WCG :: Volume #4 血染王路

#339: This life must extinguish heavy Jianmen!

Chapter 339 this life must extinguish Heavy Sword Sect! 第339章今生必灭重剑门 Thank fat uncle 1717 book this to hit to enjoy ~~ 感谢“胖叔叔1717”“书此”打赏~~ Wan Li (Several Thousand Miles) not clouds that the clear sky such as washes. 万里无云,晴空如洗。 Dozens Earth Emperor Rank powerhouses opened the door of mystical place. 数十名地皇阶强者打开了秘境之门。 Although they know that in the mystical place bad risk is unusual, was according to the former years situation, at least each will have one-third people able to live coming out. 尽管他们都知道秘境之内凶险异常,可是按往届的情况来说,至少每宗会有1的人能活着出来。 But, they discovered that this situation suffers the cake specially. 可是,他们发现这次情况特别遭糕。 The gate of mystical place opened some little time, unexpectedly a person's shadow has not appeared. 秘境之门打开了好一会儿了,居然一个人影都没有出现。 These Earth Emperor Rank powerhouses are quite anxious. 这些地皇阶强者心里颇为焦急不已。 Must know the mystical place, but their Sect young one generation of eminents, if has been annihilated, in the future situation that then Sect definitely will have the temporary shortage, this is they are not willing to see. 要知道进秘境的可是他们宗门年青一代的翘楚,如果全军覆没了,那么宗门将来肯定会出现青黄不接的情况,这是他们不愿意看到的。 Also after a while, some people came out from the mystical place entrance finally. 又过了一会,终于有人从秘境门口出来了。 Are troops of one team of eight females not just Charming Flame Sect and the others? 一队八名女子的人马不正是炎媚宗等人吗? Is displaying the spirit strength expensive turns over to nod satisfiedly. 一名正在施展灵力的贵归满足地点了点头。 Own Sect disciple came out finally, although has folded them, but the saintess is all right, most people are also safe and sound, naturally relaxed. 自家宗门的弟子总算出来了,虽然折了两人,可是圣女没事,大部份人也是安然无恙,自然松了一口气。 After the Charming Flame Sect person comes out, one team of troops came out. 炎媚宗的人出来后,又有一队人马出来了。 These Earth Emperor Rank powerhouses started to pray hope was the head-family kid!”. 那些地皇阶强者都开始祈祷了“希望是本宗的娃儿啊!”。 Coming out impressively is Violet Sky Sect one line of 11 people, each one facial expressions lift the mourning extremely, does not have the least bit walks one from the mystical place the joy of that harvest. 出来的赫然是紫天宗一行11人,个个神情极为举丧,没有半点从秘境之中走一圈出来的那种收获的喜悦。 Good...... Good......” Xiao Songlin unable to cover joyfully, looks at own Sect new generation, nods to applaud again and again. “好……好……”萧松林掩盖不住喜悦,看着自己的宗门的新一代,连连点头叫好。 He remembers previous Oath Sect Convention suddenly, altogether went to 22 people, as if there are four and five people to come. 他忽然想起上一次誓宗大会,一共去了22人,似乎就只有四、五人来吧。 Now this time actually about half people can live coming out, truly made him be overjoyed. 如今这一次却有近半数人能活着出来,确实让他喜出望外了。 However, when he sees clearly the appearances of all people, the old item tight shrinks, then carefully looked, seems seeking for anything. 然而,当他看清所有人的面貌时,老目紧紧一缩,接着又仔细看了一遍,似乎在寻找着什么。 After ten people walk one after another, the mystical place front door closes finally gradually. 当陆续又有莫约十来人走出来后,秘境大门终于渐渐合上。 Light Star Palace Old Man gives a loud shout, cultivated to rumble completely, what a pity eventually could not block the formidable ban that the mystical place supposed. 光星殿老者大喝一声,一身修为全部轰了出去,可惜终究是挡不住秘境所设下的强大禁制。 Puff! 噗! Light Star Palace Old Man has spat a blood dispiritedly, the face whiten. 光星殿老者颓废地吐了一口血,脸色苍白极了。 Star Child has not come how possibly out...... Is impossible!” That Old Man shouted to clear the way crazily. 星子怎么可能没出来……不可能的!”那名老者狂喝道。 Another exit / to speak that holds hope great sword Old Man to look at that to lose disappears, the facial expression is similarly disappointed. 另一名抱着希望的巨剑老者望着那失消的出口,神情同样失望透顶。 How can like this? Really entire...... Entire that great sword Old Man shook the head really while the bitter and astringent [say / way]. “怎么会这样?真的全死了……真的全死了”那巨剑老者一边摇着头一边苦涩道。 Not is only they are sad, majority of Earth Emperor Rank Old Man each one looks ugly. 不仅仅是他们两个难过而已,还有大部分地皇阶老者个个神色难看至极。 Is the fiendish person is born seriously, wind and cloud gets up, chaotic common people!” That Light Star Palace Old Man has drunk one in vain greatly, then also said that my Light Star Palace announced since then withdraws from Oath Sect Convention!”. “当真是魔王降生,风云起,乱苍生!”那名光星殿老者徒然大喝了一声,接着又道“我光星殿宣布从此退出誓宗大会!”。 My Heavy Sword Sect announced that since then withdraws from Oath Sect Convention!” Then sends out same oath to say at the back of Old Man of great sword. “我重剑门宣布从此退出誓宗大会!”那背着巨剑的老者发出同样的宣誓道。 My Greatest Mythical Beast Sect announced that since then withdraws from Oath Sect Convention!”. “我太离宗宣布从此退出誓宗大会!”。 My Deep River Sect announced that since then withdraws from Oath Sect Convention!”. “我河冥宗宣布从此退出誓宗大会!”。 My Six Extreme Sect announced that since then withdraws from Oath Sect Convention!”. “我六极宗宣布从此退出誓宗大会!”。 ...... …… After announcement of Light Star Palace, other size Sect all responded. 随着光星殿的宣布之后,其余大小宗门皆纷纷响应了起来。 They do not want to cross again for five years, delivered a group of people killed to here, they may not have the outstanding disciples of many new generation to consume here, in the end anything did not harvest. 他们可不想再过五年,又送一批人到这里丧命,他们可没有多少新一代的杰出弟子在这里消耗,到头来什么也收获不了。 Oath Sect Convention also after these time had ended started to end. 誓宗大会也在这一次结束后开始终结了。 Various people started to set off the traveling schedule of counter- sect. 各宗的人开始踏上了反宗的行程。 Ten Thousand Beasts City, Violet Sky Sect foothold. 万兽城,紫天宗的落脚点。 Xiao Songlin was black the complexion to start the matter that interrogated in mystical place to have. 萧松林黑着脸色开始盘问秘境之内所发生的事了。 When Chen Wenyu was saying one after another after Xiao Songlin the situation in mystical place. 陈文宇陆续把秘境之内的情况对着萧松林说完后。 Xiao Songlin one tea table breaking, then the anger shouted to clear the way kills well...... Should kill to work as these chop suey seriously, he has revealed sad color „, felt sorry for Ling Xiao that kid!”. 萧松林一下把茶几给震碎了,接着怒喝道“杀得好……当真该杀当了那些杂碎”,顿了一下他才露出了难过之色道“唉,可怜了凌笑那娃儿!”。 Nearby Wu has and Wu has all layer on layer to sigh, reveals the sad color. 一旁的吴有来和吴有去皆是重重地叹了一口气,露出难过之色。 Ling Xiao they have seen, two people all thought that Ling Xiao is the Sect future hope, certainly can lead Sect to become more formidable magnificent, what a pity actually can only forever stay in the mystical place. 凌笑他们都见过,二人皆觉得凌笑宗门未来的希望,一定可以带领宗门变得更加强大辉煌,可惜却只能永远留在秘境之内了。 The mystical place needs to gather the banned gap that dozens Earth Emperor Rank can open, but the number of Violet Sky Sect Earth Emperor Rank also palm of the hand, how has the opportunity to break the mystical place to wait for that Ling Xiao does come out? 秘境需要集合数十名地皇阶才能打开的禁制缺口,而紫天宗地皇阶也不过巴掌之数,如何有机会破开秘境等待凌笑出来呢? Sits in nearby Yun Mengqi beautiful pupil is hard to cover the grief and indignation and grief in heart, the obscure ambiguous fog is going to fall in torrents. 坐在一旁的云梦琪美眸难以掩盖着心中的悲愤和伤痛,蒙胧的雾水将要倾泄而出。 She and Ling Xiao lives and dies together in Desolate Chaparral Mountains, underwent 2-3 years of separation tests, had the opportunity with great difficulty finally in the same place. But, she discovered that her waiting as if turned into a spatial dream. 她与凌笑荒丛山脉中同生共死,又经过了两三年的分离考验,好不容易终有机会在一起了。可是,她发现自己的等待似乎变成了一场空梦。 A spatial dream of chilly beautiful, after awaking, the dream has also broken to pieces, the heart changed has free time to meet misfortune, seems used a blade blade blade to separate by others, the distress that type was hard to state clearly said for the bystander radically insufficient. 一场凄美的空梦,当醒了之后,梦也就碎了,芳心变得空落难受至极,仿佛被别人用刀一刀刀地割裂了,那种难以言明的苦楚根本不足为外人道也。 This life...... Must extinguish Heavy Sword Sect!” In the look of Yun Mengqi that pair of chilly beautiful, shows the formidable hate, the whole person flew toward the room outside. “今生……必灭重剑门!”云梦琪那双凄美的眼神中,透出强大的怨恨,整个人朝着屋外飞了出去。 Halts to me!” The Xiao Songlin brow selects, layer on layer has drunk one, an inexplicable pressure arrives, the Yun Mengqi tender body was imprisoned motionlessly. “给我站住!”萧松林眉头一挑,重重的喝了一声,一股莫名的威压降临,云梦琪娇躯被禁锢得一动不动。 The Yun Mengqi unwilling heart shouted to clear the way tenderly Elder Xiao, you made me go for Ling Xiao to revenge!”. 云梦琪不甘心地娇喝道“萧长老,你让我去替凌笑报仇!”。 After she said that in eye pupil could not constrain the sad tears to release crazily. 她说完之后,眼眸中压抑不住悲伤的泪水狂泄了下来。 Ling Xiao is two places is separated by with her! 凌笑与她已经是两地相隔了! Let alone has the innumerable danger in the mystical place, Ling Xiao was unconscious, can he also go on living? 何况在秘境之中有着数不清的危险,凌笑又是神智不清了,他还能活下去吗? Yun Mengqi cannot want to get down, she only wants to kill off Heavy Sword Sect all people to give vent to indignation! 云梦琪不敢想下去了,她只想去杀光了重剑门所有人泄恨! In Xiao Songlin a move, Yun Mengqi returned in the room. 萧松林手里一招,云梦琪不禁地退回到了屋内。 His layer on layer sighing „the Heavy Sword Sect disciple died certainly, Ling Xiao has also killed most Kui calamity, this matter on Forget About It!”. 他重重地叹了一口气道“重剑门的弟子已经死绝,凌笑也杀了最魁祸手,此事就算了!”。 Although Xiao Songlin also very much thinks that side Heavy Sword Sect gives vent to indignation, what a pity he actually cannot. 尽管萧松林也很想到重剑门那边泄恨,可惜他却不能。 Why? 为什么呢? Because he must consider the general situation. 因为他必须为大局着想。 Heavy Sword Sect is 7th Grade Sect, although only compared with their Violet Sky Sect high one, but this can actually run over many 8th Grade Sect. 重剑门七品宗门,虽说只比他们紫天宗高一品,可是这一品却可以压死许多八品宗门 The Heavy Sword Sect strength at is not their Violet Sky Sect can contend, between both at all not in a scale. 重剑门的实力跟本不是他们紫天宗可以抗衡的,两者之间跟本不在一个档次。 Entered the Heavy Sword Sect disciple in mystical place to die in inside. 进入秘境的重剑门弟子已经全死在里面了。 If makes Heavy Sword Sect know that is Ling Xiao does, then their Violet Sky Sect will fall into ten thousand to move place no longer. 如果让重剑门知道是凌笑干的,那么他们紫天宗将会陷入万动不覆之地。 Therefore, Xiao Songlin can only bury distress in the heart, cannot revenge absolutely. 所以,萧松林只能把苦楚埋在心中,绝对不能去报仇。 Although makes people think aggrieved, but this is the rule of this world. 虽然让人觉得憋屈,可这本是这世界的规则。 No...... This is Heavy Sword Sect brings upon oneself, they everywhere aim at us, Senior Sister Luo will not die, in Ling Xiao will not remain can never come out, is Heavy Sword Sect, I must revenge for Ling Xiao!” Yun Mengqi said categorically, in the heart burns fire of the flaming hatred. “不……这都是重剑门自找的,要不是他们处处针对我们,罗师姐就不会死,凌笑就不会留在里面永远出不来,都是重剑门,我一定要替凌笑报仇!”云梦琪斩钉截铁地说道,心中燃烧起一股熊熊地仇恨之火。 She discovered that now Ling Xiao takes root deeply in her heart, is thorough she to be unforgetable, is thorough all her kinds to be grieved. 她现在才发现凌笑在她心中扎根有多深,深到她难以忘怀,深到她万般心痛。 Mengqi, you calm down to me, present Heavy Sword Sect at is not Xiao Songlin that we can provoke layer on layer shouts to clear the way. 梦琪,你给我冷静下来,现在的重剑门根本不是我们能招惹的”萧松林重重地喝道。 Yun Mengqi face, the double fist have not gripped unwillingly closely, jade lip sip bled. 云梦琪不甘地别过了脸,双拳攥得紧紧地,玉唇都抿出了血。 Oh, wants to revenge is not good Xiao Songlin looks at the Yun Mengqi sad appearance, sighed. “唉,想要报仇也不是不行”萧松林看着云梦琪伤心的样子,不禁叹了一口气道。 Wu had and Wu has two brothers is the surprise looks at Xiao Songlin, in the heart has actually been full of the doubts. 吴有来和吴有去两兄弟皆是诧异地看着萧松林,心中却是充满了疑惑。 They do not know that what means Violet Sky Sect can have and Heavy Sword Sect contends? 他们怎么不知道紫天宗能有什么办法和重剑门抗衡呢? What means does Elder Xiao have?” Not is only Yun Mengqi asked that other Yu Lieyan, Bing Ruoshui and Violet Sky Sect disciples all with one voice rush to ask. 萧长老有什么办法?”不仅是云梦琪问,就连玉烈艳冰若水和其他的紫天宗弟子皆是齐声抢着问道。 Not is only Yun Mengqi wants to look for the unluckiness of Heavy Sword Sect, Yu Lieyan and Bing Ruoshui think that Violet Sky Sect other disciples do think? 不仅是云梦琪想要找重剑门的晦气,玉烈艳冰若水又何尝不想,紫天宗的其他弟子又何尝不想? In the mystical place, Ling Xiao, they possibly already passed away, Ling Xiao their where has the qualifications and Three Sects one enters in the pavilion of main shrine? 在秘境之中,要不是凌笑,他们可能早就命丧黄泉了,要不是凌笑他们哪有资格与三宗一去进入主殿的楼阁之中? Ling Xiao perhaps they early by Luo Baxing utterly destroying. 要不是凌笑或许他们早被罗霸兴给斩尽杀绝了。 They can also stand now here, all achieve by a Ling Xiao person of strength. 他们现在还能站在这里,全是靠凌笑一人之力做到的。 Can they put behind Ling Xiao to their benevolence? 他们怎么能忘却凌笑对他们的恩情呢? Xiao Songlin observed the situation their light [say / way] you to know why I do prevent your whereabouts Heavy Sword Sect to revenge now?”. 萧松林环视了他们一眼淡淡道“你们可知道我为何现在阻止你们去向重剑门报仇?”。 Yun Mengqi first first said that Elder Xiao is dreads the Heavy Sword Sect strength. 云梦琪第一个抢先道“萧长老是忌惮重剑门的实力”。 Other people all gently nodded to approve the Yun Mengqi words. 其他人皆轻轻地点了点头赞成云梦琪的话。 But he died, I...... I also live am having any meaning Yun Mengqi also then to sob said. “可是他死了,我……我还活着有什么意思”云梦琪又接着哽咽地说道。 You live can also revenge for him, but can also extinguish Heavy Sword Sect, but now is also not the time, but when you had have made Heavy Sword Sect dread revenged again, destroyed Heavy Sword Sect Xiao Songlin to say again spookily that he also said this was a world of law of the jungle, whose fist was big, who said was the truth, was anything also nobody to dare to talk too much half a word, our Violet Sky Sect was just 8th Grade Sect, but Heavy Sword Sect was actually 7th Grade, now we and families compare the strength to differ too far, and Heavy Sword Sect was fights a hopeless battle for the enemy really without doubt, disciple. Increases the casualties, but you are different, in this generation your Innate Talent is all splendid, particularly Mengqi you, so long as some day you can achieve to let the altitude that Heavy Sword Sect looks, at the appointed time Heavy Sword Sect is also not whatever you handle, therefore before your strengths have not achieved can contend with Heavy Sword Sect, cannot the spirit use to be mad, believes that Xiao'er does not hope saw you lose one's life for him. “你活着还可以替他报仇,还可以灭了重剑门,只是现在还不是时候,而是等到你有了让重剑门忌惮的时候再去报仇,再去毁了重剑门萧松林幽幽地说道,顿了一下他又说“这本是一个弱肉强食的世界,谁的拳头大,谁说的就是道理,做任何事情也没有人敢多言半句,我们紫天宗只不过是八品宗门,而重剑门却是七品,如今我们与人家相比实力相差太远,真与重剑门为敌无疑是以卵击石,徒。增伤亡罢了,而你们不同,这一代中你们个个天斌都出色,尤其是梦琪你,只要有一天你能达到让重剑门都仰望的高度,到时重剑门还不是任由你处置,所以你们的实力没有达到可以抗衡重剑门之前,千万不能意气用气,相信笑儿也不希望看到你们为他送命的”。 At this time, Wu had then severely saying that „the Elder Xiao words you heard not to have, starting today you have forgotten to me the matter of mystical place, when there are to incur one day ni to surpass our these Old Fart, was the date of your revenging. 这时,吴有来接着厉说道“萧长老的话你们听到没有,从今天起你们把秘境的事给我忘了,等有招一日ni们都超过我们这些老头子了,便是你们报仇之日”。 After the people listened to two people of words, the look has all revealed the color of resolution, simultaneously should say that with one voice I and others diligently practices certainly, strives soon to destroy completely Heavy Sword Sect!”. 众人听了二人的话后,眼神皆露出了坚定之色,同时齐声应道“我等一定努力修炼,争取早日灭掉重剑门!”。 Yun Mengqi, Yu Lieyan and in the Bing Ruoshui three female beautiful pupils is passing the fine bright look, after darkly is deciding at heart must practice surely fully, the oath must soon avenge a grievance for Ling Xiao. 云梦琪玉烈艳冰若水三女美眸中更是透着精熠的神色,心里都在暗下决心回去后定要全力修炼,誓必早日替凌笑报仇雪恨。 Was good, three days later we will return to Sect, as soon as possible manage finally Xiao Songlin that any need buys these three days of you can stroll to have a look to have after Ten Thousand Beasts City or sells also saying that waving made the people all exit. “好了,三天后我们将返回宗门,这三天的时间你们可以在万兽城中逛逛看看有什么需要买的或卖的都尽快去办吧”最后萧松林又说了一句后,挥手让众人全出去了。 Oh, is the day envies person with outstanding ability seriously after all disciples exit, Wu has shaking the head to say with a sigh. “唉,当真是天忌英才”当所有弟子出去后,吴有来摇了摇头叹息道。 This perhaps is his life, has striven to excel the Xiao Songlin old item of low-spirited [say / way]. “这或许是他的命吧,太要强了”萧松林老目黯然道。
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