WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#340: Smiles, do you still remember me?

Chapter 340 smiles, do you still remember me? 第340章笑,你还记得我吗? This time Oath Sect Convention becomes historically loses most serious one time, ranked the first ten big Sect six big Sect disciples dead unexpectedly in inside, therefore after Oath Sect Convention experienced many, finally ended. 此次的誓宗大会成为历史上损失最为惨重的一次,排名前十大的宗门居然有六大宗门的弟子全部丧生在里面,因此誓宗大会经历多届后终于终结了。 Nobody knows that actually in what happened. 无人知道里面究竟发生了什么事。 Charming Flame Sect various females of knowing the circumstances of the matter had gotten down the seal to make by Young Lady Wu Mei unable to disclose absolutely. 知情的炎媚宗诸女都被了舞媚娘下了封口令绝对不能透露出去。 Light Star Palace, Heavy Sword Sect, Greatest Mythical Beast Sect, Deep River Sect, Six Extreme Sect as well as Worship Moon Sect these six Elder(s) had not all suspected that on Violet Sky Sect disciple, must strength being insufficient of Violet Sky Sect let their these disciple complete destruction unexpectedly radically. 光星殿重剑门太离宗河冥宗六极宗以及拜月宗这六宗长老皆没有怀疑到紫天宗的弟子上,必竟紫天宗的实力根本不足以让他们这几宗的弟子全部覆灭。 The object who on the contrary they most suspect is Charming Flame Sect, must Charming Flame Sect have this strength unexpectedly. 相反他们最怀疑的对象是炎媚宗,必竟炎媚宗有这个实力。 May not have under enough evidence, they do not dare to be what kind to Charming Flame Sect absolutely. 可没有足够的证据下,他们绝对不敢对炎媚宗怎么样。 Must the Charming Flame Sect strength be placed there unexpectedly, is situated first Light Star Palace or is situated third Heavy Sword Sect all easily not dead to knock with Charming Flame Sect. 必竟炎媚宗的实力摆在那里,无论是排行第一的光星殿或是排行第三的重剑门皆不会轻易与炎媚宗死磕。 However, the small school disciple who comes out from the mystical place all spreads in the mystical place the bad risk to be unusual, moreover before coming out is a day of present phenomenon, the air/Qi of evil spirit soars to the heavens, as if inside has any formidable demon person or demon. 不过,从秘境出来的小门派弟子皆传出秘境之中凶险异常,而且在出来之前更是天现异象,凶煞之气冲天,似乎里面存在着什么强大的魔人或魔物。 Thereupon, this matter was surpassed the biography god, almost talked into certainly the ominous place the mystical place, the place of demon person survival, all people hope good that in the future this mystical place do not reappear again, so as to avoid annoys to injure someone. 于是乎,这事被超传越神,几乎把秘境说成了绝凶之地,魔人生存之地,所有人都希望日后这秘境不要再重现的好,免得惹害人间。 ...... …… After Yun Mengqi, Yu Lieyan as well as Bing Ruoshui and the others returned to Sect, immediately announced the closure practice. 云梦琪玉烈艳以及冰若水等人回到宗门后立即宣布关闭修炼。 But Wen Kedie brings the Luo Meiying corpse to return to the Green Jade Spring Pavilion placement. 温可蝶带着罗美英的尸体回碧泉阁安置。 Original Pavilion Master Wen Haiyan proposed elaborate funeral Luo Meiying, but was actually opposed by Wen Kedie. 本来阁主温海燕提出厚葬罗美英的,可是却遭到温可蝶的反对。 She said that wants , after Ling Xiao returns to Sect, makes the decision again. 她说一定要等到凌笑返回宗门后再做决定。 Although Ling Xiao can return to the hope of Sect to be quite uncertain, but she actually believes that Ling Xiao can certainly create the miracle. 虽说凌笑能返回宗门的希望相当渺茫,可是她却是坚信凌笑一定能创造奇迹的。 Wen Haiyan knew after the daughter this time comes back , the disposition big change, was turned into the mature sensible young people by the original mischievous young girl. 温海燕自知女儿此次回来后性格大变,由原来淘气的少女变成了成熟懂事的年青人了。 Finally this matter has not proposed opposition, but places Luo Meiying in the millennium cold refrigerators first preserves her corpse not to be putrefied. 最后这事也没提出反对,而是把罗美英先安置在千年寒冰柜中保存她的尸体不被腐化。 But is Wood Flag Peak Main Disciple Chen Wenyu can only brace oneself in the peak the process of Report this mystical place. 而身为木旗峰大弟子陈文宇只能硬着头皮回峰上禀报此次秘境的经过。 He in worried is not knowing how should mentions this matter to Peak Master and his master. 他正在苦恼不知道该如何向峰主和他师傅说起这事呢。 Opens access, Chen Wenyu quick to main hall. 一路畅通无阻,陈文宇很快到了大殿之中。 Mu Huai and Mu En were waiting. 沐槐沐恩早在等候着了。 Chen Wenyu wants to go forward to salute, Mu Huai asked has exempted, said that looked exactly what happened. 陈文宇欲上前行礼,沐槐却是率先问道“免了,说说看到底发生了什么事吧”。 Although the Mu Huai expression is light, but on face doubted the heavy sad color to reveal. 沐槐语气虽然平淡,可是脸上疑重难过之色已经表露了出来。 Chen Wenyu can only again explain a process of mystical place. 陈文宇只能再一次解释了一番秘境的经过。 After Chen Wenyu explained that on the Mu Huai face became gloomy was uglier, Mu En seized the chance to wave toward own Disciple, hints him to exit first. 陈文宇解释完毕之后,沐槐脸上变得更加阴沉难看了,沐恩趁机向着自己的徒弟挥了挥手,示意他先出去。 After Chen Wenyu executes a ritual, withdrew from the palace. 陈文宇施一礼之后,才退出了殿内。 Junior Brother, perhaps Xiao'er good and virtuous person celestial phenomenon, should not be affected much Mu En consoles to say in the one side. 师弟,或许笑儿吉人天象,应该无大碍的”沐恩在一旁劝慰道。 Bang! 砰! The teacup in Mu Huai hand was pinched the powder powder, in old flashes through thick hate Senior Brother...... I...... I cannot swallow this tone! Xiao'er is big, he is High Rank Spirit Master, moreover 4th Grade Master Alchemist, my lifetime reposing on him, now he is actually stranded in the mystical place acts recklessly, oh, early knows that I should not make him lead, blames me...... Blames me...... Was I have harmed my disciple. 沐槐手中的茶杯被捏得齑粉,老目中闪过浓浓的怨恨“师兄……我……我咽不下这口气啊!笑儿才多大,他已经是高阶灵师了,而且还是四品炼药师,我一生的寄托都在他身上,现在他却困在秘境之中不知死活,唉,早知道我就不应该让他去带队了,都怪我……都怪我啊……是我害了我的徒儿”。 Mu Huai exceptionally rebukes oneself, initially he once urged Ling Xiao not to need to participate in this Oath Sect Convention, but his standpoint is not very firm, thought that the eagle wants the hovering expansive sky, must be able to grow after the baptism of wind and rain truly. 沐槐异常自责,当初他曾劝过凌笑不用去参加这次誓宗大会,可是他的立场又不是很坚定,觉得雄鹰欲翱翔长空,必须要经过风雨的洗礼才能真正的成长。 But, he has not thought that Ling Xiao never to return, innermost feelings exceptionally uncomfortable. 可是,他没想到凌笑真的一去不复返,内心异常地难受。 This is his lifetime most satisfied Disciple! 这可是他毕生最为满意的徒弟啊! He has thought Ling Xiao is the brilliant their Wood Flag Peak cornerstone and taking advantage, will be their Violet Sky Sect next hundred years of hopes. Now in the Ling Xiao body trapped|sleepy mystical place does not know the life and death, this takes the master is actually helpless, seriously is bitter and astringent uncomfortable. 他一直认为凌笑是光大他们木旗峰的基石和依仗,也是他们紫天宗未来百年的希望。如今凌笑身困秘境之内不知生死,他这个做为师傅的却是无能为力,当真是苦涩难受不已。 Mu En in the one side looks that the painful Mu Huai suddenly actually does not know how should console, can only in secret for Ling Xiao feel at heart sighed. 沐恩在一旁看着痛苦的沐槐一时间却不知道该如何劝慰,只能在心里暗暗替凌笑感到叹息了。 ...... …… In the northwest edge city, Sacrifice Gu City! 在西北一处边缘城池,蛊祭城 Female who does not use any cosmetics in attending to various High Rank flowers and plants in garden. 一名不施任何粉黛的女子在料理着园子内的各种高阶花草。 This female five senses beautiful is only moving, luxuriant elegant mild-mannered, just like the world fairy maiden, casts aside a pupil to contain the character and style of not being able saying that but her cheek indifferent makings make the person have a feeling of being aloof. 此女子五官唯美动人,秀发飘逸柔顺,宛若人间仙子,一撇一眸皆蕴含着说不出的风情,只是她那脸蛋淡然的气质让人有一种拒人千里的感觉。 This female simple and elegant pale skirt in the body, that extremely fat lower abdomen was slightly raised, not only this has not affected her aesthetic sense, instead has increased several to her denominator gentle adept. 此女一袭素雅的淡裙着于身上,那臃肿的小腹稍凸了起来,这不仅没有影响她的美感,反而给她增添了几分母性的温柔娴熟。 At this time, the old person who arrived at Lou covered the turning weaponry to walk coming [say / way] with a laugh Yun'er, how you moved heedlessly, do not move the pregnancy nauseau to be good!”. 这时,一名佝楼的老人捂着拐仗笑呵呵地走了过来道“韵儿,你怎么又乱动了,可别动了胎气才好啊!”。 Although old person's expression has the meaning of blame, what may be more is the meaning of gentle concern. 老人的语气虽然有责怪之意,可更多的是慈祥关爱之意。 Grandfather, in the book records the multi- taking a walk body, had benefit that female to move toward the old person to the child, was holding hand joyful saying with a smile of old person. “爷爷,书中记载多走动身子,对孩子更有裨益”那女子走向了老人,扶着老人的手欣喜的笑道。 The old person looks the granddaughter who puts on weight pinched beard [say / way] no matter what unable to make my young great-grandson child tired, otherwise the grandfather may forgive you heavily. 老人看着发福的孙女捏着胡子道“不管怎么样也不能让我的小曾孙子累着了,不然爷爷可不轻饶你”。 The females reveal the color of blushing, handles gently caresses the bulge abdomen fully is being tender feelings [say / way] „the small rabbit Wei child you hears not to have, since there are you, your Esteemed Elder did not love mother, mother was quite sad!”. 女子露出羞红之色,一手轻抚着凸起的小肚子满是柔情道“小兔嵬子你听到没有,自从有了你,你老太爷就不爱娘亲了,娘亲好伤心啊!”。 The old person he he said with a smile your this child, later you had your husband to love you, my this Old Fart led the child to be well satisfied for you, was best you to have several children again, making my this Old Fart a little matter do. 老人呵呵笑道“你这孩子,以后你有你丈夫爱你,我这老头子就替你们带带孩子就心满意足了,最好你们能再多生几个孩子,让我这老头子有点事情做吧”. Here, in female beautiful pupil looked up inexplicably to a direction, on the face is passing the sentiment of thick missing. 说到这里,那女子美眸之中莫名地抬头看向一个方向,脸上透着浓浓的思念之情。 Smiles, do you still remember me?”. “笑,你还记得我吗?”。 Smiles, you know that I did harbor our treasure?”. “笑,你知道我已经怀有了咱们的宝贝吗?”。 Smiles, I quite hope that you can come back to have a look at our mother and child. “笑,我好希望你能回来看看咱们娘俩”。 Smiles, I quite think that thought you, can you a bit faster come?”. “笑,我好想好想你了,你能快点来吗?”。 ...... …… The time in a hurry, a twinkling then passed by for half a month. 时光匆匆,一眨眼半个月便过去了。 Oath Sect Convention fell a paragraph, the people gradually has all put behind this matter. 誓宗大会已经落一段落,众人皆渐渐忘却了这事。 In mystical place, in a mountain peak mid-hill. 秘境之内,一处山峰的山腹之中。 One one meter long such as Dragon Siqiu Spirit Beast keeps tumbling in the clear water. 一条一米多长的如龙似蚯的灵兽在清水之中不停地翻滚着。 Some little time, it crawled from clear water, then has shaken the body, after clear water are dry and clear many, faces forward to crawl. 好一会儿后,它才从清水之中爬了出来,然后抖了一下身子,等身上的清水干爽不少后才朝前爬去。 It crawls to a dry and clear place, the head keeps toward lying down is rubbing in ground that person, as to awaken that person. 它爬到一处干爽的地方,头颅不停地朝着躺在地上那人蹭着,似乎想叫醒那人。 This person of sloppiness, digs up stubbornly in the ground motionless, as if has looked like died general, but in his hand still closely grabbed a handle swarthy broadsword. 这人一身邋遢,死死地扒在地面上一动不动,仿佛已经像死去一般,而他手中仍然紧紧地抓着一柄黝黑的大刀。 Earthworm Spirit Beast sees that person not to have the sound as before, crawled to the plate bored draws out the body to start to hit at the same time to knock to rest. 灵兽见那人依旧没动静,又无聊地爬到一边盘起了身子开始打磕睡。 After earthworm Spirit Beast has rested a while, that lay down the motionless person to struggle turned a body. 就在蚯灵兽睡了一会儿后,那躺着一动不动的人挣扎地翻了一个身。 Who is this person not just Ling Xiao also? 此人不正是凌笑还有谁? Sees only his hair to be in utter confusion, the complexion is also pale, the whole body clothing is dirty, that pair of tiger becomes is lax and empty, as if has not been angry the color of general, scarlet-red Blood-Thirst early vanished to disappear. 只见他头发凌乱不堪,脸色也是苍白至极,周身衣物脏乱不堪,那双虎目变得涣散、空洞,仿佛没有丝毫生气一般,早前的赤红嗜血之色已经消失不见了。 Why will Ling Xiao appear here? 凌笑为何会出现在这里? Naturally is Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm leads him to this. 自然是紫蛟龙蚯带他到这的。 Before this when Ling Xiao with Sect and the others entered the main shrine pavilion on order Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm is diving in the underground first, to prepare emergency requirement. 此前凌笑在与宗门等人进入主殿楼阁之时就命令紫蛟龙蚯先潜于地下,以备不时之需。 When Ling Xiao from that day chases down Tian Xing has fainted unsuccessful, Purple Flood Dragon Earthworm under the Ling Xiao bottom, it induces to the Ling Xiao weak condition, this led here to rest him. 凌笑自那日追杀天星未果晕了过去之时,紫蛟龙蚯就在凌笑地底之下,它感应到凌笑的虚弱状态,这才把他带到了这里休息。 This Ling Xiao falling fascinated condition, several times come under Tian Xing the attack of Silver Falcon Mirror. 此次凌笑陷入魔态,几次受到天星银隼镜的攻击。 That is the attack of Spirit Tool, even if the defense of Ling Xiao cannot receive astonishingly. 那可是灵器的攻击,哪怕凌笑的防御惊人也受不住。 He early was seriously injured, but still chased down the Tian Xing thousand li(500 km) with the astonishing demonity, finally weak drops down. 他早已经身受重伤,可是仍然凭着惊人的魔性追杀天星千里,最后才不支倒下。 Now Ling Xiao wakes up once again, has the result of therapy because of own two big Divine Art. 如今凌笑再度醒来,却是因自身的两大神功有着自我疗伤的结果。 He has not run Profound Art therapy, that is because he has been in the unconsciousness, is in the middle of incomparable remorse, therefore makes him pass for half a month woke. 他没有运行玄功疗伤,那是因为他一直处于无意识之中,处于无比的自责当中,所以才让他半个月过去才醒了过来。 However, he awoke now, during satisfying actually was still at rebuked oneself . Moreover the invisible vicious tendencies circled the sparkling stone in his heart, circled the sparkling stone in his mind. 然而,他现在是醒了,可心却仍然处在自责当中,而且还有一股无形的戾气绕莹在他心头,绕莹在他脑海之中。 At this moment, as if saw one person in his mind at the brandishing a sword dance. 此刻,在他脑海之中似乎看到了一人在挥刀狂舞。 Each blade all contained the terror prestige energy, each blade all has the murder thousand li(500 km), moves mountains, destroys the day to extinguish the prestige of place. 每一刀皆蕴藏了恐怖的威能,每一刀皆有着杀人千里,排山倒海,毁天灭地之威。 The demon air/Qi during able to move unhindered world incurred to send out from the blade. 一股股纵横天下的魔气从刀招之中散发了开来。 Ten steps kill one person, thousand li(500 km) does not keep the line! 十步杀一人,千里不留行! The bones of the dead pile to become mountain, the bloody water flow to become He! 白骨堆成山,血水流成河! The first evil emperor creates: Devil Blade Eight Moves Secret Art! 第一邪皇所创:魔刀八诀 When this eight knacks Wind God Nie Feng is fascinated are practiced Great Accomplishment. 此八诀被风神聂风入魔之时修炼大成 At that time Nie Feng to cope to invade the external overlords in state to be certainly atheistic, voluntary fascinated, finally the demonity sent greatly, the murder thousand li(500 km), the rivers of blood, the demon prestige eight sides, not may be a worthy opponent! 当时聂风为了对付侵占中州的外来霸主绝无神,自愿入魔,最后魔性大发,杀人千里,血流成河,魔威八方,莫可匹敌! Ling Xiao of previous generation respects to Wind God Nie Feng, therefore has refined to him any martial arts all has the outcome. 前世的凌笑风神聂风崇敬至极,所以对他所炼制过的任何武功皆有究竟。 This Devil Blade Eight Moves Secret Art has not actually practiced, but also its mnemonics writing down. 只是这魔刀八诀却不曾修炼过,但也把其口诀给记了下来。 At that time, he just wants to understand Wind God before death lifetime fact. 当时,他只不过是想了解风神生前的一生事迹。 However, he truly does not have to think one made the ghost put forth Devil Blade Eight Moves Secret Art at this god badly. 然而,他确实没想到自己在这一世却神使鬼差地使出了魔刀八诀 All because Ling Xiao, when Luo Meiying dies, in his innermost feelings has had the unprecedented guilty conscience, an unprecedented Blood-Thirst feeling has flooded the whole body, when he must take from Spatial Ring Profound Tool strikes to kill Luo Baxing, feels continuously the Blood Devouring Devil Blade intense summon of idle. 皆因凌笑罗美英死的时候,他内心中产生了前所未有的负罪感,一股空前的嗜血感充斥了全身,当他要从空间戒中取玄器击杀罗霸兴之时,就感受到了一直闲置的噬血魔刀强烈的召唤。 At that time Ling Xiao wants not to take out Blood Devouring Devil Blade radically. 当时凌笑根本想也没想就取出了噬血魔刀 Afterward, the Blood Devouring Devil Blade vicious tendencies and Ling Xiao anger separated about mutually in one, has had the meaning of formidable Blood-Thirst savage slaughtering. 随后,噬血魔刀的戾气与凌笑的愤怒相互隔合在了一起,产生了强大的嗜血凶残的杀戮之意。 Ling Xiao to explode the condition, is impossible to constrain this not own vicious tendencies. 凌笑处于爆走状态,跟本不可能压抑这股不属于自己的戾气。 He only knows one must cut to kill Luo Baxing to revenge for Luo Meiying. 他只知道自己一定要斩杀了罗霸兴罗美英报仇。 Afterward, after Heavy Sword Sect person and Luo Baxing, Ling Xiao removed the base operating by the Blood Devouring Devil Blade vicious tendencies, but also almost Bing Ruoshui killing. 后来,重剑门的人和罗霸兴后,凌笑撤底地被噬血魔刀的戾气给操纵了,还差点把冰若水给杀了。 He is also maintaining little to the Bing Ruoshui sentiment, Bing Ruoshui dies under the blade absolutely. 要不是他还保持着一点点对冰若水的感情,冰若水绝对死于刀下。 The Ling Xiao force receives the blade, changes to chase down Tian Xing and the others. 凌笑强迫收刀,改去追杀天星等人。 Violet Sky Sect and Charming Flame Sect two troops can survive by luck. 紫天宗炎媚宗两宗的人马才得以侥幸存活下来。 Was Ling Xiao that now just woke up also affected by the vicious tendencies? 如今刚醒来的凌笑还受戾气影响吗?
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