WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#341: Demon emperor?

Chapter 341 Devil Emperor? 第341章魔帝 Ling Xiao empty atheistic is looking above cave mansion, cool Stalactite Fluid slid from the clock stone. 凌笑空洞无神的望着洞府之上,一点清凉的石乳液从钟石之上滑了下来。 Emulsion like bead, glittering and translucent carving, like the snow, the energy is icy coldly pure! 乳液如珠,晶莹剔透,冰凉如雪,能量纯净浩瀚! Bite! 叮! The emulsion falls directly hits above Ling Xiao that dry pachylabious, has slipped into his throat. 乳液直接落打在凌笑那干巴的厚唇之上,滑进了他的喉咙之内。 Um? 嗯? Ling Xiao exuded sound of the stuffy throat slightly, within the body had the astonishing change quietly. 凌笑微微发出了一道闷吭之声,体内悄然发生惊人的变化。 The injury in within the body is repairing fast. 体内的伤势正在快速地修复着。 Ling Xiao that empty look also gradually became bright, but Blood Devouring Devil Blade in his hand was slightly is actually shivering, knife suddenly red suddenly black, appeared extremely crafty intent, it seemed resisting anything. 凌笑那空洞的眼神也渐渐变得明亮了起来,而他手中的噬血魔刀却是在微微地颤抖着,刀身忽红忽黑,显得极为诡意,它似乎在抗拒着什么。 Gives me your body, I can bestow in you most formidable energy, letting you personal enemies killed cleanly together the evil quiet cold sound transmission Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness. “把你的身体交给我吧,我可以赐于你最强大的能量,让你把仇人都杀得干干净净的”一道邪恶幽冷的声音传递到了凌笑识海当中。 Ling Xiao is as before motionless, but he „you are actually coming to that sound light [say / way] in Sea of Consciousness, I want a bigger strength. 凌笑依旧一动不动,只是他却在识海之中对着那声音淡淡道“你过来吧,我想要更大的力量”。 Ha Ha, well...... Relaxes your spirit, my this in the past, no matter what happened, do not struggle the revolt, will otherwise injure accidentally to your that sound says with a smile very excitedly. “哈哈,好好……放松你的精神,我这就过去,不管发生什么事,千万不要挣扎反抗,不然可是会误伤到你的”那声音十分兴奋地笑道。 As this sound falls, quiet black mist reappeared from Blood Devouring Devil Blade. 随着这声音落下,一股幽黑的雾气从噬血魔刀之中浮现了出来。 This group of black mist as if faces, a face of middle-aged person, the five senses, that look, is passing the fierce mean color. 这团黑色雾气仿佛一张人脸,一张中年人的人脸,那五官,那神色,透着狰狞阴狠之色。 It lets somebody cool off or calm down smiled, then gripped to shut in the middle in Ling Xiao. 它冷冷地笑了笑,一头便扎进了闭目之中的凌笑当中去。 Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness is incomparably broad, in this world, if must discover compared with Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness really also wants the big person, only if must achieve 8th Grade above Master Alchemist to be good. 凌笑识海是无比宽阔的,在这世上如果真要找出比凌笑识海还要大的人,除非是要达到八品以上的炼药师才行。 Achieves 8th Grade Master Alchemist, was almost the peak above this mainland existed, many years had not heard about fact that 9th Grade Master Alchemist was born, let alone were Divine Alchemy Master. 达到八品炼药师,几乎是这大陆之上的巅峰存在了,多少年已经没听说过关于九品炼药师诞生的事迹了,更别说是神药师 It can be said that by Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness Spiritual Force, completes to support now refines 8th Grade Medicine Pill, but his own strength was also short, so long as his strength is increased, the Master Alchemist equivalent simply did not have what hindrance then to promote directly. This point Ling Xiao Alchemist Innate Talent is also. 可以说,以凌笑如今识海精神力,完成可以支撑炼制八品丹药,可他自身的实力还有所欠缺,只要他的实力随之提升,炼药师的等阶跟本没有什么阻碍便可以直接提升上去了。这一点也正是凌笑炼药天斌所在。 When that group black fog sneaked in his Sea of Consciousness after the Ling Xiao five senses. 当那团黑雾从凌笑的五官钻进了他的识海后。 It laughed getting up I to be able the retrieval to be free finally, good!”. 它哈哈大笑了起来“我终于可以重获自由了,太好了!”。 Silly type, you smile to suffice not to have a green shadow to appear in it at present, disdain was scolding to that black fog face. “傻样,你笑够没有”一道绿色的影子出现在它眼前,对着那黑雾脸不屑地骂道。 ! 嘎! That black fog face fell all of a sudden silly, this does Sea of Consciousness have this Old Fogy in inside? 那黑雾脸一下子傻掉了,这识海怎么有着这老家伙在里面? That black fog face the shape of anger, just wants to say anything, a scalding hot energy makes it uncomfortable. 那黑雾脸化出愤怒之状,刚想开口说什么,一股灼热的能量让它难受之极。 „!” Its some black fog were burnt down a small part by the blue flame, was painful it to call out. “嗷!”它一些黑雾被蓝色的火焰烧毁了一小部分,痛得它嚎叫了起来。 It has to shunt by far, this earnestly sized up the space going astray road that oneself entered! 它不得不远远地躲开去,这才认真地打量起了自己进的空间是不是走错路了! Early had been blown the minute in this place by others unexpectedly, at present emerald green colored young trees, bead of blue grey two crafty intent, in addition has is Ling Xiao own shadow together. 在这地方居然早已经被别人刮分,眼前有一棵翠绿色的小树,又有一蓝一灰的两颗诡意的珠子,另外还有一道属于凌笑自己的影子。 That black fog face instantaneous delay, cried out at heart what ghost space I entered, how these many gadget here?”. 那黑雾脸瞬间呆滞了一下,心里呐喊“我到底进了什么鬼空间,怎么这么多玩意在这里?”。 Do Ling Xiao empty shade both hands hug in front sneering [say / way] are very accidental?”. 凌笑虚影双手抱于胸前冷笑道“很意外吗?”。 That black fog face said angrily is you deceives me?”. 那黑雾脸愤怒地说道“是你骗我?”。 He He, do I deceive you? Is you must bestow my great power, is you comes, how can say that I do deceive you?” Ling Xiao said with a smile fainily. “呵呵,我骗你?是你自己要赐我强大力量的,也是你自己进来的,怎么能说我骗你呢?”凌笑淡漠地笑道。 That...... How that will here have these many ghost things here?” That black fog face asked puzzled. “那……那这里怎么会有这么多鬼东西在这里?”那黑雾脸不解地问道。 Lu Weng blows the beard to point at that black fog face to scold „you are any thing, your non- person ghost not ghost dirty thing, had any qualifications saying that I and others were the ghost thing, I and others were Divine Object!”. 绿翁吹着胡子指着那黑雾脸骂道“你算什么东西,你这人不人鬼不鬼的脏东西,有什么资格说我等是鬼东西,我等乃是神物!”。 That black fog face closely is staring at Lu Weng, looked at that two big different bead, especially dreaded to that blue different bead, it not with the Lu Weng theory, but was asking that to Ling Xiao is two different beads?”. 那黑雾脸紧紧地盯着绿翁,又看了看那两大异珠,尤其对那蓝色异珠十分地忌惮,它没有与绿翁理论,而是对着凌笑问道“那是两颗异珠?”。 Your somewhat meaningful glance, said actually first you are any thing, unexpectedly has in Blood Devouring Devil Blade, but also wants to control me, was really your [say / way] Ling Xiao lightly was almost saying. “你倒是有几分眼色,先说说你到底是什么东西,居然存在噬血魔刀之内,还想操控我,真是差点着了你的道”凌笑淡淡地说道。 Before, Ling Xiao took out the Blood Devouring Devil Blade murder inexplicably, he especially felt the Blood Devouring Devil Blade crafty intent, moreover it can also hemophagia to promote, this function only feared that was Spirit Tool does not have the means to achieve this point. 之前,凌笑莫名地取出噬血魔刀杀人,他就格外地感受到噬血魔刀的诡意,而且它还能吸血升级,这功能只怕是灵器都没办法做到这一点吧。 Therefore, after Ling Xiao mixes Primal Chaos dun wakes up, absorbs Ten Thousand Years Stalactite Fluid that above the clock stone fell, the body is restored rapidly, but his consciousness also finally became sober many. 所以,当凌笑混沌沌地醒来后,又吸取了钟石之上掉下来的万年石乳液,身体得以快速恢复,而他的意识也终于变得清醒多了。 But this black fog face is thinks that the Ling Xiao willpower is weak, wants to seize the chance to capture Ling Xiao Divine Soul, holds the body of Ling Xiao. 而这黑雾脸则是以为凌笑意志力薄弱,想趁机夺取凌笑神魂,占有凌笑的身体。 Ling Xiao just thwarts, making this not know that the bright thing enters Sea of Consciousness, simultaneously has obtained the leading power. 凌笑刚好将计就计,让这不知明的东西进入识海,同时取得了主导权。 Who can think that Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness is ordinary like the collection post, unexpectedly has several types of foreign matters, but these types of foreign matters simultaneously receive Ling Xiao to urge. 谁能想到凌笑识海就像收容所一般,居然存在几样异物,而这几样异物又同时受凌笑驱使。 It can be said that in Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness, he is invincible! 可以说,在凌笑识海之中,他是无敌的! After the black fog face Ling Xiao determined that is the different bead, the performance on face was richer. 黑雾脸当凌笑确定那是异珠之后,脸上的表现更加丰富了。 „It is not good, I cannot stay here, otherwise I by that damn Heavenly Flame overburning that black fog face as if has own consciousness, it thinks that immediately disperses the black fog to escape toward Sea of Consciousness. “不行,我不能在这里呆下去了,要不然我会被那该死的天火烧毁的”那黑雾脸似乎有着自己的意识,它想了想,立即散开黑雾朝着识海之外逃去。 It knows, only then after flee from here, oneself are safe. 它知道,只有自己逃离这里之后,自己才是安全的。 Does Ling Xiao sneer wants to run away? Did you run away?”. 凌笑冷笑“想逃?你逃得了吗?”。 His words just fell, Demon Blue Fire Bead blooms instantaneously the variegated flame, wraps to go toward these black fog. 他的话刚落下,魑魅蓝火珠瞬间绽放斑斓的火焰,朝着那些黑雾包裹而去。 Zizi! 兹兹! These black fog were just contacted by the blue flame, immediately exudes the sound of strange sound, was burnt down instantaneously. 那些黑雾刚被蓝焰接触到,立即发出怪响之声,瞬间被烧毁了。 „! No...... Like this, do not ask you, do not make it reburn!” That black fog face gathers once more, closely shrinks in a corner was saying to the Ling Xiao entreaty. “啊!不……不要这样,求你了,不要让它再烧了!”那黑雾脸再次汇聚,紧紧缩在一个角落对着凌笑哀求道。 Ling Xiao waved, that Blue Flame stopped the attack, but was still spreading around Sea of Consciousness, frequently guards against that black fog face to flee. 凌笑挥了挥手,那蓝色火焰停止了攻击,可是仍然在识海四周散布着,时刻防范着那黑雾脸逃离。 Said that if cannot make me satisfy, stays here to work as a manure to them, believes that they are glad Ling Xiao wind light Yun Dan to say very much. “说吧,要是不能让我满意,就留在这里给它们当点肥料,相信它们很乐意”凌笑风轻云淡地说道。 He thought that this group of black things should be any uncommon things, although evil a point, but understood first has a look to be able for its to use, if not so, must eliminate it here, that is the easy matter. 他觉得这团黑东西应该是什么不凡的东西,虽然邪恶了一点,但是先了解看看能不能为其所用,如若不然,要在这里把它消灭,那是轻而易举的事。 The expression that black fog face has made accepting fate, lifts mourning [say / way] not to think that this emperor will plant on your this little rascal, the heaven is how unfair!”. 那黑雾脸做了一下认命的表情,举丧道“没想到本帝会栽在你这小鬼身上,苍天何其不公啊!”。 After it feels the breath ends, starts to relate its origin. 它感息完之后,才开始诉说它自己的来历。 How long this emperor had in Devil Blade not to remember, at least also in 5000, thought back on the past my Devil Emperor able to move unhindered mainland, sweeps away the four directions, present age, generally military sees this emperor is fearful and apprehensive, Earth Emperor and Heavenly Venerable who saw me to bow the head saying that all great......” black fog face said deeply. “本帝存在魔刀中已经不记得有多久了,至少也有5000年了吧,遥想当年我魔帝纵横大陆,横扫四方,威赫当世,一般武者见到本帝皆是胆颤心惊,地皇天尊谁见了我无不俯首称巨……”黑雾脸深沉地说道。 Among its looks has filled the aggression of looking disdainfully world, has as if filled the infinite worrying account. 它神色之间充满了睥睨天下的霸气,又似乎充满了无限的愁帐。 Stops from time to time...... Let alone that many idle talk, you were any thing, made a long story short, this little did not have the time and you blindly consumes Ling Xiao not to break to say here patiently. “停停……别说那么多废话了,你到底是什么东西,长话短说,本少没时间和你在这里瞎耗”凌笑不耐烦地打断说道。 Then, he has chewed the words of that black fog face, immediately stunned [say / way] Devil Emperor? You...... Were you before Emperor Rank?”. 接着,他又咀嚼了一下那黑雾脸的话,当即错愕道“魔帝?你……你以前是帝阶?”。 That black fog face incomparably arrogant [say / way] that is natural, this emperor when suddenly Saint Rank by the damn rebel sneak attack, this emperor will not be ended up to turn out so fate. 那黑雾脸无比倨傲道“那是当然,要不是本帝在突然圣阶之时被该死的叛徒偷袭,本帝也不会落得这般下场”。 Listened to the affirmation of that black fog face, Ling Xiao was scared. 听了那黑雾脸的肯定,凌笑傻眼了。 He has not thought that was surrounded the group of black fog that look unfamiliar before by oneself, unexpectedly is the Profound Emperor Rank super powerhouse. 他怎么也没想到,被自己困住的这团黑雾脸生前居然是玄帝阶超级强者。 The military equivalent is divided: Martial Apprentice, Profound Practitioner, Profound Warrior, Spirit Master, King Rank, Earth Emperor, Heavenly Venerable, Profound Emperor, Saint Rank and Divine Rank! 武者等阶分为:武徒玄者玄士灵师王阶地皇天尊玄帝圣阶神阶 In the greatest northwest, Profound Warrior and Spirit Master are equal to any Sect cornerstone exist \; But King Rank has been representing the Sect nucleus, each King Rank is cultivates for formidable existence, can dominate a powerhouse in Fangcheng pond \; Earth Emperor Rank has been able to call the Sect livelihood arriving column, is the northwest most great power representative. 在莫大的西北,玄士灵师相当于任何宗门的基石存在\;而王阶则已经代表着宗门的中坚力量,每一位王阶都已经算是修为强大的存在,可以称霸一方城池的强者\;地皇阶已经可以称之为宗门赖以生存的抵柱,是西北最强大力量的代表。 As for Heavenly Venerable, has been possible be called for existence of old monster, same kept aloof in northwest quite in Shen, overlooks all living things, but its quantity was also few. 至于天尊,已经堪称为老怪物的存在,在西北相当于神一样高高在上,俯视众生了,而其数量也是屈指可数。 As for Profound Emperor Rank, Ling Xiao with this had not heard has this and other in the northwest super powerful existences. 至于玄帝阶,凌笑跟本没听说过在西北有这等超级强悍的存在。 Regarding this when Ling Xiao, can only look, does not dare to imagine. 对此时的凌笑来说,只能仰望,不敢想像。 This also why he hears this black fog face to acknowledge that it is Emperor Rank, but brought to him so greatly shakes. 这也是为何他听到这黑雾脸承认它自己是帝阶而给他带来如此大的震憾了。 Hey, knows this emperor fierce, if...... If you can with my synthesis, be able to mount Emperor Rank in the future absolutely, even is Saint Rank!” That black fog face sees Ling Xiao to be so shocking, seizes the chance the tour to say again. “嘿嘿,知道本帝的厉害了吧,如果……如果你可以和我合体,日后绝对能登上帝阶,甚至是圣阶!”那黑雾脸见凌笑如此震惊,趁机再游说道。 Snort, your this dirty thing clearly wants to swallow others souls, seizes the chance to capture others bodies to use, really will hit pleasant several nearby Lu Weng Cold Snort to say. “哼,你这脏东西分明是想吞噬人家的灵魂,趁机夺取人家的身体为已用,真是会打如意数盘”一旁的绿翁冷哼道。 Such remarks, made that black fog face is quite awkward. 此话一出,弄得那黑雾脸极为尴尬。 Its this thinks that in Ling Xiao Sea of Consciousness, oneself can swallow the Ling Xiao soul unscrupulously. 它本以为到了凌笑识海之中,自己就可以肆无忌惮地吞食凌笑的灵魂。 What a pity, here has to restrain its soul Heavenly Flame, this makes it not dare to launch the attack to Ling Xiao at will, will otherwise only end up to turn out the relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish fate. 可惜,这里却有着克制它灵魂的天火,这才让它不敢随意地向凌笑发起进攻,要不然只会落得形神俱灭的下场。 Ling Xiao restores the appearance to say shocking these years you have had in Devil Blade?”. 凌笑恢复震惊地样子说道“这些年你一直存在魔刀之中?”。 That black fog face is all questions will be answered right, this blade is the sword of emperor, accompanies this emperor to subjugate the four directions, early has given birth to the spirit wisdom, if initially this emperor can promote step Saint Rank, it with this emperor promote step, only be also a pity that Old Man was harmed by the rebel, the mortal body completely destroys, only the remaining wisps destroy the soul to send with the sword in all directions faded and fallen, but the blade offers its all spiritual energies maintains spirit for this emperor the soul does not extinguish, therefore the sword turns into ordinary Profound Tool from High Rank Spirit Tool, can say that now this emperor is the blade of sword spirits, along with strength of this emperor, will happen one day it. Also can become Spirit Tool, even is Saint Tool, but this emperor is resigned when for a lifetime the blade does work? I am not willingly...... Thinks my Devil Emperor able to move unhindered all sea, prestige near eight sides......”. 那黑雾脸是有问必答“没错,此刀一直是本帝的战刀,陪本帝征讨四方,早已经生下灵智,如果当初本帝能晋阶圣阶,它也会跟着本帝晋阶,只可惜老夫被叛徒所害,肉身尽毁,只剩下一缕毁魂寄与战刀之中四处飘零,而刀灵献出它所有灵气供本帝保持灵魂不灭,所以战刀才从高阶灵器变成普通的玄器,也可以说如今本帝已是战刀的刀灵,随着本帝的壮大,终有一天它。还能成为灵器,甚至是圣器,可是本帝又怎么甘心一辈子当刀灵呢?我不甘心啊……想我魔帝纵横四海,威临八方……”。 Stops from time to time...... Let alone your honorable history, this little heard to be tired, said over and over again, you now are just a wisp of remnant soul was right?” Ling Xiao beckons with the hand did not say patiently. “停停……别说你那些光荣史,本少听得都烦了,说来说去,你现在只不过是一缕残魂对吧?”凌笑摆手不耐烦地说道。 The black fog face knew that does not speak the truth a vitality not to have, can only acknowledge that good, this emperor now is only a wisp of remnant soul. 黑雾脸自知不说实话一点生机都没有,只能承认道“不错,本帝如今只是一缕残魂”。 „Did that look like I must destroy completely you are the easy matter?” Ling Xiao light [say / way]. “那看来我要灭掉你是轻而易举的事了?”凌笑淡淡道。 Black fog face startled [say / way] not...... Like this...... Asked you!”. 黑雾脸惊慌道“不……不要这样……求你了!”。
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