that peak Spirit Master can outline the ban to kill unexpectedly, this simply is the matter of hearing something never heard of before. 有谁能想到,一名巅峰灵师居然就可以勾画出禁制杀着,这简直是闻所未闻的事。 This can only explain that Ling Xiao comprehension Innate Talent was astonishing. 这只能说明凌笑的领悟天斌是何等地惊人了。 However, even if has with the person of Ling Xiao general monstruous talent sharpness is unable to achieve such as Ling Xiao so from banning comprehends potential existence. 不过,就算有着与凌笑一般妖孽领悟力的人也无法做到如凌笑这般从禁制之中领悟‘势’的存在。 How many people must not have such to have the powerful Spiritual Force support like Ling Xiao unexpectedly, his god read endured compared with the Earth Emperor Rank powerhouse, otherwise can he fall into the banned pressure also to come soberly? 必竟没有多少人如凌笑那样有着强悍的精神力支持,他的神念已经堪比地皇阶的强者,要不然他又怎么能陷入禁制威压之中还可以清醒过来呢? Ling Xiao does not certainly know one so perceive through meditation, is the danger is also dangerous. 凌笑当然不知道自己如此参悟,却是险之又险。 Luckily, he has harvested finally. 幸好,他总算有所收获了。 He induced to himself utilizes the spirit strength is more and more handy, only when treated oneself calmed the mind to close one can well absolutely the achievement throne! 他已经感应到自己运用灵力已经是越来越得心应手了,只待自己静心好好关闭一段时绝对能成就王位了! Grasps the spirit strength, and can utilize the spirit strength very well, so is to become Wang the most important standard. 掌握灵力,并且能很好地运用灵力,如此才是成王的首要标准。 Ling Xiao the ban that calms the mind to perceive through meditation well just understood is killing, he discovered that the ban not only can utilize above the arrangement thing defense, can treat as the strong move to kill the enemy, even can also treat as the trap to offend somebody in invisible, all sorts of wonderful still waits for unearthing slowly. 凌笑又静下心来好好参悟刚刚懂得的禁制杀着,他发现禁制不仅可以运用到布置事物防御之上,更可以当做强招杀敌,甚至也可以当做陷阱伤人于无形,其中种种妙还有待慢慢挖掘。 After Ling Xiao has sat in meditation the half day, the Devil Emperor soul whistling flew from the grave finally. 凌笑静坐了半日之后,魔帝的灵魂终于从墓冢之中呼呼地飞了出来。 Ha Ha, good, has not thought that here also remains these many not to dissipate in the remnant soul of world Devil Emperor the archery target black face to say with a smile unexpectedly truthfully crazily, this he harvested evidently many. “哈哈,太好了,没想到这里居然还残留着这么多没有消散于天地的残魂”魔帝化出如实质的黑脸狂笑道,看样子这一趟他收获颇丰了。 Ling Xiao opened the eye to look that its light [say / way] how many did restore?”. 凌笑睁开了眼睛看着它淡淡道“恢复了多少?”。 Restored one-fourth soul strength, even if now were Earth Emperor Rank military difficultly keeps off Old Man to seize the shed rebirth Devil Emperor Proud of Oneself to say. “恢复了1的灵魂力,现在哪怕是地皇阶武者都难挡老夫夺舍重生了”魔帝得意应道。 Restored these many?” The Ling Xiao corner of the eye jumped evil ways lightly. “恢复了这么多?”凌笑眼角轻跳了一下道。 But Devil Emperor once existence of peak Profound Emperor, only missed one step to step into Saint Rank. 魔帝曾经可是巅峰玄帝的存在,只差一步就可以踏入圣阶了。 Has not thought that also remains these many soul strength to restore for him in this grave. 没想到在这墓冢之中还残留着这么多灵魂力供他恢复。 In the Ling Xiao heart worried faintly Devil Emperor will defect in the future troubles. 凌笑心中隐隐担忧魔帝日后反水就麻烦了。 He in wants before Devil Emperor did not have the mortal body first it to give to extinguish, so as to avoid will live in the future to annoy the end. 他在想是不是趁着魔帝还没有肉身之前先把它给灭了,免得日后多生惹端。 Devil Emperor as if realized that not being feeling well of Ling Xiao, answered immediately master you could rest assured that no matter I am formidable, my god read does not come in ### of your Sea of Consciousness, so long as you in an instant, I must lose the reduce by half, no matter I became strong, will not pose any threat to the master as before. 魔帝似乎察觉到凌笑的不爽,当即解释道“主人你放心,不管我多强大,我的神念都在你的识海之###不来,只要你一念之间,我就要损失折半,所以不管我变得多强,依旧不会对主人构成任何威胁的”。 Ling Xiao sneering [say / way] hope such as you said lightly!”. 凌笑淡淡地冷笑道“希望如你所说吧!”。 Devil Emperor shift topic [say / way] master, I discovered that in has many good things to you to have advantage very much. 魔帝转移话题道“主人,我发现里面有不少好东西应该对你很有好处”。 Has the book friend to ask q groups, has announced chastely under the author said that please carefully look ~~~ 有书友问到q群,纯洁一直公布在作者介绍下面的,请仔细看一下~~~
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