WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#342: Emperor step servant

Chapter 342 Emperor Rank servant 第342章帝阶仆人 Thank „the ku show book friend to hit to enjoy ~~ 感谢“ku展”书友打赏~~ Ling Xiao is playing with Blue Flame single-handed, looks that black fog face intense appearance doesn't have the reason Proud of Oneself [say / way] Emperor Rank? I, fart before the father do not dare to put one. 凌笑单手玩弄着蓝色火焰,看着那黑雾脸紧张的样子没来由得意道“帝阶?我呸,在老子面前屁都不敢放一个”。 If makes the Profound Emperor Rank super powerhouse who these keep aloof hear Ling Xiao this saying, only feared that can be mad anxiously jumps to shout'mother-fucker' at the scene. 要是让那些高高在上的玄帝阶超级强者听到凌笑这话,只怕会气得当场急跳骂娘了。 They will all be angry to shout to clear the way on your his small Spirit Master dare saying that unexpectedly this words, this emperor refers to the finger, no, a nail can pinch you. 他们皆会大怒喝道“就你这丫的小小灵师居然敢说这种话,本帝一指手指,不,一只指甲就可以捏死你了”。 You want to capture my soul, why do I want to forgive you? Let you continue to pester me?” Ling Xiao tiger reveals severe glow to say. “你想夺取我的灵魂,我为什么要饶过你?让你继续纠缠着我吗?”凌笑虎目露出厉芒说道。 Was saying at the same time, the blue flame in his hand has burnt the past toward the black fog face. 说着的同时,他手中的蓝焰朝着黑雾脸燃烧了过去。 The black fog face has cried out strangely, hurries to hide toward other corners, at the same time keeps begging for mercy [say / way] leaving...... This, do not let off me...... I will not produce to you absolutely again read evilly. 黑雾脸怪叫了一声,赶紧朝着其他角落躲过去,一边不停地求饶道“别……别这样,放过我吧……我绝对不会再对你产生歹念了”。 Zizi! 兹兹! The black fog face was burnt down a small part by the blue flame, is painful it to scream. 黑雾脸又被蓝焰烧毁了一小部分,痛得它尖叫不已。 I asked you...... So long as you let off me...... I presented you to send out the final compromise for focus......” that black fog face my entire life finally. “我求求你了……只要你放过我……我一生奉你为主……”那黑雾脸最终发出了最后的妥协。 Listened to black fog face saying, Ling Xiao to wipe a happy expression of not easy detection, then recalled the blue flame saying that calmly why I did believe your words?”. 听了黑雾脸这话,凌笑抹过一丝不易察觉的笑意,然后从容地招回了蓝焰说道“我凭什么相信你的话?”。 Black fog face still have lingering fear explanation said that your Sea of Consciousness so much foreign matters, this emperor naturally cannot pose any threat to you, therefore you can feel relieved that I do not dare to live any idea to you absolutely again, only if this emperor were tired of living. 黑雾脸犹有余悸地解释说道“你的识海如此多异物,本帝自然不能对你构成任何威胁,所以你可以放心,我绝对不会再敢对你生什么主意,除非本帝活腻了”。 This I naturally know that what I want to listen is how you are willing to present me for the focus heartfeltly? If no a sincerity, I did not mind that now makes you vanish, keeps you to be also useless Ling Xiao to narrow the eye in any case to ask. “这个我自然知道,我想听的是你如何肯衷心奉我为主?如果没有一点诚意,我不介意现在让你消失,反正留着你也无用”凌笑眯着眼睛问道。 The black fog face criticizes this Young Fellow so to be how astute at heart. 黑雾脸心里暗骂“这小子怎么如此精明”。 I now am only the soul condition, wants to work as in the Devil Blade blade spirits, so long as there is enough blood or a soul swallows, I can make the sword once more Spirit Tool, moreover is High Rank Spirit Tool, even if Earth Emperor Rank must yield and withdraw, this should be a big boost black fog face said to you lightly. “我如今只是灵魂状态,想当于魔刀的刀灵,只要有足够的鲜血或灵魂吞噬,我可以让战刀再次成为灵器,而且是高阶灵器,哪怕是地皇阶都要退避三舍,这对你来说应该是一大助力”黑雾脸淡淡地说道。 It does not believe this small Spirit Master not by tempting of Spirit Tool. Being puzzled. 它就不相信这小小的灵师不受灵器的诱.惑。 Ling Xiao smiling [say / way] your this sincerity is insufficient!”. 凌笑莞尔一笑道“你这诚意还是不够啊!”。 Then, the blue flame in hand such as the greedy person threw once more generally. 说罢,手中的蓝焰再次如饿狼一般扑了出去。 No...... Does not want...... So long as you found the appropriate body to me, I am the most heartfelt sincerity servant to you my entire life, otherwise if makes me be frightened out of one's wits, never be reincarnated that black fog face is hiding the blue flame while establishes the heavy oath to say. “不……不要……只要你给我找到合适的身体,我一生给你做最衷诚的仆人,如若不然就让我魂飞魄散,永不得超生”那黑雾脸一边躲着蓝焰一边立下重誓说道。 Hey, early said that Ling Xiao has not sneered on the line, has taken back the blue flame once more, then also said that now tells me, must seize a soul of shed person should by your ability to be very easy, why can choose me?”. “嘿,早这么说不就行了么”凌笑冷笑了一下,再次收回了蓝焰,接着又道“现在跟我说说,以你的能力要夺舍一个人的灵魂应该很容易,为何偏偏要选择我?”。 What since present is the Emperor Rank soul, its supernatural power is dreadful, must seize a soul of shed person to be easy. 既然眼前的是帝级的灵魂,其法力滔天,要夺舍一个人的灵魂轻而易举。 For example initially held Xia Houshi of blade, his strength is mean, must seize to abandon his soul people should not be difficult. 比如当初执刀的夏候史,他实力低微,要夺舍他的灵魂应该不难。 But this Emperor Rank soul such has not done, instead must seize to abandon his soul, this really makes the Ling Xiao doubts puzzled, therefore has this one. 可这帝阶灵魂并没有这么做,反而要夺舍他的灵魂,这实在让凌笑疑惑不解,所以才有此一句。 Some matters must get to the bottom, otherwise waits to have an accident has not known that is any matter. 有些事情必须要刨根问底,要不然等自己出事的时候还不知道是啥回事呢。 Ling Xiao has to treat to this group of not ripe souls carefully. 凌笑对这团不熟的灵魂不得不小心对待。 That black fog face naturally knows that Ling Xiao the heart of garrison, sighed the explanation to say immediately in the past I by rebel severe wound, he chases down my dozens Wan Li (Several Thousand Miles) together with several Emperor Rank powerhouses, finally destroys my human body, almost also extinguished cleanly, me my soul early splits up a wisp of soul to attach above the sword luckily escaped, but my cultivated to lose 89, at all impossible rebirth, was very suspicious the small and weak soul strength to seize the shed other people's body, therefore I can only on the blood by sword nourish and expand my soul slowly, but among person who you killed before this Blood Essence. Quite good, this made me further restore some soul strength, dares to come out to seize shed until the present forcefully. 那黑雾脸自然知道凌笑的警备之心,当即叹了一口气解释说道“当年我被叛徒重伤,他连同几名帝阶强者追杀我数十万里,最后毁我肉体,差点把我的灵魂也灭得干干净净,幸好我早分化了一缕灵魂依附在战刀之上才逃过了一劫,可是我一身修为失之89,跟本不可能重生,也很难凭着弱小的灵魂力夺舍他人的身体,所以我只能靠战刀上的鲜血慢慢滋养、壮大我的灵魂,而你此前所杀的人当中精血都。相当不错,这才让我进一步的恢复了一些魂力,直至现在才敢出来强行夺舍”。 Listened to the explanation of black fog face, Ling Xiao to believe half, but his maintaining composure [say / way] that you meant as before your present soul is very as before weak, can't seize the soul of shed High Rank military?”. 听了黑雾脸的解释,凌笑已经相信了一半,不过他依旧不动声色道“那你的意思是说你现在的灵魂依旧很虚弱,跟本不能夺舍更高阶武者的灵魂?”。 Right, now I can seize to abandon the Spirit Master Rank above military body, as for King Rank and Earth Emperor is not impossible, this must think that person of condition, finally can find one to be appropriate my Attribute body that more perfect black fog face to say that it also said the imperial capital that should say said that can you make me exit?”. “没错,现在我可以夺舍灵师阶以上的武者身体,至于王阶地皇也不是不可能,这要看那人的状态了,最后是能找到一具合适我属性的身躯那更完美了”黑雾脸应道,顿了一下它又道“该说的本帝都说了,你可以让我出去了吧?”。 Naturally will put you to exit, what sincerity but can you as if with prove you already heartfelt in Benshao?” Ling Xiao both hands hug in the front say with a smile lightly. “当然会放你出去,不过你似乎要拿点什么诚意证明你已经衷心于本少了吧?”凌笑双手抱于胸前轻笑道。 You...... Do you deceive me? My what told you, is this insufficient the sincerity?” The black fog face said gloomy. “你……你骗我?我什么都跟你说了,难道这还不够诚意吗?”黑雾脸阴沉地说道。 Ling Xiao beckoning with the hand [say / way] „, I do not believe your words again and again, but I do not believe your manner, when you left here, what to do does your folk remedy tear to pledge me should?”. 凌笑连连摆手道“不,我相信你的话,可是我不相信你的为人,等你出了这里,你单方撕毁承诺我该怎么办?”。 Bastard, the words of this emperor are always a promise that can be counted on, has established the heavy oath, how can you not believe me?” That black fog face exclaimed angrily. “混蛋,本帝的话从来是一诺千金,又立下了重誓,你怎么能不相信我呢?”那黑雾脸愤怒地吼道。 Back then when able to move unhindered sea four, what can the power and prestige, what can the aggression, has not thought that now actually ends up to turn out by the fate that small Spirit Master bullied, in the heart is shamed the anger seriously, if there is a move of date it to seize the body again, must first pinch at present this repugnant Young Fellow. 想当年自己纵横海四之时,何能的威风,何能的霸气,没想到现在却落得被小小灵师欺负的下场,心中当真羞怒至极,要是有招日它可以重夺身躯,第一个必捏死眼前这个讨厌的小子 Ling Xiao reveals a smiling face [say / way] of unprincipled person non- livestock „, look at you are not the good thing, wants to survive, must let the sincerity that I believe with the point, otherwise you remain to work as the manure here. 凌笑露出一个坏人无畜的笑容道“嘿嘿,一看你就不是什么好东西,想要生存下去,就得拿点让我信服的诚意,要不然你就留下来在这里当肥料吧”。 Ling Xiao was saying at the same time, often blue flame keeps beating in his hand, is smart. 凌笑说着的同时,在他手常中的蓝焰不停地跳动,灵性十足。 The black fog face looked at that blue flame is appearing fears. 黑雾脸望着那蓝焰显得恐惧极了。 The black fog face can only finally compromise [say / way] „...... I leave behind a wisp of god to read here, was this always OK?”. 黑雾脸最终只能妥协道“罢了……罢了,我留下一缕神念在这里,这样总可以了吧?”。 Did Ling Xiao ask „a wisp of god to read has what using?”. 凌笑问道“一缕神念有何用?”。 Black fog face illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy [say / way] „a wisp of god read is the soul essence of emperor is, so long as it stayed here, this emperor received you to limit, if this emperor did not present you for the focus, you can make Heavenly Flame eliminate my god to read, so I will then be damaged, only feared that does not know needed many years to restore to the present again like this. 黑雾脸气结道“一缕神念乃是本帝的灵魂精华所在,只要它留在这里,本帝就受你限制,如果本帝不奉你为主,你可以让天火消灭了我的神念,如此我便会受创,只怕就不知道需要多少年才能再恢复到现在这样子了”。 Since you such have the sincerity, I reluctantly received you for the servant, come, cry Young Master listens to Ling Xiao to hang the smile to say. “既然你这么有诚意,我就勉勉强强收了你为仆吧,来,叫声少爷来听听”凌笑挂着微笑说道。 The surface looks like, he is a little happy, but does not have any excited expression. The regulations, he has overturned the heavens happily. This is the Profound Emperor Rank servant! 表面看起来,他是有点高兴,可是却没有任何兴奋的表情。实则,他心里已经乐翻天了。这可是玄帝阶的仆人啊! Only feared that takes a broad view at the entire mainland to estimate also nobody looked to obtain to look like him to be so young and charming Emperor Rank master. 只怕放眼整个大陆估计也没有人找得出像他这么年轻又帅气帝阶的主人了。 In his heart seriously is crisp askew! 他心中当真是爽歪歪啊! Has not thought of ordinary Profound Tool, but also is containing such a terrifying soul. 没想到一把普通的玄器,还蕴含着这么一个恐怖的灵魂。 Meanwhile, in Ling Xiao also Xing Qing Sea of Consciousness receives three big rare treasures, particularly Demon Blue Fire Bead is restrains the soul the formidable magic weapon, otherwise, this time definitely was seized by the opposite party or makes it run away that loss to be big. 同时,凌笑也幸庆自己识海之中收有三大异宝,尤其是魑魅蓝火珠正好是克制灵魂的强大法宝,要不然,这次肯定被对方夺舍或者让它逃出去那损失就大了。 Finally, the black fog face has to split up half soul strength to keep in the middle of Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness, Ling Xiao let out its other half soul strength. 最后,黑雾脸不得不分化出一半灵魂力留在凌笑识海当中,凌笑才把它另一半灵魂力放了出去。 The soul of black fog face is the Blood Devouring Devil Blade blade spirits, naturally can only return to Devil Blade once more. 黑雾脸的灵魂是噬血魔刀的刀灵,自然只能再次回归到魔刀当中。 After the black fog face returns to the knife, the whole body was mad trembles, but thinks in the middle of Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness these foreign matters, thinks frightened. 黑雾脸回到刀身之后,全身都被气得发抖不已,不过一想到凌笑识海当中那些异物,又觉得恐惧不已。 This Young Fellow is any background, unexpectedly can simultaneously harvest two different beads, an old tree, this simply is inconceivable, when is the emperor peak does not dare to gather two different beads forcefully, is seriously strange...... Strange......” black fog face keeps talking to oneself to say in the back. “这小子到底是什么来头,居然能同时收获两颗异珠,还有一棵古树,这简直不可思议,就算是本帝巅峰之时也不敢强行收取两颗异珠吧,当真怪哉……怪哉……”黑雾脸在刀背之中不停地自语说道。 Ling Xiao came from ### of Sea of Consciousness, layer on layer implored the one breath, looked shows the satisfactory smiling face again to Blood Devouring Devil Blade in own hand. 凌笑识海之###来,重重地吁了一口气,再看向自己手中的噬血魔刀露出满意的笑容。 Afterward became gloomy worried. 只是随后又变得阴沉苦恼了起来。 Senior Sister Luo you so are why silly, for unexpectedly my this irregular person dies Ling Xiao to investigate the hair to say annoyingly, after a while, he lifted tiger layer on layer to swear that Senior Sister you could rest assured that I took an oath with the name of heaven, I can want you to live again. 罗师姐你为什么这么傻,居然为了我这个不相干的人而死”凌笑纠着头发懊恼地说道,一会儿后,他抬起了虎目重重地立誓道“师姐你放心,我以苍天之名起誓,我一定会要你再活过来的”。 Then, Ling Xiao has broken by biting finger with card its word, then he also maliciously said Heavy Sword Sect, let your many power and prestige a while, this little absolutely wanted you to have great disturbance!”. 说罢,凌笑咬破了手指以证其言,接着他又狠狠地说道“重剑门,让你们多威风一阵子,本少绝对要你们鸡犬不宁!”。 After Ling Xiao swore, the anger on face returned to normal gradually. 凌笑立誓之后,脸上的怒气渐渐平复了下来。 Was bad!” Ling Xiao has as if thought of anything, suddenly cried out strangely to jump. “糟了!”凌笑似乎想到了什么,蓦然怪叫了一声跳了起来。 Then he Little Dragon quickly is leading me to have a look to the Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm [say / way]!”. 接着他对着紫蛟龙蚯道“小龙快带我出去看看!”。 Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm looked at Ling Xiao, saw his condition well already many, immediately was obedient to curl the body of Ling Xiao to drill in the mid-hill very much. 紫蛟龙蚯看了一眼凌笑,见他状态已经好了不少,当即很听话地卷着凌笑的身体钻上了山腹之中。 Ling Xiao appeared above the ground again, looked at the dusky sky to mutter said that was then miserable, can this be stranded in this for a lifetime?”. 凌笑再次出现在了地面之上,望着灰蒙蒙的天空喃喃地说道“这下惨了,难道这一辈子都要困在这里面吗?”。 Was needless saying that Ling Xiao knows the day that the mystical place opened passed by. 不用说,凌笑已经知道秘境开启的日子已经过去了。 Naturally enters Heaven Suppressing Sect the channel that needs dozens Earth Emperor Rank powerhouses to open, now he is just peak Spirit Master, why also to exit from here? 当然进入镇天宗需要数十名地皇阶强者才能打开的通道,现在他只不过是一名巅峰灵师,又凭什么从这里出去呢? Ling Xiao for a while became confused. 凌笑一时变得迷茫了。 Just established the heavy oath, now is stranded this should not to know what to do here? 刚刚才立下重誓,如今又被困在这里这该如何是好? Master does not need to worry, keeps here anything not to be good, Yu of here spiritual energy outside it is much thicker, although is not the celestial mountain paradise, however in this region was good, perhaps you can practice to Heavenly Venerable Rank can tear here ban to exit directly again at this time, in the mind has resounded the Devil Emperor words. “主人不必烦恼,留在这里没有什么不好的,这里灵气比之外面郁浓得多,虽说不是什么仙山福地,但是在这片区域算是不错了,你可以修炼至天尊阶说不定能直接撕裂这里的禁制再出去”这时,脑海之中响起了魔帝的话。 Now Devil Emperor suffering from injustice in Ling Xiao despotic power the color, has to lower the stance to call Ling Xiao for the master. 如今魔帝委屈在凌笑的“淫威”之色,不得不放低姿态称呼凌笑为主人。 Heavenly Venerable Rank? How much time initially did you practice to Heavenly Venerable Rank have spent?” Ling Xiao gawked to ask. 天尊阶?当初你修炼至天尊阶花了多少时间?”凌笑愣了一下问道。 Devil Emperor silent one said with a smile „, my Devil Emperor having god-given wisdom heroic bearing, is the millennium rare practice talent, before my 25 years old break through King Rank and 48 years old break through Earth Emperor Rank and hundred years old , break through Heavenly Venerable Rank, in had not reached hundred years old to break through Heavenly Venerable Rank at that time are the what kind power and prestige, what kind glory. 魔帝沉默了一下笑道“哈哈,我魔帝天纵英姿,可是千年难得一见的修炼天才,我25岁突破王阶、48岁突破地皇阶、百岁之前突破天尊阶,在当时来说未达百岁突破天尊阶是何等的威风,何等的荣耀”。 „Before hundred years old?” Ling Xiao such as the discouraged rubber ball sat. “百岁前?”凌笑如泄气的皮球坐了下来。 Priestess also has more than one year of life, his where can wait till hundred years old? 祭司女还有一年多的寿命,他哪里能等到百岁? Only feared he exited two people are the Yin-Yang are separated by. 只怕等他出去的时候二人已经是阴阳相隔了。 „It is not good, I must find the way to exit line Ling Xiao to tidy up the awful mood as soon as possible, has stood again firmly. “不行,我一定要尽快想办法出去才行”凌笑收拾好糟糕的心情,重新坚定地站了起来。
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